Beispiel #1
def detect(anno_file, img_file, id):
    global model
    image = np.asarray(cv2.imread(img_file))


    for img in util.pyramid(image):
        raw = [i for i in util.slidingWindow(img, 50, (100, 100))]
        hog_window = [cv2.resize(window, (128, 128)) for _, _, window in raw]
        hog_window = [cv2.HOGDescriptor().compute(i).reshape((-1)) for i in hog_window]
        detection = util.splitter(hog_window, model.predict)
        with_id = zip(range(0, len(raw)), detection)
        with_id = [i for i in with_id if i[1] != 3]
        for res in with_id:
Beispiel #2
    "max Y",
    "max Z"

class_names = ["Sedentary", "Active"]

print("Extracting features and labels for window size {} and step size {}...".
      format(window_size, step_size))

n_features = len(feature_names)

X = np.zeros((0, n_features))
y = np.zeros(0, )

for i, window_with_timestamp_and_label in slidingWindow(
        data, window_size, step_size):
    # omit timestamp and label from accelerometer window for feature extraction:
    window = window_with_timestamp_and_label[:, 1:-1]
    # extract features over window:
    x = extract_features(window)
    # append features:
    X = np.append(X, np.reshape(x, (1, -1)), axis=0)
    # append label:
    y = np.append(y, window_with_timestamp_and_label[10, -1])

print("Finished feature extraction over {} windows".format(len(X)))
print("Unique labels found: {}".format(set(y)))

# Plot data points
# print("Plotting data points...")
def predict():
    Given a window of accelerometer data, predict the activity label. 
    Then use the onActivityDetected(activity) function to notify the 
    Android must use the same feature extraction that you used to 
    train the model.
    # have to fix the window size
    clf = load("classifier.pickle")
    # maybe we are not even filling buffer but just running a for loop

    data_file_ss_11 = os.path.join('data', 'accel_data-12-08-BP-ss.csv')
    data_ss_11 = np.loadtxt(data_file_ss_11, delimiter=',', dtype = object, converters = {0: np.float, 1: np.float, 2: np.float, 3: lambda t: datetime.strptime(t.decode("utf-8"), "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")})
    data_ss_11 = np.insert(data_ss_11, 3, 0, axis = 1)
    hdata_file_ss_11 = os.path.join('data', 'BPM_2017-12-08-BP-ss.csv')
    hdata_ss_11 = np.loadtxt(hdata_file_ss_11, delimiter=',', dtype = object, converters = {0: lambda t: datetime.strptime(t.decode("utf-8"), "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"), 1: np.float})

    data = data_ss_11
    hdata = hdata_ss_11

    #because hr data in backwards
    count = len(hdata)-1
    for i,window_with_timestamp_and_label in slidingWindow(data, window_size, step_size):
        temp = np.zeros((1,3))
        #while time at row count is under time at accel, increase count (move to next row)
        #only have one window. Each row in window has own observation that needs hr
        for row in range(len(window_with_timestamp_and_label)):

            # print (hdata[count])
            # print(" ")
            # print (window_with_timestamp_and_label[row])

            while hdata[count][0] < window_with_timestamp_and_label[row][4] and count > 0:
                print("changed count ", count)

            if row==0:
            #remove timestamps from accel data
            temp = np.vstack((temp,window_with_timestamp_and_label[row][:-2]))
            #add hr data to accel
            hr_label = np.append(hdata[count][1],9)
            window_with_timestamp_and_label[row] = np.append(temp[row+1], hr_label)
            #add in label (hr_data is on form hr, t, label)
            #remove time and label for feature extraction
        window = window_with_timestamp_and_label[:,:-1]
        # extract features over window:
        # print("Buffer filled. Run your classifier.")

        prediction_array=   np.append(prediction_array,prediction)
        # print prediction

    # for i in range(0,len(prediction_array)):
    #     p_time=np.append(p_time,i)

    plt.ylabel('Predicted Label')
Beispiel #4
# %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#		      Import Data from sample-data.csv
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

x = dict()
y = dict()
x[0.0] = []
x[1.0] = []
y[0.0] = []
y[1.0] = []
data_file = os.path.join('data', 'sample-data.csv')
data = np.genfromtxt(data_file, delimiter=',')

for i, window_with_timestamp_and_label in slidingWindow(data, 100):
    window = window_with_timestamp_and_label[:, 1:-1]
    label = scipy.stats.mstats.mode(window_with_timestamp_and_label[:, 4])[0]
    # Add feature extraction here
    x[label[0]] += []
    y[label[0]] += []

stationary = plt.scatter(x[0], y[0], label='Stationary', color='red')
walking = plt.scatter(x[1], y[1], label='Walking', color='green')

# %%---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#		                   Format and Show Plot
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
plt.xlabel('Z entropy')