Beispiel #1
def intro_page(environ, start_response): 
    start_response("200 OK", [('Content-type', 'text/html')])

    v = {
        'logout_url': users.create_logout_url("/")
    return [template.render(tpl_file('index.html'), v)]
Beispiel #2
def get_html(song, options):
    LEADING_SPACES = re.compile('^( )+')
    TRAILING_SPACES = re.compile('( )+$')
    def pad_spaces(line, padding):
        if (len(line) == 0):
            return padding
        spaces =
        if (spaces):
            line = (len( * padding) + line[len(]
        spaces =
        if (spaces):
            line = line[:-len(] + (len( * padding)
        return line.replace('\007', padding)
    songtext = ''
    prevline = None
    for line in song.lines:
        if (line.type == 'lyrics'):
            text = ''
            if prevline != None and prevline.type == 'chords':
                chordline = prevline.text
                lyricline = pad_spaces(line.text, '\007')
                if (len(chordline) < len(lyricline)):
                    chordline += (len(lyricline) - len(chordline)) * ' '
                    lyricline += (len(chordline) - len(lyricline)) * '\007'
                cpos = 0
                lpos = 0
                while cpos < len(chordline):
                    if chordline[cpos] != ' ':
                        text += '<i class="chord">'
                        while (cpos < len(chordline) and chordline[cpos] != ' '):
                            text += chordline[cpos]
                            cpos += 1
                        text += '</i>'
                    text += lyricline[lpos:cpos+1]
                    lpos = cpos = (cpos + 1)
                text = line.text

            songtext += "<p>" + pad_spaces(text, '&nbsp;') + '</p>\n'

        elif prevline != None and prevline.type == 'chords' and line.type == 'chords':
            songtext += '<p><i class="chord" style="top: 0px; margin-top: 0pt;">' + prevline.text.replace(' ', '&nbsp;') + '</i></p>'

        prevline = line
    title = song.meta.get('title', '').replace('\n','<br/>')
    subtitle = song.meta.get('subtitle', '').replace('\n','<br/>')
    byline = song.meta.get('byline', '').replace('\n','<br/>')
    v = {
        'title': title,
        'subtitle': subtitle,
        'byline': byline,
        'song': songtext
    return template.render(tpl_file('song.html'), v)
Beispiel #3
def songs_list(environ, start_response): 
    songdao = []
    for song in Songs().getall():
        songdao.append({'id': song.meta.get('id'), 'title': song.meta.get('title')})
    songdao.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x['title'].lower(), y['title'].lower()))

    v = {
        'songs': songdao

    start_response("200 OK", [('Content-type', 'text/html')])
    return template.render(tpl_file('list.html'), v)