def statuses_to_csv(): if os.path.exists(status_csv): with open(status_csv, 'w') as sout, open(status2_csv, 'w') as sout2: sout.write('link,domain,suffix,idx,status\n') sout2.write('link,domain,suffix,idx,status\n') statuses = read_pickle(wsmall_latest_nwl_status) c = 0 for link, status in statuses.items(): tld = tldextract.extract(link) if status == -1: sout2.write('%s,%s,%s,%d,%s\n' % (link, tld.domain, tld.suffix, c, 'timedout')) elif status == -2: sout2.write('%s,%s,%s,%d,%s\n' % (link, tld.domain, tld.suffix, c, 'ip')) else: sout.write('%s,%s,%s,%d,%d\n' % (link, tld.domain, tld.suffix, c, status)) c += 1 statuses = read_pickle(wsmall_latest_nwl_status) with open('output_files/status_count.table', 'w') as out: c = Counter() for link, status in statuses.items(): if status == -1: c['timedout'] += 1 elif status == -2: c['ip'] += 1 else: c[status] += 1 headers = ['status', 'count'] data = [] for k, v in c.items(): data.append([k, v]) out.write(tabulate(data, headers=headers, tablefmt='latex'))
def loadFromCache(self): """ load the data and the map from the cache """ _debug_('loadFromCache()', 2) self.elocationData = util.read_pickle(self.cacheElocation) self.currentData = util.read_pickle(self.cacheCurrent) self.forecastData = util.read_pickle(self.cacheForecast) try: size = int(os.stat(self.mapFile)[6]) except Exception, error: _debug_('failed loading weather map for "%s" from cache: %s' % (self.location, error), DWARNING) pass
def loadFromCache(self): """ load the data and the map from the cache """ logger.log( 9, 'loadFromCache()') self.elocationData = util.read_pickle(self.cacheElocation) self.currentData = util.read_pickle(self.cacheCurrent) self.forecastData = util.read_pickle(self.cacheForecast) try: size = int(os.stat(self.mapFile)[6]) except Exception, why: logger.warning('failed loading weather map for "%s" from cache: %s', self.location, why) pass
def loadFromCache(self): """ load the data and the map from the cache """ logger.log(9, 'loadFromCache()') self.elocationData = util.read_pickle(self.cacheElocation) self.currentData = util.read_pickle(self.cacheCurrent) self.forecastData = util.read_pickle(self.cacheForecast) try: size = int(os.stat(self.mapFile)[6]) except Exception, why: logger.warning( 'failed loading weather map for "%s" from cache: %s', self.location, why) pass
def build_word_count(): if os.path.isfile('pickled/wcount.pickle'): return read_pickle('pickled/wcount.pickle') wcount = Counter() for fid in words.fileids(): for word in words.words(fid): word = word.lower() if only_words.match(word) is not None: wcount[word] += 1 for fid in gutenberg.fileids(): for word in gutenberg.words(fid): word = word.lower() if only_words.match(word) is not None: wcount[word] += 1 for fid in brown.fileids(): for word in brown.words(fid): word = word.lower() if only_words.match(word) is not None: wcount[word] += 1 for fid in reuters.fileids(): for word in reuters.words(fid): word = word.lower() if only_words.match(word) is not None: wcount[word] += 1 for fid in inaugural.fileids(): for word in inaugural.words(fid): word = word.lower() if only_words.match(word) is not None: wcount[word] += 1 dump_pickle(wcount, 'pickled/wcount.pickle') return wcount
def load_cache(self, dirname): """ load a new cachefile """ if dirname == self.current_cachedir: return if self.cache_modified: self.save_cache() cachefile = self.__get_filename__(dirname) logger.log( 9, 'load cache %s', cachefile) if config.MEDIAINFO_USE_MEMORY and self.all_directories.has_key(cachefile): self.current_objects = self.all_directories[cachefile] else: if os.path.isfile(cachefile): self.current_objects = util.read_pickle(cachefile) # maybe the cache file is broken and read_pickle returns None if not self.current_objects: self.current_objects = {} else: self.current_objects = {} if config.MEDIAINFO_USE_MEMORY: self.all_directories[cachefile] = self.current_objects self.current_cachefile = cachefile self.current_cachedir = dirname self.cache_modified = False
def getMameRomList(): file_ver = None mameRomList = None if os.path.isfile(config.GAMES_MAME_CACHE): mameRomList = util.read_pickle(config.GAMES_MAME_CACHE) try: file_ver = mameRomList.TYPES_VERSION except AttributeError: print 'The cache does not have a version and must be recreated.' if file_ver != mame_types.TYPES_VERSION: print( ('MameRomList version number %s is stale (new is %s), must ' + 'be reloaded') % (file_ver, mame_types.TYPES_VERSION)) else: if DEBUG: print 'Got MameRomList (version %s).' % file_ver if mameRomList == None: mameRomList = mame_types.MameRomList() print "MameRomList has %s items." % len(mameRomList.getMameRoms()) return mameRomList
def disc_info(media, force=False): """ return kaa metadata disc information for the media """ discinfo = mmpython.parse(media.devicename) if not discinfo or not # bad disc, e.g. blank disc return {} cachedir = os.path.join(config.OVERLAY_DIR, 'disc/metadata') cachefile = os.path.join(cachedir, + '.freevo') if os.path.isfile(cachefile): metainfo = util.read_pickle(cachefile) else: metainfo = {} if force or discinfo.mime == 'unknown/unknown' and not metainfo.has_key('disc_num_video'): media.mount() for type in ('video', 'audio', 'image'): items = getattr(config, '%s_SUFFIX' % type.upper()) files = util.match_files_recursively(media.mountdir, items) metainfo['disc_num_%s' % type] = len(files) media.umount() util.save_pickle(metainfo, cachefile) info = Info(cachefile, discinfo, metainfo) info.disc = True return info
def load_test_data(test_file, max_length=100, vocabulary=None, config=None): """ Loads and preprocessed data for the MR dataset. Returns input vectors, labels, vocabulary, and inverse vocabulary. """ contents = util.read_txt(test_file) lines = [line for line in contents] labels = [] x_text = [] y = None if config is None: x_text = [s.split()[:max_length] for s in lines] else: y_text = [] label_dict = util.read_txt_to_dict(config) for line in lines: line = line.split(' <> ') x_text.append(line[1].split()[:max_length]) labels.append(line[0]) label_num = label_dict[line[0].strip()] y_text.append(label_num) y = np.array(y_text) sentences_padded = pad_sentences(x_text, max_length) vocabulary = util.read_pickle(vocabulary) x = np.array([[vocabulary.get(word, 0) for word in sentence] for sentence in sentences_padded]) return x, contents, labels, y
def build_stem_queries(): stemmer_idx = read_pickle('pickled/stemmerIdx3.pickle') for stemmer, stemdic in stemmer_idx.items(): print('building queries for %s' % stemmer) queries = [] c = 0 for stem in stemdic.values(): if len(stem.stemsTo) > 1: c += 3 for c1, c2 in combinations(stem.stemsTo, 2): if c1 is None or c2 is None: raise Exception('bad field') queries.append({ 'number': '%s,%s' % (stem.stem, c1), 'text': '#combine( #dirichlet( #extents:@/%s/:part=postings() ) )' % c1 }) queries.append({ 'number': '%s,%s' % (stem.stem, c2), 'text': '#combine( #dirichlet( #extents:@/%s/:part=postings() ) )' % c2 }) # #max( #extents:@/replicate/:part=postings() #extents:@/replicating/:part=postings()) queries.append({ 'number': '%s,%s,%s' % (stem.stem, c1, c2), 'text': '#combine(#uw:50( #extents:@/%s/:part=postings() #extents:@/%s/:part=postings())' % (c1, c2) }) else: c += 1 queries.append({ 'number': '%s,%s' % (stem.stem, stem.stemsTo[0]), 'text': '#combine( #dirichlet( #extents:@/%s/:part=postings() ) )' % stem.stemsTo[0] }) qloc = 'galagoqueries/window50/%s.json' % stemmer with open(qloc, 'w') as qout: json.dump( { 'queries': queries, 'index': 'index3', 'queryType': 'complex' }, qout, indent=2) print('executing queries for %s' % stemmer) cline = './ threaded-batch-search %s' % qloc with open('output_files/window50/%s_query_ret.trec' % stemmer, 'w') as retOut: runner = Popen(shlex.split(cline), stdout=retOut, stderr=PIPE) print(
def association_measures(): ab_count, ab_count_wins, wins = read_pickle('pickled/window5Counts.pickle') rets = [] for (a, b) in ab_count_wins.keys(): rets.append(Win5Ret(a, b, ab_count_wins, ab_count, wins)) with open('output_files/window5/ordered5associationret.csv', 'w') as out: for ret in sorted(rets, key=lambda w5r: w5r.dice, reverse=True): ret.write_csv(out)
def get_link_df(): if not os.path.exists(wsmall_latest_linkdf): names = ['wsmall_file', 'href'] ldf = pd.read_csv(wsmall_latest_links, sep=',', names=names) dump_pickle(ldf, wsmall_latest_linkdf) return ldf else: return read_pickle(wsmall_latest_linkdf)
def delete_old_files_2(): """ delete cachfiles/entries for files which don't exists anymore """ print checking('deleting old web-server thumbnails'), sys.__stdout__.flush() num = 0 for file in util.match_files_recursively(vfs.www_image_cachedir(), config.IMAGE_SUFFIX): if not vfs.isfile( file[len(vfs.www_image_cachedir()):file.rindex('.')]): os.unlink(file) num += 1 print 'deleted %s file%s' % (num, num != 1 and 's' or '') print checking('deleting old cache files'), sys.__stdout__.flush() num = 0 for file in util.match_files_recursively(config.OVERLAY_DIR, ['raw']): if file.startswith(os.path.join(config.OVERLAY_DIR, 'disc')): continue if not vfs.isfile(file[len(config.OVERLAY_DIR):-4]): os.unlink(file) num += 1 print 'deleted %s file%s' % (num, num != 1 and 's' or '') print checking('deleting cache for directories not existing anymore'), subdirs = util.get_subdirs_recursively(config.OVERLAY_DIR) subdirs.reverse() for file in subdirs: if not os.path.isdir(file[len(config.OVERLAY_DIR):]) and not \ file.startswith(os.path.join(config.OVERLAY_DIR, 'disc')): for metafile in ('cover.png', 'cover.png.raw', 'cover.jpg', 'cover.jpg.raw', 'mmpython.cache', 'freevo.cache'): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(file, metafile)): os.unlink(os.path.join(file, metafile)) if not os.listdir(file): os.rmdir(file) print 'done' print checking('deleting old entries in meta-info'), sys.__stdout__.flush() for filename in util.recursefolders(config.OVERLAY_DIR, 1, 'freevo.cache', 1): if filename.startswith(os.path.join(config.OVERLAY_DIR, 'disc')): continue sinfo = os.stat(filename) if not sinfo[ST_SIZE]: #print '%s is empty' % filename continue dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)[len(config.OVERLAY_DIR):] data = util.read_pickle(filename) for key in copy.copy(data): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, str(key))): del data[key] util.save_pickle(data, filename) print 'done'
def disc_info(media, force=False): """ return kaa metadata disc information for the media """ type, id = mmpython.cdrom.status(media.devicename) if not id: # bad disc, e.g. blank disc return {} cachedir = os.path.join(config.OVERLAY_DIR, 'disc/metadata') cachefile = os.path.join(cachedir, id + '.mmpython') if os.path.isfile(cachefile) and not force: mmdata = util.read_pickle(cachefile) else: mmdata = mmpython.parse(media.devicename) if not mmdata: print '*****************************************' print 'Error detecting the disc in %r' % (media.devicename) print 'Please contact the developers' print '*****************************************' return {} else: util.save_pickle(mmdata, cachefile) cachefile = os.path.join(cachedir, id + '.freevo') if os.path.isfile(cachefile): metainfo = util.read_pickle(cachefile) else: metainfo = {} if mmdata.mime == 'unknown/unknown' and not metainfo.has_key( 'disc_num_video'): media.mount() for type in ('video', 'audio', 'image'): items = getattr(config, '%s_SUFFIX' % type.upper()) files = util.match_files_recursively(media.mountdir, items) metainfo['disc_num_%s' % type] = len(files) media.umount() util.save_pickle(metainfo, cachefile) info = Info(cachefile, mmdata, metainfo) info.disc = True return info
def __init__(self): """ init the skin engine """ global skin_engine skin_engine = self self.display_style = { 'menu' : 0 } self.force_redraw = True self.last_draw = None, None, None self.screen = screen.get_singleton() self.areas = {} self.suspended = False self.transitioning = False self.current_screen= None self.next_screen = None self.timer = None # load default areas from listing_area import Listing_Area from tvlisting_area import TVListing_Area from view_area import View_Area from info_area import Info_Area from default_areas import Screen_Area, Title_Area, Subtitle_Area, Plugin_Area from scrollabletext_area import Scrollabletext_Area from textentry_area import Textentry_Area from buttongroup_area import Buttongroup_Area for a in ('screen', 'title', 'subtitle', 'view', 'listing', 'info', 'plugin', 'scrollabletext', 'textentry', 'buttongroup'): self.areas[a] = eval('%s_Area()' % a.capitalize()) self.areas['tvlisting'] = TVListing_Area() self.storage_file = os.path.join(config.FREEVO_CACHEDIR, 'skin-%s' % os.getuid()) = util.read_pickle(self.storage_file) if if not config.SKIN_XML_FILE: config.SKIN_XML_FILE =['SKIN_XML_FILE'] else: logger.log( 9, 'skin forced to %s', config.SKIN_XML_FILE) else: if not config.SKIN_XML_FILE: config.SKIN_XML_FILE = config.SKIN_DEFAULT_XML_FILE = {} # load the fxd file self.settings = xml_skin.XMLSkin() self.set_base_fxd(config.SKIN_XML_FILE) if config.SKIN_SCREEN_TRANSITION == 'blend': self.do_transition = self.do_blend_transition elif config.SKIN_SCREEN_TRANSITION == 'slide': self.do_transition = self.do_slide_transition else: print 'WARNING: Unknown screen transition, disabling transitions' config.SKIN_USE_SCREEN_TRANSITIONS = False config.SKIN_USE_PAGE_TRANSITIONS = False
def check_webarchive(ldf): if os.path.exists(wsmall_latest_webarchive): archive_sites = [] for archive_site in archiving_sites: archive_sites.append(ldf[ldf.href.str.startswith(archive_site)]) about_wba = pd.concat(archive_sites) dump_pickle(about_wba, wsmall_latest_webarchive) return about_wba else: return read_pickle(wsmall_latest_webarchive)
def get_users2(ureviews, mset): if not os.path.exists(usr_pickle2): def user_trans(lines): return map(lambda line: UserWReviews(split=usr_split.split(line), ureviews=ureviews, mset=mset), lines) with SelectFromFile(user_file, transformer=user_trans, selector=lambda x: list(x)) as it: usrs = it dump_pickle(usrs, usr_pickle2) else: usrs = read_pickle(usr_pickle2) return usrs
def getsiteheadlines(self): headlines = [] pfile = os.path.join(self.cachedir, 'headlines-%i' % self.location_index) if (os.path.isfile(pfile) == 0 or \ (abs(time.time() - os.path.getmtime(pfile)) > MAX_HEADLINE_AGE)): #print 'Fresh Headlines' headlines = self.fetchheadlinesfromurl() else: #print 'Cache Headlines' headlines = util.read_pickle(pfile) return headlines
def delete_old_files_2(): """ delete cachfiles/entries for files which don't exists anymore """ print checking('deleting old web-server thumbnails'), sys.__stdout__.flush() num = 0 for file in util.match_files_recursively(vfs.www_image_cachedir(), config.IMAGE_SUFFIX): if not vfs.isfile(file[len(vfs.www_image_cachedir()):file.rindex('.')]): os.unlink(file) num += 1 print 'deleted %s file%s' % (num, num != 1 and 's' or '') print checking('deleting old cache files'), sys.__stdout__.flush() num = 0 for file in util.match_files_recursively(config.OVERLAY_DIR, ['raw']): if file.startswith(os.path.join(config.OVERLAY_DIR, 'disc')): continue if not vfs.isfile(file[len(config.OVERLAY_DIR):-4]): os.unlink(file) num += 1 print 'deleted %s file%s' % (num, num != 1 and 's' or '') print checking('deleting cache for directories not existing anymore'), subdirs = util.get_subdirs_recursively(config.OVERLAY_DIR) subdirs.reverse() for file in subdirs: if not os.path.isdir(file[len(config.OVERLAY_DIR):]) and not \ file.startswith(os.path.join(config.OVERLAY_DIR, 'disc')): for metafile in ('cover.png', 'cover.png.raw', 'cover.jpg', 'cover.jpg.raw', 'mmpython.cache', 'freevo.cache'): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(file, metafile)): os.unlink(os.path.join(file, metafile)) if not os.listdir(file): os.rmdir(file) print 'done' print checking('deleting old entries in meta-info'), sys.__stdout__.flush() for filename in util.recursefolders(config.OVERLAY_DIR, 1, 'freevo.cache', 1): if filename.startswith(os.path.join(config.OVERLAY_DIR, 'disc')): continue sinfo = os.stat(filename) if not sinfo[ST_SIZE]: #print '%s is empty' % filename continue dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)[len(config.OVERLAY_DIR):] data = util.read_pickle(filename) for key in copy.copy(data): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, str(key))): del data[key] util.save_pickle(data, filename) print 'done'
def loadFromCache(self): self.weatherData = util.read_pickle(self.cacheFile) try: size = int(os.stat(self.mapFile)[6]) except: _debug_("failed attempting to load %s radar map from cache" % (self.location,), DERROR) pass else: imgfd =, os.R_OK) self.weatherMapData =, size) os.close(imgfd)
def coverageReport(): stemmer_idx = read_pickle('pickled/stemmerIdx3.pickle') for stemmer in [ 'Lancaster', 'WordNetLemmatizer', 'PorterStemmer', 'SnowballStemmer' ]: with open('output_files/window50/%s_dice_connected.txt' % stemmer, 'r') as sin, \ open('output_files/window50/%s_dice_sconnected.txt' % stemmer, 'r') as sin2: print('generating coverage report for %s' % stemmer) stemdic = stemmer_idx[stemmer] writeCoverage(stemmer, stemdic, 'connected', sin) writeCoverage(stemmer, stemdic, 'sconnected', sin2)
def get_users(reviews=None): if not os.path.exists(usr_pickle): def user_trans(lines): return map(lambda line: User(usr_split.split(line), reviews), lines) usrs = {} with SelectFromFile(user_file, transformer=user_trans, selector=lambda x: list(x)) as it: for u in it: usrs[] = u dump_pickle(usrs, usr_pickle) else: usrs = read_pickle(usr_pickle) return usrs
def domain_info(ldf=None): if not os.path.exists(wsmall_latest_no_wlink): no_wlinks = ldf[ldf.href.str.contains( r'(www)|(http)')][~ldf.href.str.contains('wiki')] no_wlinks['href'] = no_wlinks['href'].apply(front_slash_nuke) dump_pickle(no_wlinks, wsmall_latest_no_wlink) if not os.path.exists(wsmall_latest_no_wlinkd): no_wlinks['domain'] = dump_pickle(no_wlinks, wsmall_latest_no_wlinkd) else: no_wlinks = read_pickle(wsmall_latest_no_wlinkd) return no_wlinks
def get_movies(): if not os.path.exists(movie_pickle): def move_clean_split(line): return Movie(msplit.split(msanity.sub('|', line.rstrip()))) movie_map = {} with, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as movs: for mov in map(move_clean_split, movs): movie_map[mov.mid] = mov dump_pickle(movie_map, movie_pickle) else: movie_map = read_pickle(movie_pickle) return movie_map
def check_ar_outlinks(ars): if not os.path.exists(wsmall_statues_ar): result = {} temp = [] processed = 0 c = 0 with FuturesSession( session=requests.Session(), executor=ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=10)) as session: for href in ars.href: temp.append(href) if len(temp) >= 100: pending = [] for url in temp: result[url] = -1 pending.append( session.head(url, headers={'User-Agent': useragents[c]}, timeout=5.0)) c += 1 if c == 3: c = 0 for future in pending: try: response = future.result() url = response.url scode = response.status_code result[url] = scode except Exception as e: one = 1 processed += 1 if processed % 100 == 0: print(processed) temp.clear() print('outise the with') had_status = {'archive': [], 'status': []} timed_out = {'archive': [], 'status': []} for k, v in result.items(): ar = archives_map(k) if v == -1: timed_out['archive'].append(ar) timed_out['status'].append(v) continue had_status['archive'].append(ar) had_status['status'].append(v) hs = pd.DataFrame(had_status) to = pd.DataFrame(timed_out) dump_pickle((hs, to), wsmall_statues_ar) return hs, to else: return read_pickle(wsmall_statues_ar)
def get_movies2(): if not os.path.exists(movie_pickle2): def move_clean_split(line): return Movie(msplit.split(msanity.sub('|', line.rstrip()))) movies = [] movie_idx = {} with, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as movs: for idx, mov in enumerate(map(move_clean_split, movs)): movies.append(mov) movie_idx[mov.mid] = idx dump_pickle((movies, movie_idx), movie_pickle2) else: movies, movie_idx = read_pickle(movie_pickle2) return movies, movie_idx
def getsiteheadlines(self): """ this returns the raw headlines (title, link and description tuples), it reads them from the cache file or fetches them from the internet. """ headlines = [] pfile = os.path.join(self.cachedir, 'itv-%i' % self.location_index) if (os.path.isfile(pfile) == 0 or \ (abs(time.time() - os.path.getmtime(pfile)) > MAX_HEADLINE_AGE)): #print 'Fresh Headlines' headlines = self.fetchheadlinesfromurl() else: #print 'Cache Headlines' headlines = util.read_pickle(pfile) return headlines
def get_reviews2(): if not os.path.exists(usr_review_pickle2): def review_mapper(line): ur = UserReview(split=usr_ratting.split(line.rstrip())) return ur def trans(rvs): return seq(rvs).map(review_mapper).group_by(lambda ur: ur.uid).to_dict() with SelectFromFile(usr_review_file, transformer=trans, selector=lambda x: x) as r: reviews = r dump_pickle(reviews, usr_review_pickle2) else: reviews = read_pickle(usr_review_pickle2) return reviews
def get_reviews(movie_map): if not os.path.exists(usr_review_pickle): def review_mapper(line): ur = URating(usr_ratting.split(line.rstrip())) ur.mname = movie_map.get(ur.itemid, None) return ur def trans(rvs): return seq(rvs).map(review_mapper).group_by(lambda ur: ur.uid).to_dict() with SelectFromFile(usr_review_file, transformer=trans, selector=lambda x: x) as r: reviews = r dump_pickle(reviews, usr_review_pickle) else: reviews = read_pickle(usr_review_pickle) return reviews
def load_cache(self, filename): """ load a skin cache file """ if hasattr(self, '__last_load_cache__' ) and self.__last_load_cache__[0] == filename: return self.__last_load_cache__[1] if not os.path.isfile(filename): return None cache = self.cachename(filename) if not cache: return None if not os.path.isfile(cache): return None version, settings = util.read_pickle(cache) if not settings or version != xml_skin.FXD_FORMAT_VERSION: return None pdir = os.path.join(config.SHARE_DIR, 'skins/plugins') if os.path.isdir(pdir): ffiles = util.match_files(pdir, ['fxd']) else: ffiles = [] for f in settings.fxd_files: if not os.path.dirname(f).endswith(pdir): ffiles.append(f) # check if all files used by the skin are not newer than # the cache file ftime = os.stat(cache)[stat.ST_MTIME] for f in ffiles: if os.stat(f)[stat.ST_MTIME] > ftime: return None # restore the font objects for f in settings.font: settings.font[f].font = osd.getfont(settings.font[f].name, settings.font[f].size) self.__last_load_cache__ = filename, settings return settings
def __init__(self): """ init the skin engine """ global skin_engine skin_engine = self self.display_style = {'menu': 0} self.force_redraw = True self.last_draw = None, None, None self.screen = screen.get_singleton() self.areas = {} # load default areas from listing_area import Listing_Area from tvlisting_area import TVListing_Area from view_area import View_Area from info_area import Info_Area from default_areas import Screen_Area, Title_Area, Subtitle_Area, Plugin_Area from scrollabletext_area import Scrollabletext_Area from textentry_area import Textentry_Area from buttongroup_area import Buttongroup_Area for a in ('screen', 'title', 'subtitle', 'view', 'listing', 'info', 'plugin', 'scrollabletext', 'textentry', 'buttongroup'): self.areas[a] = eval('%s_Area()' % a.capitalize()) self.areas['tvlisting'] = TVListing_Area() self.storage_file = os.path.join(config.FREEVO_CACHEDIR, 'skin-%s' % os.getuid()) = util.read_pickle(self.storage_file) if if not config.SKIN_XML_FILE: config.SKIN_XML_FILE =['SKIN_XML_FILE'] else: _debug_('skin forced to %s' % config.SKIN_XML_FILE, 2) else: if not config.SKIN_XML_FILE: config.SKIN_XML_FILE = config.SKIN_DEFAULT_XML_FILE = {} # load the fxd file self.settings = xml_skin.XMLSkin() self.set_base_fxd(config.SKIN_XML_FILE)
def load_cache(self, filename): """ load a skin cache file """ if hasattr(self, '__last_load_cache__') and self.__last_load_cache__[0] == filename: return self.__last_load_cache__[1] if not os.path.isfile(filename): return None cache = self.cachename(filename) if not cache: return None if not os.path.isfile(cache): return None version, settings = util.read_pickle(cache) if not settings or version != xml_skin.FXD_FORMAT_VERSION: return None pdir = os.path.join(config.SHARE_DIR, 'skins/plugins') if os.path.isdir(pdir): ffiles = util.match_files(pdir, [ 'fxd' ]) else: ffiles = [] for f in settings.fxd_files: if not os.path.dirname(f).endswith(pdir): ffiles.append(f) # check if all files used by the skin are not newer than # the cache file ftime = os.stat(cache)[stat.ST_MTIME] for f in ffiles: if os.stat(f)[stat.ST_MTIME] > ftime: return None # restore the font objects for f in settings.font: settings.font[f].font = osd.getfont(settings.font[f].name, settings.font[f].size) self.__last_load_cache__ = filename, settings return settings
def vocab_backwards(wfile, outfile): w_list, w_set = read_pickle(wfile) toke = WordPunctTokenizer() vocab = set() vocab_count = 0 word_count = 0 with open(outfile, 'w+') as vout: vout.write('wc,vc\n') for wf in reversed(w_list): with open(wf, 'r') as wIn: wSoup = BeautifulSoup(, 'lxml') for token in toke.tokenize(no_wspace_punk.sub(' ', wSoup.text)): if len(token) > 1: word_count += 1 if token not in vocab: vocab.add(token) vocab_count += 1 out = '%d,%d\n' % (word_count, vocab_count) vout.write(out)
def __init__(self, filename): """ Load the file and parse it. If the file does not exist, create an empty <freevo> node. """ Parser.__init__(self) self.filename = filename if not vfs.isfile(filename): self.tree = XMLnode('freevo') else: self.tree = None cache = vfs.getoverlay(filename + '.raw') if os.path.isfile(filename) and os.path.isfile(cache) and \ os.stat(cache)[stat.ST_MTIME] >= os.stat(filename)[stat.ST_MTIME]: self.tree = util.read_pickle(cache) if not self.tree: f = self.tree = self.parse(f) f.close() if self.tree: util.save_pickle(self.tree, cache)
def _buildAnalysisPage(self, builder, refresh=False): if not path.exists(self.schPath): return "no schedule" return """ <html> <head> <link href="/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> {} <div class="container" role="main"> No Schedule. </div> </body></html> """.format(htmlView.HtmlMenu().__html__()) config, matchL, optState = read_pickle(self.schPath) doc = htmlView.HtmlDoc(builder(config, matchL, optState)) if refresh: doc.head.add(htmlView.HtmlRefresh()) return doc.__html__()
def getMameRomList(): file_ver = None mameRomList = None if os.path.isfile(config.GAMES_MAME_CACHE): mameRomList = util.read_pickle(config.GAMES_MAME_CACHE) try: file_ver = mameRomList.TYPES_VERSION except AttributeError: print 'The cache does not have a version and must be recreated.' if file_ver != mame_types.TYPES_VERSION: print (('MameRomList version number %s is stale (new is %s), must ' + 'be reloaded') % (file_ver, mame_types.TYPES_VERSION)) else: logger.debug('Got MameRomList (version %s).', file_ver) if mameRomList == None: mameRomList = mame_types.MameRomList() print "MameRomList has %s items." % len(mameRomList.getMameRoms()) return mameRomList
else: mmpython.factory.DEBUG = 0 mmpython.USE_NETWORK = config.SYS_USE_NETWORK mmpython.cdrom.CREATE_MD5_ID = config.MMPYTHON_CREATE_MD5_ID # some checking when starting Freevo if __freevo_app__ == 'main': try: import kaa.metadata.version import time cachefile = os.path.join(config.FREEVO_CACHEDIR, 'mediainfo') info = util.read_pickle(cachefile) if not info: print print 'Error: can\'t detect last cache rebuild' print 'Please run \'freevo cache\'' print del_cache() else: if len(info) == 3: mmchanged, part_update, complete_update = info freevo_changed = 0 else: mmchanged, freevo_changed, part_update, complete_update = info # let's warn about some updates if freevo_changed == 0: print
"""update the cache data from the 1click service @note: the elocation is not updated as it is static """ logger.log( 9, 'updateData()') if GUI: popup = PopupBox(text=_('Fetching Weather for %s...') % self.popupParam) if not os.path.isfile(self.cacheElocation): try: elocationData = wget(self.url_eloc) self.elocationData = elocationData except Exception, why: logger.warning('Failed to get extended location data for %s: %s', self.location, why) else: self.elocationData = util.read_pickle(self.cacheElocation) try: self.currentData = wget(self.url_curc) #print 'currentData:', self.currentData except Exception, why: logger.warning('Failed to get the current conditions data for %s: %s', self.location, why) if os.path.isfile(self.cacheCurrent): self.currentData = util.read_pickle(self.cacheCurrent) else: self.currentData = None try: self.forecastData = wget(self.url_dayf) #print 'forecastData:', self.forecastData except Exception, why: logger.warning('Failed to get the forecast data for %s: %s', self.location, why)
def get_guide(popup=False, XMLTV_FILE=None): """ Get a TV guide from memory cache, file cache or raw XMLTV file. Tries to return at least the channels from the config file if there is no other data """ global cached_guide if not XMLTV_FILE: XMLTV_FILE = config.XMLTV_FILE if popup: import dialog.dialogs popup_dialog = dialog.dialogs.ProgressDialog( _('Preparing the program guide'), indeterminate=True) # Can we use the cached version (if same as the file)? if (cached_guide == None or (os.path.isfile(XMLTV_FILE) and cached_guide.timestamp != os.path.getmtime(XMLTV_FILE))): # No, is there a pickled version ("file cache") in a file? pname = '%s/TV.xml.pickled' % config.FREEVO_CACHEDIR got_cached_guide = False if (os.path.isfile(XMLTV_FILE) and os.path.isfile(pname) and (os.path.getmtime(pname) > os.path.getmtime(XMLTV_FILE))): logger.debug('XMLTV, reading cached file (%s)', pname) if popup: inprogress = kaa.ThreadCallable(util.read_pickle, pname)() inprogress.wait() cached_guide = inprogress.result else: cached_guide = util.read_pickle(pname) epg_ver = None try: epg_ver = cached_guide.EPG_VERSION except AttributeError: logger.debug('EPG does not have a version number, must be reloaded') if epg_ver != EPG_VERSION: logger.debug('EPG version missmatch, must be reloaded') elif cached_guide.timestamp != os.path.getmtime(XMLTV_FILE): # Hmmm, weird, there is a pickled file newer than the TV.xml # file, but the timestamp in it does not match the TV.xml # timestamp. We need to reload! logger.debug('EPG: Pickled file timestamp mismatch, reloading!') else:'XMLTV, got cached guide (version %s).', epg_ver) got_cached_guide = True if not got_cached_guide: # Need to reload the guide logger.debug('XMLTV, trying to read raw file (%s)', XMLTV_FILE) try: if popup: popup_dialog.set_indeterminate(False) inprogress = kaa.ThreadCallable(load_guide, XMLTV_FILE, popup_dialog)() inprogress.wait() cached_guide = inprogress.result popup_dialog.set_indeterminate(True) else: cached_guide = load_guide(XMLTV_FILE) except: # Don't violently crash on a incomplete or empty TV.xml please. cached_guide = None print print String(_("Couldn't load the TV Guide, got an exception!")) print traceback.print_exc() else: # Replace config.XMLTV_FILE before we save the pickle in order # to avoid timestamp confision. if XMLTV_FILE != config.XMLTV_FILE:'copying %r -> %r', XMLTV_FILE, config.XMLTV_FILE) shutil.copyfile(XMLTV_FILE, config.XMLTV_FILE) os.unlink(XMLTV_FILE) cached_guide.timestamp = os.path.getmtime(config.XMLTV_FILE) # Dump a pickled version for later reads if popup: kaa.ThreadCallable(util.save_pickle, cached_guide, pname)().wait() else: util.save_pickle(cached_guide, pname) if not cached_guide: # An error occurred, return an empty guide cached_guide = TvGuide() if popup: popup_dialog.hide() return cached_guide