Beispiel #1
def cut_map_around_xyz(mapfile, peppdb_in, pepid):
    '''using several CCP4 until to cut map around the selected molecule
    color: [x800080] [xc00000] [xb0b0b0]

    mapout = pepid + ''
    xyzlim,xyzcomp=find_xyzlim_compound(pepid, peppdb_in)  
    arg = mapfile + ' ' + ' ' +  mapout
    command="chmod +x %s ; ./%s  " %(mapscr, mapscr) + arg 
    return  mapout

    peppdb = peppdb_in
    if util.is_cif(peppdb_in): peppdb = cif.cif2pdb(peppdb_in)

    mapscr = cut_map_scr()
    arg = mapfile + ' ' + peppdb + ' ' + mapout
    command = "chmod +x %s ; ./%s  " % (mapscr, mapscr) + arg

    if util.is_cif(peppdb_in):
        util.delete_file('%s.PDB' % peppdb_in)
        peppdb = peppdb_in

    return mapout
Beispiel #2
def check_ncs(file):
    '''full check of the NCS groups (file in pdb or cif)

    if util.is_cif(file):
        #        print 'Please input a cif file.'
Beispiel #3
def get_atominfo(file):
    '''Load atom information (pdb or cif)

    atominfo = {
        'chain': [],
        'nres': [],
        'comp': [],
        'atom': [],
        'symbol': [],
        'alt': [],
        'ins': [],
        'x': [],
        'y': [],
        'z': [],
        'xf': [],
        'yf': [],
        'zf': [],
        'occ': [],
        'mtr': [],
        'symop': [],
        'spg': '',
        'cell': [],
        'mtrix': [],
        'atom_o': [],
        'group': [],
        'natm': [],
        'natm_c': [],
        'segid': []

    #print 'Loading atom information.'
    if not util.check_file(100, file):
        print('Error: file (%s) not exist' % file)
        return atominfo

    if util.is_cif(file):
        dic = data_from_cif(file, atominfo)
        dic = data_from_pdb(file, atominfo)
    # print 'spg=', dic['spg'], dic['cell']

    return atominfo
Beispiel #4
def assign_alt_id(file, outfile):
    '''assign alt id if it is wrong!

    info = get_atominfo(file)
    netdis = check_dis(info, 1)  # dist for alt conformers

    atoms = []
    for x in netdis:
    uatoms = []
    for i, x in enumerate(atoms):
        if i > 0 and x == atoms[i - 1]: continue

    satom, altidd = [], []
    for i, x in enumerate(uatoms):
        t = x.split('_')
        if i > 0:
            t0 = uatoms[i - 1].split('_')
            if t[:4] != t0[:4]:
                util.gsort(satom, 1, -1)
                altid = check_alt(satom)
                if altid: altidd.append(altid)
                #print satom
                satom = []
        satom.append([x, info['occ'][int(t[7])]])

    if len(altidd):
        if util.is_cif(file):
            newfile = update_ciffile(file, altidd)
            newfile = update_pdbfile(file, altidd)

        if outfile:
            util.move(newfile, outfile)
            print '\nThe updated new file = %s\n' % outfile
            print '\nThe updated new file = %s\n' % newfile
Beispiel #5
def check_special_position(file, outfile, out_xyz):
    '''file can be in PDB/mmCIF format.
    the tolerance of distanc for 0.25 for refmac, 0.5 for shelx, 1.0 for phenix.

    if not outfile: outfile = file + '_occ'
    fw = open(outfile, 'w')

    dist_limit = 0.5  # the minimum distance for atoms on special positions
    extend = 2

    info = get_atominfo(file)
    print 'Searching atoms on special positions(space group=%s)..' % info['spg']

    if not info['cell']:
        t = 'Error: the unit cell is not extracted!\n'

    frac, orth = util.frac_orth_matrix(info['cell'])  #get conversion matrix
    m1, m2, m3 = get_sym_operator(info, 'frac')  #get sym

    xf, yf, zf = info['xf'], info['yf'], info['zf']
    xfn, yfn, zfn = shift_xyz2unit(xf, yf, zf)
    # xfc,yfc,zfc=xyz_orig(xf, yf, zf)
    # xfc1,yfc1,zfc1=xyz_orig(xfn, yfn, zfn)
    # print 'new orig=%.3f %.3f %.3f ; old orig=%.3f %.3f %.3f' %(xfc1,yfc1,zfc1,xfc,yfc,zfc)

    xfb = util.matrix_prod(frac, [extend, extend, extend])  #boundary in frac
    xmin, xmax = expand_boundary(xfn, yfn, zfn, xfb)  #use the shifted
    #  print xmin, xmax
    d = 0
    nspecial = []
    box = (-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3)  #7*7*7=125 cell
    #   box=( -2, -1, 0, 1 ,2)  #5*5*5=125 cell
    #    box=( -1, 0, 1) #3*3*3=27
    nop = len(m1)
    for ii in box:
        for jj in box:
            for kk in box:
                for j in range(nop):  #number of operators
                    m10, m20, m30 = m1[j][0], m2[j][0], m3[j][
                        0]  #pre-assign 30% faster
                    m11, m21, m31 = m1[j][1], m2[j][1], m3[j][1]
                    m12, m22, m32 = m1[j][2], m2[j][2], m3[j][2]
                    m13, m23, m33 = m1[j][3], m2[j][3], m3[j][3]
                    nxf = len(xf)
                    for i in range(nxf):
                        xi = [xfn[i], yfn[i], zfn[i]]  #shifted frac
                        x, y, z = xfn[i], yfn[i], zfn[i]
                        xnf0 = m10 * x + m11 * y + m12 * z + m13 + ii
                        xnf1 = m20 * x + m21 * y + m22 * z + m23 + jj
                        xnf2 = m30 * x + m31 * y + m32 * z + m33 + kk

                        if (xnf0 < xmin[0] or xnf0 > xmax[0] or xnf1 < xmin[1]
                                or xnf1 > xmax[1] or xnf2 < xmin[2]
                                or xnf2 > xmax[2]):

                        d = util.distf(xi, [xnf0, xnf1, xnf2], info['cell'])
                        #   if d>0.5 : continue
                        #    xno = util.matrix_prod(orth,[xnf0,xnf1,xnf2])
                        scode = '%d%d%d' % (ii + 5, jj + 5, kk + 5)
                        if d < 0.5 and (j != 0 or '555' not in scode
                                        ):  # atom on special position
                            s1 = '%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%d' % (
                                info['chain'][i], info['comp'][i],
                                info['nres'][i], info['atom'][i],
                                info['alt'][i], info['ins'][i],
                                info['natm'][i], i)
                            s2 = '%3d %s %d %.3f' % (info['mtr'][i], scode,
                                                     j + 1, d)
                            nspecial.append([s1, s2])

    if not nspecial:
        print('\nNote: No atoms sit on special position.\n')
        fw.write('\nNote: No atoms sit on special position.\n')

    t = '\nNote: The following atoms sit on special position.\n'
    nspecial.sort(key=lambda v: v[0])

    dic = {}
    for m, xx in enumerate(nspecial):
        if m > 0 and nspecial[m][0] == nspecial[m - 1][0]:
            dic[xx[0]] = [xx[1]]

    swater, l_occ = [], []
    for s in sorted(dic.keys()):
        nfold = len(dic[s]) + 1
        op = ['555 1']  #the first one
        for m in dic[s]:
            t = m.split()
            op.append('%s %s' % (t[1], t[2]))

        occ, ss = check_coord_occ(info, s, nfold)
        s1 = s.split('_')
        s2 = '_'.join(s1[:-1])
        t = '\natom id=%s : symmetry fold=%d \n' % (s2, nfold)

        if '_' not in s: continue
        na = int(s.split('_')[-1])
        occ_orig = info['occ'][na]
        print t.strip(), ' sym_code=', op, 'occ_orig=%s' % occ_orig
        print ss

        if ('_HOH_' in ss or '_DOD_' in ss) and float(occ_orig) == 1:

        if 'Wrong occupancy' in ss:


    if (l_occ and util.is_cif(file)):
        update_coord(file, swater, l_occ, out_xyz)
        print '%d waters are updated with occupancy in the coordinates.' % len(
        print 'New coordinate= %s' % out_xyz
        print 'Coordinates are not updated (Reason: either not in cif or OCC not 1.00).'

    print '\nThe output file =%s\n' % outfile
Beispiel #6
def matt_coeff(infile, outfile):
    '''calculate Matthew_coeff and solven content: file is in pdb format;

    if not util.check_file(100, infile):
        print('Error: file (%s) not exist' % infile)

    file = infile
    if util.is_cif(infile): file = cif2pdb(infile)

    fp = open(file, 'r')

    cell = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
    spt, nop, nmat, sym, res, atom, res = 1, 0, 1, 'X', [], [], []
    rmass, amass, armass = 0, 0, 0
    hetres, aname, rest = [], [], ''
    for x in fp:
        if 'REMARK 290 ' in x[:12] and '555' in x and ',' in x[23:32]:
            nop = nop + 1
        elif 'SEQRES' in x[:6]:
            t = x[17:79].split()
#        elif 'SPLIT' in x[:6] :
#            t=x[6:].split()
#            spt=len(t)

        elif 'MTRIX3' in x[:6] and '1' not in x[55:].strip():
            nmat = nmat + 1
        elif 'CRYST1' in x[:6]:
            c = x[7:54].split()
            cell = [float(y) for y in c]
            sym = x[54:65].strip()

        elif ('ATOM' in x[:4] or 'HETA' in x[:4]):
            if ('HOH' in x[17:20] or 'DOD' in x[17:20]): continue

            occ = float(x[54:60])
            amass = amass + atom_mass(x[76:78].strip()) * occ
            t = x[17:27]  #comp_ch_res_int

            if t != rest:
                comp = t[:3].strip()
                restmp = residue_mass(comp)
                if restmp < 1:
                    armass = armass + residue_mass(comp)

                rest = t
                aname = []

        elif 'ENDMDL' in x[:6]:


    cell_vol = cell_volume(cell)
    nsym = sg_nsym(sym)
    if nsym == -1:
        print('Error: space group (%s) is not in the list (%s)' % (sym, file))
        nsym = nop

    for x in hetres:
        armass = armass + non_standard_res(x, atom)

    for x in res:
        resm = residue_mass(x)
        if resm < 1:
            m1 = non_standard_res(x, atom)
            rmass = rmass + m1
            rmass = rmass + resm

    amatt, asolv = calc_matt(cell_vol, amass, nsym, nmat, spt)  #by atom, occ
    rmatt, rsolv = calc_matt(cell_vol, rmass, nsym, nmat, spt)  #by SEQRES
    armatt, arsolv = calc_matt(cell_vol, armass, nsym, nmat, spt)  #residue

    matt, solv = -1, -1

    if 2.0 < rmatt < 5:
        matt, solv = rmatt, rsolv
    elif 2.0 < armatt < 5:
        matt, solv = armatt, arsolv
    elif 2.0 < amatt < 5:
        matt, solv = amatt, asolv
        matt, solv = armatt, arsolv
            'Warning: packing problem (%s), Matthew_coeff=%.2f; Solvent=%.2f' %
            (file, matt, solv))

    if util.is_cif(infile): util.delete_file(file)

    print('%s : split nsym, nmat= %2d %2d %2d' % (file, spt, nsym, nmat))
    print('By ATOM:    matt= %6.2f , solvent= %6.2f ' % (amatt, asolv))
    print('By SEQRES:  matt= %6.2f , solvent= %6.2f ' % (rmatt, rsolv))
    print('By residue: matt= %6.2f , solvent= %6.2f ' % (armatt, arsolv))
    print('Possible:   matt= %6.2f , solvent= %6.2f ' % (matt, solv))

    print('\nmass_total_atom=%.1f ;  cell_vol=%.1f' % (amass, cell_vol))
    error = '?'
    if (matt > 8.7 or matt < 1.5):
        error = 'Warning: Matthew_coefficient(%.2f) is abnormal. Possible incomplete content of ASU (or a split entry).' % matt
    if matt == 0.0 and solv == 1.0: error = '?'  #space group problem

    if outfile:
        fw = open(outfile, 'w')
        ss = '''data_matt
_packing.Matthew_coefficient  %6.2f
_packing.solvent_content     %6.2f
_packing.error  "%s"\n
        ''' % (matt, solv, error)
        print 'The output file = %s\n' % outfile
    return matt, solv
Beispiel #7
def find_xyzlim_compound(compid, coord):
    '''find xyzlimit used by mapmask, and write the coord in cif or pdb format.
    compid: atom_group_id (model_compound_chainID_resnumber_alter_insertion)
    coord: the coordinate file
    idd = 0, cif format; =1, the pdb format

    comp = 'XXXX'
    t1 = compid.split(':')
    for i, x in enumerate(t1):
        t = x.split('_')
        if i == 0: comp = '_'.join([t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3]])

        if len(t) != 6:
                'Error: in group-id (%d). it should be (model_compound_chainID_resnumber_alter_insertion).'
                % (i + 1))
            return '', ''

    idd = util.is_cif(coord)
    xyzcomp = comp + '.pdb'
    if idd == 1: xyzcomp = comp + '.cif'

    fw = open(xyzcomp, 'w')

    border = 1  #extend a little to cover more density
    xx, yy, zz = [], [], []
    if idd == 1:  #input cif format

        flist = open(coord, 'r').readlines()
        items, values = cif.cifparse(flist, '_cell.')
        for m, p in enumerate(items):
            fw.write("%s  %s\n" % (p, values[m]))

        cell = cif.get_cell(flist)

        items, values = cif.cifparse(flist, '_atom_site.')
        comp = cif.parse_values(items, values, "_atom_site.auth_comp_id")
        asym = cif.parse_values(items, values, "_atom_site.auth_asym_id")
        seq = cif.parse_values(items, values, "_atom_site.auth_seq_id")
        alt = cif.parse_values(items, values, "_atom_site.label_alt_id")
        ins = cif.parse_values(items, values, "_atom_site.pdbx_PDB_ins_code")
        x = cif.parse_values(items, values, "_atom_site.Cartn_x")
        y = cif.parse_values(items, values, "_atom_site.Cartn_y")
        z = cif.parse_values(items, values, "_atom_site.Cartn_z")
        model = cif.parse_values(items, values,

        if (not (alt and comp and ins and asym and seq and x and y and z)):
                'Error: not enough infor. extraced from (%s). Check ciftokens'
                % coord)

        for p in items:
            fw.write("%s\n" % p)
        row = cif.get_rows(items, values)

        for i in range(len(x)):
            alter, inst, mod = '.', '.', '1'
            if model and util.is_number(model[i]): mod = model[i]
            if alt and alt[i] != '?': alter = alt[i]
            if ins and ins[i] != '?': inst = ins[i]

            id1 = '_'.join([mod, comp[i], asym[i], seq[i], alter, inst])

            if id1 in compid:

                for m in row[i]:
                    fw.write("%s " % m)

    else:  #pdb format
        fp = open(coord, 'r')
        for x1 in fp:

            if ('CRYST1' in x1[:6]):
                cell = [float(p) for p in x1[8:54].split()]

            elif ('ATOM' in x1[:4] or 'HETATM' in x1[:6]):
                alt = x1[16:17]
                if alt.isspace(): alt = '.'
                ins = x1[26:27]
                if ins.isspace(): ins = '.'
                resname, chid, resnum = x1[17:20].strip(), x1[20:22].strip(
                ), x1[22:26].strip()
                resid = '_'.join([resname, chid, resnum, alt, ins])

                if resid in compid:
                    fw.write(x1)  #only write the selected section

    if not xx or not yy or not zz:
        print('Error: %s can not be found in the coordinate. try a new id. ' %
        return '', ''

    frac, orth = util.frac_orth_matrix(cell)  #get matrix
    border = 2.0
    xx_min, xx_max = min(xx) - border, max(xx) + border
    yy_min, yy_max = min(yy) - border, max(yy) + border
    zz_min, zz_max = min(zz) - border, max(zz) + border

    xf_min = util.matrix_prod(frac, [xx_min, yy_min, zz_min])
    xf_max = util.matrix_prod(frac, [xx_max, yy_max, zz_max])

    xyzlim = '%.3f %.3f  %.3f %.3f  %.3f %.3f' % (
        xf_min[0], xf_max[0], xf_min[1], xf_max[1], xf_min[2], xf_max[2])

    return xyzlim, xyzcomp
Beispiel #8
def cut_map_around_ligand_peptide(dccfile, dic, mapfile_in, xyzfile_in):
    '''It generate a complete set for ligand (map, html, jmol).
    dccfile: the density file by dcc.
    dic: a directory to hold all the file for webpage (url below).
    mapfile_in: a input map file.
    xyzfile_in: a input coordinate file.

    print('Cutting the density maps for ligands/peptide')

    tmpxyz = xyzfile_in
    if util.is_cif(xyzfile_in): tmpxyz = cif.cif2pdb(xyzfile_in)
    pdbfile = os.path.basename(dic['pdbfile']) + '_new'
    if pdbfile != tmpxyz: shutil.copy(tmpxyz, pdbfile)

    mapfile = os.path.basename(dic['pdbfile']) + ''
    if dic['ligmapcif']: mapfile = dic['xyzfile_orig'] + ''
    shutil.move(mapfile_in, mapfile)

    if dic['ligmapcif']:  #pre-parse the cif file.
        dic['cif'] = 1

        ciffile = dic['xyzfile_orig']

        flist = open(ciffile, 'r').readlines()
        cell_items, values = cif.cifparse(flist, '_cell.')
        cell = cif.get_rows(cell_items, values)
        dic['cell_items'], dic['lig_cell'] = cell_items, cell

        sym_items, values = cif.cifparse(flist, '_symmetry.')
        sym = cif.get_rows(sym_items, values)
        dic['sym_items'], dic['lig_sym'] = sym_items, sym

        items, values = cif.cifparse(flist, '_atom_site.')
        comp = cif.parse_values(items, values, "_atom_site.auth_comp_id")
        asym = cif.parse_values(items, values, "_atom_site.auth_asym_id")
        seq = cif.parse_values(items, values, "_atom_site.auth_seq_id")
        alt = cif.parse_values(items, values, "_atom_site.label_alt_id")
        ins = cif.parse_values(items, values, "_atom_site.pdbx_PDB_ins_code")
        mod = cif.parse_values(items, values, "_atom_site.pdbx_PDB_model_num")
        row = cif.get_rows(items, values)

        dic['items'], dic['comp1'], dic['asym'], dic[
            'seq'] = items, comp, asym, seq
        dic['alt'], dic['ins'], dic['mod'], dic['row'] = alt, ins, mod, row

    fw_itool = open('LIG_PEPTIDE.cif',
                    'w')  #a cif file contains table, filenames
        '\n# A "!" will be given if the residue is bad with real_space_R.\n')
    fw_itool.write('\n# Criteria: (CC<0.7 and R>0.4) or CC<0.5 or R>0.5\n')

    url = '' % dic['dir']
    #url=os.environ['THIS_SERVICE_URL__FIX_ME'] + '/users_data/dir_%s/' %dic['dir']

    ch_pep, chr_pep, ch_lig, chr_lig, ch_wat, chr_wat = tls.chain_res_range(

    ligpdb = non_poly_pdb(ch_pep, ch_lig, pdbfile)  #get non-poly xyz file
    dcc = get_dcc(dccfile)  #get a list for dcc of each residue

    if not dcc:
            'Warning: Failed to parse EDS values! No ligand/peptide maps will be generated. '

    for k, v in ch_pep.items():
        if len(v) < 15:  #length of peptide
            if not dic['sdsc_map']:
                map_around_peptide(fw_itool, dic, mapfile, ligpdb, dcc, ch_pep,

    if ch_lig:
        map_around_ligand(fw_itool, dic, mapfile, ligpdb, dcc, ch_lig, url)

    get_html_table_baddcc_general(mapfile, dcc)  #for polymer/lig/peptide


    if dic['sdsc_map']:
        arg = 'rm -f %s %s  %s  LIG_PEPTIDE.cif ' % (mapfile, mapfile_in,
        arg = arg + ' %s_rcc_sum.cif.mtz  %s_2fofc.map_all.html ' % (
            dic['pdbfile'], dic['pdbfile'])

#    util.delete_file(pdbfile)