Beispiel #1
    def render_GET(self, request):
        log.debug("request from %s: %s" % (self.userid, request.args))
        if 'f' in request.args:
            fn = request.args['f'][0]
            info =, False)
            if info:
                filename, mime, md5sum = info
                log.debug("sending file type %s, path %s, md5sum %s" % (mime, filename, md5sum))
                genfilename = util.generate_filename(mime)
                request.setHeader('content-type', mime)
                request.setHeader('content-length', os.path.getsize(filename))
                request.setHeader('content-disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % (genfilename))
                request.setHeader('x-md5sum', md5sum)

                # stream file to the client
                fp = open(filename, 'rb')
                d = FileSender().beginFileTransfer(fp, request)
                def finished(ignored):
                return server.NOT_DONE_YET

            # file not found in extra storage
                return self._quick_response(request, 404, 'not found')

        return self._quick_response(request, 400, 'bad request')
Beispiel #2
 def post(self):
     records = self.get_json_argument('records', None)
     with open(generate_filename(settings), 'a') as trace_file:
         for record in records:
             timestamp = record.pop('timestamp')
             trace_file.write("%s: %s\r\n" % (timestamp, json.dumps(record)))
             record = massage_record(record, float(timestamp))
 def test_create_records(self):
     filename = generate_filename(settings)
     assert not os.path.exists(filename)
     assert os.path.exists(filename)
     for line in open(filename):
         record = json.loads(line.split(':', 1)[1])
         assert record['name'] in ('vehicle_speed',
                 'longitude', 'latitude')
def LZ_dist_quantifier(quantifiers,
    """ Generates num_model_orders many different lexicographical- or random-order quantifier representations for each quantifier in quantifiers,
        and computes the LZ, bzip2, and gzip complexities for all of those quantifier representations

        quantifiers: a list of quantifier objects
        max_model_size: an integer, determining the size (i.e., number of elements) of the quantifier models
        num_model_orders: an integer, determing the number of different model order permutations
        num_procs: an integer, determining the number of prcessors used for parallel computing
        num_chars: an integer, determining the number of characters used in the quantifier representation,
                    (the number of subareas—--AB, AnotB, BnotA, and neither---of the quantifier model that are considered)
                    needs to be either 2, 3, or 4
        out_file: a string, determining the name of the csv file in which the results are stored
        order_type: either 'lex' (for lexicographic model orders) or 'rand' (for random model orders)

        a pandas data frame which contains the complexity values and other metrics of the quantifiers

    time1 = time.time()
    data = pd.DataFrame()
    pool = Pool(num_procs)

    if (order_type == 'lex'):

        # get the quantifier representations for the different lexicographical orders for each quantifiers
        quantifiers_reps = quantifiers_reps_lex(quantifiers, max_model_size,
                                                num_model_orders, num_chars)

        # get uniformities per quantifier
        uniformities = [get_uniformity(reps[0]) for reps in quantifiers_reps]

        # get quantifier representations for each quantifier per model_order (e.g., quants_reps_per_order = [Q1_rep1, Q2_rep1, ... ])
        for order_num in range(num_model_orders):
            quants_reps_per_order = [
                reps[order_num] for reps in quantifiers_reps

            # store all the LZ complexities and other metrics in a pandas data frame
            data = data.append(
                zip([max_model_size] * len(quantifiers), quantifiers,
                    [order_num] * len(quantifiers),
                    [order_type] * len(quantifiers), quants_reps_per_order,
                    uniformities, [num_chars] * len(quantifiers))),

    if order_type == 'rand':

        # make folder for storing the quantifier representations so that they can be retrieved and merged
        # when computing the representation for larger sizes (with another function call)
        if not os.path.exists("aux"):
        if not os.path.exists("aux/" + str(num_chars) + "char"):
            os.mkdir("aux/" + str(num_chars) + "char")

        # get the quantifier representations for one lexicographical orders for each quantifiers
        # only include the maximum model size in the representations
        min_model_size = max_model_size
        if num_chars == 2 and max_model_size == 2:
            min_model_size = 1
        current_reps = [
            q_rep for sublist in quantifiers_reps_lex(
                quantifiers, max_model_size, 1, num_chars, min_model_size)
            for q_rep in sublist

        min_model_size = 1
        # for the 2 char case model size 1 gives a bug, this is related to a bug in storing a bitarray of size 2 as a binary file
        if num_chars == 2:
            min_model_size = 2

        for order_num in range(num_model_orders):

            # make a (new) random-order representation for each quantifier by shuffling
            for quant in current_reps:

            # when this function call is for the smallest model size, store the representations so that they can be
            # retrieved and merged with a larger model size in a future function call
            if max_model_size == min_model_size:
                quants_reps = current_reps
                for quant_idx in range(len(quantifiers)):
                        "aux/" + util.generate_filename(
                            quantifiers[quant_idx], max_model_size, num_chars,

            elif max_model_size > min_model_size:
                # merge the quant representations of the current size with the representation of the previous size
                # merge them in a random way, in such a way that the order of the elements within
                # the current size en previous size representation remain the same
                quants_reps = [None for _ in range(len(quantifiers))]
                for quant_idx in range(len(quantifiers)):
                    aux_filename = "aux/" + util.generate_filename(
                        quantifiers[quant_idx], max_model_size - 1, num_chars,
                    if os.path.exists(aux_filename):
                        prev_rep = util.load_bitarray(aux_filename)
                        raise Exception("Needed temporary file not found: " +
                    quants_reps[quant_idx] = util.merge_bitarrays_randomly(
                        prev_rep, current_reps[quant_idx])
                    # store the merged representation so that they can be retrieved and merged
                    # with a larger model size in a future function call
                        "aux/" + util.generate_filename(
                            quantifiers[quant_idx], max_model_size, num_chars,

            # get uniformities per quantifier
            uniformities = [get_uniformity(rep) for rep in quants_reps]

            # store all the LZ complexities and other metrics in a pandas data frame
            data = data.append(
                zip([max_model_size] * len(quantifiers), quantifiers,
                    [order_num] * len(quantifiers),
                    [order_type] * len(quantifiers), quants_reps, uniformities,
                    [num_chars] * len(quantifiers))),

    # store the data in a csv file
    if out_file:
        if not os.path.exists("data"):
        if not os.path.exists("data/" + str(num_chars) + "char/"):
            os.mkdir("data/" + str(num_chars) + "char/")
        if not os.path.exists("data/" + str(num_chars) + "char/" + order_type +
            os.mkdir("data/" + str(num_chars) + "char/" + order_type + "/")
        data.to_csv("data/" + str(num_chars) + "char/" + order_type + "/" +

    time2 = time.time()
    print('max_model_size =', max_model_size, ',', time2 - time1, '\n')
    return data