Beispiel #1
def inSantiago(point):
    santi = Point(SANTI_LAT,SANTI_LON)
    if kilDist(point, santi) < SANTIAGO_RADIUS:
        #print kilDist(point, santi)
        return True
        return False
Beispiel #2
def getTotalDistanceTraveled(truckId, datenum, db=WATTS_DATA_DB_KEY, ):
    ts = getTruckPoints(truckId, datenum, db)
    dist, tme = 0, 0
    totalDistance = 0
    first = True
    for t in ts:
        if first:
            dist = t.point
            first = False
        totalDistance += kilDist(dist, t.point)

        dist = t.point
    return totalDistance
Beispiel #3
def findStops(truckId, dateNum, db=WATTS_DATA_DB_KEY, constraint=None):
    if constraint is None:
        constraint = CONSTRAINT
    points = getTruckPoints(truckId, db, dateNum)
    numPoints = len(points)

    first = None
    last = None
    cluster = []
    clusters = []
    for i in range(0, numPoints):
        point = points[i]
        if first is None:
            first = point
            if kilDist(first, point) < constraint:
                last = point
                first = getCentroid(cluster)
                if len(cluster) > 1:
                last = None
                first = point
                cluster = [first]
    if len(cluster) > 1:

    lengths = [len(i) for i in clusters]
    zeros = [getNumZeros(i) for i in clusters]
    times = [getStopTime(i) for i in clusters]
    centroids = [getCentroid(i) for i in clusters]
    diameters = [getDiameter(i) for i in clusters]
    distances = getDistances(centroids, kilDist)
    startStops = [getStartStop(i, timeFunc=getClockTime) for i in clusters]

    filtered = []
    for i in range(len(clusters)):
        if times[i] >= MIN_STOP_TIME:
            stop = {}
            stop[POINT_KEY] = centroids[i]
            stop[RADIUS_KEY] = diameters[i] / 2
            stop[START_STOP_KEY] = startStops[i]

    return filtered
Beispiel #4
def getTotalTimeOnRoad(truckId, datenum, db=WATTS_DATA_DB_KEY, ):
    ts = getTruckPoints(truckId, datenum, db)
    dist, tme = 0, 0
    totalDistance = 0
    totalTime = datetime.timedelta(hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0)
    first = True
    for t in ts:
        if first:
            dist = t.point
            tme = t.time
            first = False
        curr = kilDist(dist, t.point)
        totalDistance += curr

        if curr > 0:
            x = getTimeDeltas(t.time) - getTimeDeltas(tme)
            totalTime = totalTime + x
        dist = t.point
        tme = t.time

    return totalTime.total_seconds() / 3600
Beispiel #5
def computeStopData():
    print 'processing stops for each truck and date - this will take time, please be patient'
    stops = {}
    stats = {}
    stopList = []
    first = None
    stop_id = 1

    masterList = findStopsAll()

    for ml in masterList:
        addRow = True
        if first is None:
            point = (stop_id, float(ml[2]),float(ml[3]))
            stats[TRUCK_ID_KEY] = ml[1]
            stats[DATE_NUM_KEY] = ml[0]
            t1 = getTime(int(ml[5].split(":")[0]),int(ml[5].split(":")[1]))
            t2 = getTime(int(ml[6].split(":")[0]),int(ml[6].split(":")[1]))
            stats[TIME_KEY] = t1
            stats[DURATION_KEY] = getDuration(t1,t2)
            stats[LAT_KEY] = point[1]
            stats[LON_KEY] = point[2]
            stats[RADIUS_KEY] = ml[4]
            stops[point] = stopList
            first = 1
            stats = {}
            stopList = []
            # get the new line from the document and get the lat,long for the stop
            # compare to the existing stops using kildist and if its less than constraint
            # if yes, then it means they are the same stop.
            #   add to the list under the stop entry without incrementing stop ID
            #   add the truck id, time, duration, datenum
            # if no, then it means its a differnet stop
            #   add a new entry with an id.
            #   add the truck id, datenum, stop time, and duration
            oldPoint = {}

            newPoint = {}
            newPoint[LAT_KEY] = float(ml[2])
            newPoint[LON_KEY] = float(ml[3])
            keys = stops.keys()
            for i in keys:

                oldPoint[LAT_KEY] = i[1]
                oldPoint[LON_KEY] = i[2]

                if (kilDist(oldPoint,newPoint)) <= CONSTRAINT:
                    #if yes, then it means they are the same stop.
                    #   add to the list under the stop entry without incrementing stop prop ID
                    #   add the truck id, time, duration, datenum, stop id, radius
                    # print "same stop so adding to the list of stops"

                    stats[TRUCK_ID_KEY] = ml[1]
                    stats[DATE_NUM_KEY] = ml[0]

                    t1 = getTime(int(ml[5].split(":")[0]),int(ml[5].split(":")[1]))
                    t2 = getTime(int(ml[6].split(":")[0]),int(ml[6].split(":")[1]))

                    stats[TIME_KEY] = t1
                    stats[DURATION_KEY] = getDuration(t1,t2)
                    stats[LAT_KEY] = newPoint[LAT_KEY]
                    stats[LON_KEY] = newPoint[LON_KEY]
                    stats[RADIUS_KEY] = ml[4]
                    stats = {}

                    addRow = False

            # if all keys have been checked and no matches found then
            # if no, then it means its a differnet stop
            #   add a new entry with an id.
            #   add the truck id, datenum, stop time, and duration
            if addRow:

                stop_id += 1
                pt = (stop_id, float(ml[2]),float(ml[3]))

                stats[TRUCK_ID_KEY] = ml[1]
                stats[DATE_NUM_KEY] = ml[0]
                t1 = getTime(int(ml[5].split(":")[0]),int(ml[5].split(":")[1]))
                t2 = getTime(int(ml[6].split(":")[0]),int(ml[6].split(":")[1]))
                stats[TIME_KEY] = t1
                stats[DURATION_KEY] = getDuration(t1,t2)
                stats[LAT_KEY] = pt[1]
                stats[LON_KEY] = pt[2]
                stats[RADIUS_KEY] = ml[4]
                stops[pt] = stopList
                stats = {}
                stopList = []

    return stops
Beispiel #6
def getMetricCostBetweenStops(stopA, stopB):
    distance = kilDist(Point(, stopA.lon), Point(, stopB.lon))
    return distance