Beispiel #1
def test_gt_mem_f():
    lib = load_bundle(
        .funcsig sig = (double uptr<double>) -> (int<64>)
        .funcdef test_gt_mem_f <sig>
            entry(<double> x <uptr<double>> ptr):
                y = LOAD PTR <double> ptr
                cond = FOGT <double> x y
                BRANCH2 cond ret1() ret0()
                RET <int<64>> 1
                RET <int<64>> 0
        """, "test_gt_mem_f")

    zero = ctypes.c_double(0)
    ptr = ctypes.addressof(zero)
    cmp_gt_zero = get_function(lib.test_gt_mem_f,
                               [ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_voidp],
    assert (cmp_gt_zero(ctypes.c_double(1), ptr) == 1)
    assert (cmp_gt_zero(ctypes.c_double(0), ptr) == 0)
    assert (cmp_gt_zero(ctypes.c_double(-1), ptr) == 0)
Beispiel #2
def test_gt_mem_r():
    lib = load_bundle(
        .funcsig sig = (int<64> uptr<int<64>>) -> (int<64>)
        .funcdef test_gt_mem_r <sig>
            entry(<int<64>> x <uptr<int<64>>> ptr):
                y = LOAD PTR <int<64>> ptr
                cond = SGT <int<64>> x y
                BRANCH2 cond ret1() ret0()
                RET <int<64>> 1
                RET <int<64>> 0
        """, "test_gt_mem_r")

    zero = ctypes.c_int64(0)
    ptr = ctypes.addressof(zero)
    cmp_gt_zero = get_function(lib.test_gt_mem_r,
                               [ctypes.c_int64, ctypes.c_int64],
    assert (cmp_gt_zero(ctypes.c_int64(1), ptr) == 1)
    assert (cmp_gt_zero(ctypes.c_int64(0), ptr) == 0)
    assert (cmp_gt_zero(ctypes.c_int64(-1), ptr) == 0)
Beispiel #3
def test_gt_r_mem():
    lib = load_bundle(
        .funcsig sig = (uptr<int<64>> int<64>) -> (int<64>)
        .funcdef test_gt_r_mem <sig>
            entry(<uptr<int<64>>> ptr <int<64>> y):
                x = LOAD PTR <int<64>> ptr
                cond = SGT <int<64>> x y
                BRANCH2 cond ret1() ret0()
                RET <int<64>> 1
                RET <int<64>> 0
        """, "test_gt_r_mem")

    zero = ctypes.c_int64(0)
    ptr = ctypes.addressof(zero)
    cmp_gt_zero = get_function(lib.test_gt_r_mem,
                               [ctypes.c_int64, ctypes.c_int64],
    assert (cmp_gt_zero(ptr, ctypes.c_int64(1)) == 0)
    assert (cmp_gt_zero(ptr, ctypes.c_int64(0)) == 0)
    assert (cmp_gt_zero(ptr, ctypes.c_int64(-1)) == 1)
Beispiel #4
def test_gt_f_mem():
    lib = load_bundle(
        .funcsig sig = (uptr<double> double) -> (int<64>)
        .funcdef test_gt_f_mem <sig>
            entry(<uptr<double>> ptr <double> y):
                x = LOAD PTR <double> ptr
                cond = FOGT <double> x y
                BRANCH2 cond ret1() ret0()
                RET <int<64>> 1
                RET <int<64>> 0
        """, "test_gt_f_mem")

    zero = ctypes.c_double(0)
    ptr = ctypes.addressof(zero)
    cmp_gt_zero = get_function(lib.test_gt_f_mem,
                               [ctypes.c_voidp, ctypes.c_double],
    assert (cmp_gt_zero(ptr, ctypes.c_double(1)) == 0)
    assert (cmp_gt_zero(ptr, ctypes.c_double(0)) == 0)
    assert (cmp_gt_zero(ptr, ctypes.c_double(-1)) == 1)
Beispiel #5
def test_nest_loop():
    lib = load_bundle(
        .funcdef nest_loop<(int<64>) -> (int<64>)>
            entry(<int<64>> n):
                BRANCH outer_header(n <int<64>> 0 <int<64>> 0)
            outer_header(<int<64>> n <int<64>> i <int<64>> sum):
                outer_cond = SLT <int<64>> i n
                BRANCH2 outer_cond outer_body(n i sum) exit(sum)
            outer_body(<int<64>> n <int<64>> i <int<64>> sum):
                BRANCH inner_header(n i <int<64>> 0 sum)
            outer_step(<int<64>> n <int<64>> i <int<64>> sum):
                i2 = ADD <int<64>> i <int<64>> 1
                BRANCH outer_header(n i2 sum)
            inner_header(<int<64>> n <int<64>> i <int<64>> j <int<64>> sum):
                inner_cond = SLT <int<64>> j i
                BRANCH2 inner_cond inner_body(n i j sum) outer_step(n i sum)
            inner_body(<int<64>> n <int<64>> i <int<64>> j <int<64>> sum):
                sum2 = ADD <int<64>> sum j
                j2 = ADD <int<64>> j <int<64>> 1
                BRANCH inner_header(n i j2 sum2)
            exit(<int<64>> sum):
                RET sum
        """, "nest_loop")

    nest_loop = get_function(lib.nest_loop, [ctypes.c_int64], ctypes.c_int64)
    assert (nest_loop(100) == 161700)
Beispiel #6
def test_from_ref_imm():
    lib = load_bundle("""
     .funcdef tr64_from_tag <(int<6>)->(tagref64)>
        entry(<int<6>> tag):
            res = COMMINST uvm.tr64.from_ref(<ref<void>>NULL tag)
            RET res
    }""", "tr64_from_tag"); # type: ctypes.CDLL
    tr64_from_tag = get_function(lib.tr64_from_tag, [ctypes.c_uint8], ctypes.c_uint64);
    assert(tr64_from_tag(0x00) == 0x7ff0000000000002);
    assert(tr64_from_tag(0x3f) == 0x7fff800000000006);
Beispiel #7
def test_to_ref():
    lib = load_bundle("""
         .funcdef tr64_to_ref <(tagref64)->(ref<void>)>
            entry(<tagref64> tr):
                res = COMMINST uvm.tr64.to_ref(tr)
                RET res
    """, "tr64_to_ref"); # type: ctypes.CDLL
    tr64_to_ref = get_function(lib.tr64_to_ref, [ctypes.c_uint64], ctypes.c_void_p);
    assert(tr64_to_ref(0x7ff0555555555552) == 0x555555555550);
    assert(tr64_to_ref(0xfff02aaaaaaaaaaa) == 0xffffaaaaaaaaaaa8);
Beispiel #8
def test_is_ref():
    lib = load_bundle("""
         .funcdef tr64_is_ref <(tagref64)->(int<1>)>
            entry(<tagref64> tr):
                res = COMMINST uvm.tr64.is_ref (tr)
                RET res
    """, "tr64_is_ref"); # type: ctypes.CDLL
    tr64_is_ref = get_function(lib.tr64_is_ref, [ctypes.c_uint64], ctypes.c_bool);
Beispiel #9
def test_div2():
    lib = load_bundle(
        .funcdef div2<(int<64>) -> (int<64>)>
            entry(<int<64>> x):
                res = UDIV <int<64>> x <int<64>> 2
                RET res
        """, "div2")

    div2 = get_function(lib.div2, [ctypes.c_uint64], ctypes.c_uint64)
    assert (div2(6) == 3)
Beispiel #10
def test_div():
    lib = load_bundle(
        .funcdef div<(int<64> int<64>) -> (int<64>)>
            entry(<int<64>> x <int<64>> y):
                res = UDIV <int<64>> x y
                RET res
        """, "div")

    div = get_function(lib.div, [ctypes.c_uint64], ctypes.c_uint64)
    assert (div(6, 2) == 3)
Beispiel #11
def test_from_int():
    lib = load_bundle("""
         .funcdef tr64_from_int <(int<52>)->(tagref64)>
            entry(<int<52>> val):
                res = COMMINST uvm.tr64.from_int(val)
                RET res
    """, "tr64_from_int"); # type: ctypes.CDLL
    tr64_from_int = get_function(lib.tr64_from_int, [ctypes.c_uint64], ctypes.c_uint64);
    assert(tr64_from_int(0x0000000000000) == 0x7ff0000000000001);
    assert(tr64_from_int(0xfffffffffffff) == 0xffffffffffffffff);
    assert(tr64_from_int(0x5555555555555) == 0x7ffaaaaaaaaaaaab);
    assert(tr64_from_int(0xaaaaaaaaaaaaa) == 0xfff5555555555555);
Beispiel #12
def test_from_ref():
    lib = load_bundle("""
         .funcdef tr64_from_ref <(ref<void> int<6>)->(tagref64)>
            entry(<ref<void>>%ref <int<6>> tag):
                res = COMMINST uvm.tr64.from_ref(%ref tag)
                RET res
    """, "tr64_from_ref"); # type: ctypes.CDLL
    tr64_from_ref = get_function(lib.tr64_from_ref, [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint8], ctypes.c_uint64);
    assert(tr64_from_ref(0x000000000000, 0x00) == 0x7ff0000000000002);
    assert(tr64_from_ref(0x7ffffffffff8, 0x00) == 0x7ff07ffffffffffa);
    assert(tr64_from_ref(0xfffffffffffffff8, 0x00) == 0xfff07ffffffffffa);
    assert(tr64_from_ref(0x000000000000, 0x3f) == 0x7fff800000000006);
Beispiel #13
def test_sdiv2():
    lib = load_bundle(
        .funcdef sdiv2<(int<64>) -> (int<64>)>
            entry(<int<64>> x):
                res = SDIV <int<64>> x <int<64>> 2
                RET res
        """, "sdiv2")

    sdiv2 = get_function(lib.sdiv2, [ctypes.c_int64], ctypes.c_int64)
    assert (sdiv2(ctypes.c_int64(6)) == 3)
    assert (sdiv2(ctypes.c_int64(-6)) == -3)
Beispiel #14
def test_mul2():
    lib = load_bundle(
        .funcdef mul2<(int<64>) -> (int<64>)>
            entry(<int<64>> x):
                res = MUL <int<64>> x <int<64>> 2
                RET res
        """, "mul2")

    mul2 = get_function(lib.mul2, [ctypes.c_int64], ctypes.c_int64)
    assert (mul2(3) == 6)
    assert (mul2(-3) == -6)
Beispiel #15
def test_to_tag():
    lib = load_bundle("""
         .funcdef tr64_to_tag <(tagref64)->(int<6>)>
            entry(<tagref64> tr):
                res = COMMINST uvm.tr64.to_tag(tr)
                RET res
    """, "tr64_to_tag"); # type: ctypes.CDLL
    tr64_to_tag = get_function(lib.tr64_to_tag, [ctypes.c_uint64], ctypes.c_uint8);
    assert(tr64_to_tag(0x7ff0555555555552) == 0);
    assert(tr64_to_tag(0x7fff800000000006) == 0x3f);
    assert(tr64_to_tag(0x7ffa800000000002) == 0x2a);
    assert(tr64_to_tag(0x7ff5000000000006) == 0x15);
Beispiel #16
def test_add():
    lib = load_bundle(
         .funcdef test_add <(int<64> int<64>)->(int<64>)>
            entry(<int<64>>a <int<64>>b):
                res = ADD <int<64>> a b
                RET res
        """, "test_add")
    test_add = get_function(lib.test_add, [ctypes.c_int64, ctypes.c_int64],
    assert (test_add(1, 2) == 3)
    assert (test_add(-40, 60) == 20)
Beispiel #17
def test_to_fp():
    lib = load_bundle("""
         .funcdef tr64_to_fp <(tagref64)->(double)>
            entry(<tagref64> tr):
                res = COMMINST uvm.tr64.to_fp(tr)
                RET res
    """, "tr64_to_fp"); # type: ctypes.CDLL
    tr64_to_fp = get_function(lib.tr64_to_fp, [ctypes.c_uint64], ctypes.c_double);
    assert(tr64_to_fp(0x0000000000000000) == 0.0);
    assert(tr64_to_fp(0x8000000000000000) == -0.0);
    assert(tr64_to_fp(0x3ff0000000000000) == 1.0);
Beispiel #18
def test_to_int():
    lib = load_bundle("""
         .funcdef tr64_to_int <(tagref64)->(int<52>)>
            entry(<tagref64> tr):
                res = COMMINST uvm.tr64.to_int(tr)
                RET res
    """, "tr64_to_int"); # type: ctypes.CDLL
    tr64_to_int = get_function(lib.tr64_to_int, [ctypes.c_uint64], ctypes.c_uint64);
    assert(tr64_to_int(0x7ff0000000000001) == 0);
    assert(tr64_to_int(0xfff0000000000001) == 0x8000000000000);
    assert(tr64_to_int(0xfff5555555555555) == 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaa);
    assert(tr64_to_int(0x7ffaaaaaaaaaaaab) == 0x5555555555555);
Beispiel #19
def test_from_fp():
    lib = load_bundle("""
         .funcdef tr64_from_fp <(double)->(tagref64)>
            entry(<double> val):
                res = COMMINST uvm.tr64.from_fp(val)
                RET res
    """, "tr64_from_fp"); # type: ctypes.CDLL
    tr64_from_fp = get_function(lib.tr64_from_fp, [ctypes.c_double], ctypes.c_uint64);
    assert(tr64_from_fp(3.14) == transmute_float_to_int(3.14));
    assert(tr64_from_fp(-3.14) == transmute_float_to_int(-3.14));
    assert(tr64_from_fp(float("inf")) == 0x7ff0000000000000);
    assert(tr64_from_fp(transmute_int_to_float(0x7ff123456789abcd)) == 0x7ff0000000000008);
Beispiel #20
def test_is_fp():
    lib = load_bundle("""
         .funcdef tr64_is_fp <(tagref64)->(int<1>)>
            entry(<tagref64> tr):
                res = COMMINST uvm.tr64.is_fp(tr)
                RET res
    """, "tr64_is_fp"); # type: ctypes.CDLL
    tr64_is_fp = get_function(lib.tr64_is_fp, [ctypes.c_uint64], ctypes.c_bool);
Beispiel #21
def test_sdiv():
    lib = load_bundle(
        .funcdef sdiv<(int<64> int<64>) -> (int<64>)>
            entry(<int<64>> x <int<64>> y):
                res = SDIV <int<64>> x y
                RET res
        """, "sdiv")

    sdiv = get_function(lib.sdiv, [ctypes.c_int64], ctypes.c_int64)
    assert (sdiv(ctypes.c_int64(6), ctypes.c_int64(2)) == 3)
    assert (sdiv(ctypes.c_int64(-6), ctypes.c_int64(2)) == -3)
    assert (sdiv(ctypes.c_int64(6), ctypes.c_int64(-2)) == -3)
    assert (sdiv(ctypes.c_int64(-6), ctypes.c_int64(-2)) == 3)
Beispiel #22
def test_mul():
    lib = load_bundle(
        .funcdef mul<(int<64> int<64>) -> (int<64>)>
            entry(<int<64>> x <int<64>> y):
                res = MUL <int<64>> x y
                RET res
        """, "mul")

    mul = get_function(lib.mul, [ctypes.c_int64, ctypes.c_int64],
    assert (mul(3, 2) == 6)
    assert (mul(-3, 2) == -6)
    assert (mul(-3, -2) == 6)
Beispiel #23
def run_testcase(testcase, args):
    testcase = path(testcase).name
    config = ConfigParser()['default.cfg', 'main.cfg', args.config])
    # overwrite config if provided in command line
    update_config(config, 'score', args.score)
    update_config(config, 'solve', args.solve)

    sc_fn = get_function('score', config)  # get the scorer function
    run_folder = setup_run_folder(sys.argv,
                                  config)  # where to save run information
    tear_down_streams = setup_stdstreams(
        run_folder)  # get the teardown function

    log.debug(f'Running testcase {testcase}')

    with open('in/' + testcase + '.in') as f:
        inp =
    solve_args = {}
    for kv in args.solve_args.split(','):
        if '=' in kv:
            k, v = kv.split('=')
            solve_args[k] = v
    solve_args['log'] = log
    solve_args['testcase'] = testcase
    solve_args['folder'] = run_folder

    get_ans = get_ans_fn(config, inp)  # get the solver function

    def run(solve_args):
        solve_args_orig = dict(solve_args)
        ans = get_ans(solve_args)  # run the solver function and get the answer
        process(inp, ans, solve_args_orig,
                sc_fn)  # add to best submission or not

    rounds = 1 if args.seed else args.iterations
    for i in range(rounds):
        seed = args.seed if args.seed else ri(0, 10**6 - 1)
        log.debug('seed:  {:<6}, test#: {}'.format(seed, i))
        sa = dict(solve_args)
        sa['iter'] = i
        sa['seed'] = seed

Beispiel #24
def run_testcase(testcase, args):
    testcase = path(testcase).name
    config = ConfigParser()['default.cfg', 'main.cfg', args.config])

    update_config(config, 'score', args.score)
    update_config(config, 'solve', args.solve)

    sc_fn = get_function('score', config)
    run_folder = setup_run_folder(sys.argv, config, testcase)
    tear_down_streams = setup_stdstreams(run_folder)

    log.debug('Running testcase {}'.format(testcase))

    with open('in/' + testcase + '.in') as f:
        inp =
    solve_args = {}
    for kv in args.solve_args.split(','):
        if '=' in kv:
            k, v = kv.split('=')
            solve_args[k] = v
    solve_args['log'] = log
    solve_args['testcase'] = testcase
    solve_args['folder'] = run_folder
    orig_module_name = config.get('solve', 'module')
    solve_args['module_name'] = sanitize_module_name(orig_module_name)

    get_ans = get_ans_fn(config, inp)

    def run(solve_args):
        solve_args_orig = dict(solve_args)
        ans = get_ans(solve_args)
        process(inp, ans, solve_args_orig, sc_fn)

    rounds = 1 if args.seed else args.iterations
    for i in range(rounds):
        seed = args.seed if args.seed else ri(0, 10**6 - 1)
        log.debug('seed:  {:<6}, test#: {}'.format(seed, i))
        sa = dict(solve_args)
        sa['iter'] = i
        sa['seed'] = seed

Beispiel #25
def test_eq_f_zero():
    lib = load_bundle(
        .funcsig sig = (double) -> (int<8>)
        .funcdef test_eq_f_zero <sig>
            entry(<double> x):
                cond = FOEQ <double> x <double> 0.00 d
                res = ZEXT <int<1> int<8>> cond
                RET res
        """, "test_eq_f_zero")

    eq_zero = get_function(lib.test_eq_f_zero, [ctypes.c_double],
    assert (eq_zero(ctypes.c_double(0)) == 1)
    assert (eq_zero(ctypes.c_double(1)) == 0)
    assert (eq_zero(ctypes.c_double(-1)) == 0)
Beispiel #26
def test_gt_val_mem_r():
    lib = load_bundle(
        .funcsig sig = (int<64> uptr<int<64>>) -> (int<8>)
        .funcdef test_gt_val_mem_r <sig>
            entry(<int<64>> x <uptr<int<64>>> ptr):
                y = LOAD PTR <int<64>> ptr
                cond = SGT <int<64>> x y
                res = ZEXT <int<1> int<8>> cond
                RET res
        """, "test_gt_val_mem_r")

    zero = ctypes.c_int64(0)
    ptr = ctypes.addressof(zero)
    cmp_gt_zero = get_function(lib.test_gt_val_mem_r,
                               [ctypes.c_int64, ctypes.c_voidp], ctypes.c_int8)
    assert (cmp_gt_zero(ctypes.c_int64(1), ptr) == 1)
    assert (cmp_gt_zero(ctypes.c_int64(0), ptr) == 0)
    assert (cmp_gt_zero(ctypes.c_int64(-1), ptr) == 0)
Beispiel #27
def test_cmp_pattern2():
    lib = load_bundle(
        .funcdef test_cmp_pattern2 <(int<64> int<64>) -> (int<64>)>
            entry(<int<64>> x <int<64>> y):
                cond = EQ <int<64>> x y
                sum = ADD <int<64>> x y
                BRANCH2 cond ret_true(sum) ret_false(sum)
            ret_true(<int<64>> sum):
                RET <int<64>> 1
            ret_false(<int<64>> sum):
                RET <int<64>> 0
        """, "test_cmp_pattern2")

    eq = get_function(lib.test_cmp_pattern2, [ctypes.c_int64, ctypes.c_int64],
    assert (eq(1, 1) == 1)
    assert (eq(1, 0) == 0)
Beispiel #28
def test_stack_args():
    lib = load_bundle(
        .funcsig stack_sig = (double double double double double double double double double double)->(int<32>)
        .funcdef test_stack_args <stack_sig>
            entry(<double>d0 <double>d1 <double>d2 <double>d3 <double>d4 <double>d5 <double>d6 <double>d7 <double> d8 <double> d9):
                ds0 = FMUL <double> d0 <double>0.0 d
                ds1 = FMUL <double> d1 <double>1.0 d
                ds2 = FMUL <double> d2 <double>2.0 d
                ds3 = FMUL <double> d3 <double>3.0 d
                ds4 = FMUL <double> d4 <double>4.0 d
                ds5 = FMUL <double> d5 <double>5.0 d
                ds6 = FMUL <double> d6 <double>6.0 d
                ds7 = FMUL <double> d7 <double>7.0 d
                ds8 = FMUL <double> d8 <double>8.0 d
                ds9 = FMUL <double> d9 <double>9.0 d
                s1  = FADD <double> ds0 ds1
                s2  = FADD <double> s1 ds2
                s3  = FADD <double> s2 ds3
                s4  = FADD <double> s3 ds4
                s5  = FADD <double> s4 ds5
                s6  = FADD <double> s5 ds6
                s7  = FADD <double> s6 ds7
                s8  = FADD <double> s7 ds8
                s9  = FADD <double> s8 ds9
                r   = FPTOSI <double int<32>> s9
                RET r 
        """, "test_stack_args")
    test_stack_args = get_function(lib.test_stack_args, [
        ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_double,
        ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_double,
        ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_double
    ], ctypes.c_int32)

    args = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0]
    assert (test_stack_args(*tuple(args)) == sum(map((lambda x: x**2), args)))
Beispiel #29
def test_alloca():
    lib = load_bundle(
        .typedef type = struct<int<64> double ref<void>>
        .funcdef alloca <(int<64>)->(int<64>)>
                a = ALLOCA <type>
                // Load the int field to ai_int
                ai_ref = GETFIELDIREF <type 0> a
                ai_int = LOAD <int<64>> ai_ref
                // Load the double field to ad_int (converting it to an int<64>)
                ad_ref = GETFIELDIREF <type 1> a
                ad = LOAD <double> ad_ref
                ad_int = BITCAST <double int<64>> ad 
                // Load the ref field to ar_int (which will be '0' for a null ref, and '1' otherwise)
                ar_ref = GETFIELDIREF <type 2> a
                ar = LOAD <ref<void>> ar_ref
                ar_null = NE <ref<void>> ar <ref<void>>NULL
                ar_int = ZEXT <int<1> int<64>> ar_null
                // Store arg into the ALLOCA'd area
                STORE <type> ai_ref arg
                argc_int = LOAD <int<64>> ai_ref
                // or all the *_int values together
                res_0 = OR <int<64>> ai_int ad_int
                res_1 = OR <int<64>> res_0 ar_int
                res_2 = OR <int<64>> res_1 argc_int
                RET res_2
        """, "test_alloca")

    alloca = get_function(lib.alloca, [ctypes.c_int64], ctypes.c_int64)
    assert (alloca(-56) == -56)
Beispiel #30
def test_allocahybrid():
    lib = load_bundle(
        .typedef type = hybrid<int<1> int<64>>
        .funcdef allocahybrid <(int<8>)->(int<64>)>
                a = ALLOCAHYBRID <type int<64>> n 

                // Load the int<1> field to ai_int (as a 64-bit integer)
                ai_ref = GETFIELDIREF <type 0> a
                ai     = LOAD <int<64>> ai_ref
                ai_int = ZEXT <int<1> int<64>> ai

                a_var = GETVARPARTIREF <type> a
                n_zero = EQ <int<8>> n <int<8>>0
                // If the hybrid is non empty, sum all of it's variable elements
                BRANCH2 n_zero exit(ai_int) sum(a_var n ai_int)

            // Sum 'sum' and the n elements of pos
            // branch to exit with sum once finished
            sum(<iref<int<64>>>pos <int<8>>n <int<64>>sum):
                val     = LOAD <int<64>> pos
                new_pos = SHIFTIREF <int<64> int<1>> pos <int<1>>1
                new_sum = OR <int<64>> sum val
                new_n   = SUB <int<8>> n <int<8>>1
                n_zero  = EQ <int<8>> n <int<8>>1
                BRANCH2 n_zero exit(new_sum) sum(new_pos new_n new_sum)
            exit(<int<64>> sum):
                RET sum
        """, "test_allocahybrid")

    allocahybrid = get_function(lib.allocahybrid, [ctypes.c_uint8],
    assert (allocahybrid(56) == 0)