def __init__(self, mi, mo, fw=5, fh=5, poolsz=(2, 2)): filt_sz = (fw, fh, mi, mo) W0 = init_filter(filt_sz) self.W = tf.Variable(W0) b0 = np.zeros(mo, dtype=np.float32) self.b = tf.Variable(b0) self.params = [self.W, self.b] self.poolsz = poolsz
def __init__(self, mi, mo, fw=5, fh=5, poolsz=(2, 2)): # mi = input feature map size # mo = output feature map size sz = (mo, mi, fw, fh) W0 = init_filter(sz, poolsz) self.W = theano.shared(W0) b0 = np.zeros(mo, dtype=np.float32) self.b = theano.shared(b0) self.poolsz = poolsz self.params = [self.W, self.b]
def __init__(self, mi, mo, fw=5, fh=5, poolsz=(2, 2)): # mi: input feature maps, mo: output feature maps, #fw: filter width, fh: filter height sz = (mi, mo, fw, fh) W0 = init_filter(sz, poolsz) self.W = theano.shared(W0) b0 = np.zeros(mo, dtype=np.float32) self.b = theano.shared(b0) self.poolsz = poolsz self.params = [self.W, self.b]
def __init__(self, inputMap_sz, outputMap_sz, filter_W, filter_H, pool_sz=(2, 2)): filter_sz = (filter_W, filter_H, inputMap_sz, outputMap_sz) W0 = init_filter(filter_sz, pool_sz) self.W = tf.Variable(W0) b0 = np.zeros(outputMap_sz, dtype=np.float32) self.b = tf.Variable(b0) self.pool_sz = pool_sz self.params = [self.W, self.b]
def main(): X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test, N_train, N_test = get_transformed_data() X_train = X_train[:32000, ] Y_train = Y_train[:32000] X_test = X_test[:12000, ] Y_test = Y_test[:12000] Y_test_for_comp = Y_test Y_train_ind = ylength2indicator(Y_train) Y_test_ind = ylength2indicator(Y_test) # Above is to compute the length indicator; Y_train_Q = ytoint(Y_train) Y_test_Q = ytoint(Y_test) # Above is to compute the length only; ## About the iterations max_iter = 150 print_period = 1000 N = X_train.shape[0] n_batches = N / batch_sz M = 2048 K = [7, 11] KM = 3072 poolsz = (2, 2) ##Placeholder and other variables. X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(batch_sz, 40, 40, 3), name='X') T0 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(batch_sz, K[0]), name='T') T1 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(batch_sz, K[1]), name='T') ## About Optimization parameters. W1_shape = ( 5, 5, 3, 16 ) #(filter_width, filter_height, num_col_chanels, num_feature_maps) W1_init = init_filter(W1_shape, poolsz) b1_init = np.zeros(W1_shape[-1], dtype=np.float32) W2_shape = ( 5, 5, 16, 32 ) # (filter_width, filter_height, old_num_feature_maps, num_feature_maps) W2_init = init_filter(W2_shape, poolsz) b2_init = np.zeros(W2_shape[-1], dtype=np.float32) W3_shape = ( 5, 5, 32, 48 ) # (filter_width, filter_height, old_num_feature_maps, num_feature_maps) W3_init = init_filter(W3_shape, poolsz) b3_init = np.zeros(W3_shape[-1], dtype=np.float32) W4_shape = ( 3, 3, 48, 64 ) # (filter_width, filter_height, old_num_feature_maps, num_feature_maps)] W4_init = init_filter(W4_shape, poolsz) b4_init = np.zeros(W4_shape[-1], dtype=np.float32) W5_shape = ( 3, 3, 64, 128 ) # (filter_width, filter_height, old_num_feature_maps, num_feature_maps)] W5_init = init_filter(W5_shape, poolsz) b5_init = np.zeros(W5_shape[-1], dtype=np.float32) W6_init = np.random.randn(W5_shape[-1] * 2 * 2, M) / np.sqrt(W4_shape[-1] * 2 * 2 + M) b6_init = np.zeros(M, dtype=np.float32) W7_init = np.random.randn(M, KM) / np.sqrt(M + KM) b7_init = np.zeros(KM, dtype=np.float32) W8_init = np.random.randn(KM, K[0]) / np.sqrt(KM + K[0]) b8_init = np.zeros(K[0], dtype=np.float32) W8N_init = np.random.randn(KM, K[1]) / np.sqrt(KM + K[1]) b8N_init = np.zeros(K[1], dtype=np.float32) W1_L = tf.Variable(W1_init.astype(np.float32)) b1_L = tf.Variable(b1_init.astype(np.float32)) W2_L = tf.Variable(W2_init.astype(np.float32)) b2_L = tf.Variable(b2_init.astype(np.float32)) W3_L = tf.Variable(W3_init.astype(np.float32)) b3_L = tf.Variable(b3_init.astype(np.float32)) W4_L = tf.Variable(W4_init.astype(np.float32)) b4_L = tf.Variable(b4_init.astype(np.float32)) W5_L = tf.Variable(W5_init.astype(np.float32)) b5_L = tf.Variable(b5_init.astype(np.float32)) W6_L = tf.Variable(W6_init.astype(np.float32)) b6_L = tf.Variable(b6_init.astype(np.float32)) W7_L = tf.Variable(W7_init.astype(np.float32)) b7_L = tf.Variable(b7_init.astype(np.float32)) W8_L = tf.Variable(W8_init.astype(np.float32)) b8_L = tf.Variable(b8_init.astype(np.float32)) Z1_L = conv1pool(X, W1_L, b1_L) Z2_L = conv2pool(Z1_L, W2_L, b2_L) Z3_L = conv2pool(Z2_L, W3_L, b3_L) Z4_L = conv2pool(Z3_L, W4_L, b4_L) print Z4_L Z5_L = conv2pool(Z4_L, W5_L, b5_L) print Z5_L Z5_shape_L = Z5_L.get_shape().as_list() Z5r_L = tf.reshape(Z5_L, [Z5_shape_L[0],[1:])]) Z5r_L = tf.nn.dropout(Z5r_L, keep_prob) print Z5r_L Z6_L = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(Z5r_L, W6_L) + b6_L) Z6_L = tf.nn.dropout(Z6_L, keep_prob) print Z6_L Z7_L = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(Z6_L, W7_L) + b7_L) Z7_L = tf.nn.dropout(Z7_L, keep_prob) Yish_L = tf.matmul(Z7_L, W8_L) + b8_L cost_L = tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(Yish_L, T0)) train_op_L = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(0.0001, decay=0.98, momentum=0.9).minimize(cost_L) predict_op_L = tf.argmax(Yish_L, 1) W1 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] b1 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] W2 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] b2 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] W3 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] b3 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] W4 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] b4 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] W5 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] b5 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] W6 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] b6 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] W7 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] b7 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] W8 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] b8 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Yish = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] cost = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] train_op = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] predict_op = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] for h in range(5): W1[h] = tf.Variable(W1_init.astype(np.float32)) b1[h] = tf.Variable(b1_init.astype(np.float32)) W2[h] = tf.Variable(W2_init.astype(np.float32)) b2[h] = tf.Variable(b2_init.astype(np.float32)) W3[h] = tf.Variable(W3_init.astype(np.float32)) b3[h] = tf.Variable(b3_init.astype(np.float32)) W4[h] = tf.Variable(W4_init.astype(np.float32)) b4[h] = tf.Variable(b4_init.astype(np.float32)) W5[h] = tf.Variable(W5_init.astype(np.float32)) b5[h] = tf.Variable(b5_init.astype(np.float32)) W6[h] = tf.Variable(W6_init.astype(np.float32)) b6[h] = tf.Variable(b6_init.astype(np.float32)) W7[h] = tf.Variable(W7_init.astype(np.float32)) b7[h] = tf.Variable(b7_init.astype(np.float32)) W8[h] = tf.Variable(W8N_init.astype(np.float32)) b8[h] = tf.Variable(b8N_init.astype(np.float32)) Z1 = conv1pool(X, W1[h], b1[h]) Z2 = conv2pool(Z1, W2[h], b2[h]) Z3 = conv2pool(Z2, W3[h], b3[h]) Z4 = conv2pool(Z3, W4[h], b4[h]) Z5 = conv2pool(Z4, W5[h], b5[h]) Z5_shape = Z5.get_shape().as_list() Z5r = tf.reshape(Z5, [Z5_shape[0],[1:])]) Z5r = tf.nn.dropout(Z5r, keep_prob) Z6 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(Z5r, W6[h]) + b6[h]) Z6 = tf.nn.dropout(Z6, keep_prob) Z7 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(Z6, W7[h]) + b7[h]) Z7 = tf.nn.dropout(Z7, keep_prob) Yish[h] = tf.matmul(Z7, W8[h]) + b8[h] cost[h] = tf.reduce_sum( tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(Yish[h], T1)) train_op[h] = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(0.0001, decay=0.98, momentum=0.9).minimize(cost[h]) predict_op[h] = tf.argmax(Yish[h], 1) ## Save all the variables. saver = tf.train.Saver() LL = [] Error_Testing = [] Yish_log = [] init = tf.initialize_all_variables() with tf.Session() as session: print 'Computing the length of the number.' for i in xrange(max_iter): Yish_ = np.zeros((len(X_test), K[0])) for j in xrange(n_batches): Xbatch = X_train[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), ] Ybatch = Y_train_ind[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), ] if len(Xbatch) == batch_sz:, feed_dict={ X: Xbatch, T0: Ybatch, keep_prob0: 0.8, keep_prob: 0.5 }) if j % print_period == 0: test_cost = 0 prediction_test = np.zeros(len(X_test)) prediction_train = np.zeros(len(X_train)) for k in xrange(len(X_test) / batch_sz): Xtestbatch = X_test[k * batch_sz:(k * batch_sz + batch_sz), ] Ytestbatch = Y_test_ind[k * batch_sz:(k * batch_sz + batch_sz), ] test_cost +=, feed_dict={ X: Xtestbatch, T0: Ytestbatch, keep_prob0: 1, keep_prob: 1 }) prediction_test[k * batch_sz:(k * batch_sz + batch_sz)] = predict_op_L, feed_dict={ X: Xtestbatch, keep_prob0: 1, keep_prob: 1 }) Yish_[k * batch_sz:(k * batch_sz + batch_sz)] = Yish_L, feed_dict={ X: Xtestbatch, keep_prob0: 1, keep_prob: 1 }) err_testing = error_rate(prediction_test, Y_test_Q) print "Cost / err at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.3f / %.3f" % ( i, j, test_cost, err_testing) LL.append(test_cost) Error_Testing.append(err_testing) Yish_ = Yish_log = np.array([Yish_]) Yish_log_length = Yish_log Yish_log_length = np.reshape(Yish_log_length, (len(X_test), 1, K[0])) # # # # # Evaluating the digit. Y_train_ = np.array(digit(Y_train)) Y_test_ = np.array(digit(Y_test)) Yish_log_ = np.array([]).reshape(len(X_test), 2, 0) for h in range(5): Y_train = Y_train_[:, h] Y_test = Y_test_[:, h] Y_train_ind = y2indicator(Y_train) Y_test_ind = y2indicator(Y_test) t0 = LL = [] Error_Training = [] Error_Testing = [] Yish_log = [] print 'Computing the %d digit of the number.' % (h) for i in xrange(max_iter): for j in xrange(n_batches): Xbatch = X_train[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), ] Ybatch = Y_train_ind[j * batch_sz:(j * batch_sz + batch_sz), ] if len(Xbatch) == batch_sz:[h], feed_dict={ X: Xbatch, T1: Ybatch, keep_prob0: 0.8, keep_prob: 0.5 }) if j % print_period == 0: test_cost = 0 prediction_test = np.zeros(len(X_test)) prediction_train = np.zeros(len(X_train)) Yish_ = np.zeros((len(X_test), K[1])) for k in xrange(len(X_test) / batch_sz): Xtestbatch = X_test[k * batch_sz:(k * batch_sz + batch_sz), ] Ytestbatch = Y_test_ind[k * batch_sz:( k * batch_sz + batch_sz), ] test_cost +=[h], feed_dict={ X: Xtestbatch, T1: Ytestbatch, keep_prob0: 1, keep_prob: 1 }) prediction_test_batch = predict_op[h], feed_dict={ X: Xtestbatch, keep_prob0: 1, keep_prob: 1 }) for n, item in enumerate( prediction_test_batch): if item == 10: prediction_test_batch[n] = 0 prediction_test[k * batch_sz:( k * batch_sz + batch_sz)] = prediction_test_batch Yish_[k * batch_sz:(k * batch_sz + batch_sz)] = Yish[h], feed_dict={ X: Xtestbatch, keep_prob0: 1, keep_prob: 1 }) Y_test_transformed = Y_test for n, item in enumerate(Y_test): if item == 10: Y_test_transformed[n] = 0 for n, item in enumerate(Yish_): if np.argmax(item, axis=0) == 10: Yish_[n] = [0.0909] * 11 err_testing = error_rate(prediction_test, Y_test_transformed) print "Cost / err on digit h=%d at iteration i=%d, j=%d: %.3f / %.3f" % ( h, i, j, test_cost, err_testing) LL.append(test_cost) Error_Testing.append(err_testing) print([h][0, 0, 0, 3])) Yish_ = for itr in range(len(Yish_)): Yish_log.append([ prediction_test[itr], Yish_[itr, int(prediction_test[itr])] ]) Yish_log = np.array(Yish_log) Yish_log_ = np.dstack((Yish_log_, Yish_log)) # print np.shape(Yish_log_); save_path =, model_path) # To make an artificial form. b = np.zeros((len(X_test), 2, 1)) Yish_log_ = np.concatenate((b, Yish_log_), axis=2) Yish_log_ = np.concatenate((Yish_log_, b), axis=2) Yish_log_whole = np.concatenate((Yish_log_, Yish_log_length), axis=1) # print np.shape(Yish_log_whole); # print Yish_log_whole[1:2,] # Inference of the whole number############# # Argmax statistics. Inf_digit = np.zeros((len(X_test), 7)) Inf_num = np.zeros(len(X_test)) Inf_digit[:, 0] = Yish_log_whole[:, 1, 0] + Yish_log_whole[:, 2, 0] for j in range(len(X_test)): for i in range(1, 7): Inf_digit[j, i] = sum( Yish_log_whole[j, 1, 1:i]) + Yish_log_whole[j, 2, i] Length_digit = np.argmax(Inf_digit, 1) # Inference for i in range(len(Length_digit)): if Length_digit[i] == 0: Inf_num[i] = 0 else: Inf_num[i] = ''.join([ str(int(x)) for x in Yish_log_whole[i, 0, 1:Length_digit[i] + 1] ]) Inf_num = [int(x) for x in Inf_num] print Inf_num[0:9] print Y_test_for_comp[0:9] #Evaluation of the Error rate: err_testing = error_rate(Y_test_for_comp, Inf_num) print err_testing
def main(): img=mpimg.imread('28.png'); X_test1 = np.array(img); X_test1 = X_test1; X_test = np.reshape(X_test1, [1,40,40,3], order = "F"); #plt.imshow(X_test1);; # Parameters are needed. M = 2048; K = [7, 11]; KM = 3072; poolsz = (2,2); ##Placeholder and other variables. X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(1, 40, 40, 3), name='X') T0 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(1, K[0]), name='T') T1 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(1, K[1]), name='T') ## About Optimization parameters. W1_shape = (5,5,3,16) #(filter_width, filter_height, num_col_chanels, num_feature_maps) W1_init = init_filter(W1_shape, poolsz) b1_init = np.zeros(W1_shape[-1], dtype = np.float32) W2_shape = (5, 5, 16, 32) # (filter_width, filter_height, old_num_feature_maps, num_feature_maps) W2_init = init_filter(W2_shape, poolsz) b2_init = np.zeros(W2_shape[-1], dtype=np.float32) W3_shape = (5, 5, 32, 48) # (filter_width, filter_height, old_num_feature_maps, num_feature_maps) W3_init = init_filter(W3_shape, poolsz) b3_init = np.zeros(W3_shape[-1], dtype=np.float32) W4_shape = (3, 3, 48, 64) # (filter_width, filter_height, old_num_feature_maps, num_feature_maps) W4_init = init_filter(W4_shape, poolsz) b4_init = np.zeros(W4_shape[-1], dtype=np.float32) W5_init = np.random.randn(W4_shape[-1]*3*3, M) / np.sqrt(W4_shape[-1]*3*3 + M) b5_init = np.zeros(M, dtype=np.float32) W6_init = np.random.randn(M, KM) / np.sqrt(M + KM) b6_init = np.zeros(KM, dtype=np.float32) W7_init = np.random.randn(KM, K[0]) / np.sqrt(KM + K[0]) b7_init = np.zeros(K[0], dtype=np.float32) W7N_init = np.random.randn(KM, K[1]) / np.sqrt(KM + K[1]) b7N_init = np.zeros(K[1], dtype=np.float32) W1_L = tf.Variable(W1_init.astype(np.float32)) b1_L = tf.Variable(b1_init.astype(np.float32)) W2_L = tf.Variable(W2_init.astype(np.float32)) b2_L = tf.Variable(b2_init.astype(np.float32)) W3_L = tf.Variable(W3_init.astype(np.float32)) b3_L = tf.Variable(b3_init.astype(np.float32)) W4_L = tf.Variable(W4_init.astype(np.float32)) b4_L = tf.Variable(b4_init.astype(np.float32)) W5_L = tf.Variable(W5_init.astype(np.float32)) b5_L = tf.Variable(b5_init.astype(np.float32)) W6_L = tf.Variable(W6_init.astype(np.float32)) b6_L = tf.Variable(b6_init.astype(np.float32)) W7_L = tf.Variable(W7_init.astype(np.float32)) b7_L = tf.Variable(b7_init.astype(np.float32)) Z1_L = conv1pool(X,W1_L,b1_L); Z2_L = conv2pool(Z1_L, W2_L, b2_L) Z3_L = conv2pool(Z2_L, W3_L, b3_L) Z4_L = conv2pool(Z3_L, W4_L, b4_L) Z4_shape_L = Z4_L.get_shape().as_list() Z4r_L = tf.reshape(Z4_L, [Z4_shape_L[0],[1:])]) Z4r_L = tf.nn.dropout(Z4r_L, keep_prob) Z5_L = tf.nn.relu( tf.matmul(Z4r_L, W5_L) + b5_L); Z5_L = tf.nn.dropout(Z5_L, keep_prob) print Z5_L; Z6_L = tf.nn.relu( tf.matmul(Z5_L, W6_L) + b6_L); Z6_L = tf.nn.dropout(Z6_L, keep_prob); Yish_L = tf.matmul(Z6_L, W7_L) + b7_L; cost_L = tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(Yish_L, T0)) train_op_L = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(0.0001, decay=0.98, momentum=0.9).minimize(cost_L) predict_op_L = tf.argmax(Yish_L, 1) W1 = [0,0,0,0,0]; b1 = [0,0,0,0,0]; W2 = [0,0,0,0,0]; b2 = [0,0,0,0,0]; W3 = [0,0,0,0,0]; b3 = [0,0,0,0,0]; W4 = [0,0,0,0,0]; b4 = [0,0,0,0,0]; W5 = [0,0,0,0,0]; b5 = [0,0,0,0,0]; W6 = [0,0,0,0,0]; b6 = [0,0,0,0,0]; W7 = [0,0,0,0,0]; b7 = [0,0,0,0,0]; Yish = [0,0,0,0,0]; cost = [0,0,0,0,0]; train_op = [0,0,0,0,0]; predict_op = [0,0,0,0,0]; for h in range(5): W1[h] = tf.Variable(W1_init.astype(np.float32)) b1[h] = tf.Variable(b1_init.astype(np.float32)) W2[h] = tf.Variable(W2_init.astype(np.float32)) b2[h] = tf.Variable(b2_init.astype(np.float32)) W3[h] = tf.Variable(W3_init.astype(np.float32)) b3[h] = tf.Variable(b3_init.astype(np.float32)) W4[h] = tf.Variable(W4_init.astype(np.float32)) b4[h] = tf.Variable(b4_init.astype(np.float32)) W5[h] = tf.Variable(W5_init.astype(np.float32)) b5[h] = tf.Variable(b5_init.astype(np.float32)) W6[h] = tf.Variable(W6_init.astype(np.float32)) b6[h] = tf.Variable(b6_init.astype(np.float32)) W7[h] = tf.Variable(W7N_init.astype(np.float32)) b7[h] = tf.Variable(b7N_init.astype(np.float32)) Z1 = conv1pool(X,W1[h],b1[h]); Z2 = conv2pool(Z1, W2[h], b2[h]); Z3 = conv2pool(Z2, W3[h], b3[h]); Z4 = conv2pool(Z3, W4[h], b4[h]) Z4_shape = Z4.get_shape().as_list() Z4r = tf.reshape(Z4, [Z4_shape[0],[1:])]) Z4r = tf.nn.dropout(Z4r, keep_prob) Z5 = tf.nn.relu( tf.matmul(Z4r, W5[h]) + b5[h]); Z5 = tf.nn.dropout(Z5, keep_prob) Z6 = tf.nn.relu( tf.matmul(Z5, W6[h]) + b6[h]); Z6 = tf.nn.dropout(Z6, keep_prob); Yish[h] = tf.matmul(Z6, W7[h]) + b7[h]; cost[h] = tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(Yish[h], T1)) train_op[h] = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(0.0001, decay=0.98, momentum=0.9).minimize(cost[h]) predict_op[h] = tf.argmax(Yish[h], 1) ## Save all the variables. saver = tf.train.Saver(); LL = []; Error_Testing = []; Yish_log = []; init = tf.initialize_all_variables(); with tf.Session() as session:; load_path = saver.restore(session, model_path) print 'Computing the length of the number.' Yish_ = np.zeros((len(X_test), K[0])); prediction_test =, feed_dict={X: X_test, keep_prob:1}) Yish_ =, feed_dict = {X:X_test, keep_prob0:1, keep_prob:1}); print[0,0,0,3]); Yish_ =; Yish_log = np.array([Yish_]); Yish_log_length = Yish_log; Yish_log_length = np.reshape(Yish_log_length, (len(X_test), 1, K[0])) # # # # # Evaluating the digit. Yish_log_ = np.array([]).reshape(len(X_test),2,0); for h in range(5): Yish_log = []; print 'Computing the %d digit of the number.'% (h) prediction_test = np.zeros(len(X_test)); Yish_ = np.zeros((len(X_test), K[1])); prediction_test =[h], feed_dict={X: X_test, keep_prob0:1, keep_prob:1}) for n,item in enumerate(prediction_test): if item==10: prediction_test[n] = 0; Yish_ =[h], feed_dict = {X:X_test, keep_prob0:1, keep_prob:1}); for n,item in enumerate(Yish_): if np.argmax(item, axis = 0) == 10: Yish_[n] = [0.0909]*11; Yish_ =; for itr in range(len(Yish_)): Yish_log.append([prediction_test[itr], Yish_[itr, int(prediction_test[itr])]]); Yish_log = np.array(Yish_log); Yish_log_ = np.dstack((Yish_log_, Yish_log)); # To make an artificial form. b = np.zeros((len(X_test), 2, 1)) Yish_log_ = np.concatenate((b,Yish_log_), axis = 2); Yish_log_ = np.concatenate((Yish_log_, b), axis = 2); Yish_log_whole = np.concatenate((Yish_log_, Yish_log_length), axis =1); # Argmax statistics. Inf_digit = np.zeros((len(X_test), 7)); Inf_num = np.zeros(len(X_test)) Inf_digit[:,0] = Yish_log_whole[:,1,0] + Yish_log_whole[:,2,0]; for j in range(len(X_test)): for i in range(1,7): Inf_digit[j,i] = sum(Yish_log_whole[j,1,1:i]) + Yish_log_whole[j,2,i]; Length_digit = np.argmax(Inf_digit,1); # Inference for i in range(len(Length_digit)): if Length_digit[i] == 0: Inf_num[i] = 0; else: Inf_num[i] = ''.join([str(int(x)) for x in Yish_log_whole[i,0, 1:Length_digit[i] + 1]]); Inf_num = [int(x) for x in Inf_num] print Inf_num[0:9];