Beispiel #1
def rule_6(data):
    """Les voix ne doivent pas toutes effectuer le même mouvement, sauf si on enchaîne deux accords de sixtes."""
    for group1, group2 in util.pairwise(tools.iter_melodies(*data)):
            assert len(group1) == len(group2) and "Error : pauses not handled"
            from IPython import embed;embed()
        is_same_mov =  True
        for i in range(len(group1)):
            for j in range(i+1,len(group1)):
                notes1 = sorted(util.to_pitch([group1[i],group1[j]]),key=lambda x : x.value.semitone)
                notes2 = sorted(util.to_pitch([group2[i],group2[j]]),key=lambda x : x.value.semitone)
                if motion.MotionType.motion(*notes1,*notes2) is not
                    is_same_mov = False
            if is_same_mov is False:

        if is_same_mov:
            # are there 2 consecutive sixth?
            pos1 = max(group1,key=lambda x:x.pos).pos
            scale1 = data[0].scaleAt(pos1)
            c1 = chord.AbstractChord.findBestChord(group1,scale1)
            pos2 = max(group2,key=lambda x:x.pos).pos
            scale2 = data[0].scaleAt(pos2)
            c2 = chord.AbstractChord.findBestChord(group2,scale2)

            if not (c1.isInversion(group1,1) and c2.isInversion(group2,1)):
                warn(f"All the voices shouldn't be in the same direction.",group1,group2)
Beispiel #2
def forbid_consecutive_interval(s1, s2, interval):
    """Warn if two intervals of the same type are consecutive
    Interval must be qualified"""
    for (na,n1), (nb, n2) in util.pairwise(tools.iter_melodies(s1,s2,all=True)):
        nap, nbp, n1p, n2p = [util.to_pitch(x) for x in (na, nb, n1, n2)]
        if nap.isQualifiedInterval(interval).With(n1p) and nbp.isQualifiedInterval(interval).With(n2p):
            error.warn(f"Two {interval} in a row are forbidden",na,nb,n1,n2,f"in {s1.title} and {s2.title}")
Beispiel #3
def forbid_false_relation_tritone(s1,s2,allow_in_minor=False):
    Warn if tritone false relation is found
    msg = f"False relation of tritone is forbidden. In {s1.title} and {s2.title}"
    def __fun(n1, n2):
        n1p, n2p = [util.to_pitch(x) for x in (n1,n2)]
        def __is_VI_VII_minor():
            if allow_in_minor is not True:
                return False
            if s1.scale.mode == scale.Mode.m_rising:
                _scale = s1.scale.mode
            elif s1.scale.mode == scale.Mode.m_full:
                _scale = s1.scale.minor_scales[scale.Mode.m_rising]
            elif s1.scale.mode == scale.Mode.M:
                _scale = s1.scale.mode.relative(scale.Mode.m_rising)
                return False 
                return _scale.isDegree(n1p,6) or _scale.isDegree(n1p,7) or _scale.isDegree(n2p,6) or _scale.isDegree(n2p,7)
            except ValueError:
                return False

        if n1p.isTritoneWith(n2p) and not __is_VI_VII_minor():

    for (na, n1), (nb, n2) in util.pairwise(tools.iter_melodies(s1,s2,all=True)):
        nap, nbp, n1p, n2p = [util.to_pitch(x) for x in (na, nb, n1, n2)]
Beispiel #4
def rule_8(s1,s2,min=pitch.Pitch.F3):
    """Les tierces dans le grave sont lourdes et à éviter.
    Here, we choose to warn if the third is under F3"""
    for n1, n2 in tools.iter_melodies(s1,s2):
        np1,np2 = util.to_pitch((n1,n2))
        if np1.isInterval(3).With(np2) and (np1 < min and np2 < min):
            warn(f"Low thirds should be avoided",n1,n2,s1.title,s2.title)
Beispiel #5
    def motion(cls, *seq, **kw):  # TEST
        """Find the motion of seq.
        seq is a sequence of four Pitch: the first two
        is the first harmonic interval, the second is the 
        second interval.The first, the higher.
        It is possible to pass a sequence directly.
        If kw nosort == True, the seq isn't sorted at all
        __sort = lambda x, y: (x, y) if x.value.step < y.value.step else (y, x)
        if len(seq) != 4:
            seq = seq[0]
        assert len(seq) == 4

        seq = [util.to_pitch(elt) for elt in seq]
        h1, l1, h2, l2 = seq
        if kw.get('nosort', False) is False:
            h1, l1 = __sort(h1, l1)
            h2, l2 = __sort(h2, l2)

        if h1 == h2 and l1 == l2:  # no movement
        if h1 == h2 or l1 == l2:  # oblique
            return cls.oblique

        if (h1.value.semitone > h2.value.semitone
                and l1.value.semitone > l2.value.semitone) or (
                    h1.value.semitone < h2.value.semitone
                    and l1.value.semitone < l2.value.semitone):

        return cls.contrary
def rule_4(cp,cf):
    """Le temps fort doit être en consonance. Il sera toléré, dans les cas difficiles, de placer la dissonance au temps fort, à la condition qu'elle se produise dans la forme de broderie ou de note de passage et que les deux parties procèdent par mouvement contraire et par degrés conjoints"""
    # in this function, we do not look at the first note if the first note is at the downbeat, for it is already checked by function rule_3
    for (n1, na), (n2, nb) in util.pairwise(tools.iter_melodies(cp,cf,alone=False)):
        # is it downbeat?
        if cp.isUpBeat(n2):
        n1p, nap, n2p, nbp = [util.to_pitch(x) for x in (n1,na, n2, nb)]
        #is it a consonance?
        if n2p.isConsonantWith(nbp):
        #is it a cambiata or a passing tone?
        is_pt_or_c = cp.isCambiata(n2,False) or cp.isPassingTone(n2,False)
        #is it a conjunct movement?
        is_conjunct = cp.isConjunct(n2)
        #is it a contray motion?
        first = [n1p,nap]
        second = [n2p,nbp]
        first.sort(key=lambda x : x,reverse=True)
        second.sort(key=lambda x : x,reverse=True)
        is_contrary = motion.MotionType.motion(*first,*second) == motion.MotionType.contrary

        warn(f"""The downbeat is dissonant. It must be:
        - a cambiata or passing tone: {is_pt_or_c}
        - come from a conjunct motion: {is_conjunct}
        - come from a contrary motion: {is_contrary}
Beispiel #7
def rule_16(s1,s2):
    """Les croisements sont interdits"""
    is_s1_higher = s1.notes[0].pitch > s2.notes[0].pitch
    for n1, n2 in tools.iter_melodies(s1,s2):
        p1,p2 = [util.to_pitch(n) for n in (n1,n2)]
        if (is_s1_higher and p2 > p1) or (not is_s1_higher and p1 > p2):
            warn(f"Intersection is forbidden",n1,n2,s1.title,s2.title)
def rule_13(cp,cf):
    """Éviter la broderie ou la note de passage qui produit l'intervalle de seconde mineure avec le chant donné"""
    for (n1, na), (n2, nb) in util.pairwise(tools.iter_melodies(cp,cf,alone=False)):
        if not (cp.isCambiata(n2) or cp.isPassingTone(n2)):
        n1p, nap, n2p, nbp = [util.to_pitch(x) for x in (n1,na, n2, nb)]
        if n2p.semitoneWith(nbp) == 1:
            warn(f"Avoid minor seconds",cp.title,n2)
Beispiel #9
def rule_4(voice):
    """Les tritons en quatre notes sont à surveiller"""
    # AJOUTER: s'ils sont dans la même direction (sinon peu importe)
    # TODO
    for notes in util.nwise(voice,4):
        np1,*other,np4 = util.to_pitch(notes)
        if np1.semitoneWith(np4) == 6:
            warn(f"Tritone in 4 notes must be checked.",notes,voice.title)
def rule_5(cp, cf):
    """Le temps faible peut être en consonance ou en dissonance, pourvu que la dissonance se produise par degrés conjoints"""
    for (n1, na), (n2, nb) in util.pairwise(tools.iter_melodies(cp,cf,alone=False)):
        if not cp.isUpBeat(n2):
        n1p, nap, n2p, nbp = [util.to_pitch(x) for x in (n1,na, n2, nb)]
        if not n2p.isConsonantWith(nbp):
            if not cp.isConjunct(n2):
                warn(f"If the upbeat is dissonant, it must come from a conjunct motion.",cp.title,n2)
Beispiel #11
def rule_9(s1, s2):
    """Ne pas employer de croisements ni d'unissons"""
    s1_high = s1.notes[0].pitch > s2.notes[0].pitch
    for n1, n2 in zip(s1.notes, s2.notes):
        p1, p2 = [util.to_pitch(n) for n in (n1, n2)]
        if p1 == p2:
            raise error.CompositionError(f"Unisons are forbidden", n1, n2)

        if (s1_high and p2 > p1) or (not s1_high and p1 > p2):
            raise error.CompositionError(f"Intersection is forbidden", n1, n2)
Beispiel #12
def forbid_direct_interval(s1, s2, *intervals):
    """Warns if interval occured by direct motion
    intervals must be qualified or not """
    for (na,n1), (nb, n2) in util.pairwise(tools.iter_melodies(s1,s2,all=True)):
        nap, nbp, n1p, n2p = [util.to_pitch(x) for x in (na, nb, n1, n2)]

        answer = nbp.isQualifiedInterval(*intervals).With(n2p) if not isinstance(intervals[0],int) else nbp.isInterval(*intervals,True).With(n2p)

        if answer and (motion.MotionType.motion(na,n1,nb,n2) ==
            error.warn(f"It is forbidden to go to direct {intervals}",na,nb,n1,n2,f"in {s1.title} and {s2.title}")
def rule_7(cp, cf):
    """Lorsqu'une broderie forme dissonance attractive de quarte augmentée ou de quinte diminuée, et qu'elle retourne sur la note consonante qui l'a précédée, elle est à éviter. Cette règle est applicable aussi à la dissonance de quarte et, avec plus de tolérance, à celles de seconde et de septième"""
    for (n1, na), (n2, nb) in util.pairwise(tools.iter_melodies(cp,cf,alone=False)):
        if not cp.isCambiata(n2):
        n1p, nap, n2p, nbp = [util.to_pitch(x) for x in (n1,na, n2, nb)]
        if n2p.isQualifiedInterval((5,"diminished"),(4,"augmented"),(4,"perfect")).With(nbp) and n1p.isConsonantWith(nap):
            warn(f"It is forbidden to have a cambiata having an interval of 5th diminished, 4th perfect or augmented that return to a consonant pitch", cp.title,n2)

        elif n2p.isInterval(2,7,True).With(nbp) and n1p.isConsonantWith(nap):
            warn(f"If the cambiata forms a seventh or a second with the other voice, it can return to the consonant note by tolerance only",cp.title,n2)
Beispiel #14
def intersection(s1, s2):
    """True if the two melodies intersect.
    Warn at every point intersection is found"""
    state = None
    for notes in tools.iter_melodies(s1,s2):
        pnotes = [util.to_pitch(n) for n in notes]
        if len(notes) == 1 or pnotes[0] == pnotes[1]:
        new_state = pnotes[0] < pnotes[1]
        if state is not None and new_state is not state:
            error.warn(f"Melodies intersect.",*notes)
        state = new_state
Beispiel #15
    def positionOf(self, note):
        """Return the position in the scale of note"""
        note = util.to_pitch(note)

        if note not in self:
            raise ValueError(f"Note {note} not in scale {self}")

        if self.mode == Mode.m_full:
            for sub_scale in self.__minor__scales.values():
                if note in sub_scale:
                    return sub_scale.positionOf(note)
        return self.notes.index(note)
Beispiel #16
def rule_21(s: stave.Stave, ratio=5 / 20):
    """Employer de préférence les consonances imparfaites"""
    bars = []
    for bar in s.barIter():
        ft, sd = [util.to_pitch(n) for n in bar]
        if ft.isPerfectlyConsonantWith(sd):

    if len(bars) / len(s) > ratio:
            "The number of perfect consonances is possibly higher than requested",
Beispiel #17
def rule_2(voice):
    """Les tritons en trois notes sont interdits si le mouvement ne change pas de sens.
    Ces intervalles interdits peuvent être bons ou tolérés lors d'une modulation.
    for notes in util.nwise(voice,3):
        np1,np2,np3 = util.to_pitch(notes)
        if np1.semitoneWith(np3) == 6:
            if tools.is_same_direction(np1,np2,np3):
                if melodic.modulation_at(notes[1],voice) or melodic.modulation_at(notes[-1],voice):
                    msg = "Tritone in 3 notes is possible when a modulation occurs."
                    msg = "Tritone in 3 notes are forbidden, except when the middle note is lower or greater than the 2 other notes. It can also be tolerated in a seventh dominant chord. Check that."
Beispiel #18
def rule_9(s1,s2):
    1. Le soprano et le contralto ne doivent pas être éloignés de la voix inférieure d’un intervalle supérieur à l’octave.
    2. Le ténor et la basse ne doivent pas être éloignés d’un intervalle supérieur à la douzième.
    3. Il est possible d’excéder l’intervalle maximal dans le cas d’un saut d’octave, de préférence suivi d’un mouvement mélodique inverse.
    titles = (s1.title,s2.title)
    max = 12 if titles == ("Tenor","Bass") else 8

    for n1, n2 in tools.iter_melodies(s1,s2):
        np1,np2 = util.to_pitch((n1,n2))
        if np1.intervalWith(np2) > max:
            warn(f"Max interval between {s1.title} and {s2.title} is {max}, except if there's a melodic octave, or other thing of that kind followed by a melodic contrary movement. Is that the case?",n1,n2,*titles)
Beispiel #19
def rule_10(data):
    """Éviter l'accord diminué à l'état direct"""
    scale_ = data[0].scale
    previous = None
    for j, notes in enumerate(zip(*data)):
        c = chord.Chord.findChord(notes, scale_, True)
        if isinstance(c, chord.Chord) and c.isQuality("diminished"):
            for i, n in enumerate(notes):
                np = util.to_pitch(n)
                if c.findPosition(np) == 5:
                    err = error.CompositionError(
                        f"Diminished chord must be prepared and resolved", n)
                    #check previous pos
                    if np != previous[i]:
                        raise err
                    # check next pos
                    if (j + 1) == len(data[0]):
                        raise err
                    following_note = data[i][j + 1]
                    following_pitch = util.to_pitch(following_note)
                    if np.semitone - following_pitch.semitone != 1:
                        raise err
Beispiel #20
def calculate_motion_types(s1, s2):
    """Finds the number of motion type: direct, contrary
    and oblique"""
    movs = { : 0,
            motion.MotionType.contrary : 0,
            motion.MotionType.oblique : 0,

    for (na,n1), (nb, n2) in util.pairwise(tools.iter_melodies(s1,s2,alone=False)):
        nap, nbp, n1p, n2p = [util.to_pitch(x) for x in (na, nb, n1, n2)]
        movs[motion.MotionType.motion(nap,n1p,nbp,n2p)] += 1

    return movs
Beispiel #21
 def __contains__(self, arg):
     """True if note is in notes available for
     this scale.
     If arg in an iterable, True only if every note
     is in the scale"""
     # is iterable ?
         for note in arg:
             if util.to_pitch(note) not in self.notes:
                 return False
         return True
     except TypeError:
         # it should be a simple note
         return arg in self.notes
Beispiel #22
    def __contains__(self, arg) -> bool:  #TEST
        """True if arg is
        above min and beyond max
        condoned are not used here
        arg may be an iterable

            for n in arg:
                if n not in self:
                    return False
                return True
        except TypeError:
            n = util.to_pitch(arg)
            return self.min.value.semitone <= n.value.semitone <= self.max.value.semitone
Beispiel #23
def rule_22(cp: stave.Stave, cf: stave.Stave):
    """À l'avant dernière mesure, on emploiera la sixte majeure lorsque le chant donné sera à la basse et la tierce mineure suivie de l'octave ou de l'unisson lorsqu'il sera à la partie supérieure"""
    # is the cantus firmus above or beyond?
    cp_above = None
    for cpn, cfn in zip(cp.barIter(), cf.barIter()):
        cpn, cfn = [util.to_pitch(n[0]) for n in (cpn, cfn)]
        if cpn != cfn:
            cp_above = cpn.value.step > cfn.value.step
    assert cp_above is not None

    # check the before last one bar
    cpn = util.to_pitch(cp.getBar(cp.barNumber - 2)[0])
    cfn = util.to_pitch(cf.getBar(cf.barNumber - 2)[0])
    cp = cp.copy()
    before_last_bar = cp.getBar(cp.barNumber - 2)

    if cp_above and not cfn.isQualifiedInterval((6, "major")):
        raise error.CompositionError(
            "The before last interval must be a 6th major", before_last_bar)
    elif not cp_above and not cfn.isQualifiedInterval((3, "minor")):
        raise error.CompositionError(
            "The before last interval must be a 3rd minor", before_last_bar)
Beispiel #24
def rule_3(voice):
    """Les neuvièmes et septièmes en trois notes sont interdits, à moins que l’un des intervalles intermédiaires soit une octave.
    Ces intervalles interdits peuvent être bons ou tolérés lors d'une modulation.
    for notes in util.nwise(voice,3):
        np1, np2, np3 = util.to_pitch(notes)
        if np1.isInterval(7,9).With(np3):
            if not np1.isQualifiedInterval(
                if melodic.modulation_at(notes[1],voice) or melodic.modulation_at(notes[-1],voice):
                    msg = "7th or 9th in 3 notes are possible in a modulation"
                    msg = 'Between 3 notes, it is not allowed to use 7th or 9nth, except where an octave leap occured between one of these 3 notes'

Beispiel #25
def no_consecutive(interval: int, s1: stave.Stave, s2: stave.Stave) -> bool:
    """Raise error if two interval in a row
    between s1 and s2"""
    nb = 0
    for n1, n2 in zip(s1, s2):
        p1, p2 = [util.to_pitch(n) for n in (n1, n2)]
        if p1.isInterval(interval, True).With(p2):
            nb += 1
            nb = 0

        if nb >= 2:
            raise error.CompositionError(
                f"It is forbidden to have two {interval} in a row", n1, n2,

    return True
Beispiel #26
def no_more_than(s: stave.Stave, x: int) -> bool:
    """s is a pure melody. 
    Warn if one note is used more
    than x times in a row
    nb = 0
    previous = None
    for i, n in enumerate(s.notes):
        pn = util.to_pitch(n)
        if i != 0 and pn == previous:
            nb += 1
            nb = 0
        if nb >= x:
                f"It is forbidden to use the same note more than {x} times if a row",
                n, s.findBarOf(n))
        previous = pn
Beispiel #27
def rule_6(s):
    """Éviter les intervalles mélodiques supérieurs à la Sixte Majeure (octave exceptée) ainsi que les intervalles augmentés ou diminués"""
    previous = None
    for n in s.notes:
        p = util.to_pitch(n)
        if previous is not None:
            interval = previous.intervalWith(p)
            if interval > 6 and interval != 8:
                raise error.CompositionError(
                    f"It is forbidden to use melodic interals over the 6th which is not a 8ve",
                    previous, n)
            if p.qualifiedIntervalWith(previous).quality in ("diminished",
                raise error.CompositionError(
                    f"It is forbidden to use diminished or augmented intervals",
                    previous, n)

        previous = p
Beispiel #28
def rule_15(s1,s2):
    """L'unisson est interdit
    Dans les accords parfaits, l'unisson peut être toléré:
        - sur les temps faibles,
        - en cas de saut d'octave
        - si la basse monte haut
        - si le soprano descend bas
        - mais l'unisson ténor-alto est très maladroit.
    for n1, n2 in tools.iter_melodies(s1,s2):
        p1,p2 = [util.to_pitch(n) for n in (n1,n2)]
        if p1 == p2:
            warn(f"""Unisons are forbidden.
            There are tolerances in perfect chords progression at root position if:
            - the unison is in a downbeat
            - there is an octave leap
            - if the bass is really high, or the soprano really low
            - note that the unison alto-tenor is really clumsy.
Beispiel #29
def rule_5(data):
    """N'arriver sur une quinte ou une octave par mouvement direct entre les parties extrêmes que lorsque le soprano procède par degrés conjoints"""
    # get the staves
    soprano = util.list_finder(data, "Soprano", fun=lambda s: s.title)
    bass = util.list_finder(data, "Bass", fun=lambda s: s.title)

    # check
    previous_soprano = previous_interval = None

    for n1, n2 in zip(soprano, bass):
        p1, p2 = [util.to_pitch(n) for n in (n1, n2)]
        if previous_interval is not None and MT.motion(*previous_interval, p1,
                                                       p2) ==
            if p1.isInterval(5, 8, True).With(p2) and not p1.isInterval(
                    2, 1, True).With(previous_soprano):
                raise error.CompositionError(
                    f"It is forbidden to go to a 5th or an 8ve by direct motion with disjunct motion at soprano.",
                    n1, n2)
        previous_soprano = p1
        previous_interval = [p1, p2]
Beispiel #30
    def __fun(n1, n2):
        n1p, n2p = [util.to_pitch(x) for x in (n1,n2)]
        def __is_VI_VII_minor():
            if allow_in_minor is not True:
                return False
            if s1.scale.mode == scale.Mode.m_rising:
                _scale = s1.scale.mode
            elif s1.scale.mode == scale.Mode.m_full:
                _scale = s1.scale.minor_scales[scale.Mode.m_rising]
            elif s1.scale.mode == scale.Mode.M:
                _scale = s1.scale.mode.relative(scale.Mode.m_rising)
                return False 
                return _scale.isDegree(n1p,6) or _scale.isDegree(n1p,7) or _scale.isDegree(n2p,6) or _scale.isDegree(n2p,7)
            except ValueError:
                return False

        if n1p.isTritoneWith(n2p) and not __is_VI_VII_minor():