def board_func(args,u413): args=args.split(' ') if len(args)==0: u413.type('Invalid board ID.') #BOARD id elif len(args)==1: if args[0].upper()=="ALL": args[0]=0 if util.isint(args[0]): output_board(int(args[0]),1,u413) else: u413.type('Invalid board ID.') #BOARD id page else: if args[0].upper()=="ALL": args[0]=0 if args[1].upper()=='LAST': args[1]=db.count_posts(args[0]) if args[1]==0: args[1]=1 else: args[1]=math.ceil(args[1]/10.0) elif not util.isint(args[1]): args[1]=1 else: args[1]=int(args[1]) output_board(int(args[0]),args[1],u413)
def create(i): isint(i.userid) isvarchar(,1,50) return db.insert('groups', userid=i.userid,,, _test=is_debug)
def topic_func(args,u413): params=args.split(' ',2) if len(params)==0 or not util.isint(params[0]): u413.type("Invalid topic ID.") return topic=int(params[0]) if len(params)==1: page=1 output_page(topic,1,u413) elif len(params)==2: if params[1].upper()=="REPLY": u413.j["Command"]="REPLY" u413.cmddata["topic"]=topic u413.continue_cmd() else: page=1 if util.isint(params[1]): page=int(params[1]) elif params[1].upper()=='LAST': page=db.count_posts(topic) if page==0: page=1 else: page=math.ceil(page/10.0) output_page(topic,page,u413) elif params[1].upper()=="REPLY": db.query("INSERT INTO posts (topic,title,parent,owner,editor,post,locked,edited,posted) VALUES(FALSE,'',%i,%i,0,'%s',FALSE,NULL,NOW());"%(topic,u413.user.userid,db.escape(util.htmlify(params[3])))) u413.type("Reply made successfully.")
def topic_func(args, u413): params = args.split(' ', 2) if len(params) == 0 or not util.isint(params[0]): u413.type("Invalid topic ID.") return topic = int(params[0]) if len(params) == 1: page = 1 output_page(topic, 1, u413) elif len(params) == 2: if params[1].upper() == "REPLY": u413.j["Command"] = "REPLY" u413.cmddata["topic"] = topic u413.continue_cmd() else: page = 1 if util.isint(params[1]): page = int(params[1]) elif params[1].upper() == 'LAST': page = db.count_posts(topic) if page == 0: page = 1 else: page = math.ceil(page / 10.0) output_page(topic, page, u413) elif params[1].upper() == "REPLY": db.query( "INSERT INTO posts (topic,title,parent,owner,editor,post,locked,edited,posted) VALUES(FALSE,'',%i,%i,0,'%s',FALSE,NULL,NOW());" % (topic, u413.user.userid, db.escape(util.htmlify(params[3])))) u413.type("Reply made successfully.")
def delete_func(args,u413): #DELETE already requested continuation if "step" in u413.cmddata: #ID> post=int(db.query("SELECT owner FROM posts WHERE id=%i;"%int(args))[0]["owner"]) owner=int(db.query("SELECT access FROM users WHERE id=%i;"%post)[0]["access"]) if post!=u413.user.userid: if u413.user.level<user.User.mod or u413.user.level<=owner: u413.type("You do not have permission to edit other user's posts.") return db.query("DELETE FROM posts WHERE id=%i;"%int(args)) u413.type("Post deleted.") #DELETE used for the first time else: params=args.split(' ',1) #DELETE if len(args)==0: u413.cmddata["step"]=1 u413.type("Enter the post's ID:") u413.set_context("Post ID") u413.continue_cmd() #DELETE id else: if util.isint(args): post=int(db.query("SELECT owner FROM posts WHERE id=%i;"%int(args))[0]["owner"]) owner=int(db.query("SELECT access FROM users WHERE id=%i;"%post)[0]["access"]) if post!=u413.user.userid: if u413.user.level<user.User.halfmod or u413.user.level<=owner: u413.type("You do not have permission to edit other user's posts.") return db.query("DELETE FROM posts WHERE id=%i;"%int(args)) u413.type("Post deleted.") else: u413.type("Invalid post ID")
def generate_js(self): """ Generates JS code: ropchain and relocs arrays Note: For JS we generate arrays where each item is 4 bytes, because JS cannot work with 8 bytes. As such you need to work on qword-level in JS. (see exploit.js) """ rop_chain = [] rop_relocs = [] rop = [0] + self.rop[:] # NB: PC is *second* pointer in output for qword in rop: if isint(qword): reloc = 0 elif isinstance(qword, Relocatable): reloc = qword.tag qword = qword.imm else: raise RuntimeError("unknown qword: {}".format(qword)) rop_chain.append(qword & 0xFFFFFFFF) # lo rop_chain.append(qword >> 32) # hi rop_relocs.append(reloc) rop_relocs.append(0) js = "rop_chain = {};\nrop_relocs = {};\n".format( self.js_array(rop_chain), self.js_array(rop_relocs)) return js
def generate_binary(self, relocs): """ Generate a ROP chain with relocs applied """ output = [0] # NB: PC is *second* pointer in output for qword in self.rop: if isint(qword): output.append(qword) elif isinstance(qword, Relocatable): output.append(qword.imm + relocs[qword.tag]) else: raise RuntimeError("unknown qword: {}".format(qword)) return "".join(struct.pack("<Q", x) for x in output)
def compile(self): """ Compiles rop chain. Doesn't return anything, access compiled_rop/compiled_relocs """ if self.compiled: raise RuntimeError("you can't call compile() multiple times!") self.compiled = True # Go through the ropchain, find immediate strings and allocate them into the data section for x in range(len(self.rop)): if isinstance(self.rop[x], str): # make sure to null-terminate here as well self.rop[x] = self._alloc(self.rop[x].encode("utf-8") + b"\x00") self._write_data_section() self.compiled_rop = [] self.compiled_relocs = [] for item in self.rop: word = None reloc = None # really, you can put either int or Relocatable inside Load[] # whether it's Load or whatever's inside only matters during call type resolution # in call() if isinstance(item, Load): item = item.addr if isint(item): word = item reloc = 0 elif isinstance(item, Relocatable): word = item.imm reloc = item.tag if word is None or reloc is None: print("for ropchain={}".format(self.rop)) raise RuntimeError("compilation failed at item={}".format(item)) assert(word is not None) assert(reloc is not None) if word < 0: word &= 0xFFFFFFFF self.compiled_rop.append(word) self.compiled_relocs.append(reloc)
def pre_alloc_var(self, value): """ Same as pre_alloc_data, but it's not pushed into so especially useful for temporary-temporary storage, e.g. see RopThread """ if isint(value): ptr = self._alloc(b"\x00" * value) elif isinstance(value, str): # make sure to null-terminate strings! ptr = self._alloc(value.encode("utf-8") + b"\x00") elif isinstance(value, bytes): ptr = self._alloc(value) else: raise RuntimeError("tried to allocate unknown type: {}".format(type(value))) return ptr
def history_func(args,u413): params=args.split(' ',1) if args.strip()=='': u413.type("User command history (1-32 of %i):"%len(u413.user.history)) out='<br/><table>' for cmd in u413.user.history[::-1][:32][::-1]: out+='<tr><td style="width:2em;"></td><td>'+cmd+'</td></tr>' u413.donttype(out+'</table>') elif params[0].upper()=="--CLEAR": u413.user.history=[] u413.type("History cleared") elif util.isint(params[0]): u413.type("User command history (%i-%i of %i):"%(int(params[0]),int(params[0])+32,len(u413.user.history))) out='<br/><table>' for cmd in u413.user.history[::-1][int(params[0]):int(params[0])+32][::-1]: out+='<tr><td style="width:2em;"></td><td>'+cmd+'</td></tr>' u413.donttype(out+'</table>')
def respond(cli,u413,ashtml=True): cmdarg=cli.split(' ',1) cmd=cmdarg[0].upper() args="" if len(cmdarg)>1: args=cmdarg[1] #update history and cmd if it's not a command that handles sensitive data sensitive=['LOGIN','REGISTER'] if u413.user.cmd not in sensitive and cmd not in sensitive: if args!='': u413.user.history.append(cmd+' '+args) else: u413.user.history.append(cmd) if u413.user.cmd=='': u413.j["Command"]=cmd if cmd in cmds and cmds[cmd].level<=u413.user.level: cmds[cmd].callback(args,u413) else: a=getalias(cli,u413) if a!=None: execalias(cli,a,u413) elif util.isint(cmd): if u413.user.context!='TOPIC' and 'TOPIC' in u413.user.context: cmds["TOPIC"].callback('%i %i'%(int(u413.user.context.split(' ')[1]),int(cmd)),u413) elif u413.user.context!='BOARD' and 'BOARD' in u413.user.context: cmds["BOARD"].callback('%s %i'%(u413.user.context.split(' ')[1],int(cmd)),u413) else: u413.type('"%s" is not a valid command or is not available in the current context.'%cmd) else: u413.type('"%s" is not a valid command or is not available in the current context.'%cmd) else: u413.j["Command"]=u413.user.cmd.upper() if cmd=="CANCEL": #Note: this works because commands must actively request continuation u413.type("Action cancelled.") u413.set_context("") else: cmds[u413.user.cmd.upper()].callback(cli,u413) db.query("UPDATE sessions SET history='%s' WHERE id='%s';"%(db.escape(str(u413.user.history)),u413.user.session)) #change title if user is logged in if!="Guest": u413.set_title("Terminal - "
def call(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Generic call function that will do argument matching and execute a proper call* handler """ # Generate argument signature sig = "" for arg in args: if isint(arg) or isinstance(arg, Relocatable): sig += "v" elif arg is Ret: sig += "r" else: raise RuntimeError( "unsupported function argument: {}".format(arg)) for match, f in self._call_funcs.items(): if match.startswith(sig): return f(self, func, *args, **kwargs) raise RuntimeError("didn't match sig: {} for args: {}".format( sig, args))
def delete_func(args, u413): #DELETE already requested continuation if "step" in u413.cmddata: #ID> post = int( db.query("SELECT owner FROM posts WHERE id=%i;" % int(args))[0]["owner"]) owner = int( db.query("SELECT access FROM users WHERE id=%i;" % post)[0]["access"]) if post != u413.user.userid: if u413.user.level < user.User.mod or u413.user.level <= owner: u413.type( "You do not have permission to edit other user's posts.") return db.query("DELETE FROM posts WHERE id=%i;" % int(args)) u413.type("Post deleted.") #DELETE used for the first time else: params = args.split(' ', 1) #DELETE if len(args) == 0: u413.cmddata["step"] = 1 u413.type("Enter the post's ID:") u413.set_context("Post ID") u413.continue_cmd() #DELETE id else: if util.isint(args): post = int( db.query("SELECT owner FROM posts WHERE id=%i;" % int(args))[0]["owner"]) owner = int( db.query("SELECT access FROM users WHERE id=%i;" % post)[0]["access"]) if post != u413.user.userid: if u413.user.level < user.User.halfmod or u413.user.level <= owner: u413.type( "You do not have permission to edit other user's posts." ) return db.query("DELETE FROM posts WHERE id=%i;" % int(args)) u413.type("Post deleted.") else: u413.type("Invalid post ID")
def call(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Generic call function that will do argument matching and execute a proper call* handler """ # Generate argument signature sig = "" for arg in args: if isint(arg) or isinstance(arg, Relocatable): sig += "v" elif arg is Ret: sig += "r" elif isinstance(arg, str): # It will be allocated in compile() and essentially same as int sig += "v" elif isinstance(arg, Load): sig += "l" else: raise RuntimeError("unsupported function argument: {}".format(arg)) for match, f in self._call_funcs.items(): if match.startswith(sig): return f(self, func, *args, **kwargs) raise RuntimeError("didn't match sig: {} for args: {}".format(sig, args))
def history_func(args, u413): params = args.split(' ', 1) if args.strip() == '': u413.type("User command history (1-32 of %i):" % len(u413.user.history)) out = '<br/><table>' for cmd in u413.user.history[::-1][:32][::-1]: out += '<tr><td style="width:2em;"></td><td>' + cmd + '</td></tr>' u413.donttype(out + '</table>') elif params[0].upper() == "--CLEAR": u413.user.history = [] u413.type("History cleared") elif util.isint(params[0]): u413.type( "User command history (%i-%i of %i):" % (int(params[0]), int(params[0]) + 32, len(u413.user.history))) out = '<br/><table>' for cmd in u413.user.history[::-1][int(params[0]):int(params[0]) + 32][::-1]: out += '<tr><td style="width:2em;"></td><td>' + cmd + '</td></tr>' u413.donttype(out + '</table>')
def reply_func(args, u413): #already used REPLY if "step" in u413.cmddata: if args.strip() == '': u413.type("Action cancelled.") u413.set_context("") #ID> elif u413.cmddata["step"] == 1: if util.isint(args): u413.cmddata["step"] = 2 u413.cmddata["topic"] = int(args) u413.type("Enter your reply:") u413.set_context("REPLY") u413.continue_cmd() else: u413.type("Invalid topic ID.") u413.set_context("") #REPLY> elif u413.cmddata["step"] == 2: db.query( "INSERT INTO posts (topic,title,parent,owner,editor,post,locked,edited,posted) VALUES(FALSE,'',%i,%i,0,'%s',FALSE,NULL,NOW());" % (u413.cmddata["topic"], u413.user.userid, db.escape(util.htmlify(args)))) reload_topic(u413.cmddata["topic"], u413.cmddata["page"], u413) #first use of REPLY else: params = args.split(' ', 1) context = u413.user.context.split(' ') #REPLY if args.strip() == '': if "TOPIC" in u413.user.context: u413.cmddata["step"] = 2 u413.cmddata["topic"] = int(u413.user.context.split(' ')[1]) u413.type("Enter your reply:") u413.set_context("REPLY") u413.continue_cmd() else: u413.cmddata["step"] = 1 u413.type("Enter the topic ID:") u413.set_context("TOPIC ID") u413.continue_cmd() #REPLY [id] elif len(params) == 1: if util.isint(params[0]): u413.cmddata["step"] = 2 u413.cmddata["topic"] = int(params[0]) u413.type("Enter your reply:") u413.continue_cmd() elif "TOPIC" in u413.user.context: topic = int(u413.user.context.split(' ')[1]) db.query( "INSERT INTO posts (topic,title,parent,owner,editor,post,locked,edited,posted) VALUES(FALSE,'',%i,%i,0,'%s',FALSE,NULL,NOW());" % (topic, u413.user.userid, db.escape(util.htmlify(args)))) page = 1 if len(context) > 2: page = int(context[2]) reload_topic(int(context[1]), page, u413) else: u413.type("Invalid topic ID.") #REPLY [[id] message] else: if util.isint(params[0]): if len(params) == 2: db.query( "INSERT INTO posts (topic,title,parent,owner,editor,post,locked,edited,posted) VALUES(FALSE,'',%i,%i,0,'%s',FALSE,NULL,NOW());" % (int(params[0]), u413.user.userid, db.escape(util.htmlify(params[1])))) page = 1 if len(context) > 2: page = int(context[2]) u413.type("Reply added successfully.") else: u413.cmddata["step"] = 2 u413.cmddata["topic"] = int(params[0]) u413.type("Enter your reply:") u413.set_context("REPLY") u413.continue_cmd() elif "TOPIC" in u413.user.context: topic = int(u413.user.context.split(' ')[1]) db.query( "INSERT INTO posts (topic,title,parent,owner,editor,post,locked,edited,posted) VALUES(FALSE,'',%i,%i,0,'%s',FALSE,NULL,NOW());" % (topic, u413.user.userid, db.escape(util.htmlify(args)))) page = 1 if len(context) > 2: page = int(context[2]) reload_topic(topic, page, u413) else: u413.type("Topic ID required.") u413.cmddata["page"] = 1 if len(context) > 2: u413.cmddata["page"] = int(context[2])
def __sub__(self, x): if not isint(x): raise RuntimeError("cannot __sub__ a {}".format(x)) return Relocatable(self.tag, self.imm - x)
def reply_func(args,u413): #already used REPLY if "step" in u413.cmddata: if args.strip()=='': u413.type("Action cancelled.") u413.set_context("") #ID> elif u413.cmddata["step"]==1: if util.isint(args): u413.cmddata["step"]=2 u413.cmddata["topic"]=int(args) u413.type("Enter your reply:") u413.set_context("REPLY") u413.continue_cmd() else: u413.type("Invalid topic ID.") u413.set_context("") #REPLY> elif u413.cmddata["step"]==2: db.query("INSERT INTO posts (topic,title,parent,owner,editor,post,locked,edited,posted) VALUES(FALSE,'',%i,%i,0,'%s',FALSE,NULL,NOW());"%(u413.cmddata["topic"],u413.user.userid,db.escape(util.htmlify(args)))) reload_topic(u413.cmddata["topic"],u413.cmddata["page"],u413) #first use of REPLY else: params=args.split(' ',1) context=u413.user.context.split(' ') #REPLY if args.strip()=='': if "TOPIC" in u413.user.context: u413.cmddata["step"]=2 u413.cmddata["topic"]=int(u413.user.context.split(' ')[1]) u413.type("Enter your reply:") u413.set_context("REPLY") u413.continue_cmd() else: u413.cmddata["step"]=1 u413.type("Enter the topic ID:") u413.set_context("TOPIC ID") u413.continue_cmd() #REPLY [id] elif len(params)==1: if util.isint(params[0]): u413.cmddata["step"]=2 u413.cmddata["topic"]=int(params[0]) u413.type("Enter your reply:") u413.continue_cmd() elif "TOPIC" in u413.user.context: topic=int(u413.user.context.split(' ')[1]) db.query("INSERT INTO posts (topic,title,parent,owner,editor,post,locked,edited,posted) VALUES(FALSE,'',%i,%i,0,'%s',FALSE,NULL,NOW());"%(topic,u413.user.userid,db.escape(util.htmlify(args)))) page=1 if len(context)>2: page=int(context[2]) reload_topic(int(context[1]),page,u413) else: u413.type("Invalid topic ID.") #REPLY [[id] message] else: if util.isint(params[0]): if len(params)==2: db.query("INSERT INTO posts (topic,title,parent,owner,editor,post,locked,edited,posted) VALUES(FALSE,'',%i,%i,0,'%s',FALSE,NULL,NOW());"%(int(params[0]),u413.user.userid,db.escape(util.htmlify(params[1])))) page=1 if len(context)>2: page=int(context[2]) u413.type("Reply added successfully.") else: u413.cmddata["step"]=2 u413.cmddata["topic"]=int(params[0]) u413.type("Enter your reply:") u413.set_context("REPLY") u413.continue_cmd() elif "TOPIC" in u413.user.context: topic=int(u413.user.context.split(' ')[1]) db.query("INSERT INTO posts (topic,title,parent,owner,editor,post,locked,edited,posted) VALUES(FALSE,'',%i,%i,0,'%s',FALSE,NULL,NOW());"%(topic,u413.user.userid,db.escape(util.htmlify(args)))) page=1 if len(context)>2: page=int(context[2]) reload_topic(topic,page,u413) else: u413.type("Topic ID required.") u413.cmddata["page"]=1 if len(context)>2: u413.cmddata["page"]=int(context[2])
def edit_func(args, u413): #EDIT already requested continuation if "step" in u413.cmddata: #ID> if u413.cmddata["step"] == 1: u413.donttype('"' + args + '"') if util.isint(args): u413.cmddata["id"] = int(args) u413.cmddata["step"] = 2 u413.set_context("NEW BODY") u413.type("Enter the new post body:") u413.edit_text( util.dehtmlify( db.query("SELECT post FROM posts WHERE id=%i;" % int(args))[0]["post"])) u413.continue_cmd() else: u413.type("Invalid post ID.") u413.set_context("") #NEW BODY> elif u413.cmddata["step"] == 2: post = int( db.query("SELECT owner FROM posts WHERE id=%i;" % u413.cmddata["id"])[0]["owner"]) owner = int( db.query("SELECT access FROM users WHERE id=%i;" % post)[0]["access"]) if post != u413.user.userid: if u413.user.level < user.User.halfmod or u413.user.level <= owner: u413.type( "You do not have permission to edit other user's posts." ) return db.query( "UPDATE posts SET post='%s',editor=%i,edited=NOW() WHERE id=%i;" % (db.escape( util.htmlify(args)), u413.user.userid, u413.cmddata["id"])) u413.type("Post edited successfully.") u413.set_context(u413.cmddata["context"]) #EDIT used for the first time else: params = args.split(' ', 1) #EDIT if len(args) == 0: u413.cmddata["step"] = 1 u413.cmddata["context"] = u413.user.context u413.type("Enter the post's ID:") u413.set_context("Post ID") u413.continue_cmd() #EDIT id elif len(params) == 1: if util.isint(args): u413.cmddata["step"] = 2 u413.cmddata["context"] = u413.user.context u413.cmddata["id"] = int(args) u413.type("Enter the new post body:") u413.set_context("NEW BODY") u413.edit_text( util.dehtmlify( db.query("SELECT post FROM posts WHERE id=%i;" % int(args))[0]["post"])) u413.continue_cmd() else: u413.type("Invalid post ID.") #EDIT id body else: if util.isint(params[0]): post = int( db.query("SELECT owner FROM posts WHERE id=%i;" % int(params[0]))[0]["owner"]) owner = int( db.query("SELECT access FROM users WHERE id=%i;" % post)[0]["access"]) if post != u413.user.userid: if u413.user.level < user.User.halfmod or u413.user.level <= owner: u413.type( "You do not have permission to edit other user's posts." ) return db.query( "UPDATE posts SET post='%s',editor=%i,edited=NOW() WHERE id=%i;" % (db.escape(util.htmlify( params[1])), u413.user.userid, int(params[0]))) u413.type("Post edited successfully.") u413.set_context("") else: u413.type("Invalid post ID.")
def main(repo = None, dont_push = None, silence = None): repo, is_git_repo = util.get_valid_repo( repo ) groups = util.get_groups_dict(repo) #Sanity check expirations try: expirationsyaml = file( os.path.join(repo, 'expirations.yaml') , 'r') expirations = hotcidr.state.load(expirationsyaml) except IOError: print('Error: ' + os.path.join(repo, 'expirations.yaml') + ' is missing, and is necessary for expiration checking.',file=sys.stderr) return 1 except yaml.scanner.ScannerError as e: print('Error: expirations.yaml is not properly formatted:\n' + str(e), file=sys.stderr) print('expirations.yaml is necessary for expiration checking.', file=sys.stderr) return 1 if expirations: if 'rules' in expirations: expirations = expirations['rules'] else: print('Error: expirations.yaml is not properly formatted. Rules must be under a \'rules:\' tag.', file=sys.stderr) #Immediately terminate if there are no groups, or else a division by 0 will occur later groups_num = len(groups) if groups_num == 0: print('ERROR: No groups loaded.',file=sys.stderr) return 1 if not silence: i = 0 any_rules_removed = False for group in groups: #Print processing if not silence: print('Processing ' + groups[group], file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() try: rulesyaml = file( os.path.join(repo, groups[group]) , 'r') rules = hotcidr.state.load(rulesyaml) except IOError: print('Warning: ' + os.path.join(repo, groups[group]) + ' is missing. It will be skipped.',file=sys.stderr) continue except yaml.scanner.ScannerError as e: print('Warning: ' + os.path.join(repo, groups[group]) + ' is not properly formatted and will be skipped:\n' + str(e), file=sys.stderr) continue added_rules = util.get_added_deleted_rules( repo, groups[group] )['added'] rules_removed = False for added_rule in added_rules: #Handle expirations.yaml: add expiration field to all matching rules if expirations: for expired_rule in expirations: if 'expiration' in expired_rule and isint(expired_rule['expiration']): #TODO: Rather than count the fields in expired_rule, check that they are each in util.expected_rule_fields if len(expired_rule.keys()) >= 2: rule_is_expired = True for field in util.expected_rule_fields: if not field in added_rule or not field in expired_rule: continue if not added_rule[field] == expired_rule[field]: rule_is_expired = False break #Give the rule an expiration, so it will be seen as if it was originally added in <group>.yaml if rule_is_expired: added_rule['expiration'] = int(expired_rule['expiration']) else: print('Warning: rule in expirations.yaml has no fields to match: ' + expired_rule) else: print('Warning: rule in expirations.yaml is missing a valid expiration field: ' + expired_rule) #Handle expirations in <group>.yaml if 'expiration' in added_rule and isint(added_rule['expiration']): if int(added_rule['expiration']) < int(time.time()) - int(added_rule['date']): if not silence: print('Removed rule: ' + str(added_rule)) added_rules.remove(added_rule) rules_removed = True #Prepare added_rules for loading back into yaml file for added_rule in added_rules: del added_rule['hexsha'] del added_rule['author'] del added_rule['date'] if rules_removed: any_rules_removed = True #Edit yaml with new rules rules['rules'] = added_rules f = open( os.path.join( repo, groups[group] ), 'w' ) f.write( hotcidr.state.dump(rules, default_flow_style=False) ) f.close() #Print progress if not silence: i += 1 print('Progress: ' + str(int(100*i/groups_num)), file=sys.stderr) #Commit and push changes if there were any rule changes if any_rules_removed: #Commit and push file git.Git( repo ).add( groups[group] ) git.Git( repo ).commit('-m','Automatically removed expired rule') if not dont_push: try: git.Git( repo ).push() except git.exc.GitCommandError: print('Error: ' + repo + ' cannot be pushed: no remote exists? Try specifying the --dont-push argument.') return 1 #Remove temporary git repo if is_git_repo: rmtree( repo ) return 0
def update(i): isint( isvarchar(,1,50) id = db.update('groups',where='id=$id',, vars=locals(),_test=is_debug)
def edit_func(args, u413): # EDIT already requested continuation if "step" in u413.cmddata: # ID> if u413.cmddata["step"] == 1: u413.donttype('"' + args + '"') if util.isint(args): u413.cmddata["id"] = int(args) u413.cmddata["step"] = 2 u413.set_context("NEW BODY") u413.type("Enter the new post body:") u413.edit_text(util.dehtmlify(db.query("SELECT post FROM posts WHERE id=%i;" % int(args))[0]["post"])) u413.continue_cmd() else: u413.type("Invalid post ID.") u413.set_context("") # NEW BODY> elif u413.cmddata["step"] == 2: post = int(db.query("SELECT owner FROM posts WHERE id=%i;" % u413.cmddata["id"])[0]["owner"]) owner = int(db.query("SELECT access FROM users WHERE id=%i;" % post)[0]["access"]) if post != u413.user.userid: if u413.user.level < user.User.halfmod or u413.user.level <= owner: u413.type("You do not have permission to edit other user's posts.") return db.query( "UPDATE posts SET post='%s',editor=%i,edited=NOW() WHERE id=%i;" % (db.escape(util.htmlify(args)), u413.user.userid, u413.cmddata["id"]) ) u413.type("Post edited successfully.") u413.set_context(u413.cmddata["context"]) # EDIT used for the first time else: params = args.split(" ", 1) # EDIT if len(args) == 0: u413.cmddata["step"] = 1 u413.cmddata["context"] = u413.user.context u413.type("Enter the post's ID:") u413.set_context("Post ID") u413.continue_cmd() # EDIT id elif len(params) == 1: if util.isint(args): u413.cmddata["step"] = 2 u413.cmddata["context"] = u413.user.context u413.cmddata["id"] = int(args) u413.type("Enter the new post body:") u413.set_context("NEW BODY") u413.edit_text(util.dehtmlify(db.query("SELECT post FROM posts WHERE id=%i;" % int(args))[0]["post"])) u413.continue_cmd() else: u413.type("Invalid post ID.") # EDIT id body else: if util.isint(params[0]): post = int(db.query("SELECT owner FROM posts WHERE id=%i;" % int(params[0]))[0]["owner"]) owner = int(db.query("SELECT access FROM users WHERE id=%i;" % post)[0]["access"]) if post != u413.user.userid: if u413.user.level < user.User.halfmod or u413.user.level <= owner: u413.type("You do not have permission to edit other user's posts.") return db.query( "UPDATE posts SET post='%s',editor=%i,edited=NOW() WHERE id=%i;" % (db.escape(util.htmlify(params[1])), u413.user.userid, int(params[0])) ) u413.type("Post edited successfully.") u413.set_context("") else: u413.type("Invalid post ID.")