Beispiel #1
def cartodb_sync(shp, production_table, where_clause, gfw_env, scratch_workspace):
    Function called by VectorLayer and other Layer objects as part of layer.update()
    Will carry out the sync process from start to finish-- pushing the shp to a staging table on cartodb, then
    to production on cartodb, using a where_clause if included
    :param shp: input feature class (can be GDB FC or SDE too)
    :param production_table: final output table in cartoDB
    :param where_clause: where_clause to use when adding/deleting from final prod table
    :param gfw_env: gfw env
    :param scratch_workspace: scratch workspace

    # ogr2ogr can't use an SDE fc as an input; must export to GDB
    if where_clause or '@localhost).sde' in shp:
        shp = util.fc_to_temp_gdb(shp, scratch_workspace, where_clause)

    basename = os.path.basename(shp)
    staging_table = os.path.splitext(basename)[0] + '_staging'

    delete_staging_table_if_exists(staging_table, gfw_env)

    # Create a temp ID field (set equal to OBJECTID) that we'll use to manage pushing to cartodb incrementally
    temp_id_field = util.create_temp_id_field(shp, gfw_env)

    validated_fc_in_sqlite = cartodb_make_valid_geom_local(shp)

    cartodb_create(validated_fc_in_sqlite, production_table, staging_table, temp_id_field, gfw_env)

    cartodb_delete_where_clause_or_truncate_prod_table(production_table, where_clause, gfw_env)

    cartodb_push_to_production(staging_table, production_table, gfw_env)

    delete_staging_table_if_exists(staging_table, gfw_env)
Beispiel #2
def cartodb_sync(shp, production_table, where_clause, gfw_env,
    Function called by VectorLayer and other Layer objects as part of layer.update()
    Will carry out the sync process from start to finish-- pushing the shp to a staging table on cartodb, then
    to production on cartodb, using a where_clause if included
    :param shp: input feature class (can be GDB FC or SDE too)
    :param production_table: final output table in cartoDB
    :param where_clause: where_clause to use when adding/deleting from final prod table
    :param gfw_env: gfw env
    :param scratch_workspace: scratch workspace

    # ogr2ogr can't use an SDE fc as an input; must export to GDB
    if where_clause or 'localhost' in shp:
        shp = util.fc_to_temp_gdb(shp, scratch_workspace, where_clause)

    basename = os.path.basename(shp)
    staging_table = os.path.splitext(basename)[0] + '_staging'

    delete_staging_table_if_exists(staging_table, gfw_env)

    # Create a temp ID field (set equal to OBJECTID) that we'll use to manage pushing to cartodb incrementally
    temp_id_field = util.create_temp_id_field(shp, gfw_env)

    validated_fc_in_sqlite = cartodb_make_valid_geom_local(shp)

    cartodb_create(validated_fc_in_sqlite, production_table, staging_table,
                   temp_id_field, gfw_env)

                                                       where_clause, gfw_env)

    cartodb_push_to_production(staging_table, production_table, gfw_env)

    delete_staging_table_if_exists(staging_table, gfw_env)
Beispiel #3
def zip_file(input_fc, temp_zip_dir, download_output=None, archive_output=None, sr_is_local=False):
    :param input_fc: feature class/raster to zip
    :param temp_zip_dir: output zip dir
    :param download_output: path to the download output, if required
    :param archive_output: path to the archive output, if requried
    :param sr_is_local: if the spatial reference is local, will create a in download_output
    :return: None
    logging.debug('Starting archive.zip_file')

    basepath, fname, base_fname = util.gen_paths_shp(input_fc)
    temp_dir = util.create_temp_dir(temp_zip_dir)

    data_type = arcpy.Describe(input_fc).dataType

    if data_type in ['FeatureClass', 'ShapeFile']:

        # Try to create a shapefile first, knowing that the data may be too large and may have to use an FGDB instead
        logging.debug('trying to zip SHP-----------------')
        arcpy.FeatureClassToShapefile_conversion(input_fc, temp_dir)
        out_shp = os.path.join(temp_dir, fname)

        # If the dir with the shapefile is < 2GB, zip the shapefile
        if all_files_less_than_2gb(temp_dir):
            temp_zip = zip_shp(out_shp)

            logging.debug('Some components of SHP > 2 GB; now exporting to GDB instead')

            # Delete shapefile conversion dir and start fresh
            temp_dir = util.create_temp_dir(temp_zip_dir)

            gdb_fc = util.fc_to_temp_gdb(input_fc, temp_dir)
            gdb_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(gdb_fc))

            temp_zip = zip_dir(gdb_dir)

    elif data_type == 'RasterDataset':
        temp_zip = zip_tif(input_fc)

        logging.error('Unknown data_type: {0}. Exiting the program'.format(data_type))

    # Define output path for archive zip file and copy temp zip there
    if archive_output:
        logging.debug('Archiving {0} in {1}'.format(base_fname, archive_output))

        ts = time.time()
        timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
        dst = os.path.splitext(archive_output)[0] + '_{0}.zip'.format(timestamp)

        shutil.copy(temp_zip, dst)

    # Define output path for download zip file and copy temp zip there
    if download_output:
        logging.debug("Copying {0} to download folder {1}".format(base_fname, download_output))

        if sr_is_local:
            dst = os.path.splitext(download_output)[0] + ""
            dst = download_output

        shutil.copy(temp_zip, dst)
Beispiel #4
def zip_file(input_fc, temp_zip_dir, download_output=None, archive_output=None, sr_is_local=False):
    :param input_fc: feature class/raster to zip
    :param temp_zip_dir: output zip dir
    :param download_output: path to the download output, if required
    :param archive_output: path to the archive output, if requried
    :param sr_is_local: if the spatial reference is local, will create a in download_output
    :return: None
    logging.debug('Starting archive.zip_file')

    basepath, fname, base_fname = util.gen_paths_shp(input_fc)
    temp_dir = util.create_temp_dir(temp_zip_dir)

    data_type = arcpy.Describe(input_fc).dataType

    if data_type in ['FeatureClass', 'ShapeFile']:

        # Try to create a shapefile first, knowing that the data may be too large and may have to use an FGDB instead
        logging.debug('trying to zip SHP-----------------')
        arcpy.FeatureClassToShapefile_conversion(input_fc, temp_dir)
        out_shp = os.path.join(temp_dir, fname)

        # If the dir with the shapefile is < 2GB, zip the shapefile
        if all_files_less_than_2gb(temp_dir):
            temp_zip = zip_shp(out_shp)

            logging.debug('Some components of SHP > 2 GB; now exporting to GDB instead')

            # Delete shapefile conversion dir and start fresh
            temp_dir = util.create_temp_dir(temp_zip_dir)

            gdb_fc = util.fc_to_temp_gdb(input_fc, temp_dir)
            gdb_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(gdb_fc))

            temp_zip = zip_dir(gdb_dir)

    elif data_type == 'RasterDataset':
        temp_zip = zip_tif(input_fc)

        logging.error('Unknown data_type: {0}. Exiting the program'.format(data_type))

    # Define output path for archive zip file and copy temp zip there
    if archive_output:
        logging.debug('Archiving {0} in {1}'.format(base_fname, archive_output))

        ts = time.time()
        timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
        dst = os.path.splitext(archive_output)[0] + '_{0}.zip'.format(timestamp)

        if r's3://' in dst:
            subprocess.check_call(['aws', 's3', 'cp', temp_zip, dst])

            shutil.copy(temp_zip, dst)

    # Define output path for download zip file and copy temp zip there
    if download_output:
        logging.debug("Copying {0} to download folder {1}".format(base_fname, download_output))

        if sr_is_local:
            dst = os.path.splitext(download_output)[0] + ""
            dst = download_output

        if r's3://' in dst:
            subprocess.check_call(['aws', 's3', 'cp', temp_zip, dst])
            shutil.copy(temp_zip, dst)