Beispiel #1
def main():
    # Make output dir if not exists
    if not os.path.isdir(args.output_dir):
    # Make image output dirs
    if args.save_output_images > 0:
        output_image_dir = args.output_dir + 'image_outputs/'
        if not os.path.isdir(output_image_dir):

    # Create cityscapes manager class
    CS = cityscapes(args.cityscapes_dir)
    n_cl = len(CS.classes)
    # Get labeled frames for evaluation
    label_frames = CS.list_label_frames(args.split)

    # GPU runs out of memory, so keep using CPU
    # caffe.set_device(args.gpu_id)
    # caffe.set_mode_gpu()

    # Load FCN-8s network
    net = caffe.Net(args.caffemodel_dir + '/deploy.prototxt',
                    args.caffemodel_dir + 'fcn-8s-cityscapes.caffemodel',

    hist_perframe = np.zeros((n_cl, n_cl))
    # For all labeled frames
    for i, idx in enumerate(label_frames):
        if i % 10 == 0:
            print('Evaluating: %d/%d' % (i, len(label_frames)))
        city = idx.split('_')[0]
        # idx is city_shot_frame
        label = CS.load_label(args.split, city, idx)
        im_file = args.result_dir + '/' + idx + '_leftImg8bit.png'
        im = np.array(
  [1], label.shape[2])))
        out = segrun(net, CS.preprocess(im))
        hist_perframe += fast_hist(label.flatten(), out.flatten(), n_cl)
        if args.save_output_images > 0:
            label_im = CS.palette(label)
            pred_im = CS.palette(out)
            scipy.misc.imsave(output_image_dir + '/' + str(i) + '_pred.jpg',
            scipy.misc.imsave(output_image_dir + '/' + str(i) + '_gt.jpg',
            scipy.misc.imsave(output_image_dir + '/' + str(i) + '_input.jpg',

    mean_pixel_acc, mean_class_acc, mean_class_iou, per_class_acc, per_class_iou = get_scores(
    with open(args.output_dir + '/evaluation_results.txt', 'w') as f:
        f.write('Mean pixel accuracy: %f\n' % mean_pixel_acc)
        f.write('Mean class accuracy: %f\n' % mean_class_acc)
        f.write('Mean class IoU: %f\n' % mean_class_iou)
        f.write('************ Per class numbers below ************\n')
        for i, cl in enumerate(CS.classes):
            while len(cl) < 15:
                cl = cl + ' '
            f.write('%s: acc = %f, iou = %f\n' %
                    (cl, per_class_acc[i], per_class_iou[i]))
Beispiel #2
def get_chi_training_data(chi_df):
    for i in list(dfs.geo_avgs.T):
        if (i == 'Chicago Loop') or (i == 'Loop'):
            i_places = dfs.places['GeoArea'] == i

            workers = list(
                dfs.places[i_places]['MappedUser'].value_counts()) * 4
            if len(workers) > 0:
                workers = math.ceil(sum(workers) / max(workers))
                workers = 0

            if i == 'Mckinley Park':
                i = 'McKinley Park'

            n = i + ' Chicago'
            area = calculate_area(gmclient, n)
            num_places = len(dfs.places[i_places])
            walkscore, transitscore, bikescore = get_scores(
                n, 'Neighbourhood', 'IL')

            chi_df.loc[len(chi_df)] = \
                (i, workers, area, num_places, \
                walkscore, transitscore, bikescore)
Beispiel #3
    async def scores(self, ctx):
        s = util.get_scores(self.conn,
        if not s:
            return await ctx.send("No streaks in the server bro 😩")
        u = await asyncio.gather(*[[0]) for x in s])
        u = filter(lambda x: type(x) is discord.User, u)
        s = [(x, *y[1:]) for x, y in zip(u, s)]

        msg = tabulate(s, headers=["User", "Current", "Highest", "Total"])
        msg = f"```css\n{msg}```"
        await ctx.send(msg)
def main():
    if not os.path.isdir(args.output_dir):
    if args.save_output_images > 0:
        output_image_dir = args.output_dir + 'image_outputs/'
        if not os.path.isdir(output_image_dir):
    CS = cityscapes(args.cityscapes_dir)
    n_cl = len(CS.classes)
    label_frames = CS.list_label_frames(args.split)
    net = caffe.Net(args.caffemodel_dir + '/deploy.prototxt',
                    args.caffemodel_dir + 'fcn-8s-cityscapes.caffemodel',

    hist_perframe = np.zeros((n_cl, n_cl))
    for i, idx in enumerate(label_frames):
        if i % 10 == 0:
            print('Evaluating: %d/%d' % (i, len(label_frames)))
        city = idx.split('_')[0]
        # idx is city_shot_frame
        label = CS.load_label(args.split, city, idx)
        im_file = args.result_dir + '/' + idx + '_leftImg8bit.png'
        im = np.array(
        #im = scipy.misc.imresize(im, (label.shape[1], label.shape[2]))
        im = np.array(Image.fromarray(im).resize((label.shape[2], label.shape[1])))
        out = segrun(net, CS.preprocess(im))
        hist_perframe += fast_hist(label.flatten(), out.flatten(), n_cl)
        if args.save_output_images > 0:
            label_im = CS.palette(label)
            pred_im = CS.palette(out)
            #scipy.misc.imsave(output_image_dir + '/' + str(i) + '_pred.jpg', pred_im)
            #scipy.misc.imsave(output_image_dir + '/' + str(i) + '_gt.jpg', label_im)
            #scipy.misc.imsave(output_image_dir + '/' + str(i) + '_input.jpg', im)
            imageio.imwrite(output_image_dir + '/' + str(i) + '_pred.jpg', pred_im)
            imageio.imwrite(output_image_dir + '/' + str(i) + '_gt.jpg', label_im)
            imageio.imwrite(output_image_dir + '/' + str(i) + '_input.jpg', im)

        #if i > 3:
        #    break

    mean_pixel_acc, mean_class_acc, mean_class_iou, per_class_acc, per_class_iou = get_scores(hist_perframe)
    with open(args.output_dir + '/evaluation_results.txt', 'w') as f:
        f.write('Mean pixel accuracy: %f\n' % mean_pixel_acc)
        f.write('Mean class accuracy: %f\n' % mean_class_acc)
        f.write('Mean class IoU: %f\n' % mean_class_iou)
        f.write('************ Per class numbers below ************\n')
        for i, cl in enumerate(CS.classes):
            while len(cl) < 15:
                cl = cl + ' '
            f.write('%s: acc = %f, iou = %f\n' % (cl, per_class_acc[i], per_class_iou[i]))
Beispiel #5
def main():
    if not os.path.isdir(args.output_dir):
    if args.save_output_images > 0:
        output_image_dir = args.output_dir + 'image_outputs/'
        if not os.path.isdir(output_image_dir):
    CS = cityscapes(args.cityscapes_dir)
    n_cl = len(CS.classes)
    label_frames = CS.list_label_frames(args.split)
    # caffe.set_device(args.gpu_id)
    # caffe.set_mode_gpu()
    # net = caffe.Net(args.caffemodel_dir + '/deploy.prototxt',
    #                 args.caffemodel_dir + 'fcn-8s-cityscapes.caffemodel',
    #                 caffe.TEST)

    hist_perframe = np.zeros((n_cl, n_cl))
    for i, idx in enumerate(label_frames):
        if i % 10 == 0:
            print('Evaluating: %d/%d' % (i, len(label_frames)))
        city = idx.split('_')[0]
        # idx is city_shot_frame
        label = CS.load_label(args.split, city, idx)

        im_file = args.result_dir + '/' + idx + '_leftImg8bit.png'
        # im = np.array(
        # out_path = args.cityscapes_dir + 'gtFine/val/' + city + '/' + idx + '_gtFine_color.png'
        # im = scipy.misc.imresize(im, (256, 256))
        # im = scipy.misc.imresize(im, (label.shape[1], label.shape[2]))
        # out = segrun(net, CS.preprocess(im))
        # out = scipy.misc.imresize(out, (label.shape[1], label.shape[2]))
        out = ReturnGrayImage(im_file)
        hist_perframe += fast_hist(label.flatten(), out.flatten(), n_cl)

    mean_pixel_acc, mean_class_acc, mean_class_iou, per_class_acc, per_class_iou = get_scores(hist_perframe)
    with open(args.output_dir + '/evaluation_results.txt', 'w') as f:
        f.write('Mean pixel accuracy: %f\n' % mean_pixel_acc)
        f.write('Mean class accuracy: %f\n' % mean_class_acc)
        f.write('Mean class IoU: %f\n' % mean_class_iou)
        f.write('************ Per class numbers below ************\n')
        for i, cl in enumerate(CS.classes):
            while len(cl) < 15:
                cl = cl + ' '
            f.write('%s: acc = %f, iou = %f\n' % (cl, per_class_acc[i], per_class_iou[i]))
Beispiel #6
import imreg
import chist

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-c', default=10, type=int, dest='nclusters')
parser.add_argument('-plot', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
nclusters = args.nclusters
fout = 'score_' + str(nclusters) + '.pickle'

if os.path.isfile(fout):
    with open(fout, 'r') as fin:
        (nm, cd) = pickle.load(fin)
    (nm, cd) = util.get_scores(nclusters, 'both', hbins=64, rand=True)
    with open(fout, 'w') as fout:
        pickle.dump((nm, cd), fout)

(images, files) = util.get_images(nclusters)
#print [(files[i], files[j]) for i in range(1000) for j in range(1000)
#       if (nm[i, j] > 15 and not util.same_cluster(i, j))]

x = []
y = []
for i in range(nm.shape[0]):
    for j in range(nm.shape[1]):
        if nm[i, j] != 0:
            x.append((nm[i, j], cd[i, j]))
            if util.same_cluster(i, j):
Beispiel #7
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import scipy.linalg
import sklearn.metrics

import util

XINTERC = 0.001

bmat = np.ones((util.FILES_PER_CLUSTER, util.FILES_PER_CLUSTER), dtype = 'bool')
blocks = [bmat for i in range(CLUSTERS)]
true = scipy.linalg.block_diag(*blocks)
hbins_array = [16, 25, 32, 50, 64, 80, 100, 128]
aucs = []
for hbins in hbins_array:
    scores = -util.get_scores(CLUSTERS, 'hist', hbins=hbins)
    fpr, tpr, thresh = sklearn.metrics.roc_curve(true.flatten(), scores.flatten())
    print np.interp(XINTERC, fpr, tpr)
#    plt.plot(fpr, tpr)
#    aucs.append(sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score(true.flatten(), scores.flatten()))
    aucs.append(np.interp(XINTERC, fpr, tpr))
    print (hbins, aucs[-1])

plt.plot(hbins_array, aucs)