def test_add_user_data(ident_service):
    # No transactions in the chain yet
    assert ident_service.last_transaction_hash == b'Base'

    # Create the data and signature
    data = json.dumps({'first_name': 'Bob', 'last_name': 'Smith'}).encode()
    signature = sign(user_1_private_key, data)
    user_data = UserData(data, signature)

    # Add the data to the service
    tx_hash = ident_service.add_user_data(user_data, user_1_cert_string)

    # Ensure the head of the chain is the new transaction
    assert tx_hash == ident_service.last_transaction_hash

    # Get the transaction and encryption key
    tx = ident_service.get_transaction(tx_hash)
    key = ident_service.get_key(tx_hash)

    # Ensure the transaction points to the old head of the chain
    assert tx.hash_pointer == b'Base'

    # Get the message and signature from the transaction
    decrypted = decrypt(key, tx.action.get_data())
    message, signature = split_data(decrypted)

    # Ensure the data has not been tampered with
    verify(user_1_cert, message, signature)

    # Ensure the data matches what the user uploaded
    assert message == data
Beispiel #2
def login():
        if ('username' in session) and ('password' in session): #already logged in
            alert = "You are already logged in!"
            flash(alert, 'error')
            return redirect( redirect_url() )

        elif request.method == 'GET':
            return render_template('login.html')

        else: #login
            username = request.form.get('username')
            password = request.form.get('password')
            alertList = ["Successfully logged in!", \
                         "Username cannot be left blank!", \
                         "Passwords cannot be left blank!", \
                         "Username does not exist! Please retry or make a new account.", \
                         "Password for %s is incorrect. Please retry or make a new account" % username]

            verifInt = util.verify(username, password)
            if verifInt == 0: #success
                session['username'] = request.form['username']
                session['password'] = request.form['password']
                flash( alertList[0], 'success' )
                return redirect( url_for('index') )
                flash( alertList[verifInt], 'error' )
                return render_template("login.html")

    except Exception, e:
        return str(e)
Beispiel #3
def test_sign():
    key = base64.b64encode('abc')
    string_to_sign = '/account/GET200601021504'

    signature = util.sign(string_to_sign, key)
    assert util.verify(
        string_to_sign, key, signature) is True
Beispiel #4
def verify():
    global image_data1
    global image_data2
    result = util.verify(image_data1, image_data2)
    image_data1 = None
    image_data2 = None
    return render_template('app.html', result=result)
Beispiel #5
def verify_signature():
    signature = request.args.get('signature')
    sender_pubkey = request.args.get('publickey')
    timestamp = request.args.get('timestamp')
    result = verify(sender_pubkey, timestamp, signature)
    if result:
        return jsonify("Verified"), 200
        return jsonify("Not Verified"), 200
Beispiel #6
def analyze_fun_def(self, Γ, f, args, return_type, body):
    arg_types = []
    nested_Γ = Γ.copy()
    for arg in args:
        a, t = T.from_ast(arg)
        nested_Γ.annotate(a, t, fixed=True)
    r = T.from_ast(return_type)
    arg_types = T.Tuple(arg_types) if len(arg_types) != 1 else arg_types[0]
    fun_type = T.Fun(arg_types, r)
    nested_Γ.annotate(f, fun_type, fixed=True)

    polymorphic_fun_type = fun_type.fresh(Γ.fixed)
    #print('fun_type =', fun_type)
    #print('polymorphic_fun_type =', polymorphic_fun_type)

    Γ1, _ < -analyze_body(self.returning(r), nested_Γ, body)
    return [(Γ.annotate(f, polymorphic_fun_type), None)]
Beispiel #7
 def check(self, ast):
         pairs = self.analyze([C.Context()], ast)
         state = C.State([s for s, _ in pairs])
         return U.verify(state)
     except (ValueError, CheckError, T.UnificationError) as e:
         if not self.careful and 'Unsatisfiable constraint' in str(e):
def test_share_data(ident_service):
    # Create the user data
    data = json.dumps({'first_name': 'Bob', 'last_name': 'Smith'}).encode()
    signature = sign(user_1_private_key, data)
    user_data = UserData(data, signature)

    # Add the user's data to the service
    tx_hash = ident_service.add_user_data(user_data, user_1_cert_string)

    # Create data to share with the service provider
    shared_data = json.dumps({'first_name': 'Bob'}).encode()
    signature = sign(user_1_private_key, shared_data)
    shared_user_data = UserData(shared_data, signature)

    # Add the shared data to the identity service
    shared_tx_hash = ident_service.share_data(shared_user_data,
                                              user_1_cert_string, sp_1_cert)

    # Ensure the head of the chain is the new transaction
    assert ident_service.last_transaction_hash == shared_tx_hash

    # Get the share transaction
    share_tx = ident_service.get_transaction(shared_tx_hash)

    # Ensure the share transaction points to the previous head of the chain
    assert tx_hash == share_tx.hash_pointer

    # As the service provider, get the encryption key and decrypt the data
    encrypted_encryption_key, encrypted_data = split_data(
    decrypted_encryption_key = decrypt_private(sp_1_private_key,
    share_decrypted = decrypt(decrypted_encryption_key, encrypted_data)
    share_message, share_signature = split_data(share_decrypted)

    # Verify the data is signed by the user and hasn't been tampered with
    verify(user_1_cert, share_message, share_signature)

    # Ensure the data matches what the user uploaded to the service
    assert share_message == shared_data
Beispiel #9
    def colorGradual(self, to, number):
        colors = []
        sgl = 1 / number

        from_color = self.hex2rgb()
        to_color = self.hex2rgb(to)
        diffs = [x > 0 for x in listDec(from_color, to_color)]
        diffc = [abs(x) for x in listDec(from_color, to_color)]
        props = [round(sgl * x) for x in diffc]

        for i in range(number):
            cs = []
            for cp in range(len(diffs)):
                c = from_color[cp] + props[cp] * i if diffs[
                    cp] else from_color[cp] - props[cp] * i
            cs = []

Beispiel #10
def index():
        #loggedIn = False
        if ('username' in session) and ('password' in session):
            username = session['username']
            password = session['password']
            verifInt = util.verify(username, password)
            if verifInt == 0: #successful login
                body_title = "Welcome back to SolRoute, %s!" % username
                alert = "We have detected that you have an invalid session ID. Please login again."
                flash(alert, 'error')
                return render_template("index.html")
            body_title = "Welcome to SolRoute!"

        return render_template('index.html', body_title=body_title)
    except Exception, e:
        return str(e)
Beispiel #11
def run_problem(primal_xele, primal_yele, primal_zele):
    """ Workhouse for running mesh refinement studies

            [primal_xele, yele, zele] -- Numbers of elements. Primal_zele == nan in 2D
    global true_err, computed_QoI
    import data
    import primal_newton as primal
    import util
    import BC_factory
    primal_mesh, adjoint_mesh = setup_meshes(primal_xele, primal_yele,
                                             primal_zele, data.mult)
    W_primal, W_adjoint = setup_spaces(primal_mesh, adjoint_mesh, data.lo_u,
                                       data.lo_p, data.lo_B, data.ho_u,
                                       data.ho_p, data.ho_B)
    # True solution
    ut = util.HartmannVelocity(degree=6)
    # For splitting, uDirichlet
    if data.use_lifting:
        ud = BC_factory.get_ud(W_primal, primal_mesh, ut)
        ud = None
    # True soltution
    Bt = util.HartmannBField(degree=6)
    if data.experiment_name == "TaylorGreen":
        RHS = util.TaylorGreenRHS(degree=7)
        RHS = util.HartmannRHS(degree=6)
    (u0, p0, B0) = primal.solve_exact_penalty(W_primal, RHS, ut, ud, Bt,
                                              primal_xele, primal_yele)
    psi_u = get_qoi_psi(primal_mesh, "u")
    psi_B = get_qoi_psi(primal_mesh, "B")
    computed_QoI, true_err = util.verify(u0, ud, p0, B0, psi_u, psi_B,
                                         primal_mesh, rank)
    if data.do_adjoint_analysis:
        if data.use_lifting:
            solve_adjoint_problem(W_adjoint, adjoint_mesh, u0 + ud, p0, B0,
                                  psi_u, psi_B, RHS)
            solve_adjoint_problem(W_adjoint, adjoint_mesh, u0, p0, B0, psi_u,
                                  psi_B, RHS)
Beispiel #12
def post_result(service, category, username):
    with get_db() as conn:
        c = conn.cursor()
        # Check for service and category
        c.execute("SELECT 1 FROM service WHERE id = ?", (service, ))
        if not c.fetchone():
            raise APIError("Service not found")

        # get the JSON
            key = get_secret(service)
            data = request.get_json(force=True)
            if not verify(data, key):
                raise Exception
            raise APIError("Bad JSON")

        score = (service, category, username, data["date"], data["result"],
        c.execute("""INSERT INTO score VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)""", score)

        return 'Successful'
def main():

    if request.method == "POST":
        file1 = request.files["file1"].read()
        file2 = request.files["file2"].read()


            npimg1 = numpy.fromstring(file1, numpy.uint8)
            npimg2 = numpy.fromstring(file2, numpy.uint8)

            img1 = cv2.imdecode(npimg1, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
            img2 = cv2.imdecode(npimg2, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)

            result = util.verify(img1, img2)
            if result[19] == 's':
                return render_template("index.html", result1=result)
                return render_template("index.html", result2=result)
            return render_template("index.html", message='Upload only images')

    return render_template("index.html")
def test_add_share_edit(ident_service):
    # Create the initial user data
    data = json.dumps({'first_name': 'Bob', 'last_name': 'Smith'}).encode()
    signature = sign(user_1_private_key, data)
    user_data = UserData(data, signature)

    # Add the user data to the service
    initial_tx_hash = ident_service.add_user_data(user_data,

    # Create data to share with the service provider
    shared_data = json.dumps({'first_name': 'Bob'}).encode()
    signature = sign(user_1_private_key, shared_data)
    shared_user_data = UserData(shared_data, signature)

    # Add the shared data to the identity service
    shared_tx_hash = ident_service.share_data(shared_user_data,
                                              user_1_cert_string, sp_1_cert)

    # Ensure the head of the chain has been updated
    assert ident_service.last_transaction_hash == shared_tx_hash

    # Create updated user data
    data_2 = json.dumps({
        'first_name': 'Robert',
        'last_name': 'Smith',
        'age': 35
    signature_2 = sign(user_1_private_key, data_2)
    updated_user_data = UserData(data_2, signature_2)

    # Update the user's data on the identity service
    updated_tx_hash = ident_service.add_user_data(updated_user_data,

    # Ensure the head of the chain has been updated
    assert updated_tx_hash == ident_service.latest_tx_list[user_1_cert_string]
    # Ensure the user's latest hash has been updated
    assert updated_tx_hash == ident_service.last_transaction_hash

    # Get the updated data transaction
    updated_tx = ident_service.get_transaction(updated_tx_hash)

    # Ensure the transaction points to the previous head of the chain
    assert updated_tx.hash_pointer == shared_tx_hash

    # Get the share transaction
    share_tx = ident_service.get_transaction(shared_tx_hash)

    # Ensure the share transaction points to the initial user data transaction
    assert initial_tx_hash == share_tx.hash_pointer

    # As the service provider, get the message and signature from the transaction
    encrypted_encryption_key, encrypted_data = split_data(
    decrypted_encryption_key = decrypt_private(sp_1_private_key,
    share_decrypted = decrypt(decrypted_encryption_key, encrypted_data)
    share_message, share_signature = split_data(share_decrypted)

    # Ensure the data is valid
    verify(user_1_cert, share_message, share_signature)

    # Ensure the data matches what the user uploaded at the time of
    # creating the share transaction and not the new user data.
    assert share_message == shared_data
Beispiel #15
def analyze_body(self, Γ, body, k=no_op):
    for a in __, Γ < -body:
        Γ, _ < -self.analyze([Γ], a)
        if self.careful:
    return k(Γ, None)
Beispiel #16
 def __init__(self, color):
     self.colorStr = color
Beispiel #17
 def test_signature_neg(self):
     res = util.make_post_signature(dict(test="1234"))
     self.assertFalse(util.verify(bytes(res["signature"][:-1]), res["data"], res["pub"].decode()))
def test_multiple_users(ident_service):
    assert ident_service.last_transaction_hash == b'Base'

    # Create the first user's data
    data_1 = json.dumps({'first_name': 'Bob', 'last_name': 'Smith'}).encode()
    signature_1 = sign(user_1_private_key, data_1)
    user_data = UserData(data_1, signature_1)

    # Add the first user's data to the identity service
    user_1_tx_hash = ident_service.add_user_data(user_data, user_1_cert_string)

    # Ensure the head of the chain has been updated
    assert user_1_tx_hash == ident_service.last_transaction_hash

    # Create the second user's data
    data_2 = json.dumps({'first_name': 'Sally', 'last_name': 'Jones'}).encode()
    signature_2 = sign(user_2_private_key, data_2)
    user_data_2 = UserData(data_2, signature_2)

    # Add the second user's data to the identity service
    user_2_tx_hash = ident_service.add_user_data(user_data_2,

    # Ensure the head of the chain has been updated
    assert user_2_tx_hash == ident_service.last_transaction_hash

    # Get the first user's transaction
    user_1_tx = ident_service.get_transaction(user_1_tx_hash)
    key_1 = ident_service.get_key(user_1_tx_hash)

    # Ensure the first user's transaction points to the base hash pointer
    assert user_1_tx.hash_pointer == b'Base'

    # Decrypt the first user's data
    decrypted_1 = decrypt(key_1, user_1_tx.action.get_data())
    message_1, signature_1 = split_data(decrypted_1)

    # Validate the first user's data
    verify(user_1_cert, message_1, signature_1)

    # Ensure the data from the transaction matches the data the first
    # user uploaded
    assert message_1 == data_1

    # Get the second user's transaction
    user_2_tx = ident_service.get_transaction(user_2_tx_hash)
    key_2 = ident_service.get_key(user_2_tx_hash)

    # Ensure the second user's transaction points to the first user's
    # transaction
    assert user_2_tx.hash_pointer == user_1_tx_hash

    # Decrypt the second user's transaction
    decrypted_2 = decrypt(key_2, user_2_tx.action.get_data())
    message_2, signature_2 = split_data(decrypted_2)

    # Validate the second user's data
    verify(user_2_cert, message_2, signature_2)

    # Ensure the data from the transaction matches the data that the
    # second user uploaded to the identity service
    assert message_2 == data_2

    # Ensure the latest transaction hash for the first and second
    # user match what we expect.
    assert ident_service.latest_tx_list[user_1_cert_string] == user_1_tx_hash
    assert ident_service.latest_tx_list[user_2_cert_string] == user_2_tx_hash
Beispiel #19
    if len(window) < window_size:


  # drain the window
  while window:
  return _unkeyify(result)

  _curry(dropsort_consecutive, 10), # TODO pick ideal n
  _curry(dropsort_between_consecutive, 10), # TODO pick ideal n
  _curry(dropsort_window, 10), # TODO pick ideal n


# basic verify
if __name__ == '__main__':
  for f in (dropsort, drop_merge_sort, dropsort_between, dropsort_consecutive,
      dropsort_between_consecutive, dropsort_minmax, dropsort_window):