Beispiel #1
 def decollide(self, other):
     ''' Shift overlapping entities apart. '''
     overlap = (self.size + other.size - self.distance(other))/2
     theta1 = angle_between(self.position, other.position)
     theta2 = angle_between(other.position, self.position)
     self.position += overlap * angle_position(theta2)
     other.position += overlap * angle_position(theta1)
     self.velocity *= -1
     other.velocity *= -1
Beispiel #2
 def draw_player(self, agent, colour):
     ''' Draw a player with given position and orientation. '''
     size = PLAYER_CONFIG['SIZE']
     self.draw_entity(agent, colour)
     radius_end = size*angle_position(agent.orientation)
     pos = vector_to_tuple(upscale(agent.position))
     end = vector_to_tuple(upscale(agent.position + radius_end))
     pygame.draw.line(self.window,, pos, end)
Beispiel #3
 def ball_angles(self, ball, angle):
     ''' Determines which angle to kick the ball along. '''
     htc = self.homothetic_centre(ball)
     tangent1, tangent2 = self.tangent_points(htc)
     target = self.position + self.size*angle_position(angle)
     if norm(tangent1 - target) < norm(tangent2 - target):
         return angle_between(htc, tangent1)
         return angle_between(htc, tangent2)
Beispiel #4
 def accelerate(self, power, theta):
     ''' Applies a power to the entity in direction theta. '''
     rrand = uniform(-self.rand, self.rand)
     theta = (1 + rrand) * theta
     rmax = self.rand*norm(self.velocity)
     noise = vector(uniform(-rmax, rmax), uniform(-rmax, rmax))
     rate = float(power) * self.power_rate
     acceleration = rate * angle_position(theta) + noise
     acceleration = bound_vector(acceleration, self.accel_max)
     self.velocity += acceleration
     self.velocity = bound_vector(self.velocity, self.speed_max)
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self):
        ''' The entities are set up and added to a space. '''
        initial_player = vector(0, uniform(-PITCH_WIDTH/2, PITCH_WIDTH/2))
        angle = angle_between(initial_player, vector(PITCH_LENGTH/2, 0))
        self.player = Player(initial_player, angle)

        initial_ball = initial_player + KICKABLE * angle_position(angle)
        self.ball = Ball(initial_ball)

        initial_goalie = keeper_target(initial_ball)
        angle2 = angle_between(initial_goalie, initial_ball)
        self.goalie = Goalie(initial_goalie, angle2)

        self.entities = [self.player, self.goalie, self.ball]
        self.states = []

        self.time = 0