Beispiel #1
def saveModules(where):
    with modulesLock:
        for i in ActiveModules:
            #Iterate over all of the resources in a module and save them as json files
            #under the URL urld module name for the filename.
            for resource in ActiveModules[i]:
                #Make sure there is a directory at where/module/
                util.ensure_dir(os.path.join(where, url(i), url(resource)))
                #Open a file at /where/module/resource
                with open(os.path.join(where, url(i), url(resource)),
                          "w") as f:
                    #Make a json file there and prettyprint it
                              separators=(',', ': '))

            #Now we iterate over the existing resource files in the filesystem and delete those that correspond to
            #modules that have been deleted in the ActiveModules workspace thing.
            for i in util.get_immediate_subdirectories(
                    os.path.join(where, url(i))):
                if unurl(i) not in ActiveModules:
                    os.remove(os.path.join(where, url(i), i))

        for i in util.get_immediate_subdirectories(where):
            #Look in the modules directory, and if the module folder is not in ActiveModules\
            #We assume the user deleted the module so we should delete the save file for it.
            #Note that we URL url file names for the module filenames and foldernames.
            if unurl(i) not in ActiveModules:
                shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(where, i))
        with open(os.path.join(where, '__COMPLETE__'), 'w') as f:
                "By this string of contents quite arbitrary, I hereby mark this dump as consistant!!!"
def saveModules(where):
    with modulesLock:
        for i in ActiveModules:
            #Iterate over all of the resources in a module and save them as json files
            #under the URL urld module name for the filename.
            for resource in ActiveModules[i]:
                #Make sure there is a directory at where/module/
                util.ensure_dir(os.path.join(where,url(i),url(resource))  )
                #Open a file at /where/module/resource
                with  open(os.path.join(where,url(i),url(resource)),"w") as f:
                    #Make a json file there and prettyprint it
                    json.dump(ActiveModules[i][resource],f,sort_keys=True,indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))

            #Now we iterate over the existing resource files in the filesystem and delete those that correspond to
            #modules that have been deleted in the ActiveModules workspace thing.
            for i in util.get_immediate_subdirectories(os.path.join(where,url(i))):
                if unurl(i) not in ActiveModules:  

        for i in util.get_immediate_subdirectories(where):
            #Look in the modules directory, and if the module folder is not in ActiveModules\
            #We assume the user deleted the module so we should delete the save file for it.
            #Note that we URL url file names for the module filenames and foldernames.
            if unurl(i) not in ActiveModules:
        with open(os.path.join(where,'__COMPLETE__'),'w') as f:
            f.write("By this string of contents quite arbitrary, I hereby mark this dump as consistant!!!")
Beispiel #3
def load_modules_from_zip(f):
    "Given a zip file, import all modules found therin."
    new_modules = {}
    z = zipfile.ZipFile(f)

    for i in z.namelist():
        #get just the folder, ie the module
        p = unurl(i.split('/')[0])
        #Remove the.json by getting rid of last 5 chars
        n = unurl((i.split('/'))[1][:-5])
        if p not in new_modules:
            new_modules[p] = {}
        f =
        new_modules[p][n] = json.loads(
    with modulesLock:
        for i in new_modules:
            if i in ActiveModules:
                raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/errors/alreadyexists")
        for i in new_modules:
            ActiveModules[i] = new_modules[i]
            messagebus.postMessage("/system/notifications","User "+ pages.getAcessingUser() + " uploaded module" + i + " from a zip file")    
Beispiel #4
def load_modules_from_zip(f):
    "Given a zip file, import all modules found therin."
    new_modules = {}
    z = zipfile.ZipFile(f)

    for i in z.namelist():
        #get just the folder, ie the module
        p = unurl(i.split('/')[0])
        #Remove the.json by getting rid of last 5 chars
        n = unurl((i.split('/'))[1][:-5])
        if p not in new_modules:
            new_modules[p] = {}
        f =
        new_modules[p][n] = json.loads(

    with modulesLock:
        for i in new_modules:
            if i in ActiveModules:
                raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/errors/alreadyexists")
        for i in new_modules:
            ActiveModules[i] = new_modules[i]
                "/system/notifications", "User " + pages.getAcessingUser() +
                " uploaded module" + i + " from a zip file")

Beispiel #5
def loadModule(moduledir,path_to_module_folder):
    with modulesLock:
        #Make an empty dict to hold the module resources
        module = {} 
        #Iterate over all resource files and load them
        for i in util.get_files(os.path.join(path_to_module_folder,moduledir)):
                f = open(os.path.join(path_to_module_folder,moduledir,i))
                #Load the resource and add it to the dict. Resouce names are urlencodes in filenames.
                module[unurl(i)] = json.load(f)
        name = unurl(moduledir)
        ActiveModules[name] = module
Beispiel #6
def loadModule(moduledir, path_to_module_folder):
    with modulesLock:
        #Make an empty dict to hold the module resources
        module = {}
        #Iterate over all resource files and load them
        for i in util.get_files(os.path.join(path_to_module_folder,
                f = open(os.path.join(path_to_module_folder, moduledir, i))
                #Load the resource and add it to the dict. Resouce names are urlencodes in filenames.
                module[unurl(i)] = json.load(f)

        name = unurl(moduledir)
        ActiveModules[name] = module
Beispiel #7
def loadAll():
    for i in range(0,15):
        #Gets the highest numbered of all directories that are named after floating point values(i.e. most recent timestamp)
        name = util.getHighestNumberedTimeDirectory(directories.persistdir)
        possibledir = os.path.join(directories.persistdir,name)
        #__COMPLETE__ is a special file we write to the dump directory to show it as valid
        if '''__COMPLETE__''' in util.get_files(possibledir):
            with persistance_dict_connection_lock:
                for i in util.get_files(possibledir):
                    with open(os.path.join(directories.persistdir,i)) as f:
                        persistancedict[util.unurl(i)] = _PersistanceFile(json.load(f))
            break #We sucessfully found the latest good ActiveModules dump! so we break the loop
            #If there was no flag indicating that this was an actual complete dump as opposed
            #To an interruption, rename it and try again
Beispiel #8
 def unurl(s):
     return util.unurl(s)
 def unurl(s):
     return util.unurl(s)