Beispiel #1
def test_get_datetime():
    s = '\n'
    s += 'get_datetime() = ' + str(util.get_datetime()) + '\n'
    s += 'get_datetime(1546400096.987654) = ' + str(
        util.get_datetime(1546400096.987654)) + '\n'
    s += 'get_datetime(1546400096) = ' + str(
        util.get_datetime(1546400096)) + '\n'
    s += 'get_datetime(\'20190102123456987654\', \'%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f\') = ' + str(
        util.get_datetime('20190102123456987654', '%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f')) + '\n'
    s += 'get_datetime(\'2019-02-21 12:34:56.789\', \'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f\') = ' + str(
        util.get_datetime('2019-02-21 12:34:56.789',
                          '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')) + '\n'

    s += 'get_datetime(\'1234\', \'%H%M\') = ' + str(
        util.get_datetime('1234', '%H%M')) + '\n'

    obj = util.get_datetime('2019-01-02 12:34:56.987654')
    s += str(obj) + '\n'

    obj = util.get_datetime('20190102123456987654', '%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f')
    s += str(obj) + '\n'

    obj = util.get_datetime('20190102123456', '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
    s += str(obj) + '\n'

    obj = util.get_datetime('201901021234', '%Y%m%d%H%M')
    s += str(obj) + '\n'
    return s
Beispiel #2
def get_season_dates(year):
    """Return list of season start and playoff start dates for NBA season ending in year"""
    url = f"{year-1}-{year % 100}_NBA_season"
    if year % 100 < 10:
        url = f"{year-1}-0{year % 100}_NBA_season"
    response = requests.get(url)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        season_soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
        dates = season_soup("table", class_="infobox")[0].select("tbody tr")[3]
        date_string = None
        for i, d in enumerate(dates):
            if i != 0:
                date_string = d.get_text(separator="\n")
        date_list = date_string.split("\n")
        date_list = [
            date.replace("\xa0", " ").replace(" (Playoffs)", "").strip()
            for date in date_list
        season_start = date_list[0].split(" – ")[0].strip()
        if year == 1999:
            season_start += " 1999"
        playoff_start = date_list[1].split("–")[0].strip()
        if playoff_start[-4:] != str(year):
            playoff_start += f" {year}"
        season_start = get_datetime(season_start)
        playoff_start = get_datetime(playoff_start)
    return [season_start, playoff_start]
Beispiel #3
def get_season_info():
    with open("data/season_info.csv", mode="w") as file:
        writer = csv.writer(file,
        for year in range(1947, 2020):
            i = year - 1946
            season_start, playoff_start = get_season_dates(year)
            season_info = [i, 1, year, season_start, playoff_start]
        start_dates = [
            "October 13, 1967", "October 18, 1968", "October 17, 1969",
            "October 14, 1970", "October 13, 1971", "October 12, 1972",
            "October 10, 1973", "October 18, 1974", "October 24, 1975"
        playoff_dates = [
            "March 23, 1968", "April 5, 1969", "April 17, 1970",
            "April 1, 1971", "March 31, 1972", "March 30, 1973",
            "March 29, 1974", "April 4, 1975", "April 8, 1976"
        i += 1
        for year in range(1968, 1977):
            j = year - 1968
            season_info = [
                i, 2, year,
            i += 1
Beispiel #4
def main_scan(stream_info):
        if "SUB_PATH" in stream_info:
            os.environ["PATH"] = stream_info[
                'SUB_PATH'] + os.pathsep + os.environ["PATH"]

        current_path = sys.path[0]
        tool_bin = os.path.join(current_path, 'tools')
        content = util.base64toencode(
        ex_py_script = ''

        if 'TOOL_TYPE' in stream_info:
            ex_py_script = stream_info['TOOL_TYPE'] + ''

        command = "python " + tool_bin + '/' + ex_py_script + " " + content
        print(util.get_datetime() + " start scan " + stream_info['TOOL_TYPE'] +
        proc = subprocess.Popen(command,
        pid_config.add_pid(str(, stream_info["PID_FILE"])
        for line in proc.stdout:
            print(util.get_datetime() + " " + str(line))
        print(util.get_datetime() + " end scan " + stream_info['TOOL_TYPE'])
    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception(e)
Beispiel #5
def add_timestamp(df, dt_field, ts_field):
    df = df.dropna(subset=[dt_field])
    df[ts_field] = map(lambda dt: time.mktime(
    return df
def test_get_datetime():
    data = [
        994832962, 966810600000L, '2004-04-28 00:00:00.000',
        '2004-04-28 00:00:00',
    for d in data:
        assert_true(isinstance(get_datetime(d), datetime))

    assert_raises(TypeError, get_datetime, dict())
    assert_raises(ValueError, get_datetime, 'bad formatsadfasfd')
Beispiel #7
    def get_page_results(self, html):
        results = []
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
        if len('.card-no-result')) > 0:
            return None

        if len('div[action-type="feed_list_item"]')) > 0:
            for item in'div[action-type="feed_list_item"]'):
                blog = {'博主昵称':'.name')[0].get('nick-name'),
                        '博主主页': 'https:' +'.name')[0].get('href')}

                if len('p.txt')) > 1:
                    blog['微博内容'] ='p.txt')[1].get_text().strip()
                    blog['微博内容'] ='p.txt')[0].get_text().strip()
                    blog['发布时间'] = util.get_datetime(
              'div[class="content"] p[class="from"] a')[0].get_text())
                    blog['微博地址'] = 'https:' +'div[class="content"] p[class="from"] a')[0].get('href')

                    blog['微博来源'] ='div[class="content"] p[class="from"] a')[1].get_text()
                    blog['微博来源'] = ''

                    sd ='.card-act ul li')
                    if sd is None:

                    blog['转发'] = 0 if sd[1].text.replace('转发', '').strip() == '' \
                        else int(sd[1].text.replace('转发', '').strip())
                    blog['转发'] = 0

                    blog['评论'] = 0 if sd[2].text.replace('评论', '').strip() == '' \
                        else int(sd[2].text.replace('评论', '').strip())
                    blog['评论'] = 0

                    blog['赞'] = 0 if sd[3].select('em')[0].get_text() == '' \
                        else int(sd[3].select('em')[0].get_text())
                    blog['赞'] = 0

        return results
Beispiel #8
def test_get_datetime():
    data = [994832962,
            '2004-04-28 00:00:00.000',
            '2004-04-28 00:00:00',
    for d in data:

    assert_raises(TypeError, get_datetime, dict())
    assert_raises(ValueError, get_datetime, 'bad formatsadfasfd')
Beispiel #9
    def __init__(self, fileName, mode):
        pwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        log_dir = os.path.join(pwd, "..", "result", "log")
        demo, whom = find_demo_name(sys.argv)

        f = fileName
        _mode = mode

        if whom:
            suffix = util.get_datetime()
            f = u'.'.join([demo, suffix, "txt"])

        if whom == C.log_caller.PSKETCH:
            _mode = 'a'  # append, not overwrite

        path = os.path.join(log_dir, f)
        super(PasketFileHandler, self).__init__(path, _mode)
Beispiel #10
  def __init__(self, fileName, mode):
    pwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    log_dir = os.path.join(pwd, "..", "result", "log")
    demo, whom = find_demo_name(sys.argv)

    f = fileName
    _mode = mode

    if whom:
      suffix = util.get_datetime()
      f = u'.'.join([demo, suffix, "txt"])

    if whom == C.log_caller.PSKETCH:
      _mode = 'a' # append, not overwrite

    path = os.path.join(log_dir, f)
    super(JskFileHandler, self).__init__(path, _mode)
Beispiel #11
def test_get_timestamp():
    s = ''

    timestamp = util.get_timestamp()
    s += str(timestamp) + '\n'

    dt = util.get_datetime('20190102123456987654', '%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f')
    timestamp = util.get_timestamp(dt)
    s += str(timestamp) + '\n'

    timestamp = util.get_timestamp('2019-01-02 12:34:56.789')
    s += str(timestamp) + '\n'

    timestamp = util.get_timestamp('197001020900', '%Y%m%d%H%M')
    s += str(timestamp) + '\n'

    return s
def route_add_answer(question_id):
    question_detail_url = url_for('route_question_detail',
    if request.method == 'POST':
        new_answer = request.form.to_dict()
        new_answer['submission_time'] = util.get_datetime()
        new_answer['site_user_id'] = session['user_id']
        return redirect(question_detail_url)

    question_data = data_manager.get_question_data(question_id)
    answers = data_manager.get_answers_for_question(question_id)
    add_answer_url = url_for('route_add_answer', question_id=question_id)
    return render_template('add_answer.html',
def add_answer_comment(answer_id):
    question_detail_url = url_for(
    if request.method == 'POST':
        new_comment = request.form.to_dict()
        new_comment['submission_time'] = util.get_datetime()
        new_comment.update({'site_user_id': session['user_id']})
        return redirect(question_detail_url)

    answer_data = data_manager.get_answer_data(answer_id)
    add_comment_url = url_for('add_answer_comment', answer_id=answer_id)
    return render_template('add_comment_answer.html',
Beispiel #14
    def clean_interactions(self, interactions, undirected=False,
        """Some cleaning. Functional
        new_interactions = []
        if isinstance(interactions, pd.DataFrame):
            iters = interactions.iterrows()
            iters = enumerate(interactions)
        for row_n, i in iters:
            if row_n % 5000 == 0:
                logger.debug("cleaning: {} / {}".format(

            i = copy.deepcopy(i)
            if not undirected:
                # remove duplicate recipients
                i['recipient_ids'] = list(set(i['recipient_ids']))
                i['participant_ids'] = list(set(i['participant_ids']))

            if 'timestamp' in i:
                i['datetime'] = i['timestamp']
            if convert_time:
                # normalize datetime and timestamp
                    i['datetime'] = get_datetime(i['datetime'])
                except TypeError:
                        'Error parsing datetime, {} of type {}'.format(

        return new_interactions
Beispiel #15
def test():
    s = ''

    s += 'test_get_datetime() = ' + test_get_datetime() + '\n'
    s += '\n'

    s += 'test_get_datetime_str() = ' + test_get_datetime_str() + '\n'
    s += '\n'

    s += 'test_get_timestamp() = \n' + test_get_timestamp() + '\n'
    s += '\n'

    s += 'test_get_datetime_of_day() = ' + test_get_datetime_of_day() + '\n'
    s += '\n'

    s += 'test_get_timestamp_of_day() = \n' + test_get_timestamp_of_day(
    ) + '\n'
    s += '\n'

    s += 'test_get_last_day_of_month() = \n' + test_get_last_day_of_month(
    ) + '\n'
    s += '\n'

    s += 'test_is_leap_year() = \n' + test_is_leap_year() + '\n'
    s += '\n'

    s += 'datetime:\n'
    dt = util.get_datetime()
    s += 'timestamp() = ' + str(dt.timestamp()) + '\n'
    s += 'year        = ' + str(dt.year) + '\n'
    s += 'month       = ' + str(dt.month) + '\n'
    s += 'day         = ' + str( + '\n'
    s += 'hour        = ' + str(dt.hour) + '\n'
    s += 'minute      = ' + str(dt.minute) + '\n'
    s += 'second      = ' + str(dt.second) + '\n'
    s += 'microsecond = ' + str(dt.microsecond) + '\n'
    s += 'tzinfo      = ' + str(dt.tzinfo) + '\n'
    s += '\n'

    return s
def main(inn,out):

    root = {}
    rec_counts = {}

    # == HEADER - WSO00R ==
    if True:
        ELEMENT = "WSO00R"
        SEGMENT = "00"
        rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

        HEAD_ID = inn.get({'BOTSID': 'picking'}, {'BOTSID': 'header', 'message_id': None})
        HEAD_DATE, HEAD_TIME = get_datetime(inn.get({'BOTSID': 'picking'}, {'BOTSID': 'header', 'date_msg': None}))
        HEAD_TYPE = inn.get({'BOTSID': 'picking'}, {'BOTSID': 'header', 'type': None})
        assert HEAD_TYPE == 'out', "Warehouse Shipping Orders must have type 'out', not '%s'" % (HEAD_TYPE,)
        HEAD_TYPE = "940" # Warehouse Shipping Order

        d = OrderedDict([
                ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                ('Identification_Nbr', HEAD_ID or ''),
                ('Message_Date', HEAD_DATE or ''),
                ('Message_Time', HEAD_TIME or ''),
                ('Message_Type_Id', HEAD_TYPE),
        root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(d)

    pinn = inn.getloop({'BOTSID': 'picking'}, {'BOTSID': 'pickings'})
    for pick in pinn:
        ORD_ID = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings', 'id': None})
        assert ORD_ID, "Order ID must be present"
        ORD_ID = re.sub(r'[\\/_-]', r'', ORD_ID.upper())
        out.ta_info['botskey'] = ORD_ID # Set the botskey to the last order ID
        ORD_STATE = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings', 'state': None})

        # == Cancelled Orders - WSO05R ==
        if ORD_STATE == 'delete':
            ELEMENT = "WSO05R"
            SEGMENT = "05"
            rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

            d = OrderedDict([
                ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                ('Order_reference', ORD_ID),
            root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(d)

        # == New Orders - WSO10R ==
        elif ORD_STATE == 'new':
            ELEMENT = "WSO10R"
            SEGMENT = "10"
            rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

            INCOTERM = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings', 'incoterm': None})
            ORD_PRIO = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings', 'prio': None})
            ORD_REMARK = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings', 'desc': None})
            ORD_DELIVERY_DATE, dummy = get_datetime(pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings', 'date': None}) + ' 00:00:00.00000')

            ord_root = OrderedDict([
                ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                ('Order_Type', 'O'), # Outgoing
                ('Indicator_Transport', 'Y'),
                ('Order_Reference', ORD_ID),
                ('Indicator_Labelling', 'Y'),
                ('Indicator_contact_cl', 'Y'),
                ('Terms_of_Delivery', INCOTERM),
                ('COD_amount', '0.0'),
                ('Currency_COD-amount', ''),
                ('Order_Category', 'N'), # N = New
                ('Order_priority', ORD_PRIO),
                ('Delivery_date', ORD_DELIVERY_DATE),
                ('Remark', ORD_REMARK), # FIXME: We add this last to validate against DSV's example messages, it should come just before priority
            root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(ord_root)

            # == Order Remarks - WSO20R ==
            if ORD_REMARK:
                ELEMENT = "WSO20R"
                SEGMENT = "20"
                rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

                d = OrderedDict([
                    ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                    ('Order_Remark', ORD_REMARK),
                    ('Order_Remark_Qual', 'D'), # Delivery Instructions
                ord_root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(d)

            # == Order Party - WSO30R ==
            ELEMENT = "WSO30R"
            SEGMENT = "30"
            rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

            PART_ID = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'id': None})
            CLIENT_REF = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings', 'client_order_ref': None})
            PART_EMAIL = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'email': None})

            party_root = OrderedDict([
                ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                ('Order_Party_Qual', 'CN'), # Consignee - Party receiving goods
                ('Party_External_Ref', PART_ID),
                ('Client_Ref_to_Order', CLIENT_REF),
            ord_root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(party_root)

            # == Order Party Email - WSO31R ==
            if PART_EMAIL:
                ELEMENT = "WSO31R"
                SEGMENT = "31"
                rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

                d = OrderedDict([
                    ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                    ('Communication_Number_Qualifier', 'EA'), # Email
                    ('Communication_Number', PART_EMAIL),
                    ('Recipient_type', 0), # 0=To, 1=CC, 2=BCC
                party_root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(d)

            # == Order Party Address - WSO32R ==
            ELEMENT = "WSO32R"
            SEGMENT = "32"
            rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

            PART_NAME = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'name': None}) or ''
            PART_STREET1 = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'street1': None}) or ''
            PART_STREET2 = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'street2': None}) or ''
            PART_CITY = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'city': None}) or ''
            PART_ZIP = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'zip': None}) or ''
            PART_COUNTRY = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'country': None}) or ''
            PART_STATE = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'state': None}) or ''
            PART_PHONE = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'phone': None}) or ''
            PART_FAX = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'fax': None}) or ''
            PART_LANG = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'language': None}) or ''
            PART_VAT = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'vat': None}) or ''

            # Spill the first address line over to the second if too long, else truncate
            if len(PART_STREET1) > 35 and not PART_STREET2:
                space = PART_STREET1.rfind(' ', 0, 35)
                if space:
                    OLD_STREET1 = PART_STREET1
                    PART_STREET1 = OLD_STREET1[:space]
                    PART_STREET2 = OLD_STREET1[space+1:]
            PART_STREET1 = PART_STREET1[:35]
            PART_STREET2 = PART_STREET2[:35]

            d = OrderedDict([
                ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                ('Company_Name_1', PART_NAME[:35]),
                ('Address_3', PART_STREET2),
                ('Postal_Code', PART_ZIP),
                ('Place_Name', PART_CITY[:35]),
                ('Country_Code', PART_COUNTRY),
                ('Language_code', get_dsv_lang(PART_LANG)),
                ('Telephone_Number', PART_PHONE),
                ('Telefax_Number', PART_FAX),
                ('VAT-number', PART_VAT),
                ('Address_2', PART_STREET1),
                ('Address_4', PART_STATE),
            party_root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(d)

            plines = pick.getloop({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'line'})
            for pline in plines:
                # == Order Line - WSO40R ==
                ELEMENT = "WSO40R"
                SEGMENT = "40"
                rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

                LINE_ID = pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'id': None})
                LINE_SEQ = "%03d" % (int(pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'seq': None})),)
                LINE_PRODUCT = pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'product': None}).upper()
                LINE_TYPE = '*FIRST'
                LINE_QTY = pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'product_qty': None})
                LINE_DESC = pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'desc': None})
                LINE_VOLUME_NET = pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'volume_net': None})
                LINE_WEIGHT = pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'weight': None})
                LINE_WEIGHT_NET = pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'weight_net': None})
                LINE_PRICE_UNIT = pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'price_unit_ex_vat': None}) or 0.0
                LINE_CURRENCY = pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'price_currency': None})

                line_root = OrderedDict([
                    ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                    ('Orderline_ID', LINE_SEQ),
                    ('SKU_Reference', LINE_PRODUCT),
                    ('Type_of_package', LINE_TYPE),
                    ('Number_of_packages', LINE_QTY),
                    ('Number_of_units_measure_unit_specifier', LINE_QTY),
                    ('Number_of_units_measure_unit_specifier_per_type_of_package', 1), # FIXME: We only support units UoM currently
                    ('Orderline_remarks', LINE_DESC),
                    ('Net_volume_per_unit_measure_unit-specifier', LINE_VOLUME_NET),
                ord_root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(line_root)

                # == Order Line Invoice - WSO41R ==
                ELEMENT = "WSO41R"
                SEGMENT = "41"
                rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

                assert (ord_root.get('Currency_COD-amount', LINE_CURRENCY) or LINE_CURRENCY) == LINE_CURRENCY, 'Multiple currencies per order is not supported'
                ord_root.update({'Currency_COD-amount': LINE_CURRENCY})

                    LINE_PRICE_UNIT = "%.2f" % (round(float(LINE_PRICE_UNIT), 2),)
                except ValueError:
                    LINE_PRICE_UNIT = ""

                d = OrderedDict([
                    ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                    ('Goods_invoice_amount', LINE_PRICE_UNIT),
                    ('Goods_inv_amoun_Qual', 'U'), # Unit price
                line_root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(d)

        # Catch all
            raise NotImplementedError('Unable to handle order with state %s' % (ORD_STATE,))

    # == FOOTER - WSO99R ==
    rec_counts['99'] = len(rec_counts.keys())
    for FOOT_REC_TYPE, FOOT_REC_COUNT in rec_counts.iteritems():
        ELEMENT = "WSO99R"
        SEGMENT = "99"

        d = OrderedDict([
                ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                ('RecordType', FOOT_REC_TYPE),
                ('Total_Nbrs_of_Rec', FOOT_REC_COUNT),
        root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(d)

    root = OrderedDict(sorted(root.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
    document = OrderedDict([('WSO', root)])
    data = serialize_dsv_xml(document, SCHEMA)

    out.root = data
def main(inn,out):
    data = parse_dsv_xml(inn.root, SCHEMA)
    data = simplify_dsv_xml(data)

    for BODY in data['SR']:
        lout = out.putloop({'BOTSID':'inventory'})

        rec_counts = {}

        # == HEADER - SR00R ==
        for HEAD in BODY.get('SR00R', []):
            rec_counts['00'] = rec_counts.setdefault('00', 0) + 1
            if rec_counts['00'] > 1:
                continue # We only want one record at most
            HEAD_ID = HEAD.get('Message_Identification')
            HEAD_DATE = HEAD.get('Message_date')
            HEAD_TIME = HEAD.get('Message_time')
            HEAD_DATETIME = get_datetime(HEAD_DATE, HEAD_TIME)
            HEAD_FROM = HEAD.get('Sender_Identification')
            HEAD_TO = None

            out.ta_info['frompartner'] = HEAD_FROM
            out.ta_info['topartner'] = HEAD_TO

            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'header', 'msg_id': HEAD_ID})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'header', 'datetime': HEAD_DATETIME})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'header', 'partner_name': HEAD_FROM})

        # == WAREHOUSE REFERENCE - SR70R ==
        for WH in BODY.get('SR70R', []):
            rec_counts['70'] = rec_counts.setdefault('70', 0) + 1
            if rec_counts['70'] > 1:
                continue # We only want one record at most

            for WH_ADD in WH.get('SR72R', []):
                rec_counts['72'] = rec_counts.setdefault('72', 0) + 1

            WH_ADD = WH.get('SR72R', [{}])[0]

            WH_PARTNER_ID = WH.get('Party_external_reference')
            WH_ADD_NAME = WH_ADD.get('Company_name_1')
            WH_ADD_NAME2 = WH_ADD.get('Company_name_2')
            if WH_ADD_NAME2:
                WH_ADD_NAME = WH_ADD_NAME + ", " + WH_ADD_NAME2
            WH_ADD_LINE1, WH_ADD_LINE2, WH_ADD_LINE3 = get_address(WH_ADD.get('House_number'), WH_ADD.get('House_number_extension'), WH_ADD.get('Address_1'), WH_ADD.get('Address_2'), WH_ADD.get('Address_3'), WH_ADD.get('Address_4'))
            WH_ADD_ZIP = WH_ADD.get('Postal_code')
            WH_ADD_STATE = WH_ADD.get('Place_name')
            WH_ADD_COUNTRY = WH_ADD.get('Country_code')
            WH_ADD_PHONE = WH_ADD.get('Telephone_number')
            WH_ADD_FAX = WH_ADD.get('Telefax_number')
            WH_ADD_VAT = WH_ADD.get('VAT-number')

            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'partner', 'id': WH_PARTNER_ID})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'partner', 'name': WH_ADD_NAME})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'partner', 'street1': WH_ADD_LINE1})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'partner', 'street2': WH_ADD_LINE2})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'partner', 'city': WH_ADD_LINE3})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'partner', 'state': WH_ADD_STATE})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'partner', 'country': WH_ADD_COUNTRY})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'partner', 'zip': WH_ADD_ZIP})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'partner', 'phone': WH_ADD_PHONE})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'partner', 'fax': WH_ADD_FAX})
            lout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory'},{'BOTSID':'partner', 'vat': WH_ADD_VAT})

        # == STOCK LEVELS - SR8AR ==
        for SL in BODY.get('SR8AR', []):
            rec_counts['8A'] = rec_counts.setdefault('8A', 0) + 1
            SL_PRODUCT = SL.get('Lot_external_reference')
            SL_PRODUCT_ARTICLE = SL.get('Article_reference')
            SL_PRODUCT_CODE = SL.get('Product_code')
            SL_PRODUCT_CODE_TYPE = SL.get('Product_code_qualifier')
            SL_QTY_TOTAL = SL.get('Number_of_units_physical_stock_in_MUS')
            SL_QTY_INCOMING = SL.get('Expected_in')
            SL_QTY_AVAILABLE = SL.get('Physical_stock_available')
            SL_QTY_OUTGOING = SL.get('Expected_out')
            SL_QTY_OUTGOING_AVAILABLE = SL.get('Reserved_sufficient')
            SL_QTY_OUTGOING_FUTURE = SL.get('Reserved_insufficient')
            SL_DATE = SL.get('Date_the_stock_was_determined')
            SL_TIME = SL.get('Time_the_stock_was_determined')
            SL_DATETIME = get_datetime(SL_DATE, SL_TIME)

            sout = lout.putloop({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {'BOTSID':'inventory_line'})
            sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'product': SL_PRODUCT})
            sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'product_article_no': SL_PRODUCT_ARTICLE})
            sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'product_other': SL_PRODUCT_CODE})
            sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'product_other_type': SL_PRODUCT_CODE_TYPE})
            #sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'qty_total': SL_QTY_TOTAL}) # This may be in a different UoM from DSV, so do not include it since the other qty fields are mandatory
            sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'qty_incoming': SL_QTY_INCOMING})
            sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'qty_available': SL_QTY_AVAILABLE})
            sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'qty_outgoing': SL_QTY_OUTGOING})
            sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'qty_outgoing_available': SL_QTY_OUTGOING_AVAILABLE})
            sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'qty_outgoing_future': SL_QTY_OUTGOING_FUTURE})
            sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'datetime': SL_DATETIME})

        # == FOOTER - SR99R ==
        for FOOT in BODY.get('SR99R', []):
            rec_counts['99'] = rec_counts.setdefault('99', 0) + 1

        for FOOT in BODY.get('SR99R', []):
            FOOT_REC_TYPE = FOOT.get('RecordType')
            FOOT_REC_COUNT = FOOT.get('Total_Nbrs_of_Rec')
            assert int(rec_counts.get(FOOT_REC_TYPE, 0)) == int(FOOT_REC_COUNT), "Expected %s of record %s, got %s" % (FOOT_REC_COUNT, FOOT_REC_TYPE, rec_counts.get(FOOT_REC_TYPE, 0))

Beispiel #18
def main(inn, out):
    data = parse_dsv_xml(inn.root, SCHEMA)
    data = simplify_dsv_xml(data)

    for BODY in data['SR']:
        lout = out.putloop({'BOTSID': 'inventory'})

        rec_counts = {}

        # == HEADER - SR00R ==
        for HEAD in BODY.get('SR00R', []):
            rec_counts['00'] = rec_counts.setdefault('00', 0) + 1
            if rec_counts['00'] > 1:
                continue  # We only want one record at most
            HEAD_ID = HEAD.get('Message_Identification')
            HEAD_DATE = HEAD.get('Message_date')
            HEAD_TIME = HEAD.get('Message_time')
            HEAD_DATETIME = get_datetime(HEAD_DATE, HEAD_TIME)
            HEAD_FROM = HEAD.get('Sender_Identification')
            HEAD_TO = None

            out.ta_info['frompartner'] = HEAD_FROM
            out.ta_info['topartner'] = HEAD_TO

            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'header',
                'msg_id': HEAD_ID
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'header',
                'datetime': HEAD_DATETIME
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'header',
                'partner_name': HEAD_FROM

        # == WAREHOUSE REFERENCE - SR70R ==
        for WH in BODY.get('SR70R', []):
            rec_counts['70'] = rec_counts.setdefault('70', 0) + 1
            if rec_counts['70'] > 1:
                continue  # We only want one record at most

            for WH_ADD in WH.get('SR72R', []):
                rec_counts['72'] = rec_counts.setdefault('72', 0) + 1

            WH_ADD = WH.get('SR72R', [{}])[0]

            WH_PARTNER_ID = WH.get('Party_external_reference')
            WH_ADD_NAME = WH_ADD.get('Company_name_1')
            WH_ADD_NAME2 = WH_ADD.get('Company_name_2')
            if WH_ADD_NAME2:
                WH_ADD_NAME = WH_ADD_NAME + ", " + WH_ADD_NAME2
            WH_ADD_LINE1, WH_ADD_LINE2, WH_ADD_LINE3 = get_address(
                WH_ADD.get('House_number_extension'), WH_ADD.get('Address_1'),
                WH_ADD.get('Address_2'), WH_ADD.get('Address_3'),
            WH_ADD_ZIP = WH_ADD.get('Postal_code')
            WH_ADD_STATE = WH_ADD.get('Place_name')
            WH_ADD_COUNTRY = WH_ADD.get('Country_code')
            WH_ADD_PHONE = WH_ADD.get('Telephone_number')
            WH_ADD_FAX = WH_ADD.get('Telefax_number')
            WH_ADD_VAT = WH_ADD.get('VAT-number')

            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'id': WH_PARTNER_ID
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'name': WH_ADD_NAME
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'street1': WH_ADD_LINE1
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'street2': WH_ADD_LINE2
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'city': WH_ADD_LINE3
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'state': WH_ADD_STATE
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'country': WH_ADD_COUNTRY
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'zip': WH_ADD_ZIP
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'phone': WH_ADD_PHONE
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'fax': WH_ADD_FAX
            lout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'vat': WH_ADD_VAT

        # == STOCK LEVELS - SR8AR ==
        for SL in BODY.get('SR8AR', []):
            rec_counts['8A'] = rec_counts.setdefault('8A', 0) + 1
            SL_PRODUCT = SL.get('Lot_external_reference')
            SL_PRODUCT_ARTICLE = SL.get('Article_reference')
            SL_PRODUCT_CODE = SL.get('Product_code')
            SL_PRODUCT_CODE_TYPE = SL.get('Product_code_qualifier')
            SL_QTY_TOTAL = SL.get('Number_of_units_physical_stock_in_MUS')
            SL_QTY_INCOMING = SL.get('Expected_in')
            SL_QTY_AVAILABLE = SL.get('Physical_stock_available')
            SL_QTY_OUTGOING = SL.get('Expected_out')
            SL_QTY_OUTGOING_AVAILABLE = SL.get('Reserved_sufficient')
            SL_QTY_OUTGOING_FUTURE = SL.get('Reserved_insufficient')
            SL_DATE = SL.get('Date_the_stock_was_determined')
            SL_TIME = SL.get('Time_the_stock_was_determined')
            SL_DATETIME = get_datetime(SL_DATE, SL_TIME)

            sout = lout.putloop({'BOTSID': 'inventory'},
                                {'BOTSID': 'inventory_line'})
            sout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory_line', 'product': SL_PRODUCT})
                'BOTSID': 'inventory_line',
                'product_article_no': SL_PRODUCT_ARTICLE
                'BOTSID': 'inventory_line',
                'product_other': SL_PRODUCT_CODE
                'BOTSID': 'inventory_line',
                'product_other_type': SL_PRODUCT_CODE_TYPE
            #sout.put({'BOTSID':'inventory_line', 'qty_total': SL_QTY_TOTAL}) # This may be in a different UoM from DSV, so do not include it since the other qty fields are mandatory
                'BOTSID': 'inventory_line',
                'qty_incoming': SL_QTY_INCOMING
                'BOTSID': 'inventory_line',
                'qty_available': SL_QTY_AVAILABLE
                'BOTSID': 'inventory_line',
                'qty_outgoing': SL_QTY_OUTGOING
                'BOTSID': 'inventory_line',
                'qty_outgoing_available': SL_QTY_OUTGOING_AVAILABLE
                'BOTSID': 'inventory_line',
                'qty_outgoing_future': SL_QTY_OUTGOING_FUTURE
            sout.put({'BOTSID': 'inventory_line', 'datetime': SL_DATETIME})

        # == FOOTER - SR99R ==
        for FOOT in BODY.get('SR99R', []):
            rec_counts['99'] = rec_counts.setdefault('99', 0) + 1

        for FOOT in BODY.get('SR99R', []):
            FOOT_REC_TYPE = FOOT.get('RecordType')
            FOOT_REC_COUNT = FOOT.get('Total_Nbrs_of_Rec')
            assert int(rec_counts.get(FOOT_REC_TYPE, 0)) == int(
                FOOT_REC_COUNT), "Expected %s of record %s, got %s" % (
                    FOOT_REC_COUNT, FOOT_REC_TYPE,
                    rec_counts.get(FOOT_REC_TYPE, 0))

def main(inn, out):
    data = parse_dsv_xml(inn.root, SCHEMA)
    data = simplify_dsv_xml(data)

    for BODY in data["WOC"]:
        lout = out.putloop({"BOTSID": "orderconf"})

        rec_counts = {}

        # == HEADER - WOC00R ==
        for HEAD in BODY.get("WOC00R", []):
            rec_counts["00"] = rec_counts.setdefault("00", 0) + 1
            if rec_counts["00"] > 1:
                continue  # We only want one record at most
            HEAD_ID = HEAD.get("Principal-ID")
            HEAD_ID2 = HEAD.get("File-ID")
            HEAD_DATE = HEAD.get("Message_date")
            HEAD_TIME = HEAD.get("Message_time")
            HEAD_DATETIME = get_datetime(HEAD_DATE, HEAD_TIME)
            HEAD_FROM = HEAD.get("Principal_off_code")
            HEAD_TO = None
            HEAD_TEST = HEAD.get("Test_indicator")

            HEAD_STATE = HEAD.get("Message_type")
            HEAD_TYPE = HEAD.get("Message_type-ID")

            out.ta_info["frompartner"] = HEAD_FROM
            out.ta_info["topartner"] = HEAD_TO
            out.ta_info["testindicator"] = HEAD_TEST == "1"

            lout.put({"BOTSID": "orderconf"}, {"BOTSID": "header", "msg_id": HEAD_ID})
            lout.put({"BOTSID": "orderconf"}, {"BOTSID": "header", "msg_id2": HEAD_ID2})
            lout.put({"BOTSID": "orderconf"}, {"BOTSID": "header", "datetime": HEAD_DATETIME})
            lout.put({"BOTSID": "orderconf"}, {"BOTSID": "header", "state": HEAD_STATE})
            lout.put({"BOTSID": "orderconf"}, {"BOTSID": "header", "type": HEAD_TYPE})
            lout.put({"BOTSID": "orderconf"}, {"BOTSID": "header", "test": out.ta_info["testindicator"]})

        # == ORDER - WOC50R ==
        for ORD in BODY.get("WOC50R", []):
            rec_counts["50"] = rec_counts.setdefault("50", 0) + 1

            ORD_ID = ORD.get("Order_reference")
            ORD_NAME = ORD.get("Message_reference")
            ORD_DESC = ORD.get("Order_remarks")
            ORD_MANIFEST = ORD.get("Voyage_id")
            ORD_SHIP_DATE = get_datetime(ORD.get("Shipped_on_this_date"), "0000")
            ORD_DELIVERY_DATE = ORD.get("Delivery_date")
            ORD_DELIVERY_DATE_TYPE = {"O": "ondate", "D": "fromdate"}.get(ORD.get("Code_delivery_date", "F"))
            ORD_TYPE = {"I": "in", "O": "out", "C": "customs", "T": "skuchange", "X": "direct"}.get(
            ORD_REASON = {
                "B": "backorder",
                "C": "correction",
                "G": "refuse",
                "H": "return",
                "N": "normal",
                "S": "companytransfer",
            }.get(ORD.get("Order_category", "N"))
            ORD_SERVICE_OUT = ORD.get("Ext_forw_service")
            ORD_CARRIER_CODE = ORD.get("Carrier_code")
            ORD_CONFIRMED = ORD.get("Indicator_Order_Executed")
            ORD_INVOICE_NAME = ORD.get("Invoice_number")
            ORD_INVOICE_CURRENCY = ORD.get("Currency_of_order")
            ORD_INVOICE_PAYTERM = ORD.get("Payment_term")
            ORD_B2_TYPE = {"B": "B2B", "C": "B2C"}.get(ORD.get("Sales_Channel"))

            oout = lout.putloop({"BOTSID": "orderconf"}, {"BOTSID": "shipment"})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "id": ORD_ID})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "name": ORD_NAME})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "desc": ORD_DESC})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "manifest": ORD_MANIFEST})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "date_ship": ORD_SHIP_DATE})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "date_delivery": ORD_DELIVERY_DATE})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "date_delivery_type": ORD_DELIVERY_DATE_TYPE})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "type": ORD_TYPE})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "reason": ORD_REASON})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "service": ORD_SERVICE_OUT})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "carrier": ORD_CARRIER_CODE})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "confirmed": ORD_CONFIRMED})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "buisness_type": ORD_B2_TYPE})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment"}, {"BOTSID": "invoice", "name": ORD_INVOICE_NAME})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment"}, {"BOTSID": "invoice", "currency": ORD_INVOICE_CURRENCY})
            oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment"}, {"BOTSID": "invoice", "payment_term": ORD_INVOICE_PAYTERM})

            # == ORDER REFERENCES - WOC51R ==
            for ORDID in ORD.get("WOC51R", []):
                rec_counts["51"] = rec_counts.setdefault("51", 0) + 1

                ORDID_ID = ORDID.get("Reference_number")
                ORDID_DESC = ORDID.get("Free_form_descr")
                ORDID_TYPE = {
                    "EPF": "invoice",
                    "CON": "consignment",
                    "ABO": "orig_ref",
                    "PO": "purchase_ref",
                    "SI": "shipping_ref",
                    "SO": "sale_ref",
                ORDID_DATE = ORDID.get("Date")
                ORDID_TIME = ORDID.get("Time")
                ORDID_DATEIMTE = get_datetime(ORDID_DATE, ORDID_TIME)

                oidout = oout.putloop({"BOTSID": "shipment"}, {"BOTSID": "references"})
                oidout.put({"BOTSID": "references", "id": ORDID_ID})
                oidout.put({"BOTSID": "references", "desc": ORDID_DESC})
                oidout.put({"BOTSID": "references", "type": ORDID_TYPE})
                oidout.put({"BOTSID": "references", "datetime": ORDID_DATEIMTE})

            # == ORDER VALUES - WOC52R ==
            for ORDVAL in ORD.get("WOC52R", []):
                rec_counts["52"] = rec_counts.setdefault("52", 0) + 1

                ORDVAL_CURRENCY = ORDVAL.get("Currency_code")
                ORDID_TOTAL = ORDVAL.get("Order_total")
                ORDVAL_TYPE = {
                    "CTN": "uoms",
                    "PLT": "pallets",
                    "GRW": "gross_grammes",
                    "NTW": "net_grammes",
                    "MTQ": "gross_cbm",
                    "IN": "invoice",
                    "F01": "proforma_exvat",

                ovalout = oout.putloop({"BOTSID": "shipment"}, {"BOTSID": "values"})
                ovalout.put({"BOTSID": "values", "type": ORDVAL_TYPE})
                ovalout.put({"BOTSID": "values", "total": ORDID_TOTAL})
                ovalout.put({"BOTSID": "values", "currency": ORDVAL_CURRENCY})

            # == PAL DETAILS - WOC54R ==
            for ORDLD in ORD.get("WOC54R", []):
                rec_counts["54"] = rec_counts.setdefault("54", 0) + 1
                # FIXME: Unused but count for validation

            # == BOX DETAILS - WOC56R ==
            for ORDLD in ORD.get("WOC56R", []):
                rec_counts["56"] = rec_counts.setdefault("56", 0) + 1
                # FIXME: Unused but count for validation

            # == SERVICE DETAILS - WOC59R ==
            for ORDLD in ORD.get("WOC59R", []):
                rec_counts["59"] = rec_counts.setdefault("59", 0) + 1

                CARRIER_TYPE = {
                    "A": "Allport",
                    "B": "DPD",
                    "C": "Coca Cola",
                    "D": "Dachser",
                    "E": "Exel",
                    "F": "Dufa transport",
                    "G": "Graveleau",
                    "H": "DHL",
                    "I": "Chronopost",
                    "J": "XP France",
                    "K": "Selektvracht",
                    "L": "Distrilogistics",
                    "M": "DSV (Frans Maas)",
                    "N": "Normal",
                    "O": "DSV",
                    "P": "TPG",
                    "Q": "Mory",
                    "R": "Nunner",
                    "S": "Sernam",
                    "T": "TNT",
                    "U": "UPS",
                    "V": "van Gend & Loos",
                    "W": "MIT Transport",
                    "X": "Fedex",
                    "Y": "New Poney Express",
                    "Z": "CORPCO",
                    "1": "DSV Road",
                    "2": "CIBLEX",
                    "3": "Trans-o-Flex",
                    "4": "AZKAR",
                    "5": "NightFreight",
                    "6": "GLS",
                    "7": "Bosman",
                    "8": "XPACK",
                    "9": "Ship It Smarter",
                    "(": "GEPC Intercompany",
                    ")": "DynaLogic",
                    "-": "DB Schenker",
                SERVICE_LEVEL_CODE = ORDLD.get("Service_Level_Code")
                CONSIGNMENT_NUMBER = ORDLD.get("Consignment_number")
                SERVICE_LEVEL_DESC = ORDLD.get("Service_Level_Description")
                SERVICE_LEVEL_LABEL = ORDLD.get("Service_Level_Description_Label")
                SERVICE_LEVEL_TEXT = ORDLD.get("Service_Level_Description_Text")
                SERVICE_IND_1 = ORDLD.get("Service_Indicator_01") or ""
                SERVICE_IND_2 = ORDLD.get("Service_Indicator_02") or ""
                SERVICE_IND_3 = ORDLD.get("Service_Indicator_03") or ""
                LEAD_TRACKING_NUMBER = ORDLD.get("Lead_package_tracking_number")

                oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "service_carrier": CARRIER_TYPE})
                oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "service_level_code": SERVICE_LEVEL_CODE})
                oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "service_level_desc": SERVICE_LEVEL_DESC})
                oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "service_level_label": SERVICE_LEVEL_LABEL})
                oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "service_level_text": SERVICE_LEVEL_TEXT})
                        "BOTSID": "shipment",
                        "service_indicators": "%s,%s,%s" % (SERVICE_IND_1, SERVICE_IND_2, SERVICE_IND_3),
                oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "consignment_number": LEAD_TRACKING_NUMBER})
                oout.put({"BOTSID": "shipment", "tracking_number": LEAD_TRACKING_NUMBER})

            # == PARTNER REFERENCE - WOC70R ==
            for PART in ORD.get("WOC70R", []):
                rec_counts["70"] = rec_counts.setdefault("70", 0) + 1
                for PART_ADD in PART.get("WOC72R", []):
                    rec_counts["72"] = rec_counts.setdefault("72", 0) + 1
                PART_ADD = PART.get("WOC72R", [{}])[0]

                PART_PARTNER_ID = PART.get("Party_external_reference")
                PART_ADD_NAME = PART_ADD.get("Company_name_1")
                PART_ADD_NAME2 = PART_ADD.get("Company_name_2")
                if PART_ADD_NAME2:
                    PART_ADD_NAME = PART_ADD_NAME + ", " + PART_ADD_NAME2
                PART_ADD_LINE1, PART_ADD_LINE2, PART_ADD_LINE3 = get_address(
                PART_ADD_ZIP = PART_ADD.get("Postal_code")
                PART_ADD_STATE = PART_ADD.get("Place_name")
                PART_ADD_COUNTRY = PART_ADD.get("Country_code")
                PART_ADD_PHONE = PART_ADD.get("Telephone_number")
                PART_ADD_FAX = PART_ADD.get("Telefax_number")
                PART_ADD_VAT = PART_ADD.get("VAT-number")

                partout = oout.putloop({"BOTSID": "shipment"}, {"BOTSID": "partner"})
                partout.put({"BOTSID": "partner", "id": PART_PARTNER_ID})
                partout.put({"BOTSID": "partner", "name": PART_ADD_NAME})
                partout.put({"BOTSID": "partner", "street1": PART_ADD_LINE1})
                partout.put({"BOTSID": "partner", "street2": PART_ADD_LINE2})
                partout.put({"BOTSID": "partner", "city": PART_ADD_LINE3})
                partout.put({"BOTSID": "partner", "state": PART_ADD_STATE})
                partout.put({"BOTSID": "partner", "country": PART_ADD_COUNTRY})
                partout.put({"BOTSID": "partner", "zip": PART_ADD_ZIP})
                partout.put({"BOTSID": "partner", "phone": PART_ADD_PHONE})
                partout.put({"BOTSID": "partner", "fax": PART_ADD_VAT})
                partout.put({"BOTSID": "partner", "vat": PART_ADD_VAT})

            # == ORDER LINES - WOC80R ==
            for ORDL in ORD.get("WOC80R", []):
                rec_counts["80"] = rec_counts.setdefault("80", 0) + 1

                ORDL_DATE = HEAD.get("Date_executed")
                ORDL_TIME = HEAD.get("Time_executed")
                ORDL_PICK_DATE = HEAD.get("Picking_date")
                ORDL_PICK_TIME = HEAD.get("Picking_time")
                # take the one that is more precise with the picking time having precedence
                if ORDL_PICK_DATE and ORDL_PICK_TIME:
                    ORDL_DATETIME = get_datetime(ORDL_PICK_DATE, ORDL_PICK_TIME)
                elif ORDL_DATE and ORDL_TIME:
                    ORDL_DATETIME = get_datetime(ORDL_DATE, ORDL_TIME)
                    ORDL_DATETIME = get_datetime(ORDL_PICK_DATE, ORDL_PICK_TIME) or get_datetime(ORDL_DATE, ORDL_TIME)

                ORDL_ID = ORDL.get("Orderline_reference")
                ORDL_SEQ = ORDL.get("FL_order_line_nr")
                ORDL_TYPE = {"I": "in", "O": "out"}.get(ORDL.get("Orderline-type"))
                ORDL_PRODUCT = ORDL.get("SKU-reference")
                ORDL_QTY_UOM = ORDL.get("Quantity")
                ORDL_UOM = ORDL.get("Unit_of_Measure")
                ORDL_QTY_REAL = ORDL.get("Packages") or ORDL.get("Units_MUS")
                ORDL_QTY_EXPECTED = ORDL.get("Original_packages") or ORDL.get("Original_MUS")

                olout = oout.putloop({"BOTSID": "shipment"}, {"BOTSID": "line"})
                olout.put({"BOTSID": "line", "id": ORDL_ID})
                olout.put({"BOTSID": "line", "seq": ORDL_SEQ})
                olout.put({"BOTSID": "line", "type": ORDL_TYPE})
                olout.put({"BOTSID": "line", "datetime": ORDL_DATETIME})
                olout.put({"BOTSID": "line", "product": ORDL_PRODUCT})
                olout.put({"BOTSID": "line", "uom_qty": ORDL_QTY_UOM})
                olout.put({"BOTSID": "line", "uom": ORDL_UOM})
                olout.put({"BOTSID": "line", "qty_real": ORDL_QTY_REAL})
                olout.put({"BOTSID": "line", "qty_expected": ORDL_QTY_EXPECTED})

                # == ORDER LINE REFERENCES - WOC81R ==
                for ORDLID in ORDL.get("WOC81R", []):
                    rec_counts["81"] = rec_counts.setdefault("81", 0) + 1

                    ORDLID_ID = ORDLID.get("Reference_number")
                    ORDLID_DESC = ORDLID.get("Free_form_descr")
                    ORDLID_TYPE = {
                        "EPF": "invoice",
                        "CON": "consignment",
                        "ABO": "orig_ref",
                        "PO": "purchase_ref",
                        "SI": "shipping_ref",
                        "SO": "sale_ref",
                        "BAT": "batch_seq",
                        "PBI": "pick_batch",
                        "SO": "pick_seq",
                        "SO": "kit",

                    oidout = olout.putloop({"BOTSID": "line"}, {"BOTSID": "references"})
                    oidout.put({"BOTSID": "references", "id": ORDLID_ID})
                    oidout.put({"BOTSID": "references", "desc": ORDLID_DESC})
                    oidout.put({"BOTSID": "references", "type": ORDLID_TYPE})

                # == ORDER LINE DETAILS - WOC83R ==
                for ORDLD in ORDL.get("WOC83R", []):
                    rec_counts["83"] = rec_counts.setdefault("83", 0) + 1
                    # FIXME: Unused but count for validation

                # == ORDER LINE DETAILS - WOC85R ==
                for ORDLD in ORDL.get("WOC85R", []):
                    rec_counts["85"] = rec_counts.setdefault("85", 0) + 1
                    # FIXME: Unused but count for validation

        for FOOT in BODY.get("WOC99R", []):
            rec_counts["99"] = rec_counts.setdefault("99", 0) + 1

        for FOOT in BODY.get("WOC99R", []):
            FOOT_REC_TYPE = FOOT.get("RecordType")
            FOOT_REC_COUNT = FOOT.get("Total_Nbrs_of_Rec")
            assert int(rec_counts.get(FOOT_REC_TYPE, 0)) == int(FOOT_REC_COUNT), "Expected %s of record %s, got %s" % (
                rec_counts.get(FOOT_REC_TYPE, 0),

Beispiel #20
def main_input(message):  #工具扫描主类
    global params_sub
    start_date = util.get_datetime()  #开始时间


    tool_type = config.properties_info['TOOL_TYPE']
    stream_name = config.properties_info['STREAM_NAME']

    #load multi tool properties

    #map CodeCC API data

    #map command properties info

    #verify all properties
    # config.verify_info()

    #update the properties


    if "SUB_PATH" in config.properties_info:
        os.environ["PATH"] = config.properties_info[
            'SUB_PATH'] + os.pathsep + os.environ["PATH"]

    pid_config.add_pid(str(os.getpid()), config.properties_info["PID_FILE"])

    if 'OFFLINE' in config.properties_info:
        params_sub = {
            'stepNum': str(1),
            'startTime': str(int(time.time())),
            'endTime': '0',
            'msg': '',
            'flag': 3
        codecc_web.codecc_upload_task_log(config.params_root, params_sub)

    params_sub = {
        'stepNum': str(1),
        'startTime': '0',
        'endTime': str(int(time.time())),
        'msg': '',
        'flag': 1
    codecc_web.codecc_upload_task_log(config.params_root, params_sub)

    params_sub = {
        'stepNum': str(2),
        'startTime': str(int(time.time())),
        'endTime': '0',
        'msg': '',
        'flag': 3
    codecc_web.codecc_upload_task_log(config.params_root, params_sub)

    #download source code
    latest_info = main.download_code(config.properties_info)

    params_sub = {
        'stepNum': str(2),
        'startTime': '0',
        'endTime': str(int(time.time())),
        'msg': str(latest_info),
        'flag': 1
    codecc_web.codecc_upload_task_log(config.params_root, params_sub)

    #git项目,获取本地remote url和branch

    scan_finish_message = ""
    params_sub = {
        'stepNum': str(3),
        'startTime': str(int(time.time())),
        'endTime': '0',
        'msg': '',
        'flag': 3
    codecc_web.codecc_upload_task_log(config.params_root, params_sub)

    if tool_type == "cpplint":
        if "SUB_PATH" in config.properties_info and 'PY27_PATH' in config.properties_info:
            config.properties_info['SUB_PATH'] = config.properties_info[
                "PY27_PATH"] + os.pathsep + config.properties_info["SUB_PATH"]
    elif tool_type == "pylint" or tool_type == "eslint" or tool_type == "checkstyle" or \
        tool_type == "stylecop" or tool_type == "ccn" or tool_type == "detekt" or \
            tool_type == "sensitive" or tool_type == "phpcs" or tool_type == "occheck" or \
            tool_type == "spotbugs":
        if "SUB_PATH" in config.properties_info and 'PY35_PATH' in config.properties_info:
            config.properties_info['SUB_PATH'] = config.properties_info[
                "PY35_PATH"] + os.pathsep + config.properties_info["SUB_PATH"]
    elif tool_type == "dupc" or tool_type == "goml":
        if "SUB_PATH" in config.properties_info and 'PY35_PATH' in config.properties_info:
            config.properties_info['SUB_PATH'] = config.properties_info[
                "PY35_PATH"] + os.pathsep + config.properties_info["SUB_PATH"]
    #print(util.get_datetime()+" "+tool_type+" generate scm blame and info")

    if tool_type == "goml" and os.path.exists(
            config.properties_info['STREAM_DATA_PATH'] + '/go_build.log'):
        with open(config.properties_info['STREAM_DATA_PATH'] + '/go_build.log',
                  encoding='utf-8') as go_build_file:
            scan_finish_message =

    params_sub = {
        'stepNum': str(3),
        'startTime': '0',
        'endTime': str(int(time.time())),
        'msg': scan_finish_message,
        'flag': 1
    codecc_web.codecc_upload_task_log(config.params_root, params_sub)
    params_sub = {
        'stepNum': str(4),
        'startTime': str(int(time.time())),
        'endTime': '0',
        'msg': '',
        'flag': 3
    codecc_web.codecc_upload_task_log(config.params_root, params_sub)

    #json the scan data
    if os.path.exists(config.properties_info["STREAM_DATA_PATH"]):
        #print(util.get_datetime()+" "+tool_type+" generate json from stream data")
        if tool_type == "dupc":
        if tool_type == "ccn":
                stream_name, config.properties_info['TASK_ID'],

    params_sub = {
        'stepNum': str(4),
        'startTime': '0',
        'endTime': str(int(time.time())),
        'msg': '',
        'flag': 1
    codecc_web.codecc_upload_task_log(config.params_root, params_sub)
    if not 'IGNORE_DELETE_LOG' in config.properties_info:
        private_key = "/tmp/." + stream_name + '_' + tool_type + "_private_key"
        if os.path.exists(config.properties_info["STREAM_DATA_PATH"]):


    finish_date = util.get_datetime()
    print(tool_type + ' scan finish: ' + start_date + ' to ' + finish_date)
Beispiel #21
def get_player_info(url):
    """Fetch a player's information from bbref and return a dict of dicts containing personal and player information"""
    player_response = requests.get("" +
    player_soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(player_response.text, "html.parser")

    person = {}
    player = {}

    image_url = player_soup.find(attrs={"itemscope": "image"})
    if image_url is not None:
        player["image_url"] = image_url["src"]

    player_info = player_soup.find(
        attrs={"itemtype": ""})
    name = player_info.find("h1").get_text().split(" ")
    player_info = player_info("p")
    person["preferred_name"] = name[0]
    if len(name) < 2:
    last_name = name[1]

    raw_info = []
    for info in player_info:
        raw_info.append(info.get_text().replace("\n", " "))
    ignore = [
        "Pronunciation", "High School", "Hall of Fame", "Draft", "Experience",
        "Relatives", "Died", "Recruiting", "(born"

    for info in raw_info:
        if any(string in info for string in ignore):
        # clean up info
        info = info.replace("\xa0", " ").split(" ")
        info_arr = [x for x in info if x]

        if last_name in info_arr:
            full_name = " ".join(info_arr).split("▪")[0].split(" ")
            last_name_idx = full_name.index(last_name)
            person["last_name"] = " ".join(
                    "Jr.", "").strip()
            person["middle_name"] = " ".join(
            person["first_name"] = full_name[0]

            # players with 3 names (and James Michael McAdoo)
            special_names = [
                "Jo English", "Rod Hundley", "Carlos Navarro", "John Ramos",
                "Ray Richardson", "Michael Ray McAdoo", "Vander Velden",
                "Rod Williams"
            if person["last_name"] in special_names or
                    r"^[vV][ao]n ", person["last_name"]):
                names = person["last_name"].split(" ")
                person["middle_name"] = " ".join(names[0:-1])
                person["preferred_name"] = person["preferred_name"] + \
                    " " + names[0]
                person["last_name"] = names[-1]

        if "Position:" in info_arr:
            positions = {
                "Point": "PG",
                "Shooting": "SG",
                "Small": "SF",
                "Power": "PF",
                "Center": "C",
                "Guard": "G",
                "Forward": "F"
            player["shooting_hand"] = info_arr[-1]
            block_idx = info_arr.index("▪")
            position_string = " ".join(info_arr[1:block_idx])
            position_list = re.findall(r"[\w']+",
                                       " ".join(position_string.split("and")))
            player_positions = set()
            for pos in position_list:
            player["positions"] = list(player_positions)

        if "kg" in " ".join(info_arr):
            player["weight"] = float(info_arr[-1].split("kg")[0])
            player["height"] = float(info_arr[-2].split("cm")[0][1:])

        if "Born:" in info_arr:
            birth_date = " ".join(info_arr[1:4])
            person["dob"] = birth_date
            if len(info_arr) > 4:
                in_idx = info_arr.index("in")
                person["birth_place"] = " ".join(info_arr[in_idx + 1:-1])

        if "College:" in info_arr or "Colleges:" in info_arr:
            person["college"] = " ".join(info_arr[1:])

        if "Debut:" in info_arr:
            debut_info = " ".join(info_arr).split("&blacksquare")
            if len(debut_info) > 1:
                debut_years = [info.split(" ")[-1] for info in debut_info]
                if debut_years[0] < debut_years[1]:
                    debut_idx = 0
                    debut_idx = 1
                debut_info = debut_info[debut_idx].strip().split(" ")
                debut_date = get_datetime(debut_info[-1].split(":")[-1])
                player["aba"] = True
                debut_date = get_datetime(debut_info[-1].split(":")[-1])
                player["aba"] = False
            rookie_year = debut_date.year + 1
            if debut_date.month < 7:
                rookie_year -= 1
            player["rookie_season"] = rookie_year

    player_seasons = player_soup.find_all(attrs={
        "data-stat": "season",
        "scope": "row",
        "class": "left"
    player_seasons = [season for season in player_seasons if season("a")]
    final_season = player_seasons[-1].get_text()
    final_season = int(final_season[0:2] + final_season[-2:])
    if final_season == 1900:
        final_season = 2000
    if final_season != 2019:
        player["final_season"] = final_season

    return {"player": player, "person": person}
Beispiel #22
def test_next_datetime():
  ret = ''

  arr = ['0300', '0900', '1200', '1800']

  ret += '\n'
  ret += "['0300', '0900', '1200', '1800']\n"
  ret += '\n'
  ret += 'now\n'
  ret += str(util.next_datetime(arr)) + '\n'

  ret += '\n'
  dtstr = '2019-02-28 00:00:00.0000'
  ret += dtstr + '\n'
  ret += '(exp=03:00)\n'
  dt = util.get_datetime(dtstr)
  ret += str(util.next_datetime(arr, moment=dt)) + '\n'

  ret += '\n'
  dtstr = '2019-02-28 03:00:00.0000'
  ret += dtstr + '\n'
  ret += '(exp=02-28 03:00)\n'
  dt = util.get_datetime(dtstr)
  ret += str(util.next_datetime(arr, moment=dt)) + '\n'

  ret += '\n'
  dtstr = '2019-02-28 03:00:00.0001'
  ret += dtstr + '\n'
  ret += '(exp=02-28 09:00)\n'
  dt = util.get_datetime(dtstr)
  ret += str(util.next_datetime(arr, moment=dt)) + '\n'

  ret += '\n'
  dtstr = '2019-02-28 09:00:00.0000'
  ret += dtstr + '\n'
  ret += '(exp=02-28 09:00)\n'
  dt = util.get_datetime(dtstr)
  ret += str(util.next_datetime(arr, moment=dt)) + '\n'

  ret += '\n'
  dtstr = '2019-02-28 10:00:00.0000'
  ret += dtstr + '\n'
  ret += '(exp=02-28 12:00)\n'
  dt = util.get_datetime(dtstr)
  ret += str(util.next_datetime(arr, moment=dt)) + '\n'

  ret += '\n'
  dtstr = '2019-02-28 15:00:00.0000'
  ret += dtstr + '\n'
  ret += '(exp=02-28 18:00)\n'
  dt = util.get_datetime(dtstr)
  ret += str(util.next_datetime(arr, moment=dt)) + '\n'

  ret += '\n'
  dtstr = '2019-02-28 19:00:00.0000'
  ret += dtstr + '\n'
  ret += '(exp=03-01 03:00)\n'
  dt = util.get_datetime(dtstr)
  ret += str(util.next_datetime(arr, moment=dt)) + '\n'

  # 2019-02-28 00:00:00.0000
  ret += '\n'
  dt = 1551279600.000
  ret += str(dt) + '\n'
  ret += '(exp=02-28 03:00)\n'
  ret += str(util.next_datetime(arr, moment=dt)) + '\n'

  # 2019-02-28 00:00:00.0000
  ret += '\n'
  dt = 1551279600
  ret += str(dt) + '\n'
  ret += '(exp=02-28 03:00)\n'
  ret += str(util.next_datetime(arr, moment=dt)) + '\n'

  # 2019-02-28 10:00:00.0000
  ret += '\n'
  dt = 1551315600.000
  ret += str(dt) + '\n'
  ret += '(exp=02-28 12:00)\n'
  ret += str(util.next_datetime(arr, moment=dt)) + '\n'

  # 2019-02-28 10:00:00.0000
  ret += '\n'
  dt = 1551315600
  ret += str(dt) + '\n'
  ret += '(exp=02-28 12:00)\n'
  ret += str(util.next_datetime(arr, moment=dt)) + '\n'

  ret += '----'

  ret += '\n'
  dtstr = '2019-02-28 00:00:00.0000'
  ret += dtstr + '\n'
  ret += '(-1 exp=02-27 18:00)\n'
  dt = util.get_datetime(dtstr)
  ret += str(util.next_datetime(arr, -1, moment=dt)) + '\n'

  ret += '\n'
  dtstr = '2019-02-28 04:00:00.0000'
  ret += dtstr + '\n'
  ret += '(-1 exp=02-28 03:00)\n'
  dt = util.get_datetime(dtstr)
  ret += str(util.next_datetime(arr, -1,  moment=dt)) + '\n'

  ret += '----'

  ret += '\n'
  dtstr = '2019-02-28 00:00:00.0000'
  ret += dtstr + '\n'
  ret += '(-2 exp=02-27 12:00)\n'
  dt = util.get_datetime(dtstr)
  ret += str(util.next_datetime(arr, -2, moment=dt)) + '\n'

  ret += '\n'
  dtstr = '2019-02-28 04:00:00.0000'
  ret += dtstr + '\n'
  ret += '(-2 exp=02-27 18:00)\n'
  dt = util.get_datetime(dtstr)
  ret += str(util.next_datetime(arr, -2,  moment=dt)) + '\n'

  ret += '----'

  ret += '\n'
  dtstr = '2019-02-28 00:00:00.0000'
  ret += dtstr + '\n'
  ret += '(2 exp=02-28 09:00)\n'
  dt = util.get_datetime(dtstr)
  ret += str(util.next_datetime(arr, 2, moment=dt)) + '\n'

  ret += '\n'
  dtstr = '2019-02-28 04:00:00.0000'
  ret += dtstr + '\n'
  ret += '(2 exp=02-28 12:00)\n'
  dt = util.get_datetime(dtstr)
  ret += str(util.next_datetime(arr, 2,  moment=dt)) + '\n'

  return ret
def add_timestamp(df, dt_field, ts_field):
    df = df.dropna(subset=[dt_field])
    df[ts_field] = map(lambda dt: time.mktime(get_datetime(dt).timetuple()),
    return df
def main(inn, out):

    root = {}
    rec_counts = {}

    # == HEADER - WSO00R ==
    if True:
        ELEMENT = "WSO00R"
        SEGMENT = "00"
        rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

        HEAD_ID = inn.get({'BOTSID': 'picking'}, {
            'BOTSID': 'header',
            'message_id': None
        HEAD_DATE, HEAD_TIME = get_datetime(
            inn.get({'BOTSID': 'picking'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'header',
                'date_msg': None
        HEAD_TYPE = inn.get({'BOTSID': 'picking'}, {
            'BOTSID': 'header',
            'type': None
        assert HEAD_TYPE == 'out', "Warehouse Shipping Orders must have type 'out', not '%s'" % (
            HEAD_TYPE, )
        HEAD_TYPE = "940"  # Warehouse Shipping Order

        d = OrderedDict([
            ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
            ('Identification_Nbr', HEAD_ID or ''),
            ('Message_Date', HEAD_DATE or ''),
            ('Message_Time', HEAD_TIME or ''),
            ('Message_Type_Id', HEAD_TYPE),
        root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(d)

    pinn = inn.getloop({'BOTSID': 'picking'}, {'BOTSID': 'pickings'})
    for pick in pinn:
        ORD_ID = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings', 'id': None})
        assert ORD_ID, "Order ID must be present"
        ORD_ID = re.sub(r'[\\/_-]', r'', ORD_ID.upper())
        out.ta_info['botskey'] = ORD_ID  # Set the botskey to the last order ID
        ORD_STATE = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings', 'state': None})

        # == Cancelled Orders - WSO05R ==
        if ORD_STATE == 'delete':
            ELEMENT = "WSO05R"
            SEGMENT = "05"
            rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

            d = OrderedDict([
                ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                ('Order_reference', ORD_ID),
            root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(d)

        # == New Orders - WSO10R ==
        elif ORD_STATE == 'new':
            ELEMENT = "WSO10R"
            SEGMENT = "10"
            rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

            INCOTERM = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings', 'incoterm': None})
            ORD_PRIO = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings', 'prio': None})
            ORD_REMARK = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings', 'desc': None})
            ORD_DELIVERY_DATE, dummy = get_datetime(
                    'BOTSID': 'pickings',
                    'date': None
                }) + ' 00:00:00.00000')

            ord_root = OrderedDict([
                ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                ('Order_Type', 'O'),  # Outgoing
                ('Indicator_Transport', 'Y'),
                ('Order_Reference', ORD_ID),
                ('Indicator_Labelling', 'Y'),
                ('Indicator_contact_cl', 'Y'),
                ('Terms_of_Delivery', INCOTERM),
                ('COD_amount', '0.0'),
                ('Currency_COD-amount', ''),
                ('Order_Category', 'N'),  # N = New
                ('Order_priority', ORD_PRIO),
                ('Delivery_date', ORD_DELIVERY_DATE),
                    'Remark', ORD_REMARK
                ),  # FIXME: We add this last to validate against DSV's example messages, it should come just before priority
            root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(ord_root)

            # == Order Remarks - WSO20R ==
            if ORD_REMARK:
                ELEMENT = "WSO20R"
                SEGMENT = "20"
                rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

                d = OrderedDict([
                    ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                    ('Order_Remark', ORD_REMARK),
                    ('Order_Remark_Qual', 'D'),  # Delivery Instructions
                ord_root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(d)

            # == Order Party - WSO30R ==
            ELEMENT = "WSO30R"
            SEGMENT = "30"
            rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

            PART_ID = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'id': None
            CLIENT_REF = pick.get({
                'BOTSID': 'pickings',
                'client_order_ref': None
            PART_EMAIL = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'email': None

            party_root = OrderedDict([
                ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                 'CN'),  # Consignee - Party receiving goods
                ('Party_External_Ref', PART_ID),
                ('Client_Ref_to_Order', CLIENT_REF),
            ord_root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(party_root)

            # == Order Party Email - WSO31R ==
            if PART_EMAIL:
                ELEMENT = "WSO31R"
                SEGMENT = "31"
                rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

                d = OrderedDict([
                    ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                    ('Communication_Number_Qualifier', 'EA'),  # Email
                    ('Communication_Number', PART_EMAIL),
                    ('Recipient_type', 0),  # 0=To, 1=CC, 2=BCC
                party_root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(d)

            # == Order Party Address - WSO32R ==
            ELEMENT = "WSO32R"
            SEGMENT = "32"
            rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

            PART_NAME = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'name': None
            }) or ''
            PART_STREET1 = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'street1': None
            }) or ''
            PART_STREET2 = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'street2': None
            }) or ''
            PART_CITY = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'city': None
            }) or ''
            PART_ZIP = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'zip': None
            }) or ''
            PART_COUNTRY = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'country': None
            }) or ''
            PART_STATE = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'state': None
            }) or ''
            PART_PHONE = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'phone': None
            }) or ''
            PART_FAX = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'fax': None
            }) or ''
            PART_LANG = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'language': None
            }) or ''
            PART_VAT = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {
                'BOTSID': 'partner',
                'vat': None
            }) or ''

            # Spill the first address line over to the second if too long, else truncate
            if len(PART_STREET1) > 35 and not PART_STREET2:
                space = PART_STREET1.rfind(' ', 0, 35)
                if space:
                    OLD_STREET1 = PART_STREET1
                    PART_STREET1 = OLD_STREET1[:space]
                    PART_STREET2 = OLD_STREET1[space + 1:]
            PART_STREET1 = PART_STREET1[:35]
            PART_STREET2 = PART_STREET2[:35]

            d = OrderedDict([
                ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                ('Company_Name_1', PART_NAME[:35]),
                ('Address_3', PART_STREET2),
                ('Postal_Code', PART_ZIP),
                ('Place_Name', PART_CITY[:35]),
                ('Country_Code', PART_COUNTRY),
                ('Language_code', get_dsv_lang(PART_LANG)),
                ('Telephone_Number', PART_PHONE),
                ('Telefax_Number', PART_FAX),
                ('VAT-number', PART_VAT),
                ('Address_2', PART_STREET1),
                ('Address_4', PART_STATE),
            party_root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(d)

            plines = pick.getloop({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'line'})
            for pline in plines:
                # == Order Line - WSO40R ==
                ELEMENT = "WSO40R"
                SEGMENT = "40"
                rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

                LINE_ID = pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'id': None})
                LINE_SEQ = "%03d" % (int(
                        'BOTSID': 'line',
                        'seq': None
                    })), )
                LINE_PRODUCT = pline.get({
                    'BOTSID': 'line',
                    'product': None
                LINE_TYPE = '*FIRST'
                LINE_QTY = pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'product_qty': None})
                LINE_DESC = pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'desc': None})
                LINE_VOLUME_NET = pline.get({
                    'BOTSID': 'line',
                    'volume_net': None
                LINE_WEIGHT = pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'weight': None})
                LINE_WEIGHT_NET = pline.get({
                    'BOTSID': 'line',
                    'weight_net': None
                LINE_PRICE_UNIT = pline.get({
                    'BOTSID': 'line',
                    'price_unit_ex_vat': None
                }) or 0.0
                LINE_CURRENCY = pline.get({
                    'BOTSID': 'line',
                    'price_currency': None

                line_root = OrderedDict([
                    ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                    ('Orderline_ID', LINE_SEQ),
                    ('SKU_Reference', LINE_PRODUCT),
                    ('Type_of_package', LINE_TYPE),
                    ('Number_of_packages', LINE_QTY),
                    ('Number_of_units_measure_unit_specifier', LINE_QTY),
                     1),  # FIXME: We only support units UoM currently
                    ('Orderline_remarks', LINE_DESC),
                ord_root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(line_root)

                # == Order Line Invoice - WSO41R ==
                ELEMENT = "WSO41R"
                SEGMENT = "41"
                rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

                assert (
                    ord_root.get('Currency_COD-amount', LINE_CURRENCY)
                    or LINE_CURRENCY
                ) == LINE_CURRENCY, 'Multiple currencies per order is not supported'
                ord_root.update({'Currency_COD-amount': LINE_CURRENCY})

                    LINE_PRICE_UNIT = "%.2f" % (round(float(LINE_PRICE_UNIT),
                                                      2), )
                except ValueError:
                    LINE_PRICE_UNIT = ""

                d = OrderedDict([
                    ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                    ('Goods_invoice_amount', LINE_PRICE_UNIT),
                    ('Goods_inv_amoun_Qual', 'U'),  # Unit price
                line_root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(d)

        # Catch all
            raise NotImplementedError('Unable to handle order with state %s' %
                                      (ORD_STATE, ))

    # == FOOTER - WSO99R ==
    rec_counts['99'] = len(rec_counts.keys())
    for FOOT_REC_TYPE, FOOT_REC_COUNT in rec_counts.iteritems():
        ELEMENT = "WSO99R"
        SEGMENT = "99"

        d = OrderedDict([
            ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
            ('RecordType', FOOT_REC_TYPE),
            ('Total_Nbrs_of_Rec', FOOT_REC_COUNT),
        root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(d)

    root = OrderedDict(sorted(root.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
    document = OrderedDict([('WSO', root)])
    data = serialize_dsv_xml(document, SCHEMA)

    out.root = data
def main(inn,out):

    root = {}
    rec_counts = {}

    # == HEADER - WEO00R ==
    if True:
        ELEMENT = "WEO00R"
        SEGMENT = "00"
        rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

        HEAD_ID = inn.get({'BOTSID': 'picking'}, {'BOTSID': 'header', 'message_id': None})
        HEAD_DATE, HEAD_TIME = get_datetime(inn.get({'BOTSID': 'picking'}, {'BOTSID': 'header', 'date_msg': None}))
        HEAD_TYPE = inn.get({'BOTSID': 'picking'}, {'BOTSID': 'header', 'type': None})
        assert HEAD_TYPE == 'in', "Warehouse Entry Orders must have type 'in', not '%s'" % (HEAD_TYPE,)
        HEAD_TYPE = "943" # Warehouse Entry Order

        d = OrderedDict([
                ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                ('Identification_Nbr', HEAD_ID or ''),
                ('Message_Date', HEAD_DATE or ''),
                ('Message_Time', HEAD_TIME or ''),
                ('Message_Type_Id', HEAD_TYPE),
        root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(d)

    pinn = inn.getloop({'BOTSID': 'picking'}, {'BOTSID': 'pickings'})
    for pick in pinn:
        ORD_ID = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings', 'id': None})
        assert ORD_ID, "Order ID must be present"
        ORD_ID = re.sub(r'[\\/_-]', r'', ORD_ID.upper())
        ORD_STATE = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings', 'state': None})

        # == Cancelled Orders - WEO05R ==
        if ORD_STATE == 'delete':
            ELEMENT = "WEO05R"
            SEGMENT = "05"
            rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

            d = OrderedDict([
                ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                ('Order_Reference', ORD_ID),
            root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(d)

        # == New Orders - WEO10R ==
        elif ORD_STATE == 'new':
            ELEMENT = "WEO10R"
            SEGMENT = "10"
            rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

            ORD_REMARK = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings', 'desc': None})
            ORD_DELIVERY_DATE, dummy = get_datetime(pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings', 'date': None}) + ' 00:00:00.00000')

            ord_root = OrderedDict([
                ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                ('Order_Type', 'I'), # Incoming
                ('Indicator_Transport', 'N'),
                ('Order_Reference', ORD_ID),
                ('Indicator_Labelling', 'N'),
                ('Indicator_contact_cl', 'N'),
                ('Order_Category', 'N'), # N = New
                ('Date_expected', ORD_DELIVERY_DATE),
                ('Remark', ORD_REMARK),
            root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(ord_root)

            # == Order Remarks - WEO20R ==
            if ORD_REMARK:
                ELEMENT = "WEO20R"
                SEGMENT = "20"
                rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

                d = OrderedDict([
                    ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                    ('Order_Remark', ORD_REMARK),
                    ('Order_Remark_Qual', 'G'), # General note (not for box label)
                ord_root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(d)

            # == Order Party - WEO30R ==
            ELEMENT = "WEO30R"
            SEGMENT = "30"
            rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

            PART_ID = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'id': None})
            PART_EMAIL = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'email': None})

            party_root = OrderedDict([
                ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                ('Order_Party_Qual', 'CO'), # Consignor - Party sending goods
                ('Party_External_Ref', PART_ID),
            ord_root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(party_root)

            # == Order Party Address - WEO32R ==
            ELEMENT = "WEO32R"
            SEGMENT = "32"
            rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

            PART_NAME = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'name': None}) or ''
            PART_STREET1 = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'street1': None}) or ''
            PART_STREET2 = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'street2': None}) or ''
            PART_CITY = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'city': None}) or ''
            PART_ZIP = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'zip': None}) or ''
            PART_COUNTRY = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'country': None}) or ''
            PART_STATE = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'state': None}) or ''
            PART_PHONE = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'phone': None}) or ''
            PART_FAX = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'fax': None}) or ''
            PART_LANG = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'language': None}) or ''
            PART_VAT = pick.get({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'partner', 'vat': None}) or ''

            # Spill the first address line over to the second if too long, else truncate
            if len(PART_STREET1) > 35 and not PART_STREET2:
                space = PART_STREET1.rfind(' ', 0, 35)
                if space:
                    OLD_STREET1 = PART_STREET1
                    PART_STREET1 = OLD_STREET1[:space]
                    PART_STREET2 = OLD_STREET1[space+1:]
            PART_STREET1 = PART_STREET1[:35]
            PART_STREET2 = PART_STREET2[:35]

            d = OrderedDict([
                ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                ('Company_Name_1', PART_NAME[:35]),
                ('Address_3', PART_STREET2),
                ('Postal_Code', PART_ZIP),
                ('Place_Name', PART_CITY[:35]),
                ('Country_Code', PART_COUNTRY),
                ('Language_code', get_dsv_lang(PART_LANG)),
                ('Telephone_Number', PART_PHONE),
                ('Telefax_Number', PART_FAX),
                ('VAT-number', PART_VAT),
                ('Address_2', PART_STREET1),
                ('Address_4', PART_STATE),
            party_root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(d)

            plines = pick.getloop({'BOTSID': 'pickings'}, {'BOTSID': 'line'})
            for pline in plines:
                # == Order Line - WEO40R ==
                ELEMENT = "WEO40R"
                SEGMENT = "40"
                rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

                LINE_ID = pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'id': None})
                LINE_SEQ = "%03d" % (int(pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'seq': None})),)
                LINE_PRODUCT = pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'product': None}).upper()
                LINE_TYPE = '*FIRST'
                LINE_QTY = pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'product_qty': None})
                LINE_DESC = pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'desc': None})
                LINE_VOLUME_NET = pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'volume_net': None})
                LINE_WEIGHT = pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'weight': None})
                LINE_WEIGHT_NET = pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'weight_net': None})
                LINE_PRICE_UNIT = pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'price_unit': None})
                LINE_CURRENCY = pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'price_currency': None})
                LINE_CUSTOMS_FROM = pline.get({'BOTSID': 'line', 'customs_free_from': None})
                LINE_CUSTOMS_FROM = (LINE_CUSTOMS_FROM in ("1", "True", None) and 'FR') or 'T1'

                line_root = OrderedDict([
                    ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                    ('Orderline_ID', LINE_SEQ),
                    ('SKU_Reference', LINE_PRODUCT),
                    ('Customs_Status_from', LINE_CUSTOMS_FROM),
                    ('Currency_customs_val', LINE_CURRENCY),
                    ('Type_of_package', LINE_TYPE),
                    ('Measure_unit_specifier', 'PCE'), # FIXME: We only support units UoM currently
                    ('Number_of_packages', LINE_QTY),
                    ('Number_of_units_measure_unit_specifier', LINE_QTY),
                    ('Number_of_units_measure_unit_specifier_per_type_of_package', 1), # FIXME: We only support units UoM currently
                    ('Orderline_remarks', LINE_DESC),
                    ('Net_volume_per_unit_measure_unit_specifier', LINE_VOLUME_NET),
                ord_root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(line_root)

                # == Order Line Customs Value - WEO48R ==
                ELEMENT = "WEO48R"
                SEGMENT = "48"
                rec_counts[SEGMENT] = rec_counts.setdefault(SEGMENT, 0) + 1

                d = OrderedDict([
                    ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                    ('Customs_value_qual', '001'), # Goods value
                    ('Customs_value', "%015.02f" % (float(LINE_PRICE_UNIT) * float(LINE_QTY)),),
                    ('Positive-sign', 'Y'),
                line_root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(d)

        # Catch all
            raise NotImplementedError('Unable to handle order with state %s' % (ORD_STATE,))

    # == FOOTER - WEO99R ==
    rec_counts['99'] = len(rec_counts.keys())
    for FOOT_REC_TYPE, FOOT_REC_COUNT in rec_counts.iteritems():
        ELEMENT = "WEO99R"
        SEGMENT = "99"

        d = OrderedDict([
                ('Segment_Number', SEGMENT),
                ('RecordType', FOOT_REC_TYPE),
                ('Total_Nbrs_of_Rec', FOOT_REC_COUNT),
        root.setdefault(ELEMENT, []).append(d)

    root = OrderedDict(sorted(root.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
    document = OrderedDict([('WEO', root)])
    data = serialize_dsv_xml(document, SCHEMA)

    out.root = data
def insert_user(user_data_orig):
    user_data = dict(user_data_orig)
    user_data['password'] = util.get_hashed_password(user_data['password'])
    user_data.update({'reg_date': util.get_datetime()})
Beispiel #27
        elif len(sys.argv) > 3:
            for i in range(len(sys.argv) - 2):  #判断命令格式是否正确
                if not "=" in sys.argv[i + 2] or not "-D" in sys.argv[
                        i + 2]:  #如果没有=或者-D,
                    print("Usage python %s [stream_name] -Dxxx=xxx" %
                          sys.argv[0])  #sys.argv[0]:""
            for i in range(len(sys.argv) - 2):
                tmp = sys.argv[i + 2].split("=", 1)  #以=为分隔符,分隔一次成两个
                if tmp[0].__eq__("-DSCM_TYPE") and tmp[1].__eq__(
                        "code_tfs_git"):  #将参数-DSCM为"code_tfs_git":
                    offline_properties_info[tmp[0].replace("-D", "")] = "git"
                        "-D", "")] = tmp[1].replace("\n", "")

            print(util.get_datetime() +
                  " Usage python %s [stream_name]_[cpplint&astyle&pylint] " %
    except Exception as e:
        params_sub['startTime'] = '0'
        params_sub['endTime'] = str(int(time.time()) / 1000)
        params_sub['flag'] = 2
        params_sub['msg'] = 'Exception Error: ' + str(e)
        codecc_web.codecc_upload_task_log(config.params_root, params_sub)