Beispiel #1
def api_query(request):
    ret = {}
    jsonstr = request.GET.get('json', None)
    if not jsonstr:
        # print("query: no json string. giving up")
        return ret

    args = json.loads(jsonstr)
    username = request.user.get_username()
    repo_base = args.get('username')
    repo = args.get('db')
    table = args.get('table')
    args['table'] = "%s.%s" % (repo, table)

    o, params = create_sql_obj(None, args)
    o.limit = 10000
    query = str(o)
    # print(query)
    # print(params)

    if not repo or not table or not query:
        # print("query: no db/table/query. giving up")
        return ret

    manager = DataHubManager(user=username, repo_base=repo_base)
    res = manager.execute_sql(query, params)
    rows = res['tuples']
    cols = pick(res['fields'], 'name')

    data = [dict(zip(cols, vals)) for vals in rows]
    ret['data'] = data
    ret['schema'] = get_schema(repo, table, username, repo_base)

    # print("%d points returned" % len(ret.get('data', [])))
    return ret
Beispiel #2
        def get_parameters(msg):
            skill_name, parsed_correction = parse('{} {}', msg).fixed
            result = {}
            result['skill_name'] = skill_name

            for opt in ['+', '-', '*', '/']:
                if opt in parsed_correction:
                    correction = pick(opt+'{:d}', parsed_correction) 
                    result['correction'] = (opt, correction) 

            return result
    def simulate_ant(self):
        city = randint(0, self.n - 1)
        path = [city]
        visited = set([city])

        for _ in range(self.n - 1):

            desir = [
                # desirability based on distance
                (self.pow_dists[city][i] if i not in visited else 0)
                # desirability based on pheromones
                * (self.phero_trails[city][i]**self.params['phero_power'])
                # for each city
                for i in range(self.n)

            city = pick(normalizedArray(desir))
        return path
Beispiel #4
        def get_parameters(msg):
            result = {}
            skill_name = pick('/{:w}', msg)
            result['skill_name'] = skill_name

            parsed_msg, = parse('/{}', msg).fixed
            result['correction'] = None
            for opt in ['+', '-', '*', '/']:
                if opt in parsed_msg:
                    correction = pick(opt+'{:d}', parsed_msg) 
                    result['correction'] = (opt, correction) 

            result['bonus'] = pick('b{:d}', msg) if pick('b{:d}', msg) else 0 
            result['penalty'] = pick('p{:d}', msg) if pick('p{:d}', msg) else 0 
            return result
Beispiel #5
        def get_parameters(msg):
            result = {}
            parsed_msg, = parse('/dice {}', msg).fixed

            plus_dice = re.findall('\A\d{1,2}d\d{1,3}|(?<=\+)\d{1,2}d\d{1,3}', parsed_msg)
            minus_dice = re.findall('(?<=\-)\d{1,2}d\d{1,3}', parsed_msg)
            plus_opt = re.findall('(?<=\+)\d{1,2}(?!d)', parsed_msg)
            minus_opt = re.findall('(?<=\-)\d{1,2}(?!d)', parsed_msg)

            result['plus_dice'] = tuple(plus_dice)
            result['minus_dice'] = tuple(minus_dice) if minus_dice else None
            result['plus_opt'] = tuple(plus_opt) if plus_opt else None
            result['minus_opt'] = tuple(minus_opt) if minus_opt else None

            result['bonus'] = pick('b{:d}', msg) if pick('b{:d}', msg) else 0 
            result['penalty'] = pick('p{:d}', msg) if pick('p{:d}', msg) else 0 
            result['target'] = pick('({:d})', msg) if pick('({:d})', msg) else None
            result['secret'] = True if 'secret' in msg else False
            return result
Beispiel #6
 def get_columns(self):
   engine specific way to get table columns
   return pick(self.get_columns_and_types(), 0)
Beispiel #7
 def get_columns(self):
 engine specific way to get table columns
     return pick(self.get_columns_and_types(), 0)