def feature_about(): # 获取特征列表 feature_dict = NewsUtil.get_feature() # 获取新闻中出现特征后最近的5个词及其属性"In Prepare Raw News...") raw_news_data = CommonUtil.read_excel(RAW_NEWS_DEMO_PATH) raw_news_table = raw_news_data.sheet_by_index(0) raw_news_rows = raw_news_table.nrows segmentor = Segmentor() # 初始化实例 segmentor.load_with_lexicon(cws_model_path, CFETSFX_LEXICON_PATH) # 加载模型,第二个参数是您的外部词典文件路径 feature_about_list = list() for rowN in range(0, raw_news_rows): news_content = raw_news_table.cell_value(rowN, 2) sentences = SentenceSplitter.split(news_content) for sentence in sentences: print(sentence) # 分词 words = segmentor.segment(sentence) print(list(words)) for word_index in range(0, len(words)): word = words[word_index] for feature_word in feature_dict.values(): if feature_word in word: about_list = list() count = 0 while word_index < len(words) and count < 6: about_list.append(words[word_index]) count += 1 word_index += 1 feature_about_list.append(about_list) print(about_list) break segmentor.release() CommonUtil.write_csv(FEATURE_ABOUT_PATH, feature_about_list)
def get_feature_value(): feature_vector_list = list() feature_name_list = list() for feature_name in FEATURE_NAME_LIST: feature_name_list.append(feature_name) feature_list = CommonUtil.read_csv(MarketDataCrawler.MARKET_DATA_PATH + '/' + feature_name + '.csv') feature_dict = dict() for feature_i in range(1, len(feature_list)): date = CommonUtil.get_datetime_from_string_( feature_list[feature_i][0]).date() # 开盘价 feature_value = float(feature_list[feature_i][1]) feature_dict[date] = feature_value for value_key in valueDict.keys(): if value_key in feature_dict.keys(): feature_value = feature_dict[value_key] else: feature_value = 'N/A' if value_key in featureValue.keys(): feature_items = featureValue[value_key] else: feature_items = list() feature_items.append(feature_value) featureValue[value_key] = feature_items feature_name_list.append(VALUE_NAME) feature_name_list.insert(0, 'DATE') feature_vector_list.append(feature_name_list) for key in featureValue.keys(): feature_items = featureValue[key] feature_items.append(valueDict[key]) feature_items.insert(0, key) feature_vector_list.append(feature_items) CommonUtil.write_csv('../files/marketdata/FEATURE_VECTOR.csv', feature_vector_list)
def news_sentiment():"In News Sentiment...") count = 1 for mapped_news in newsMappedList: feature_vector_item = list() news_index = mapped_news[0] news_time = mapped_news[1] feature_vector_item.append(news_index) feature_vector_item.append(news_time) feature_vector = list() keyword_sentiment_dict = dict() # 下标从0开始,减1 news_mapped = newsList[news_index - 1] for mapped_news_index in range(2, len(mapped_news)): keyword = mapped_news[mapped_news_index] sentiment_result = BaiduNLPProcessor.sentiment_classify( news_mapped[2]) keyword_sentiment_dict[keyword] = sentiment_result keys = featureDict.keys() for key in keys: if featureDict[key] in keyword_sentiment_dict.keys(): feature_vector.append(keyword_sentiment_dict[featureDict[key]]) else: feature_vector.append(0) feature_vector_item.append(feature_vector) newsItemList.append(feature_vector_item) feature_vector.insert(0, news_time) newsFeatureList.append(feature_vector) count += 1 CommonUtil.write_csv(NEWS_ITEM_PATH, newsItemList) CommonUtil.write_csv(NEWS_FEATURE_PATH, newsFeatureList)"News Sentiment Done!")
def link_vec(NEWS_VEC, PRICE_VEC, p): ALL_VEC = [] # print(NEWS_VEC[0][1]) # print(PRICE_VEC[0][0]) for each_price_vec in PRICE_VEC: flag = 0 for each_news_vec in NEWS_VEC: # print("each_news_vec[0] , each_price_vec[0]", each_news_vec[0] , each_price_vec[0]) if each_news_vec[0] == each_price_vec[0]: print("matched!") vec_of_all = each_news_vec[::] vec_of_all.append(each_price_vec[1]) vec_of_all.append(each_price_vec[2]) ALL_VEC.append(vec_of_all) flag = 1 break if flag == 0: print("not matched! Created!") list_temp = [] list_temp.append(each_price_vec[0]) list_temp += [0] * (len(each_news_vec) - 1) list_temp.append(each_price_vec[1]) list_temp.append(each_price_vec[2]) ALL_VEC.append(list_temp) CommonUtil.write_csv(p, ALL_VEC)
def get_value_list(): value_list = CommonUtil.read_csv(MarketDataCrawler.MARKET_DATA_PATH + '/' + VALUE_NAME + '.csv') for value_i in range(1, len(value_list)): date = CommonUtil.get_datetime_from_string_( value_list[value_i][0]).date() # 收盘价 value = float(value_list[value_i][2]) valueDict[date] = value
def get_news_item(start_date, end_date): # 从最新到最远获取新闻 reverse_year = int(end_date[0:4]) reverse_month = int(end_date[4:6]) reverse_day = int(end_date[6:8]) reverse_pattern = (reverse_year, reverse_month, reverse_day, 23, 59, 59, 99, 99, 99) reverse_cursor = CommonUtil.convert_date_to_long(reverse_pattern)"reverseCursor is %s" % reverse_cursor) finished_year = int(start_date[0:4]) finished_month = int(start_date[4:6]) finished_day = int(start_date[6:8]) finished_pattern = (finished_year, finished_month, finished_day, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) finished_cursor = CommonUtil.convert_date_to_long(finished_pattern)"finishedCursor is %s" % finished_cursor) # 需要爬数据的网址 url_pattern = '' \ 'channel=weex-channel,gold-channel,gold-forex-channel,' \ 'forex-channel,goldc-channel,oil-channel&client=pc' news_limit = 100 cursor = reverse_cursor file_content = '' # 页面计数器 page_num = 0 # 循环开始 while int(cursor) > int(finished_cursor): page_num += 1 url = url_pattern + "&cursor=" + str(cursor) + "&" + str(news_limit) page = requests.Session().get(url) page.encoding = 'utf-8' if page.status_code == 200: data_all = json.loads(page.text) res_data = data_all['data'] data_items = res_data['items'] cursor = res_data['next_cursor'] for item_i in range(len(data_items)): display_time = data_items[item_i]['display_time'] context_text = data_items[item_i]['content_text'] context = context_text.strip().replace('\n', '') context = context.replace('\r', '') time = CommonUtil.convert_long_to_date(display_time) file_content = file_content + time + "," + context + "\n" # print(item_i+1, ": " , time, ", ", context_text) CommonUtil.save_to_file( '../files/wallstreetcn_%s_%s.csv' % (start_date, end_date), file_content) file_content = '' # 无下一页数据时退出循环 if cursor == '': break"Finished With %s Pages Crawled." % page_num)
def news_segment():"In Segment News...") count = 1 for news_item in newsList: word_list = BaiduNLPProcessor.lexer(news_item[2]) word_list.insert(0, news_item[0]) word_list.insert(1, CommonUtil.get_string_from_datetime(news_item[1])) newsSegmentationList.append(word_list) count += 1 CommonUtil.write_csv(SEGMENTED_NEWS_PATH, newsSegmentationList)"Segment News...Done!")
def adjust_feature_vector(): feature_vector_list = CommonUtil.read_csv( '../files/marketdata/FEATURE_VECTOR.csv') pre_item = feature_vector_list[0] current_item = pre_item for vector_i in range(1, len(feature_vector_list)): current_item = feature_vector_list[vector_i] for i in range(1, len(current_item)): if current_item[i] == 'N/A': current_item[i] = pre_item[i] feature_vector_list[vector_i] = current_item pre_item = current_item CommonUtil.write_csv('../files/marketdata/ADJUSTED_FEATURE_VECTOR.csv', feature_vector_list)
def check_connection(self, url): """ Check connection status to the server currently selected by user and show a status box indicating current operation. :param url: The link of the server chose by user.This string could be a domain name or the IP address of a server. .. seealso:: :attr:`link` in :meth:`~util.common.CommonUtil.check_connection`. :type url: str :return: A flag indicating connection status is good or not. .. seealso:: :meth:`~util.common.CommonUtil.check_connection`. in :class:`~util.common.CommonUtil` class. :rtype: int """ print("Checking Server Status...") conn = CommonUtil.check_connection(url) if conn: self.statusinfo[0][1] = "OK" self.statusinfo[0][2] = "GREEN" else: self.statusinfo[0][1] = "Error" self.statusinfo[0][2] = "RED" return conn
def _delete_local_unused_branch(branch_name=None): """ 批量删除本地无用分支 :param branch_name: 需要删除的branch,支持正则表达式 """ if not branch_name: print("Error: 请指定要删除的branchName,支持正则,例如:python3 del '7.22|earning|feature'") return dirs_arr = CommonUtil.get_dirs(Constants.YY_ROOT_DIR, Constants.EXCLUDE_DIR) print(dirs_arr) print() err_output = open(os.devnull, 'w') # 隐藏错误输出 for d in dirs_arr: result = os.path.join(Constants.YY_ROOT_DIR, d) os.chdir(result) try: result = subprocess.Popen("git branch | grep -E -i '%s' | xargs git branch -D" % branch_name, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=err_output) print("%s: " % d) while result.poll() is None: line = result.stdout.readline().strip().decode("utf-8") if line: print(line, end='') print() print() except Exception as e: print("del exception = %s" % e, end='') print()
def __init__(self): """ Initialize a new TUI session. * Load server list from a configuration file under working directory. * Try to load the hosts data file under working directory if it exists. .. note:: IF hosts data file does not exists correctly in current working directory, a warning message box would popup. And operations to change the hosts file on current system could be done only until a new data file has been downloaded. .. seealso:: :meth:`~tui.curses_d.CursesDaemon.session_daemon` method in :class:`~tui.curses_d.CursesDaemon`. .. seealso:: :meth:`~gui.hostsutil.HostsUtil.init_main` in :class:`~gui.hostsutil.HostsUtil` class. """ super(HostsUtil, self).__init__() # Set mirrors self.settings[0][2] = CommonUtil.set_network("network.conf") # Read data file and set function list try: self.set_platform() RetrieveData.unpack() RetrieveData.connect_db() self.set_info() self.set_func_list() except IOError: self.messagebox("No data file found! Press F6 to get data file " "first.", 1) except BadZipfile: self.messagebox("Incorrect Data file! Press F6 to get a new data " "file first.", 1)
def prepare_raw_news():"In Prepare Raw News...") raw_news_data = CommonUtil.read_excel(RAW_NEWS_PATH) raw_news_table = raw_news_data.sheet_by_index(0) raw_news_rows = raw_news_table.nrows for rowN in range(0, raw_news_rows): news_item = list() news_index = int(raw_news_table.cell_value(rowN, 0)) news_time = CommonUtil.get_datetime_from_cell( raw_news_table.cell_value(rowN, 1)) news_content = raw_news_table.cell_value(rowN, 2) news_item.append(news_index) news_item.append(news_time) news_item.append(news_content) newsList.append(news_item)"Prepare Raw News...Done!")
def check_connection(self, url): """ Check connection status to the server currently selected by user and show a status box indicating current operation. :param url: The link of the server chose by user.This string could be a domain name or the IP address of a server. .. seealso:: :attr:`link` in :meth:`~util.common.CommonUtil.check_connection`. :type url: str :return: A flag indicating connection status is good or not. .. seealso:: :meth:`~util.common.CommonUtil.check_connection`. in :class:`~util.common.CommonUtil` class. :rtype: int """ self.messagebox("Checking Server Status...") conn = CommonUtil.check_connection(url) if conn: self.statusinfo[0][1] = "OK" self.statusinfo[0][2] = "GREEN" else: self.statusinfo[0][1] = "Error" self.statusinfo[0][2] = "RED" self.status() return conn
def set_info(self): """ Set the information of the current local data file. """ info = RetrieveData.get_info() build = info["Buildtime"] self.hostsinfo["Version"] = info["Version"] self.hostsinfo["Release"] = CommonUtil.timestamp_to_date(build)
def get_custom_conf_path(cls): if not CommonUtil.check_platform()[0] == "Windows": path = os.path.expanduser('~/.custom.hosts') if not os.path.isfile(path): path = os.path.expanduser('~/custom.hosts') if os.path.isfile(path): return path return None
def reduce_feature_vector():"In Reduce Feature Vector...") prepare_feature() origin_feature_num = len(featureDict.keys()) global featureVectorList reduced_feature_vector_list = list() feature_list = list() feature_count_threshold = 2 file_path = FEATURE_VECTOR_PATH + '_' + str( PRICE_SAMPLE_MINUTE) + CSV_FILE_SUFFIX featureVectorList = CommonUtil.read_csv(file_path) feature_count_dict = dict() feature_count_list = [0] * origin_feature_num is_title = True for feature_vector in featureVectorList: if is_title: is_title = False else: for feature_value_index in range(0, origin_feature_num): if feature_vector[feature_value_index] != '0.0': feature_count_list[feature_value_index] += 1 feature_index = 0 for key in featureDict.keys(): feature_count = feature_count_list[feature_index] feature_count_dict[key] = feature_count if feature_count >= feature_count_threshold: feature_list.append(feature_index) feature_index += 1'Reduce Feature Vector to: ' + str(len(feature_list)))) feature_list.append(origin_feature_num) # 拼装计数超过阈值的特征向量 for feature_vector in featureVectorList: reduced_feature_vector = list() for feature_value_index in range(0, origin_feature_num + 1): if feature_value_index in feature_list: try: reduced_feature_vector.append( feature_vector[feature_value_index]) except IndexError: logger.error(feature_vector) logger.error(feature_value_index) reduced_feature_vector_list.append(reduced_feature_vector) file_path = REDUCED_FEATURE_VECTOR_PATH + '_' + str( PRICE_SAMPLE_MINUTE) + CSV_FILE_SUFFIX CommonUtil.write_csv(file_path, reduced_feature_vector_list)"Reduce Feature Vector Done!")
def run(self): """ Start operations to check the network connection with a specified server. """ self.trigger.emit(-1) status = CommonUtil.check_connection( self.trigger.emit(status)
def process_bar(self, done, block, total, mode=1): """ Draw `Process Bar` at the bottom which is used to indicate progress of downloading operation. .. note:: This method is a callback function responses to :meth:`urllib.urlretrieve` method while fetching hosts data file. :param done: Block count of packaged retrieved. :type done: int :param block: Block size of the data pack retrieved. :type block: int :param total: Total size of the hosts data file. :type total: int :param mode: A flag indicating the status of `Process Bar`. The default value of `mode` is `1`. ==== ==================================== mode `Process Bar` status ==== ==================================== 1 Downloading operation is processing. 0 Not downloading. ==== ==================================== :type mode: int """ screen = self._stdscr.subwin(2, 80, 20, 0) screen.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(4)) normal = curses.A_NORMAL line_width = 76 prog_len = line_width - 20 # Progress Bar if mode: done *= block prog = 1.0 * prog_len * done / total progress = ''.join(['=' * int(prog), '-' * int(2 * prog % 2)]) progress = progress.ljust(prog_len) total = CommonUtil.convert_size(total).ljust(7) done = CommonUtil.convert_size(done).rjust(7) else: progress = ' ' * prog_len done = total = 'N/A'.center(7) # Show Progress prog_bar = "[%s] %s | %s" % (progress, done, total) screen.addstr(1, 2, prog_bar, normal) screen.refresh()
def set_info(cls): """ Set the information of the current local data file. Modified from tui.hostsutil.HostsUtil.set_info() """ info = RetrieveData.get_info() build = info["Buildtime"] cls.hostsinfo["Version"] = info["Version"] cls.hostsinfo["Release"] = CommonUtil.timestamp_to_date(build)
def set_progress(self, done, block, total): """ Send message to the main dialog to set the progress bar. :param done: Block count of packaged retrieved. :type done: int :param block: Block size of the data pack retrieved. :type block: int :param total: Total size of the hosts data file. :type total: int """ done = done * block if total <= 0: total = self.filesize prog = 100 * done / total done = CommonUtil.convert_size(done) total = CommonUtil.convert_size(total) text = unicode(_translate( "Util", "Downloading: %s / %s", None)) % (done, total) self.prog_trigger.emit(prog, text)
def set_progress(self, done, block, total): """ Send message to the main dialog to set the progress bar. :param done: Block count of packaged retrieved. :type done: int :param block: Block size of the data pack retrieved. :type block: int :param total: Total size of the hosts data file. :type total: int """ done = done * block if total <= 0: total = self.filesize prog = 100 * done / total done = CommonUtil.convert_size(done) total = CommonUtil.convert_size(total) text = unicode(_translate("Util", "Downloading: %s / %s", None)) % (done, total) self.prog_trigger.emit(prog, text)
def set_info(self): """ Set the information of the current local data file. """ info = RetrieveData.get_info() ver = info["Version"] self._cur_ver = ver self.set_label_text(self.ui.labelVersionData, ver) build = info["Buildtime"] build = CommonUtil.timestamp_to_date(build) self.set_label_text(self.ui.labelReleaseData, unicode(build))
def check_connection(cls): """ Check connection status to the servers. Modified from tui.curses_d.CursesDaemon.check_connection() """ cls.show_status("Checking Server Status ...") cls.settings[0][2] = CommonUtil.set_network(cls.netfile) srv_id = 0 for srv_id,server in enumerate(cls.settings[0][2]): cls.show_status("Trying to connect to "+server["tag"]+"...") url = server["test_url"] conn = CommonUtil.check_connection(url) if conn : cls.show_status("Connected!") cls.settings[0][1] = srv_id return cls.show_status("Failed.") cls.show_status("Can not connect to any server!") cls.show_status("Script exits now...") sys.exit(1)
def decay_influence(dt_news_time, dt_current_time): delta_seconds = CommonUtil.get_interval_seconds(dt_current_time, dt_news_time) if delta_seconds > NEWS_INFLUENCE_DACAY_THRESHOLD * 60: return 0 # 0-60秒 if delta_seconds <= NEWS_INFLUENCE_MOST * 60: influence_score = 1 / (NEWS_INFLUENCE_MOST * 60) * delta_seconds else: influence_score = NEWS_INFLUENCE_DACAY_THRESHOLD/(NEWS_INFLUENCE_DACAY_THRESHOLD - NEWS_INFLUENCE_MOST) \ - 1/(NEWS_INFLUENCE_DACAY_THRESHOLD - NEWS_INFLUENCE_MOST) * delta_seconds / 60 return round(influence_score * FEATURE_VECTOR_SCALE, CURRENCY_PAIR_PRECISION)
def set_platform(cls): """ Set the information about current operating system. Modified from tui.hostsutil.HostsUtil.set_platform() """ system, hostname, path, encode, flag = CommonUtil.check_platform() cls.platform = system cls.hostname = hostname cls.hosts_path = path if encode == "win_ansi": cls.sys_eol = "\r\n" else: cls.sys_eol = "\n"
def set_platform(self): """ Set the information of current operating system platform. """ system, hostname, path, encode, flag = CommonUtil.check_platform() self.platform = system self.hostname = hostname self.hosts_path = path self.plat_flag = flag if encode == "win_ansi": self.sys_eol = "\r\n" else: self.sys_eol = "\n"
def prepare_feature():"In Prepare Feature...") # 获取sheet feature_data = CommonUtil.read_excel(FEATURE_PATH) feature_table = feature_data.sheet_by_index(0) # 获取总行数 feature_rows = feature_table.nrows # 获取总列数 # feature_cols = feature_table.ncols for rowNum in range(1, feature_rows): key = feature_table.cell_value(rowNum, 0) value = feature_table.cell_value(rowNum, 1) featureDict[key] = value"Prepare Feature...Done!")
def _checkout_branch(branch_name=None): """ 批量检出指定分支,支持正则表达式 :param branch_name 分支名,不可为空 """ if not branch_name: print("请输入要切换的分支名称,支持正则") return dirs_arr = CommonUtil.get_dirs(Constants.YY_ROOT_DIR, Constants.EXCLUDE_DIR) # dirs_arr = ['pluginlivebasemedia', 'ycloud', 'entmobile', 'entlive', 'livebasebiz'] for d in dirs_arr: result = os.path.join(Constants.YY_ROOT_DIR, d) os.chdir(result) try: print("%s: " % d) # 先检查本地分支 try: local_branch = subprocess.check_output('git branch | grep %s' % branch_name, shell=True).decode() local_branch_arr = list(filter(None, local_branch.split("\n"))) # type: list if len(local_branch_arr) == 1: if '*' not in local_branch_arr[0]:'git checkout %s' % local_branch_arr[0], shell=True) # 检出匹配到的本地分支 else: print("当前分支 %s 已经是目标分支,无需切换" % local_branch_arr[0]) continue elif len(local_branch_arr) > 1: print("匹配到多个本地分支,请细化正则表达式后重试") continue except: # 再检查远程分支 subprocess.check_output(['git', 'fetch']) try: remote_branch = subprocess.check_output('git branch -r | grep %s' % branch_name, shell=True).decode() remote_branch_arr = list(filter(None, remote_branch.split("\n"))) # type: list if len(remote_branch_arr) == 1: first_remote_branch = remote_branch_arr[0] format_remote_branch = first_remote_branch.split("/")[-1]'git checkout -b %s %s' % (format_remote_branch, first_remote_branch), shell=True) # 检出匹配到的远程分支 continue elif len(remote_branch_arr) > 1: print("匹配到多个远程分支,请细化正则表达式后重试") continue except: print("未匹配到任何分支,请检查正则表达式是否正确") except Exception as e: print(e, end='')
def check_writable(self): """ Check if current session has write privileges to the hosts file. .. note:: IF current session does not has the write privileges to the hosts file of current system, a warning message box would popup. .. note:: ALL operation would change the `hosts` file on current system could only be done while current session has write privileges to the file. """ self._writable = CommonUtil.check_privileges()[1] if not self._writable: print("Please check if you have writing\n" "privileges to the hosts file!")
def set_platform(self): """ Set the information about current operating system. """ system, hostname, path, encode, flag = CommonUtil.check_platform() color = "GREEN" if flag else "RED" self.platform = system self.statusinfo[1][1] = system self.hostname = hostname self.hosts_path = path self.statusinfo[1][2] = color if encode == "win_ansi": self.sys_eol = "\r\n" else: self.sys_eol = "\n"
def get_feature(): # 特征字典[AAAA:黄金] feature_dict = dict() # 获取sheet feature_data = CommonUtil.read_excel(FEATURE_PATH) feature_table = feature_data.sheet_by_index(0) # 获取总行数 feature_rows = feature_table.nrows # 获取总列数 # feature_cols = feature_table.ncols for rowNum in range(1, feature_rows): key = feature_table.cell_value(rowNum, 0) value = feature_table.cell_value(rowNum, 1) feature_dict[key] = value return feature_dict
def get_market_data(i_type, i_count, s_data_type): url_pattern = '' + s_data_type + \ '&candle_period=' + str(i_type) + \ '&fields=time_stamp,open_px,close_px,high_px,low_px,ma5,ma10,ma20,ma60,upper,mid,lower,diff,dea,' \ 'macd,k,d,j,rsi6,rsi12,rsi24&data_count=' + str(i_count) # 需要爬数据的网址 page = requests.Session().get(url_pattern) page.encoding = 'utf-8' file_content = '' if page.status_code == 200: data_all = json.loads(page.text) res_data = data_all['data'] candle_data = res_data['candle'] # 处理标题 data_fields = candle_data['fields'] for item_i in range(len(data_fields)): file_content += data_fields[item_i] + ',' file_content += '\n' # 处理数据 data_list = candle_data[s_data_type] for item_i in range(len(data_list)): data_items = data_list[item_i] data_item = '' for item_j in range(len(data_items)): # 日期格式转换 if item_j == 0: data_item += CommonUtil.convert_long_to_date( data_items[item_j]) + ',' else: data_item += str(data_items[item_j]) + ',' file_content += data_item + '\n'"Finished With %s Items Crawled." % (len(data_list))) CommonUtil.save_to_file(MARKET_DATA_PATH + '/%s.csv' % s_data_type, file_content) else: logger.warning("Response Code is %s, Please Check!" % page.status_code)
def check_writable(self): """ Check if current session is ran with root privileges. .. note:: IF current session does not has the write privileges to the hosts file of current system, a warning message box would popup. .. note:: ALL operation would change the `hosts` file on current system could only be done while current session has write privileges to the file. """ writable = CommonUtil.check_privileges()[1] self._writable = writable if not writable: self.warning_permission()
def _list_branch(): dirs_arr = CommonUtil.get_dirs(Constants.YY_ROOT_DIR, Constants.EXCLUDE_DIR) print(dirs_arr) print() for d in dirs_arr: path = os.path.join(Constants.YY_ROOT_DIR, d) print(path) os.chdir(path) try: result = subprocess.check_output('git branch', shell=True).decode() if result: print("%s: " % d) print(result, end='') print() except Exception as e: print(e, end='')
def weixin_login(self): url = "" params = { 'username': self.username, 'pwd': CommonUtil.md5(self.password), 'imgcode': '', 'f': 'json' } response =, data=params, headers=self.headers, verify=False) if response.status_code == 200: target = response.content.decode('utf-8') print(target) self.get_weixin_login_qrcode()
def check_writable(self): """ Check if current session has write privileges to the hosts file. .. note:: IF current session does not has the write privileges to the hosts file of current system, a warning message box would popup. .. note:: ALL operation would change the `hosts` file on current system could only be done while current session has write privileges to the file. """ self._writable = CommonUtil.check_privileges()[1] if not self._writable: self.messagebox( "Please check if you have writing\n" "privileges to the hosts file!", 1) exit()
def launch_tui(cls): """ Start a Text-based User Interface (TUI) session of `Hosts Setup Utility`. .. note:: This is a `classmethod`. """ # Set code page for Windows system = CommonUtil.check_platform()[0] cp = "437" if system == "Windows": chcp = os.popen("chcp") cp =[-1] chcp.close() os.popen("chcp 437") main = tui.HostsUtil() main.start() # Restore the default code page for Windows if system == "Windows": os.popen("chcp " + cp)
def init_main(self): """ Set up the elements on the main dialog. Check the environment of current operating system and current session. * Load server list from a configuration file under working directory. * Try to load the hosts data file under working directory if it exists. .. note:: IF hosts data file does not exists correctly in current working directory, a warning message box would popup. And operations to change the hosts file on current system could be done only until a new data file has been downloaded. .. seealso:: Method :meth:`~tui.hostsutil.HostsUtil.__init__` in :class:`~tui.hostsutil.HostsUtil` class. """ self.ui.SelectMirror.clear() self.set_version() # Set mirrors self.mirrors = CommonUtil.set_network("network.conf") self.set_mirrors() # Read data file and set function list try: RetrieveData.unpack() RetrieveData.connect_db() self.set_func_list(1) self.refresh_func_list() self.set_info() except IOError: self.warning_no_datafile() except BadZipfile: self.warning_incorrect_datafile() # Check if current session have root privileges self.check_writable() self.init_flag += 1
for name_format in excludes: ex_files.extend(glob.glob(file_path(name_format))) for name_format in includes: files = glob.glob(file_path(name_format)) for src_file in files: if src_file not in ex_files: tar_path = os.path.join(prefix + VERSION, src_file[rel_len:]) tar.add(src_file, tar_path) print "compressing: %s" % src_file tar.close() exit(1) from util import CommonUtil system = CommonUtil.check_platform()[0] if system == "Windows": # Build binary executables for Windows import struct import zipfile from distutils.core import setup import py2exe # Set working directories WORK_DIR = SCRIPT_DIR + "work/" DIR_NAME = "HostsTool" DIST_DIR = WORK_DIR + DIR_NAME + '/' WIN_OPTIONS = { "includes": ["sip"], "excludes": ["_scproxy", "_sysconfigdata"], "dll_excludes": ["MSVCP90.dll"],
def messagebox(msg, mode=0): """ Draw a `Message Box` with :attr:`msg` in a specified type defined by :attr:`mode`. .. note:: This is a `static` method. :param msg: The information to be displayed in message box. :type msg: str :param mode: A flag indicating the type of message box to be displayed. The default value of `mode` is `0`. ==== =========================================================== mode Message Box Type ==== =========================================================== 0 A simple message box showing a message without any buttons. 1 A message box with an `OK` button for user to confirm. 2 A message box with `OK` and `Cancel` buttons for user to choose. ==== =========================================================== :type mode: int :return: A flag indicating the choice made by user. ====== ===================================================== Return Condition ====== ===================================================== 0 #. No button is pressed while :attr:`mode` is `0`. #. `OK` button pressed while :attr:`mode` is `1`. #. `Cancel` button pressed while :attr:`mode` is `2`. 1 `OK` button pressed while :attr:`mode` is `2`. ====== ===================================================== :rtype: int """ pos_x = 24 if mode == 0 else 20 pos_y = 10 width = 30 if mode == 0 else 40 height = 2 messages = CommonUtil.cut_message(msg, width - 4) height += len(messages) if mode: height += 2 # Draw Shadow shadow = curses.newwin(height, width, pos_y + 1, pos_x + 1) shadow.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(8)) shadow.refresh() # Draw Subwindow screen = curses.newwin(height, width, pos_y, pos_x) screen.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(2)) screen.keypad(1) # Set local variable normal = curses.A_NORMAL select = curses.A_REVERSE # Insert messages for i in range(len(messages)): screen.addstr(1 + i, 2, messages[i].center(width - 4), normal) if mode == 0: screen.refresh() else: # Draw subwindow frame line_height = 1 + len(messages) screen.hline(line_height, 1, curses.ACS_HLINE, width - 2) screen.addch(line_height, 0, curses.ACS_SSSB) screen.addch(line_height, width - 1, curses.ACS_SBSS) tab = 0 key_in = None while key_in != 27: if mode == 1: choices = ["OK"] elif mode == 2: choices = ["OK", "Cancel"] else: return 0 for i, item in enumerate(choices): item_str = ''.join(['[', item, ']']) tab_pos_x = 6 + 20 * i if mode == 2 else 18 screen.addstr(line_height + 1, tab_pos_x, item_str, select if i == tab else normal) screen.refresh() key_in = screen.getch() if mode == 2: # OK or Cancel if key_in in [9, curses.KEY_LEFT, curses.KEY_RIGHT]: tab = [1, 0][tab] if key_in in [ord('a'), ord('c')]: key_in -= (ord('a') - ord('A')) if key_in in [ord('C'), ord('O')]: return [ord('C'), ord('O')].index(key_in) if key_in in [10, 32]: return not tab return 0