Beispiel #1
	def _create_island_db(self, savepath):
		"""Returns a dbreader instance for the creation of island dbfiles."""
		horizons.main.PATHS.ISLAND_TEMPLATE = os.path.join(util.getUHPath(), horizons.main.PATHS.ISLAND_TEMPLATE)

		db = UhDbAccessor(savepath)
		return db
	def loadResource(self, path):
		""" Loads the map from the given sqlite file """
		# creates absolute path to mapfile
		path = os.path.join(util.getUHPath(), path)
		model = self._engine.getModel()
		map = model.createMap(path)

		grid = model.getCellGrid(self.GRID_TYPE)

		# add layers
		ground_layer = map.createLayer(util.GROUND_LAYER_NAME, grid)
		building_layer = map.createLayer(util.BUILDING_LAYER_NAME, grid)

		# add camera
		self._createCamera(building_layer, map)

		map_db = DbReader(path)
		# TODO: check the map version number

		# load all islands
		islands = map_db("SELECT x, y, file FROM island")
		for island in islands:
			name = island[2]
			if name[0:6] == "random":
				raise RuntimeError("Map contains random generated islands. Cannot load that")

		for island in islands:
			self._loadIsland(ground_layer, model, *island)

		# load all buildings
		self._loadBuildings(building_layer, model, map_db)

		return map
Beispiel #3
	def _create_map_db(self, savepath):
		"""Returns a dbreader instance, that is connected to the main game data dbfiles."""
		horizons.main.PATHS.SAVEGAME_TEMPLATE = os.path.join(util.getUHPath(), horizons.main.PATHS.SAVEGAME_TEMPLATE)

		db = UhDbAccessor(savepath)
		return db
	def _fixupHorizons(self):
		"""Fixes some UH quirks that have to do with globals"""
		class PatchedFife:
			imagemanager = self._engine.getImageManager()
			use_atlases = False
		horizons.main.fife = PatchedFife()
		uh_path = util.getUHPath()
		horizons.main.PATHS.TILE_SETS_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(uh_path, horizons.main.PATHS.TILE_SETS_DIRECTORY)
		horizons.main.PATHS.ACTION_SETS_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(uh_path, horizons.main.PATHS.ACTION_SETS_DIRECTORY)
		horizons.main.PATHS.DB_FILES = map(lambda file: os.path.join(uh_path, file), horizons.main.PATHS.DB_FILES)
	def _loadBuildings(self):
		print("loading UH buildings...")
		for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(util.getUHPath() + '/content/objects/buildings'):
			for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.yaml'):
				# This is needed for dict lookups! Do not convert to os.join!
				full_file = root + "/" + filename
				result = YamlCache.get_file(full_file)
				result['yaml_file'] = full_file

		print("finished loading UH objects")
	def _loadIsland(self, ground_layer, model, ix, iy, file):
		""" Loads an island from the given file """
		island_db = DbReader(os.path.join(util.getUHPath(), file))

		# load ground tiles
		ground = island_db("SELECT x, y, ground_id, action_id, rotation FROM ground")
		for (x, y, ground_id, action_id, rotation) in ground:
			groundTileName = util.getGroundTileName(ground_id)
			ground_tile = model.getObject(groundTileName, util.GROUND_NAMESPACE)
			x = ix + x
			y = iy + y
			position = fife.ModelCoordinate(x, y, 0)
			inst = ground_layer.createInstance(ground_tile, position)
			self.act(action_id+"_"+str(groundTileName), rotation, inst, ground_layer, x, y)
Beispiel #7
	def _saveIsland(self, name, relative_island_filepath, tiles):
		"""Writes an SQL file for an island"""
		island_filepath = os.path.join(util.getUHPath(), relative_island_filepath)
		print "Saving island " + island_filepath
		if os.path.exists(island_filepath):
		island_db = self._create_island_db(island_filepath)

		for instance in tiles:
			type = util.getGroundTileId(instance.getObject().getId())
			# TODO (MMB) "default action id = 0"
			action_id = instance.getObject().getActionIds()[0]
			if instance.getCurrentAction() != None:
				action_id = instance.getCurrentAction().getId()
			# TODO (MMB) a bit of a hack to only get the name without a possible _ts_curved etc. suffix
			action_id = re.sub("_ts.*", "", action_id)
			(position, rotation) = self._extractPositionRotationFromInstance(instance)
			island_db("INSERT INTO ground VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", position.x, position.y, type, action_id, rotation)
		island_db("COMMIT TRANSACTION");

	def _fixupFife(self):
		"""Fixes some FIFE quirks that have to do with VFS"""
		vfs = self._engine.getVFS()
Beispiel #9
# 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# ###################################################

import horizons.main # necessary so the correct load order of all modules is guaranteed

from horizons.util.uhdbaccessor import UhDbAccessor, read_savegame_template, \
import fife.extensions.savers as mapSavers
import os.path
import re
import scripts.editor
import scripts.plugin
import shutil
import util

TEMPLATE_DATAFORMAT_PATH = os.path.join(util.getUHPath(), 'content', 'savegame_template.sql')

class MapSaver:
	def __init__(self, filepath, engine, map, importList):
		# copy template to save map
		self._filepath = filepath
		self._engine = engine
		self._model = engine.getModel()
		self._map = map
		self._mapDatabase = None

	def _fixRotation(self, rotation):
		Fixes FIFEs botched handling of rotations.
		Rotations are a) 0, 90, 180 or 270 and b) sometimes
		off by one.