def get_clean_links(nodes=None, delaytype = 'Polynomial', parameters = matrix([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.15])):
    links = np.genfromtxt('Data/Network/CSV/LA_big_box_arterials/links_qgis_cap.csv', delimiter = ',', skiprows = 1)
    tmp = links
    links = []
    speed_limit_freeway = 33.33 #unit: m/s
    dict_cap2speed ={600:12.5, 1000:16.67, 2000:16.67, 4000:16.67, 5000:16.67, 1500:16.67, 3000:22.22, 6000:22.22, 9000:22.22, 4500:22.22, 7500:22.22, 10500:22.22}
    if delaytype=='None':
        for startnode, endnode, category in tmp:
            arc = distance_on_unit_sphere(nodes[startnode-1][2], nodes[startnode-1][1], nodes[endnode-1][2], nodes[endnode-1][1])
            if category == 1: ffdelay = arc/speed_limit_freeway
            if category == 2: ffdelay = arc/16.67
            if category !=0: links.append((startnode, endnode, 1, ffdelay, None))
    if delaytype=='Polynomial':
        theta = parameters
        degree = len(theta)
        for startnode, endnode, category, cap in tmp:
            arc = distance_on_unit_sphere(nodes[startnode-1][1], nodes[startnode-1][0], nodes[endnode-1][1], nodes[endnode-1][0])
            if category == 1: ffdelay, slope = arc/speed_limit_freeway, 1/cap
            if category == 2: 
                if dict_cap2speed.has_key(cap): 
                    ffdelay, slope = arc/dict_cap2speed[cap], 1/cap
                else : ffdelay, slope = arc/16.67, 1/cap
            coef = [ffdelay*a*b for a,b in zip(theta, np.power(slope, range(1,degree+1)))]
            links.append((startnode, endnode, 1, ffdelay, (ffdelay, slope, coef)))
    return links
Beispiel #2
def get_clean_links(nodes=None,
                    parameters=matrix([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.15])):
    links = np.genfromtxt(
    tmp = links
    links = []
    speed_limit_freeway = 33.33  #unit: m/s
    dict_cap2speed = {
        600: 12.5,
        1000: 16.67,
        2000: 16.67,
        4000: 16.67,
        5000: 16.67,
        1500: 16.67,
        3000: 22.22,
        6000: 22.22,
        9000: 22.22,
        4500: 22.22,
        7500: 22.22,
        10500: 22.22

    if delaytype == 'None':
        for startnode, endnode, category in tmp:
            arc = distance_on_unit_sphere(nodes[startnode - 1][2],
                                          nodes[startnode - 1][1],
                                          nodes[endnode - 1][2],
                                          nodes[endnode - 1][1])
            if category == 1: ffdelay = arc / speed_limit_freeway
            if category == 2: ffdelay = arc / 16.67
            if category != 0:
                links.append((startnode, endnode, 1, ffdelay, None))

    if delaytype == 'Polynomial':
        theta = parameters
        degree = len(theta)
        for startnode, endnode, category, cap in tmp:
            arc = distance_on_unit_sphere(nodes[startnode - 1][1],
                                          nodes[startnode - 1][0],
                                          nodes[endnode - 1][1],
                                          nodes[endnode - 1][0])
            if category == 1:
                ffdelay, slope = arc / speed_limit_freeway, 1 / cap
            if category == 2:
                if dict_cap2speed.has_key(cap):
                    ffdelay, slope = arc / dict_cap2speed[cap], 1 / cap
                    ffdelay, slope = arc / 16.67, 1 / cap
            coef = [
                ffdelay * a * b
                for a, b in zip(theta, np.power(slope, range(1, degree + 1)))
                (startnode, endnode, 1, ffdelay, (ffdelay, slope, coef)))

    return links
def los_angeles_2(parameters=None, delaytype='None'):
    """Generate larger map of L.A. with 664 links and 194 nodes
    nodes = np.genfromtxt('LA_medium_data/nodes_LA_toy.csv', delimiter = ',', skip_header = 1)
    nodes = nodes[:,1:3]
    links = np.genfromtxt('LA_medium_data/links_qgis_cap.csv', delimiter = ',', skip_header = 1)
    tmp = links
    links = []
    speed_limit_freeway = 33.33 #unit: m/s
    dict_cap2speed ={600:12.5, 1000:16.67, 2000:16.67, 4000:16.67, 5000:16.67, 1500:16.67, 3000:22.22, 6000:22.22, 9000:22.22, 4500:22.22, 7500:22.22, 10500:22.22}
    if delaytype=='None':
        for startnode, endnode, category in tmp:
            arc = distance_on_unit_sphere(nodes[startnode-1][2], nodes[startnode-1][1], nodes[endnode-1][2], nodes[endnode-1][1])
            if category == 1: ffdelay = arc/speed_limit_freeway
            if category == 2: ffdelay = arc/16.67
            if category !=0: links.append((startnode, endnode, 1, ffdelay, None))
    if delaytype=='Polynomial':
        theta = parameters
        degree = len(theta)
        for startnode, endnode, category, cap in tmp:
            arc = distance_on_unit_sphere(nodes[startnode-1][1], nodes[startnode-1][0], nodes[endnode-1][1], nodes[endnode-1][0])
            if category == 1: ffdelay, slope = arc/speed_limit_freeway, 1/cap
            if category == 2: 
                if dict_cap2speed.has_key(cap):           
                    ffdelay, slope = arc/dict_cap2speed[cap], 1/cap
                else : ffdelay, slope = arc/16.67, 1/cap
            coef = [ffdelay*a*b for a,b in zip(theta, np.power(slope, range(1,degree+1)))]
            links.append((startnode, endnode, 1, ffdelay, (ffdelay, slope, coef)))
    dest1 = 50
    dest2 = 100
    #ODs+=create_linear_ODs(34.044801, -117.831116, 33.955998, -118.309021, 10, 10, nodes, 6000.0)
    #ODs+=create_linear_ODs(34.162493, -118.301468, 34.106226, -117.903214, 2, 20, nodes, 6000.0)    
    #ODs+=create_linear_ODs(34.044801, -117.831116, 33.955998, -118.309021, 2, 30, nodes, 6000.0)
    #ODs+=create_linear_ODs(34.162493, -118.301468, 34.106226, -117.903214, 2, 40, nodes, 6000.0)    
    #ODs+=create_linear_ODs(34.044801, -117.831116, 33.955998, -118.309021, 2, 50, nodes, 6000.0)
    #ODs+=create_linear_ODs(34.162493, -118.301468, 34.106226, -117.903214, 2, 60, nodes, 6000.0)    
    #ODs+=create_linear_ODs(34.044801, -117.831116, 33.955998, -118.309021, 2, 70, nodes, 6000.0)
    #ODs+=create_linear_ODs(34.162493, -118.301468, 34.106226, -117.903214, 2, 80, nodes, 6000.0)        
    #ODs = [[  57. ,   50.  ,   4. ],[  20. ,  162.   , 56.4]]
    ODs = Create_ODs_nodes_unique(nodes)
    ODs = ODs[1:5]
    print ODs
    return g.create_graph_from_list(nodes, links, delaytype, ODs, 'Larger map of L.A.')
Beispiel #4
    def notify_fb_friends(self, oauth_token, trip):
        graph = GraphAPI(oauth_token)
        profile = graph.get_object("me")
        friends = graph.get_connections("me", "friends")

        friend_list = [friend['id'] for friend in friends['data']]
        pton_in_friends = User.query.filter(User.fbid.in_(friend_list)).all()
        for friend in pton_in_friends:
            # i bet this won't scale
            trips = Trip.query.filter_by(
            for friend_trip in trips:
                if friend_trip.start_date < trip.end_date and \
                    friend_trip.end_date > trip.start_date:
                    d = distance_on_unit_sphere(
                            trip.location_lat, trip.location_long,
                            friend_trip.location_lat, friend_trip.location_long)
                    max_dist_in_miles = 50
                    if d <= max_dist_in_miles:
                            friend_fullname="%s %s" % (self.first_name, self.last_name),

def dist_to_I210box(lat, lng, box = [34.124918, 34.1718, -118.1224, -118.02524]):
    if lat > box[1]:
        if lng < box[2]: return distance_on_unit_sphere(lat, lng, box[1], box[2])
        if lng > box[3]: return distance_on_unit_sphere(lat, lng, box[1], box[3])
        else : return distance_on_unit_sphere(lat, lng, box[1], lng)
    if lat < box[0]:
        if lng < box[2]: return distance_on_unit_sphere(lat, lng, box[0], box[2])
        if lng > box[3]: return distance_on_unit_sphere(lat, lng, box[0], box[3])
        else : return distance_on_unit_sphere(lat, lng, box[0], lng)
    elif lng < box[2]: return distance_on_unit_sphere(lat, lng, lat, box[2])
    elif lng > box[3]: return distance_on_unit_sphere(lat, lng, lat, box[3])
    else : return 0
Beispiel #6
 def get_json_list(self, _filter, get_data=False):
     data = []
     feeds = self.objects.filter(likes__gte=_filter['likes'])
     for feed in feeds:
         if distance_on_unit_sphere(
         ) < _filter['_range'] and feed.reply_set.count() >= _filter['num_reply']:
     if get_data:
             return data
     return json.dumps(data)
def test_LA(datapath='', parameters=None, delaytype='None'):
    nodes = np.genfromtxt(datapath+'Data/Network/CSV/test_LA/test_nodes.csv', delimiter = ',', skip_header = 1)
    nodes = nodes[:,1:3]
    #link_data = np.genfromtxt('Data/Network/CSV/test_LA/test_links.csv', delimiter = ',', skip_header = 1)
    link_data = np.genfromtxt(datapath+'Data/Network/CSV/test_LA/test_links_C.csv', delimiter = ',', skip_header=1)

    if delaytype=='None':
        links = []
        speed_limit_freeway = 30.00 #unit: m/s
        dict_cap2speed ={600:12.5, 1000:16.67, 2000:16.67, 4000:16.67, 5000:16.67, 1500:16.67, 3000:22.22, 6000:22.22, 9000:22.22, 4500:22.22, 7500:22.22, 10500:22.22}
        for startnode, endnode, category in link_data:
            arc = distance_on_unit_sphere(nodes[startnode-1][2], nodes[startnode-1][1], nodes[endnode-1][2], nodes[endnode-1][1])
            if category == 1: ffdelay = arc/speed_limit_freeway
            if category == 2: ffdelay = arc/16.67
            if category !=0: links.append((startnode, endnode, 1, ffdelay, None))

    if delaytype=='Polynomial':
        #theta = parameters
        #degree = len(theta)
        #for startnode, endnode, category, cap in tmp:
            #arc = distance_on_unit_sphere(nodes[startnode-1][1], nodes[startnode-1][0], nodes[endnode-1][1], nodes[endnode-1][0])
            #if category == 1: ffdelay, slope = arc/speed_limit_freeway, 1./cap
            #if category == 2:
                #if dict_cap2speed.has_key(cap):
                    #ffdelay, slope = arc/dict_cap2speed[cap], 1./cap
                #else : ffdelay, slope = arc/16.67, 1./cap
            #coef = [ffdelay*a*b for a,b in zip(theta, np.power(slope, range(1,degree+1)))]
            #links.append((startnode, endnode, 1, ffdelay, (ffdelay, slope, coef)))
        theta = parameters
        degree = len(theta)
        for link_entry in link_data:
            startnode = int(link_entry[1])
            endnode = int(link_entry[2])
            length = link_entry[3]
            cap = link_entry[5]
            freespeed = link_entry[6]
            #change a capacity (slop=1) to simulate an accident
            #slope= 2000 / cap
            slope= 1. / cap
            coef = [ff_d*a*b for a,b in zip(theta, np.power(slope, range(1,degree+1)))]
            links.append((startnode, endnode, 1, ff_d, (ff_d, slope, coef), cap, length,freespeed))

    ODs = Create_ODs_nodes_unique(nodes, datapath)
    #ODs = ODs[1:5]
    #print ODs

    return g.create_graph_from_list(nodes, links, delaytype, ODs, 'test L.A.')
def filter_ODs_whithin_I210_box(ODs_list, nodes_list):
    nodes = nodes_list
    temp = ODs_list
    ODs_sorted = []
    for od in temp:
        startnode = nodes[od[0]-1]
        endnode = nodes[od[1]-1]
        ODs_sorted.append([od[0], od[1], od[2], distance_on_unit_sphere(nodes[od[0]-1][1], nodes[od[0]-1][0], nodes[od[1]-1][1], nodes[od[1]-1][0]), Is_in_I210box(startnode[1], startnode[0], 'medium'), Is_in_I210box(endnode[1], endnode[0], 'medium')])
    ODs_sorted = np.asarray(ODs_sorted)
    print ODs_sorted[0:20]
    temp = ODs_sorted
    ODs_sorted  = []
    for od in temp:
        if od[4]+od[5]>1 : ODs_sorted.append(od[0:4])
    return np.asarray(ODs_sorted)
def Get_links_from_csv(Nodes):
    data = np.genfromtxt('Data/links_qgis.csv', delimiter = ',', skiprows=1)
    theta = matrix([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.15])
    for i in range(len(data)):
        startnode, endnode, type= int(data[i][0]), int(data[i][1]), data[i][2]
        length = distance_on_unit_sphere(Nodes[startnode-1][2], Nodes[startnode-1][1], Nodes[endnode-1][2], Nodes[endnode-1][1])
        if type==1:
            ffdelay=length / 32
            slope = 0.2
        else: ffdelay, slope = length / 17, 0.75
        coef = [ffdelay*a*b for a,b in zip(theta, np.power(slope, range(1,degree+1)))]
        Links_table.append((startnode, endnode, 1, ffdelay, (ffdelay, slope, coef))) 
    return Links_table
Beispiel #10
 def getAverageStopCloseness(self, refdata):
     all_data = self.getList()
     value = 0
     stopPoints = self.getStopPlace()
     num_stop = len(stopPoints)
     for point in all_data:
         latitude = point.getLatitude()
         longtitude = point.getLongtitude()
         closeness = 10000000
         if point.getPointNumber() in stopPoints:
             for stop in refdata.getStopList():
                 temp_close = distance_on_unit_sphere(stop.getLatitude(), stop.getLongtitude(), latitude, longtitude)
                 if temp_close < closeness:
                     closeness = temp_close
             value = value + closeness
     value = value / num_stop
     return value
Beispiel #11
def dist_to_I210box(lat, lng, box=[34.124918, 34.1718, -118.1224, -118.02524]):
    if lat > box[1]:
        if lng < box[2]:
            return distance_on_unit_sphere(lat, lng, box[1], box[2])
        if lng > box[3]:
            return distance_on_unit_sphere(lat, lng, box[1], box[3])
            return distance_on_unit_sphere(lat, lng, box[1], lng)
    if lat < box[0]:
        if lng < box[2]:
            return distance_on_unit_sphere(lat, lng, box[0], box[2])
        if lng > box[3]:
            return distance_on_unit_sphere(lat, lng, box[0], box[3])
            return distance_on_unit_sphere(lat, lng, box[0], lng)
    elif lng < box[2]:
        return distance_on_unit_sphere(lat, lng, lat, box[2])
    elif lng > box[3]:
        return distance_on_unit_sphere(lat, lng, lat, box[3])
        return 0
Beispiel #12
def filter_ODs_whithin_I210_box(ODs_list, nodes_list):
    nodes = nodes_list
    temp = ODs_list
    ODs_sorted = []
    for od in temp:
        startnode = nodes[od[0] - 1]
        endnode = nodes[od[1] - 1]
            od[0], od[1], od[2],
            distance_on_unit_sphere(nodes[od[0] - 1][1], nodes[od[0] - 1][0],
                                    nodes[od[1] - 1][1], nodes[od[1] - 1][0]),
            Is_in_I210box(startnode[1], startnode[0], 'medium'),
            Is_in_I210box(endnode[1], endnode[0], 'medium')
    ODs_sorted = np.asarray(ODs_sorted)
    print ODs_sorted[0:20]
    temp = ODs_sorted
    ODs_sorted = []
    for od in temp:
        if od[4] + od[5] > 1: ODs_sorted.append(od[0:4])
    return np.asarray(ODs_sorted)
Beispiel #13
def Get_links_from_csv(Nodes):
    data = np.genfromtxt('Data/links_qgis.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    Links_table = []
    theta = matrix([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.15])
    degree = len(theta)
    for i in range(len(data)):
        startnode, endnode, type = int(data[i][0]), int(data[i][1]), data[i][2]
        length = distance_on_unit_sphere(Nodes[startnode - 1][2],
                                         Nodes[startnode - 1][1],
                                         Nodes[endnode - 1][2],
                                         Nodes[endnode - 1][1])
        if type == 1:
            ffdelay = length / 32
            slope = 0.2
            ffdelay, slope = length / 17, 0.75
        coef = [
            ffdelay * a * b
            for a, b in zip(theta, np.power(slope, range(1, degree + 1)))
            (startnode, endnode, 1, ffdelay, (ffdelay, slope, coef)))
    return Links_table
def LA_county(datapath='', parameters=None, delaytype='None', cur_gis=None):
    nodes = np.genfromtxt(datapath+'Data/Network/CSV/LA_county/nodes.csv', delimiter = ',', skip_header = 1)
    nodes = nodes[:,:2]
    link_data = np.genfromtxt('Data/Network/CSV/LA_county/links.csv', delimiter = ',', skip_header = 1)
    link_data = np.hstack((link_data[:,[-1]], link_data[:,:-1]))

    if delaytype=='None':
        links = []
        speed_limit_freeway = 30.00 #unit: m/s
        dict_cap2speed ={600:12.5, 1000:16.67, 2000:16.67, 4000:16.67, 5000:16.67, 1500:16.67, 3000:22.22, 6000:22.22, 9000:22.22, 4500:22.22, 7500:22.22, 10500:22.22}
        for startnode, endnode, category in link_data:
            arc = distance_on_unit_sphere(nodes[startnode-1][2], nodes[startnode-1][1], nodes[endnode-1][2], nodes[endnode-1][1])
            if category == 1: ffdelay = arc/speed_limit_freeway
            if category == 2: ffdelay = arc/16.67
            if category !=0: links.append((startnode, endnode, 1, ffdelay, None))

    if delaytype=='Polynomial':
        theta = parameters
        degree = len(theta)
        for link_entry in link_data:
            startnode = int(link_entry[1])
            endnode = int(link_entry[2])
            length = link_entry[3]
            cap = link_entry[5]
            freespeed = link_entry[6]
            #change a capacity (slop=1) to simulate an accident
            #slope= 2000 / cap
            slope= 1. / cap
            coef = [ff_d*a*b for a,b in zip(theta, np.power(slope, range(1,degree+1)))]
            links.append((startnode, endnode, 1, ff_d, (ff_d, slope, coef), cap, length,freespeed))

    ODs = Create_ODs_nodes_unique(nodes, datapath, cur_gis)
    #ODs = ODs[ODs[:,-1]>np.sum(ODs[:,-1])/1000.,:]

    return g.create_graph_from_list(nodes, links, delaytype, ODs, 'LA county')
def test6():
    """Test distance_on_unit_sphere()"""
    arc = util.distance_on_unit_sphere(34.049240, -118.238456, 34.073238, -118.284118)
    print 'distance in miles', 3960.0*arc
    print 'distance in km', 6373.0*arc
Beispiel #16
    def __init__(self):

        self.set_title('GeoCaching Details')
        self.set_default_size(400, 650)


        mycache = json.loads(util.get_json_row(cacheid))

        header = Gtk.HeaderBar(title=mycache['cachename'])


        button = Gtk.MenuButton()

        menumodel = Gio.Menu()
        menumodel.append("Log Visit", "win.log_visit")
        menumodel.append("Open in Browser", "win.browser")
        # menumodel.append("Quit", "win.quit")

        log_visit_action ="log_visit", None)
        log_visit_action.connect("activate", self.log_visit_callback)

        browser_action ="browser", None)
        browser_action.connect("activate", self.browser_callback)

        button = Gtk.Button(label="<")
        button.connect("clicked", self.on_button_clicked)

        grid1 = Gtk.Grid()
        row = 0

        mystr = "<big><b>" + mycache['cachename'] + "</b></big>"
        row = self.add_grid_row("Cache Name:", mystr, grid1, row)

        mystr = "<big>" + mycache['cachetype'] + "</big>"
        row = self.add_grid_row("Cache Type:", mystr, grid1, row)

        mystr = "<big>" + mycache['cachesize'] + "</big>"
        row = self.add_grid_row("Cache Size:", mystr, grid1, row)

        mystr = "<big>" + mycache['cacheid'] + "</big>"
        row = self.add_grid_row("Cache ID:", mystr, grid1, row)

        fwd_az = util.get_azimuth(lat, lon, mycache['lat'], mycache['lon'])
        dist = util.distance_on_unit_sphere(lat, lon, mycache['lat'],
        mystr = "<big>" + str(int(round(dist * 1000, 0))) + "m @ " + \
                            str(int(round(fwd_az, 0))) + "&#176;</big>"
        row = self.add_grid_row("Distance:", mystr, grid1, row)

        mystr = "<big>" + str(float(mycache['diff'])) + "/5.0</big>"
        row = self.add_grid_row("Difficulty:", mystr, grid1, row)

        mystr = "<big>" + str(float(mycache['terr'])) + "/5.0</big>"
        row = self.add_grid_row("Terrain:", mystr, grid1, row)

        mystr = "<big>" + mycache['cacheowner'] + "</big>"
        row = self.add_grid_row("Owner:", mystr, grid1, row)

        mystr = time.strftime('%d %b %Y', time.localtime(mycache['hidden']))
        row = self.add_grid_row("Hidden:", mystr, grid1, row)

        date = time.strftime('%d %b %Y', time.localtime(mycache['lastfound']))
        mystr = "<big>" + date + "</big>"
        row = self.add_grid_row("Last Found:", mystr, grid1, row)

        mystr = util.from_decimal(mycache['lat'], 'lat') + " - " + \
                    util.from_decimal(mycache['lon'], 'lon')
        row = self.add_grid_row("Cache Location:", mystr, grid1, row)

        row = self.show_icons(grid1, row)

        label = Gtk.Label()
        agetext = util.stored_age(mycache['dltime'])
        label.set_markup("Stored in Device: " + agetext)
        grid1.attach(label, 0, row, 2, 1)
        row += 1

        logdesc = "<html><body>"
        logdesc += mycache['short'] + mycache['body'] + "<br/>\n<br/>\n"

        if mycache['hint'] != "":
            logdesc += "<b><big>Hint:</big></b><br/>\n"
            logdesc += "<div id='enc_hint' onClick='update()'>" + mycache[
                'hint'] + "</div>"
            logdesc += "<div id='dec_hint' onClick='update()' style='display:none'>"
            logdesc += codecs.encode(mycache['hint'], 'rot_13') + "</div>"
            logdesc += "<br/><br/>"
            logdesc += """
<script type="text/javascript">
function update()

    if(document.getElementById('enc_hint').style.display == '')
        document.getElementById('enc_hint').style.display = 'none';
        document.getElementById('dec_hint').style.display = '';
    } else {
        document.getElementById('enc_hint').style.display = '';
        document.getElementById('dec_hint').style.display = 'none';

        logdesc += "</body></html>"

        base_uri = "file:///"
        webkit1 = WebKit2.WebView()
        webkit1.load_html(logdesc, base_uri)

        logs = util.get_html_logs(cacheid)
        # print(logs)

        self.webkit = WebKit2.WebView()
        self.webkit.load_html(logs, base_uri)

        self.notebook = Gtk.Notebook()
        self.dlabel = Gtk.Label(label="Details")
        self.desclabel = Gtk.Label(label="Description")
        self.lblabel = Gtk.Label(label="Logbook")

        self.notebook.append_page(grid1, self.dlabel)
        self.notebook.append_page(webkit1, self.desclabel)
        self.notebook.append_page(self.webkit, self.lblabel)
Beispiel #17
                dict_unique[(od[0], od[1])] += od[2]/5. #We divide by 5 because peak hour lasts 5 hours
            else : dict_unique[(od[0], od[1])] = od[2]/5.
    for od, value in dict_unique.iteritems():
        ODs_unique.append([od[0], od[1], value])
    return ODs_unique

if __name__ == "__main__":
    nodes = np.genfromtxt('Data/Network/CSV/LA_big_box_arterials/nodes_LA_toy.csv', delimiter = ',', skiprows = 1)
    nodes = nodes[:,1:3]
    ODs = Create_ODs_nodes_unique(nodes)

    def Get_key(item):
        return item[2]
    M = m.Manips()
    ODs_sorted = np.asarray(sorted(ODs, key = Get_key))
    temp = ODs_sorted
    ODs_sorted = []

    for od in temp:
        startnode = nodes[od[0]-1]
        endnode = nodes[od[1]-1]
        ODs_sorted.append([od[0], od[1], od[2], distance_on_unit_sphere(nodes[od[0]-1][1], nodes[od[0]-1][0], nodes[od[1]-1][1], nodes[od[1]-1][0]), m.Is_in_I210box(startnode[1], startnode[0], 'medium'), m.Is_in_I210box(endnode[1], endnode[0], 'medium')])
    ODs_sorted = np.asarray(ODs_sorted)

    temp = ODs_sorted
    ODs_sorted  = []

    for od in temp:
        if od[4]+od[5]>1 : ODs_sorted.append(od[0:4])
    ODs_sorted = np.asarray(ODs_sorted)
Beispiel #18
def test6():
    """Test distance_on_unit_sphere()"""
    arc = util.distance_on_unit_sphere(34.049240, -118.238456, 34.073238,
    print 'distance in miles', 3960.0 * arc
    print 'distance in km', 6373.0 * arc
Beispiel #19
def los_angeles_2(parameters=None, delaytype='None'):
    """Generate larger map of L.A. with 664 links and 194 nodes
    nodes = np.genfromtxt('LA_medium_data/nodes_LA_toy.csv',
    nodes = nodes[:, 1:3]
    links = np.genfromtxt('LA_medium_data/links_qgis_cap.csv',
    tmp = links
    links = []
    speed_limit_freeway = 33.33  #unit: m/s
    dict_cap2speed = {
        600: 12.5,
        1000: 16.67,
        2000: 16.67,
        4000: 16.67,
        5000: 16.67,
        1500: 16.67,
        3000: 22.22,
        6000: 22.22,
        9000: 22.22,
        4500: 22.22,
        7500: 22.22,
        10500: 22.22

    if delaytype == 'None':
        for startnode, endnode, category in tmp:
            arc = distance_on_unit_sphere(nodes[startnode - 1][2],
                                          nodes[startnode - 1][1],
                                          nodes[endnode - 1][2],
                                          nodes[endnode - 1][1])
            if category == 1: ffdelay = arc / speed_limit_freeway
            if category == 2: ffdelay = arc / 16.67
            if category != 0:
                links.append((startnode, endnode, 1, ffdelay, None))

    if delaytype == 'Polynomial':
        theta = parameters
        degree = len(theta)
        for startnode, endnode, category, cap in tmp:
            arc = distance_on_unit_sphere(nodes[startnode - 1][1],
                                          nodes[startnode - 1][0],
                                          nodes[endnode - 1][1],
                                          nodes[endnode - 1][0])
            if category == 1:
                ffdelay, slope = arc / speed_limit_freeway, 1 / cap
            if category == 2:
                if dict_cap2speed.has_key(cap):
                    ffdelay, slope = arc / dict_cap2speed[cap], 1 / cap
                    ffdelay, slope = arc / 16.67, 1 / cap
            coef = [
                ffdelay * a * b
                for a, b in zip(theta, np.power(slope, range(1, degree + 1)))
                (startnode, endnode, 1, ffdelay, (ffdelay, slope, coef)))

    dest1 = 50
    dest2 = 100
    ODs = []

    #ODs+=create_linear_ODs(34.044801, -117.831116, 33.955998, -118.309021, 10, 10, nodes, 6000.0)
    #ODs+=create_linear_ODs(34.162493, -118.301468, 34.106226, -117.903214, 2, 20, nodes, 6000.0)
    #ODs+=create_linear_ODs(34.044801, -117.831116, 33.955998, -118.309021, 2, 30, nodes, 6000.0)
    #ODs+=create_linear_ODs(34.162493, -118.301468, 34.106226, -117.903214, 2, 40, nodes, 6000.0)
    #ODs+=create_linear_ODs(34.044801, -117.831116, 33.955998, -118.309021, 2, 50, nodes, 6000.0)
    #ODs+=create_linear_ODs(34.162493, -118.301468, 34.106226, -117.903214, 2, 60, nodes, 6000.0)
    #ODs+=create_linear_ODs(34.044801, -117.831116, 33.955998, -118.309021, 2, 70, nodes, 6000.0)
    #ODs+=create_linear_ODs(34.162493, -118.301468, 34.106226, -117.903214, 2, 80, nodes, 6000.0)

    #ODs = [[  57. ,   50.  ,   4. ],[  20. ,  162.   , 56.4]]
    ODs = Create_ODs_nodes_unique(nodes)
    ODs = ODs[1:5]
    print ODs
    return g.create_graph_from_list(nodes, links, delaytype, ODs,
                                    'Larger map of L.A.')
 def Dist_between_TAZ(self, tazi, tazj):
     return distance_on_unit_sphere(self.List_TAZ[self.dict_TAZ[tazi]][1], self.List_TAZ[self.dict_TAZ[tazi]][2], self.List_TAZ[self.dict_TAZ[tazj]][1], self.List_TAZ[self.dict_TAZ[tazj]][2])
Beispiel #21
 def Dist_between_TAZ(self, tazi, tazj):
     return distance_on_unit_sphere(self.List_TAZ[self.dict_TAZ[tazi]][1],