def format_frame(self, body, depth, info):
     """ Formats the block with the code header and footer (frame)
     # Construct header and footer of the function's body
     header_source = self.header_template % info
     header = util.split_source_to_lines(header_source, depth)
     footer_source = self.footer_template % info
     footer = util.split_source_to_lines(footer_source, depth)
     # Construct function definition
     lines = header + body + footer
     if constants.GENERATE_DEBUG_COMMENTS:
         self.insert_debug_comment(lines, depth)
     return lines
 def format(self, depth=0):
     lines = util.split_source_to_lines(, depth)
     if constants.GENERATE_DEBUG_COMMENTS:
         self.insert_debug_comment(lines, depth)
     return lines
    def format(self, depth=0):
        # Function information
        function_info = self.get_info()

        # Format the body of the function
        body = self.format_body(depth)
        # Empty function?
        if not body:
            empty_body_source = self.empty_body_template % function_info
            lines = util.split_source_to_lines(empty_body_source, depth)
            return lines
        # Frame the function definition
        lines = self.format_frame(body, depth, function_info)
        return lines