def optimise_alignment(self, xyzs, initialpose, full_data=False):
     ''' The format of this function allows us to use standard optimizers 
     and arbitrary cost functions from the scipy.optimize library.'''
     dtheta_base = np.radians(0.5)
     if not full_data:
         xyzs_sample = util.volumetricsample(xyzs, self.getfinest().resolution)
         xyzs_sample = xyzs
     bestpose = initialpose
     for level, ol in enumerate(self.mapvoxels):
         objective_func = ol.cost_func
         #objective_func = self.objectivefuncMROL
         #ol.use_bloom = False
         dtheta = dtheta_base*pow(self.factor,(len(self.mapvoxels)-level-1))
         dx = ol.resolution
         # This helps avoid local minima, but limits accuracy to voxel size 
         # at the finest resolution
         bestpose, cost = optimization.cost_min(objective_func, bestpose, (xyzs_sample,), dx, dtheta, max_iterations=20, verbosity=0)
         #import pydb; pydb.set_trace()
         #bestpose, cost = _cost_min_scipy(objective_func, bestpose, (xyzs_sample,))
     # run it again at the finest resolution with tighter steps to get 
     # sub-voxel accuracy.
     dx = dx*pow(self.factor,-2)
     dtheta = dtheta_base*pow(self.factor,-2)
     if not full_data:
         # Sometimes get better results with the below resampling, but much faster.
         xyzs = util.offsetvolsample(xyzs, self.getfinest().resolution)
     bestpose, cost = optimization.cost_min(objective_func, bestpose, (xyzs,), dx, dtheta, max_iterations=100, verbosity=0)
     return bestpose, cost
Beispiel #2
 def optimise_alignment(self, xyzs, initialpose, full_data=False):
     ''' The format of this function allows us to use standard optimizers 
     and arbitrary cost functions from the scipy.optimize library.'''
     dtheta_base = np.radians(0.5)
     if not full_data:
         xyzs_sample = util.volumetricsample(xyzs,
         xyzs_sample = xyzs
     bestpose = initialpose
     for level, ol in enumerate(self.mapvoxels):
         objective_func = ol.cost_func
         #objective_func = self.objectivefuncMROL
         #ol.use_bloom = False
         dtheta = dtheta_base * pow(self.factor,
                                    (len(self.mapvoxels) - level - 1))
         dx = ol.resolution
         # This helps avoid local minima, but limits accuracy to voxel size
         # at the finest resolution
         bestpose, cost = optimization.cost_min(objective_func,
                                                bestpose, (xyzs_sample, ),
         #import pydb; pydb.set_trace()
         #bestpose, cost = _cost_min_scipy(objective_func, bestpose, (xyzs_sample,))
     # run it again at the finest resolution with tighter steps to get
     # sub-voxel accuracy.
     dx = dx * pow(self.factor, -2)
     dtheta = dtheta_base * pow(self.factor, -2)
     if not full_data:
         # Sometimes get better results with the below resampling, but much faster.
         xyzs = util.offsetvolsample(xyzs, self.getfinest().resolution)
     bestpose, cost = optimization.cost_min(objective_func,
                                            bestpose, (xyzs, ),
     return bestpose, cost
 def volumetricsample(self, res):
     '''Downsamples the point cloud volumetrically according to the 
     self.points = util.volumetricsample(self.points, res)
Beispiel #4
    def match(self, xyzs, centrepose, spreadpose):
        """Does a global search of the specified pose space.
        Find the possible locations of the occupied list ol in the current 
        occupied list.  Takes an occupied list to match to the current one and 
        two poses."""
        debug = False

        # determines the orientation step size as it relates to occupancy list
        # resolution
        poses = None
        bestpose = poseutil.Pose3D()

        totaltime = time.time()
        lasttime = time.time()
        #for i in range(len(self.voxels)):
        # volumetric sample and each resolution equivalent to matching two
        # occupiedlists together but without the double quantisation error
        # TODO think about this number
        #xyzs = util.getsample(xyzs, 1000)

        levels = len(self.mapvoxels)
        table = np.zeros((levels + 2, 9), dtype=np.dtype('S8'))
        # header for the table of values of interest
            0, :] = "Res modal map    scan   pose  pose  Top     Time  Best".split(
            1, :] = "(m) Frac  voxels points count count overlap Taken pose".split(
        for i, mapol in enumerate(self.mapvoxels):
            tablerow = i + 2
            res = mapol.resolution
            deltaposition = res
            deltaorientation = res / self.feature_range  # 8
            if poses == None:
                poses = poseutil.uniformposes(centrepose, spreadpose,
                                              deltaposition, deltaorientation)
                poses = poseutil.refineposes(poses, deltaposition,

            # TODO remove poses outside search space this needs tidying up/thinking about
            #cparr = np.array(centrepose.get())
            #sparr = np.array(spreadpose.get())
            #D = np.array((deltaposition, deltaposition, deltaposition, deltaorientation, deltaorientation, deltaorientation))
            #maxpose = cparr + sparr + D
            #minpose = cparr - sparr - D
            #select = np.logical_and(np.all(poses <= maxpose, 1), np.all(poses >= minpose, 1))
            ##print 'Culling poses: ', len(poses), sum(select)
            #poses = poses[select]

            xyzs_sample = util.volumetricsample(xyzs, res)
            table[tablerow, :5] = (res, modalfractions[i], len(mapol),
                                   len(xyzs_sample), len(poses))

            # TODO TIME consuming line
            #overlaps = self.getoverlaps(ol, i, poses)
            overlaps = []
            for pose in poses:
                #overlap = np.sum(mapol.calccollisions(pose, xyzs, query=True))
                overlap = mapol.calccollisions(pose, xyzs, query=False)
                #overlaps.append(-self.objectivefuncMROL(pose, xyzs_sample))
            overlaps = np.asarray(overlaps)

            ind_max = np.argmax(overlaps)
            bestoverlap = overlaps[ind_max]
            #candidates = overlaps >= modalfractions[i] * bestoverlap
            # maybe just take the top n?
            if len(overlaps) > topn:
                candidates = overlaps.argsort()[-topn:]
                candidates = range(len(overlaps))
            timetaken = time.time() - lasttime
            lasttime = time.time()
                  5:] = (len(candidates), bestoverlap, timetaken, bestpose)
            printtable(table, width=9)
            print bestpose
            #scansize = ol.voxels[-1].shape[0]
            poses = poses[candidates]

        print "Total time: ", time.time() - totaltime
        overlaps = overlaps[candidates]
        return bestpose, bestoverlap
    def match(self, xyzs, centrepose, spreadpose):
        """Does a global search of the specified pose space.
        Find the possible locations of the occupied list ol in the current 
        occupied list.  Takes an occupied list to match to the current one and 
        two poses."""
        debug = False

        # determines the orientation step size as it relates to occupancy list 
        # resolution
        poses = None
        bestpose = poseutil.Pose3D()

        totaltime = time.time()
        lasttime = time.time()
        #for i in range(len(self.voxels)):
        # volumetric sample and each resolution equivalent to matching two 
        # occupiedlists together but without the double quantisation error
        # TODO think about this number
        #xyzs = util.getsample(xyzs, 1000)

        levels = len(self.mapvoxels)
        table = np.zeros((levels+2, 9), dtype=np.dtype('S8'))
        # header for the table of values of interest
        table[0, :] = "Res modal map    scan   pose  pose  Top     Time  Best".split()
        table[1, :] = "(m) Frac  voxels points count count overlap Taken pose".split()
        for i, mapol in enumerate(self.mapvoxels):
            tablerow = i + 2
            res = mapol.resolution
            deltaposition = res
            deltaorientation = res/self.feature_range # 8
            if poses == None:
                poses = poseutil.uniformposes(centrepose, spreadpose, deltaposition, deltaorientation)
                poses = poseutil.refineposes(poses, deltaposition, deltaorientation)

            # TODO remove poses outside search space this needs tidying up/thinking about
            #cparr = np.array(centrepose.get())
            #sparr = np.array(spreadpose.get())
            #D = np.array((deltaposition, deltaposition, deltaposition, deltaorientation, deltaorientation, deltaorientation))
            #maxpose = cparr + sparr + D
            #minpose = cparr - sparr - D
            #select = np.logical_and(np.all(poses <= maxpose, 1), np.all(poses >= minpose, 1))
            ##print 'Culling poses: ', len(poses), sum(select)
            #poses = poses[select]
            xyzs_sample = util.volumetricsample(xyzs, res)
            table[tablerow, :5] = (res, modalfractions[i], len(mapol), len(xyzs_sample), len(poses))

            # TODO TIME consuming line
            #overlaps = self.getoverlaps(ol, i, poses)
            overlaps = []
            for pose in poses:
                #overlap = np.sum(mapol.calccollisions(pose, xyzs, query=True))
                overlap = mapol.calccollisions(pose, xyzs, query=False)
                #overlaps.append(-self.objectivefuncMROL(pose, xyzs_sample))
            overlaps = np.asarray(overlaps)

            ind_max = np.argmax(overlaps)
            bestoverlap = overlaps[ind_max]
            #candidates = overlaps >= modalfractions[i] * bestoverlap
            # maybe just take the top n?
            if len(overlaps) > topn:
                candidates = overlaps.argsort()[-topn:]
                candidates = range(len(overlaps))
            timetaken = time.time() - lasttime
            lasttime = time.time()
            table[tablerow, 5:] = (len(candidates), bestoverlap, timetaken, bestpose)
            printtable(table, width=9)
            print bestpose
            #scansize = ol.voxels[-1].shape[0]
            poses = poses[candidates]

        print "Total time: ", time.time() - totaltime
        overlaps = overlaps[candidates]
        return bestpose, bestoverlap
 def volumetricsample(self, res):
     '''Downsamples the point cloud volumetrically according to the 
     self.points = util.volumetricsample(self.points, res)