Beispiel #1
def user():
    start = yield []
    assert start is Start

    a = dh_secret(P)
    A = mod(G, a)

    print("user: sending email")
    salt, B = yield [b"*****@*****.**", A]
    u = hash_to_int(int_to_bytes(A) + int_to_bytes(B))

    print("user: A:", A)
    print("user: B:", B)
    print("user: salt:", bytes_to_int(salt))
    print("user: u", u)

    x = hash_to_int(salt + b"pass")
    print("user: x:", x)

    t1 = B - K * mod(G, x)
    assert t1 > 0

    S = mod(t1, a + u * x)

    print("user: S:", S)

    key = hashlib.sha256(int_to_bytes(S)).digest()
    print("user: key:", binascii.hexlify(key))

    response, *_ = yield [hmac_sha256(key, salt)]
    print("server says password was", response)

    assert response == "OK"
Beispiel #2
def host():
    email, A = yield []

    password = USERS[email]

    salt = random_bytes(16)
    x = hash_to_int(salt + password)
    print("s: x:", x)
    v = mod(G, x)

    b = dh_secret(P)
    B = K * v + mod(G, b)

    print("{} trying to log in".format(email.decode()))
    u = hash_to_int(int_to_bytes(A) + int_to_bytes(B))

    print("host: A:", A)
    print("host: B:", B)
    print("host: salt:", bytes_to_int(salt))
    print("host: u", u)
    print("host: x:", x)

    user_mac, *_ = yield [salt, B]

    t0 = A * mod(v, u)
    S = mod(t0, b)

    print("host: S:", S)

    key = hashlib.sha256(int_to_bytes(S)).digest()
    print("host: key:", binascii.hexlify(key))

    host_mac = hmac_sha256(key, salt)
    yield ["OK" if user_mac == host_mac else "NO"]
Beispiel #3
def get_jwk_from_public_key(public_key):
    e = public_key.public_numbers().e
    n = public_key.public_numbers().n
    e = util.to_base64(util.int_to_bytes(e))
    n = util.to_base64(util.int_to_bytes(n))
    my_jwk = {"kty": "RSA", "n": n, "e": e}
    return my_jwk
Beispiel #4
 def do_generate_proof(self, opts):
     """ Command to hash the flash memory """
     msg = Message().set_code(Opcodes.MD5_FLASH)
     if opts.bounds is None:
         msg.set_data(int_to_bytes(opts.bounds[0], 2) + int_to_bytes(opts.bounds[1], 2))
Beispiel #5
    def output_analog(self, data):
        p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
        stream =,

        outfile = []

        # We need to go back from our floats in [0.0, 1.0) to our ints
        # in [-2**15, 2**15).
        for x in data:
            wave_n = int((x * 2**16) - 2**15)
            in_two = util.int_to_bytes(wave_n)


        ext = self.filename.split(".")[-1]
        new_filename = self.filename.rstrip("." + ext) + "_analog." + ext
        print("Outputting to file: %s" % new_filename)
        self.write_wav_file(outfile, new_filename)
Beispiel #6
def user():
    start = yield []
    assert start is actors.Start

    a = dh_secret(P)
    A = mod(G, a)

    salt, B, u = yield [b"*****@*****.**", A]
    x = hash_to_int(salt + b"pass")
    S = mod(B, a + u * x)
    key = hashlib.sha256(int_to_bytes(S)).digest()

    response, *_ = yield [hmac_sha256(key, salt)]

    print("=" * 80)
    print("user: A:", A)
    print("user: B:", B)
    print("user: salt:", bytes_to_int(salt))
    print("user: u", u)
    print("user: x:", x)
    print("user: S:", S)
    print("user: key:", binascii.hexlify(key))
    print("user: server says password was", response)

    assert response == "OK"
Beispiel #7
def host():
    email, A = yield []
    password = USERS[email]

    salt = random_bytes(16)
    x = hash_to_int(salt + password)
    v = mod(G, x)

    b = dh_secret(P)
    B = mod(G, b)
    u = random_int_from_n_bytes(128 // 8)

    user_mac, *_ = yield [salt, B, u]

    S = mod(A * mod(v, u), b)
    key = hashlib.sha256(int_to_bytes(S)).digest()
    host_mac = hmac_sha256(key, salt)

    print("=" * 80)
    print("{} trying to log in".format(email.decode()))
    print("host: A:", A)
    print("host: B:", B)
    print("host: salt:", bytes_to_int(salt))
    print("host: u", u)
    print("host: x:", x)
    print("host: S:", S)
    print("host: key:", binascii.hexlify(key))

    yield ["OK" if user_mac == host_mac else "NO"]
Beispiel #8
def key_expansion(key: bytearray, word: List[bytearray], nk: int, nr: int):
    i = 0
    while i < nk:
        word[i] = bytearray([key[4 * i], key[4 * i + 1], key[4 * i + 2], key[4 * i + 3]])
        i = i + 1

    i = nk
    while i < Nb * (nr + 1):
        temp = word[i - 1]
        if i % nk == 0:
            temp = bytes_to_int(subWord(rotWord(temp))) ^ \
                   Rcon[int(i / nk)]
            temp = int_to_bytes(temp)
        elif nk > 6 and i % nk == 4:
            temp = subWord(temp)
        word[i] = int_to_bytes(bytes_to_int(word[i - nk]) ^ bytes_to_int(temp))
        i = i + 1
Beispiel #9
 def _respond_to_login_request(self, username, A, k=3):
     # A == public ephemeral number from client
     user = self.users[username]
     b = random.randint(1, IETF_PRIME - 1)  # private ephemeral number
     # B == public ephemeral number. Usually, B depends on the password, but
     # if k == 0, it is a completely random Diffie-Hellman public key, which
     # causes u to be essentially random.
     B = ((k * user["verifier"]) + pow(self.g, b, IETF_PRIME)) % IETF_PRIME
     u = scramble_keys(A, B)
     S = pow(A * pow(user["verifier"], u, IETF_PRIME), b, IETF_PRIME)
     user["shared_session_key"] = sha256(int_to_bytes(S)).digest()
     return (user["salt"], B, u)
Beispiel #10
    def log_in(self, server, username, password, k=3):
        a = random.randint(1, IETF_PRIME - 1)  # private ephemeral number
        A = pow(self.g, a, IETF_PRIME)  # public ephemeral number
        # B == public ephemeral number from server
        salt, B, u = server._respond_to_login_request(username, A, k=k)

        # TODO: figure out if it is possible to make the offline attack work if
        # the following line is uncommented
        # assert u == scramble_keys(A, B)
        x = generate_private_key(username, password, salt)
        S = pow(B - k * pow(self.g, x, IETF_PRIME), a + u*x, IETF_PRIME)
        shared_session_key = sha256(int_to_bytes(S)).digest()  # called "K" in challenge
        hmac = calculate_hmac(shared_session_key, salt, sha256)
        return server._verify_hmac(hmac, username)
Beispiel #11
 def _verify_hmac(self, hmac, username):
     user = self.users[username]
     # 20 most common passwords according to
     common_passwords = [
         "password", "123456", "12345678", "1234", "qwerty", "12345", "dragon",
         "pussy", "baseball", "football", "letmein", "monkey", "696969", "abc123",
         "mustang", "michael", "shadow", "master", "jennifer", "111111"]
     u = 1
     for test_password in common_passwords:
         test_x = generate_private_key(username, test_password, user["salt"])
         test_verifier = pow(self.g, test_x, IETF_PRIME)
         test_S = pow(user["A"] * pow(test_verifier, u, IETF_PRIME), user["b"], IETF_PRIME)
         test_session_key = sha256(int_to_bytes(test_S)).digest()
         if calculate_hmac(test_session_key, user["salt"], sha256) == hmac:
             user["password"] = test_password
             return True
     return False
Beispiel #12
def get_rpc_credentials(config):
    rpc_user = config.get('rpcuser', None)
    rpc_password = config.get('rpcpassword', None)
    if rpc_user is None or rpc_password is None:
        rpc_user = '******'
        import ecdsa, base64
        bits = 128
        nbytes = bits // 8 + (bits % 8 > 0)
        pw_int = ecdsa.util.randrange(pow(2, bits))
        pw_b64 = base64.b64encode(int_to_bytes(pw_int, nbytes, 'big'), b'-_')
        rpc_password = to_string(pw_b64, 'ascii')
        config.set_key('rpcuser', rpc_user)
        config.set_key('rpcpassword', rpc_password, save=True)
    elif rpc_password == '':
        from .util import print_stderr
        print_stderr('WARNING: RPC authentication is disabled.')
    return rpc_user, rpc_password
Beispiel #13
def user():
    start = yield []
    assert start is actors.Start

    A = 0

    print("user: sending email")
    salt, B = yield [b"*****@*****.**", A]

    S = 0

    print("user: S:", S)

    key = hashlib.sha256(int_to_bytes(S)).digest()
    print("user: key:", binascii.hexlify(key))

    response, *_ = yield [hmac_sha256(key, salt)]
    print("server says password was", response)

    assert response == "OK"
Beispiel #14
    def output_digital(self, data):
        p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
        stream =,

        outfile = []

        # Take the floats back to two-bit ints in the correct range.
        # Beecause of how floats are formatted and how we've added
        # noise, we occasionally end up with invalid floats; the
        # error-checking below deals with that.
        floats = util.bits_to_floats(data)
        for i in range(len(floats)):

            x = floats[i]

            # Error checking
                wave_n = int((x * 2**16) - 2**15)
                wave_n = 0
            if wave_n < -2**15:
                wave_n = -2**15
            elif wave_n >= 2**15:
                wave_n = 2**15 - 1

            in_two = util.int_to_bytes(wave_n)


        ext = self.filename.split(".")[-1]
        new_filename = self.filename.rstrip("." + ext) + "_digital." + ext
        print("Outputting to file: %s" % new_filename)
        self.write_wav_file(outfile, new_filename)
Beispiel #15
 def serialize(self) -> bytes:
     """ Returns the complete message as bytes, ready to be send to the Arduino """
     return int_to_bytes(self.code, 2) + int_to_bytes(len(,
                                                      2) +
Beispiel #16
def scramble_keys(A, B):
    return int(sha256(int_to_bytes(A) + int_to_bytes(B)).hexdigest(), 16)
Beispiel #17
def derive_key(secret: int):
    return hashlib.sha1(int_to_bytes(secret)).digest()[:16]
 def _generate_symmetric_key(self, other):
     return sha1(int_to_bytes(self.get_shared_key_for(other))).digest()[:16]