def _upload_file(self, filename):
     "Take an arbitrary file and sends it to the server"
     csrf = self.grab_csrf()
     cmd = "curl -b /tmp/cookies.txt -F 'docfile=@%s' "\
           "-F 'csrfmiddlewaretoken=%s' %s/arp_upload/ 2>/dev/null" % (filename, csrf, self.options.server_url)
     output = run_or_die(cmd)
     if output == "cool.":
         return OK
     return output
 def grab_csrf(self):
     We have to pull the CSRF from the website in order to keep the
     server happy.
     cmd = "curl -c /tmp/cookies.txt %s/arp_upload/ 2>/dev/null" % self.options.server_url
     output = run_or_die(cmd)
     matches = re.compile("name='csrfmiddlewaretoken' value='(\S+)'" ).findall(output)
     if not matches:
         self.log("Could not detect csrf from server")
         raise UploadException(self.options.server_url, output)
     return matches[0]
 def upload_arp_table(self):
     "Responsible for sending everything of value to the server"
     arp_data = run_or_die('arp -an')
     fd, file_name = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="arp_")
     open(file_name, 'w').write(arp_data)
     output = self._upload_file(file_name)
     if output == OK:
         gso('rm -f %s' % file_name)
         return OK
     self.log("Error uploading")
     raise UploadException(self.options.server_url, output)
    def _json_request(self, path):
        """Obtain JSON data from our server"""
        cmd = "curl %s/%s/ 2>/dev/null" % (self.options.server_url, path)
        curl_output = run_or_die(cmd)
        configs = {}
        for line in curl_output.split('\n'):
            if line.endswith('&&'):
                line = line[:-2]

        if not configs.get('success', False):
            self.log("Error loading configs")
            if self.options.verbose:
                print "Output from the server:"
            raise DownloadException(self.options.server_url, curl_output)
        return configs