def calc_nodata_9999_lineage(stacking, band_name, clip_extents, tile_id, rename, workdir): """Clip scenes which have data outside the lineage, apply -9999 fill."""' Start processing for band: %s', band_name) mosaic_filename = os.path.join(workdir, tile_id, tile_id + '_' + rename + '.tif') if os.path.exists(mosaic_filename): logger.warning("Skip previously generated result %s", mosaic_filename) return mosaic_filename temp_clipped_names = list() temp_masked_names = list() for level, stack in reversed(list(enumerate(stacking, start=1))): scene_name = util.ffind(workdir, stack['LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID'], '*' + band_name + '.tif') temp_name1 = mosaic_filename.replace('.tif', '_temp%d' % level + '.tif') temp_warp_cmd = ('gdalwarp -te {extents}' ' -dstnodata "-9999" -srcnodata "-9999" {0} {1}') util.execute_cmd( temp_warp_cmd.format(scene_name, temp_name1, extents=clip_extents)) temp_clipped_names.append(temp_name1) lineg_name = util.ffind(workdir, tile_id, '*LINEAGEQA.tif') temp_name2 = mosaic_filename.replace('.tif', '_temp%dM' % level + '.tif') temp_calc_cmd = (' -A {0} -B {lineage} --outfile {1}' ' --calc="(A*(B=={level}) + (-9999*(B!={level})))"' ' --NoDataValue=-9999') util.execute_cmd( temp_calc_cmd.format(temp_name1, temp_name2, lineage=lineg_name, level=level)) temp_masked_names.append(temp_name2) temp_name = mosaic_filename.replace('.tif', '_temp.tif') temp_warp_cmd = 'gdalwarp {} {}'.format(' '.join(temp_masked_names), temp_name) util.execute_cmd(temp_warp_cmd) util.remove(*temp_masked_names + temp_clipped_names) warp_cmd = ( 'gdalwarp -dstnodata "-9999" -srcnodata "-9999" -co "compress=deflate"' ' -co "zlevel=9" -co "tiled=yes" -co "predictor=2" {} {}') util.execute_cmd(warp_cmd.format(temp_name, mosaic_filename)) util.remove(temp_name)' End processing for %s as %s ', band_name, mosaic_filename) if not os.path.exists(mosaic_filename): logger.error('Processing failed to generate desired output: %s', mosaic_filename) return mosaic_filename
def process_metadata(segment, stacking, tile_id, clip_extents, region, lng_count, production_timestamp, producers, workdir): """Create the tile metadata file, Generate statistics we will need."""' Start processing for metadata') pqa_name = util.ffind(workdir, tile_id, '*PIXELQA.tif') bit_counts = geofuncs.raster_value_count(pqa_name, tile_id) metadata_locs = list() for stack in stacking: metadata_locs.append({ 'L2XML': util.ffind(workdir, stack['LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID'], "*.xml"), 'L1MTL': util.ffind(workdir, stack['LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID'], '*_MTL.txt'), }) if ({'ARD', 'L3'} != set(producers['xml'].keys()) or ['SW'] != producers['xml']['L3']): raise NotImplementedError() filenames = dict() for xml_group, products in producers['xml'].items(): xml_id = str(tile_id) if len(products) == 1: xml_id = tile_id + '_' + products[-1]' Start processing for metadata group: %s', xml_group) metadata_filename = os.path.join(workdir, tile_id, xml_id + '.xml') if os.path.exists(metadata_filename): logger.warning("Skip previously generated result %s", metadata_filename) continue group_filenames = { k: v for p in products for k, v in config.determine_output_products(producers, p).items() } buildMetadata(metadata_filename, bit_counts, clip_extents, tile_id, metadata_locs, production_timestamp, group_filenames, segment, region, lng_count) util.make_file_group_writeable(metadata_filename)' End processing for metadata as %s', metadata_filename) if not os.path.exists(metadata_filename): logger.error('Processing failed to generate desired output: %s', metadata_filename) filenames.update({p: metadata_filename for p in products}) return filenames
def direct_clip(stacking, band_name, clip_extents, tile_id, rename, workdir): """Clip datatypes which require no special processing."""' Start processing for band: %s', band_name) mosaic_filename = os.path.join(workdir, tile_id, tile_id + '_' + rename + '.tif') if os.path.exists(mosaic_filename): logger.warning("Skip previously generated result %s", mosaic_filename) return mosaic_filename warp_cmd = ('gdalwarp -te {extents}' ' -co "compress=deflate" -co "zlevel=9"' ' -co "tiled=yes" -co "predictor=2"').format( extents=clip_extents) for stack in reversed(stacking): scene_name = util.ffind(workdir, stack['LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID'], '*' + band_name + '.tif') warp_cmd += ' ' + scene_name warp_cmd += ' ' + mosaic_filename util.execute_cmd(warp_cmd)' End processing for %s as %s ', band_name, mosaic_filename) if not os.path.exists(mosaic_filename): logger.error('Processing failed to generate desired output: %s', mosaic_filename) return mosaic_filename
def process_lineage(stacking, band_name, clip_extents, tile_id, rename, workdir): """Create the lineage file."""' Start processing for band: %s', rename) lineage_filename = os.path.join(workdir, tile_id, tile_id + '_' + rename + '.tif') if os.path.exists(lineage_filename): logger.warning("Skip previously generated result %s", lineage_filename) return lineage_filename temp_names = list() for level, stack in reversed(list(enumerate(stacking, start=1))): temp_name = lineage_filename.replace('.tif', '_srcTemp%d' % level + '.tif') scene_name = util.ffind(workdir, stack['LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID'], '*' + band_name + '.tif') calc_cmd = ( ' -A {scene} --outfile {temp}' ' --calc=" {level} * (A > -101)" --type="Byte" --NoDataValue=0') util.execute_cmd( calc_cmd.format(level=level, temp=temp_name, scene=scene_name)) temp_names.append(temp_name) warp_cmd = ('gdalwarp -te {extents} -dstnodata "0" -srcnodata "0"' ' -ot "Byte" -wt "Byte"' ' -co "compress=deflate" -co "zlevel=9"' ' -co "tiled=yes" -co "predictor=2" ').format( extents=clip_extents) warp_cmd += ' '.join(temp_names) warp_cmd += ' ' + lineage_filename util.execute_cmd(warp_cmd) util.remove(*temp_names)' End processing for %s as %s ', band_name, lineage_filename) if not os.path.exists(lineage_filename): logger.error('Processing failed to generate desired output: %s', lineage_filename) return lineage_filename
def process_browse(bands, workdir, tile_id, outpath): """Create a pyramid-layered RBG browse file for EE."""' Start processing for BROWSE') output_browse_filename = os.path.join(outpath, tile_id + '.tif') if os.path.exists(output_browse_filename): logger.warning("Skip previously generated result %s", output_browse_filename) return output_browse_filename bands = { k: util.ffind(workdir, tile_id, tile_id + '_' + v + '.tif') for k, v in bands.items() } # create RGB image temp_filename1 = os.path.join(workdir, tile_id + '_brw1.tif') merge_cmd = ' -o {outfile} -separate {red} {green} {blue}' results = util.execute_cmd( merge_cmd.format(outfile=temp_filename1, **bands)) if results['status'] != 0: return results['status'] # scale the pixel values temp_filename2 = os.path.join(workdir, tile_id + '_brw2.tif') scale_cmd = 'gdal_translate -scale 0 10000 -ot Byte {} {}' results = util.execute_cmd(scale_cmd.format(temp_filename1, temp_filename2)) if results['status'] != 0: return results['status'] # apply compression browse_filename = os.path.join(workdir, tile_id + '.tif') comp_cmd = 'gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=JPEG -co PHOTOMETRIC=YCBCR {} {}' results = util.execute_cmd(comp_cmd.format(temp_filename2, browse_filename)) if results['status'] != 0: # The browse generation failed on the HSM. # Wait a short period and try again. logger.warning('gdal_translate failed to create the browse. ' 'Trying again.') time.sleep(10) results = util.execute_cmd( comp_cmd.format(temp_filename2, browse_filename)) if results['status'] != 0: return results['status'] # internal pyramids addo_cmd = 'gdaladdo {} 2 4 8 16' results = util.execute_cmd(addo_cmd.format(browse_filename)) if results['status'] != 0: # The pyramid generation failed on the HSM. # Wait a short period and try again. logger.warning('gdaladdo failed to create the pyramids. ' 'Trying again.') time.sleep(10) results = util.execute_cmd(addo_cmd.format(browse_filename)) if results['status'] != 0: return results['status'] # Copy the browse to the output location, and verify using checksums. shutil.copyfile(browse_filename, output_browse_filename) if (util.checksum_md5(browse_filename) != util.checksum_md5(output_browse_filename)): logger.warning('%s checksums do not match.', os.path.basename(browse_filename)) os.remove(output_browse_filename) return 1 else:'%s checksums match.', os.path.basename(browse_filename)) util.remove(temp_filename1, temp_filename2, browse_filename + '.aux.xml', browse_filename)' End building browse.') return 0
def process_tile(current_tile, tile_id, segment, region, tiles_contrib_scenes, output_path, conf): """Process each tile needed for segment. Args: current_tile (dict): information about current tile tile_id (str): tile id string (e.g. LT04_CU_011003_...) segment (dict): information about a scene region (str): ARD grid tile area (e.g. CU, AK, HI) tiles_contrib_scenes (list): neighboring scene details output_path (str): path to store outputs conf (dict): runtime configuration options """ production_timestamp = landsat.get_production_timestamp() clip_extents = '{UL_X} {LL_Y} {LR_X} {UR_Y}'.format(**current_tile) logger.debug("tile_id: %s", tile_id) logger.debug("clip_extents: %s", clip_extents) # See if tile_id exists in ARD_COMPLETED_TILES table tile_rec = db.check_tile_status(db.connect(conf.connstr), tile_id) logger.debug("Tile status: %s", tile_rec) if tile_rec: logger.error('Tile already created! %s', tile_rec) raise ArdTileException"Create Tile %s", tile_id) # Get file location for scenes that will contribute to the tile key = 'H{H:03d}V{V:03d}'.format(**current_tile) contrib_tile_scenes = tiles_contrib_scenes[key] logger.debug('# Scenes needed for tile %s: %d', tile_id, len(contrib_tile_scenes)) contributing_scenes = dict() for contrib_record in contrib_tile_scenes: wildcard = '{wrspath}{wrsrow}_{acqdate}'.format(**contrib_record) logger.debug(" Contributing scene: %s", wildcard) provided_contrib_rec = [] if wildcard in segment['LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID']: provided_contrib_rec = { segment['LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID']: segment['FILE_LOC'] }"Contributing scene from segment: %s", provided_contrib_rec) contributing_scenes.update(provided_contrib_rec) if not provided_contrib_rec: db_contrib_rec = db.fetch_file_loc(db.connect(conf.connstr), sat=segment['SATELLITE'], wildcard=wildcard) logger.debug('Fetch file locations from DB: %s', db_contrib_rec) if db_contrib_rec: db_contrib_rec = { r['LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID']: util.ffind(r['FILE_LOC']) for r in db_contrib_rec } # If any of the scenes can't be found, raise an exception. if None in db_contrib_rec.values(): logger.error("Error finding file for %s", db_contrib_rec.keys()) raise ArdTileException"Contributing scene from db: %s", db_contrib_rec) contributing_scenes.update(db_contrib_rec) n_contrib_scenes = len(contributing_scenes) is_complete_tile = ('Y' if n_contrib_scenes == len(contrib_tile_scenes) else 'N')"Contributing scenes: %s", contributing_scenes)'All scenes found to complete tile: %s', is_complete_tile)'Tile: %s - Number of contributing scenes: %d', tile_id, n_contrib_scenes) invalid_contrib_scenes = ((n_contrib_scenes > conf.maxscenespertile) or (n_contrib_scenes < conf.minscenespertile)) if invalid_contrib_scenes:'Unexpected number of scenes %d', n_contrib_scenes) raise ArdTileException if conf.hsmstage: # Stage files to disk cache for faster access external.stage_files(contributing_scenes.values(), conf.soap_envelope) # If each contributing scene is not already unpacked, do it here for product_id, tar_file_location in contributing_scenes.items():'Required Scene: %s', tar_file_location) try: directory = os.path.join(conf.workdir, product_id) util.untar_archive(tar_file_location, directory=directory) except Exception: logger.exception('Error staging input data for %s: %s', product_id, tar_file_location) raise ArdSceneException'Starting to build tile: %s', tile_id) # Determine which scene(s) will overlay the other scene(s) for this tile. # North scenes (--row#) will always overlay South scenes (++row#). # The row values are characters 13 - 15 in the product ID. stacking = [{ 'LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID': name, 'XML_LOC': util.ffind(conf.workdir, name, '*.xml') } for name in sorted(contributing_scenes, key=lambda x: x[13:])] util.make_dirs(os.path.join(conf.workdir, tile_id)) producers = config.read_processing_config(sensor=segment['SATELLITE']) datatypes = { "[ TYPE: Int16 ][ RANGE: -100,16000 ][ FILL: -9999 ]": direct_clip, "[ TYPE: Int16 ][ RANGE: -2000,16000 ][ FILL: -9999 ]": direct_clip, "[ TYPE: Int16 ][ RANGE: -32767,32767 ][ FILL: -32768 ]": direct_clip, "[ TYPE: Int16 ][ RANGE: ??? ][ FILL: -9999 ]": direct_clip, "[ TYPE: UInt16 ][ RANGE: 0,65535 ][ FILL: 1 ]": direct_clip, "[ TYPE: UInt8 ][ RANGE: 0,255 ][ FILL: 1 ]": direct_clip, "[ TYPE: UInt8 ][ RANGE: 0,255 ][ FILL: 255 ]": direct_clip, "[ TYPE: UInt8 ][ RANGE: 0,255 ][ FILL: NA ][ +LINEAGE ]": fill_zero_na_lineage, "[ TYPE: Int16 ][ RANGE: 0,255 ][ FILL: -9999 ][ +LINEAGE ]": calc_nodata_9999_uint_lineage, "[ TYPE: Int16 ][ RANGE: ??? ][ FILL: -9999 ][ +LINEAGE ]": calc_nodata_9999_lineage, } outputs = dict() for product_request in sorted(conf.products, reverse=True):'Create product %s', product_request) required_bands = config.determine_output_products( producers, product_request) for band_name, rename in required_bands.items(): dtype = config.datatype_searches(producers, band_name)'Requires base band_name %s (Type %s)', band_name, dtype) # Process the current dataset type filename = datatypes[dtype](stacking, band_name, clip_extents, tile_id, rename, conf.workdir) outputs[band_name] = filename # WARNING: Assume LINEAGE will always be present! if band_name == 'toa_band1': outputs['LINEAGEQA'] = (process_lineage( stacking, band_name, clip_extents, tile_id, 'LINEAGEQA', conf.workdir)) lng_count = process_lineage_contributing(outputs['LINEAGEQA'], n_contrib_scenes) outputs['XML'] = (process_metadata(segment, stacking, tile_id, clip_extents, region, lng_count, production_timestamp, producers, conf.workdir)) if process_output(conf.products, producers, outputs, conf.workdir, tile_id, output_path) != 0: logger.error('Failed processing products.') return "ERROR" if process_browse(producers['browse'], conf.workdir, tile_id, output_path) != 0: logger.error('Failed to produce the browse image.') return "ERROR" if not conf.debug: # No errors making this tile, record it in our database completed_tile_list = [[ tile_id, ",".join(contributing_scenes.keys()), is_complete_tile, "SUCCESS" ]] db.insert_tile_record(db.connect(conf.connstr), completed_tile_list) return "SUCCESS"