def parse_ncml_file(ncml, id): # Based on: if isinstance(ncml, str) and os.path.isfile(ncml): root = etree.parse(ncml).getroot() elif isinstance(ncml, str): root = etree.fromstring(ncml) elif etree.iselement(ncml): root = ncml else: raise ValueError("Could not parse ncml. \ Did you pass in a valid file path, xml string, or etree Element object?" ) global_attributes = {} dimensions = {} variables = {} thredds_meta = {} thredds_xml_meta = root.find('.//{%s}group[@name="THREDDSMetadata"]' % ncml_namespace) if thredds_xml_meta is not None: id = thredds_xml_meta.find('.//{%s}attribute[@name="id"]' % ncml_namespace).get("value") od_service = thredds_xml_meta.find( './/{%s}attribute[@name="opendap_service"]' % ncml_namespace).get("value") thredds_meta = {"opendap_url": od_service, "id": id} # Variables for v in root.findall('{%s}variable' % ncml_namespace): var_name = v.attrib.get("name") attributes = {} for a in v.findall('{%s}attribute' % ncml_namespace): name, value = process_attribute_tag(attributes, a) attributes[name] = {"value": value} shape = v.attrib.get("shape").split(" ") variables[var_name] = DotDict({ "type": v.attrib.get("type"), "shape": shape, "attributes": attributes }) # Global attributes for a in root.findall('{%s}attribute' % ncml_namespace): name, value = process_attribute_tag(global_attributes, a) global_attributes[name] = {"value": value} # Dimensions for d in root.findall('{%s}dimension' % ncml_namespace): dim_name = d.attrib.get('name') dim_length = d.attrib.get("length") dimensions[dim_name] = dim_length """return DotDict( {"variables": DotDict(variables), "dimensions": DotDict(dimensions), "attributes": DotDict(global_attributes), "thredds_meta": DotDict(thredds_meta)}) """ meta = DatasetMeta(global_attributes, dimensions, variables) return DatasetInfo(id, meta)
def parse_catalog_ref(element: etree.ElementTree): xlink_ns = element.nsmap.get("xlink") href = element.get("{%s}href" % xlink_ns) title = element.get("{%s}title" % xlink_ns) id = element.get("ID") if id is None: id = title return DotDict(href=href, title=title, id=id)
def get_args(arguments: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> DotDict: "Processes command line arguments and configuration." if arguments is None: arguments = sys.argv[1:] possible_models = list(MODELS.keys()) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Train a model.") parser.add_argument('--config', type=str, choices=['small', 'large'], default='small', help="Configuration to use, small or large.") parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, default='zero-trian', choices=possible_models, help="Model to run. Use --list-models to get a list of" " possiblities.") parser.add_argument('--list-models', action='store_true', help="List the possible models to use.") parser.add_argument('--embedding', type=str, default='glove', choices=['glove', 'bert', 'xlnet'], help="Embedding to use, GloVe, BERT or XLNet") parser.add_argument('--cuda', type=str, default="0", help="GPU(s) to use. If multiple, separated by " "comma. If single, just use the gpu number. If " "CPU is desired, use -1. Examples: " "--gpu 0,1,2 --gpu 0.") parser.add_argument('--name', type=str, default=None, help="Name for this model.") parser.add_argument('--encoder', type=str, default='lstm', choices=['lstm', 'transformer', 'gru'], help="Encoder type, one of lstm, gru or transformer") parser.add_argument('--transformer', type=str, default='custom', choices=['allen', 'custom'], help="If encoder is transformer, choose which one to " "use, allen or custom.") res = parser.parse_args(arguments) args = DotDict() if res.list_models: list_models(possible_models) exit() config = res.config args.MODEL = res.model args.NER_EMBEDDING_DIM = 8 args.REL_EMBEDDING_DIM = 10 args.POS_EMBEDDING_DIM = 12 args.HANDCRAFTED_DIM = 7 args.EMBEDDING_TYPE = res.embedding args.CUDA_DEVICE = parse_cuda(res.cuda) args.MODEL_NAME = data_folder = Path('data') # Proper configuration path for the External folder. The data one is # going to be part of the repo, so this is fine for now, but External isn't # always going to be. external_folder = Path('..', 'External') xlnet_use_window = True if config == 'large': # Path to our dataset args.TRAIN_DATA_PATH = data_folder / 'mctrain-data.json' args.VAL_DATA_PATH = data_folder / 'mcdev-data.json' args.TEST_DATA_PATH = data_folder / 'mctest-data.json' # Path to our embeddings args.GLOVE_PATH = external_folder / 'glove.840B.300d.txt' # Size of our embeddings args.GLOVE_EMBEDDING_DIM = 300 # Size of our hidden layers (for each encoder) args.HIDDEN_DIM = 100 args.TRANSFORMER_DIM = 512 # Size of minibatch args.BATCH_SIZE = 24 # Number of epochs to train model args.NUM_EPOCHS = 30 # Size of the input window for XLNet if xlnet_use_window: args.xlnet_window_size = 512 else: args.xlnet_window_size = None elif config == 'small': # Path to our dataset args.TRAIN_DATA_PATH = data_folder / 'small-train.json' args.VAL_DATA_PATH = data_folder / 'small-dev.json' args.TEST_DATA_PATH = data_folder / 'small-test.json' # Path to our embeddings args.GLOVE_PATH = external_folder / 'glove.6B.50d.txt' # Size of our embeddings args.GLOVE_EMBEDDING_DIM = 50 # Size of our hidden layers (for each encoder) args.HIDDEN_DIM = 50 args.TRANSFORMER_DIM = 128 # Size of minibatch args.BATCH_SIZE = 2 # Number of epochs to train model args.NUM_EPOCHS = 1 # Size of the input window for XLNet if xlnet_use_window: args.xlnet_window_size = 128 else: args.xlnet_window_size = None args.BERT_PATH = external_folder / 'bert-base-uncased.tar.gz' args.CONCEPTNET_PATH = external_folder / 'conceptnet.csv' args.xlnet_vocab_path = data_folder / 'xlnet-base-cased-spiece.model' args.xlnet_config_path = data_folder / 'xlnet-base-cased-config.json' args.xlnet_model_path = external_folder / \ 'xlnet-base-cased-pytorch_model.bin' # Path to save the Model and Vocabulary args.SAVE_FOLDER = Path('experiments') args.SAVE_PATH = args.SAVE_FOLDER / \ get_experiment_name(args.MODEL, config, args.EMBEDDING_TYPE, args.MODEL_NAME) print('Save path', args.SAVE_PATH) def preprocessed_name(split_type: str) -> str: "Gets the pre-processed pickle filename from the configuration." name = get_preprocessed_name(split_type, args.MODEL, config, args.EMBEDDING_TYPE) return cast(str, name) # Path to save pre-processed input args.TRAIN_PREPROCESSED_NAME = preprocessed_name('train') args.VAL_PREPROCESSED_NAME = preprocessed_name('val') args.TEST_PREPROCESSED_NAME = preprocessed_name('test') args.TRAIN_PREPROCESSED_PATH = (external_folder / args.TRAIN_PREPROCESSED_NAME) args.VAL_PREPROCESSED_PATH = external_folder / args.VAL_PREPROCESSED_NAME args.TEST_PREPROCESSED_PATH = external_folder / args.TEST_PREPROCESSED_NAME print('Pre-processed data path:', args.TRAIN_PREPROCESSED_PATH) # Random seed (for reproducibility) args.RANDOM_SEED = 1234 # Model Configuration # Use LSTM, GRU or Transformer args.ENCODER_TYPE = res.encoder args.WHICH_TRANSFORMER = res.transformer args.BIDIRECTIONAL = True args.RNN_LAYERS = 1 args.RNN_DROPOUT = 0.5 if args.ENCODER_TYPE != 'transformer' else 0 args.EMBEDDDING_DROPOUT = 0.5 if args.EMBEDDING_TYPE == 'glove' else 0 # Number of passes the DMN will make over the input args.DMN_PASSES = 2 # Whether to fine tune the embeddings (specifically BERT and XLNet) args.finetune_embeddings = False return args
from util import DotDict cloaks = DotDict({ 'emptycloak': DotDict(name="Empty Cloak", raw="emptycloak", value=0, shop=False, weight=0, protection=0, sort=0), 'leathercloak': DotDict(name="Leather Cloak", raw="leathercloak", value=100, shop=True, weight=1, protection=1, sort=1), 'battlecloak': DotDict(name="Battle Cloak", raw="battlecloak", value=1000, shop=True, weight=2, protection=2, sort=2), 'covercloak': DotDict(name="Cover Cloak", raw="covercloak", value=100, shop=True, weight=1, stealth=1, sort=3), 'covercloak+': DotDict(name="Cover Cloak +", raw="covercloak+", value=110, shop=False, weight=2, protection=1, stealth=1, sort=4), 'darkcloak': DotDict(name="Dark Cloak", raw="darkcloak", value=300, shop=True, weight=1, stealth=2, sort=5), 'darkcloak+': DotDict(name="Dark Cloak +", raw="darkcloak+", value=330, shop=False, weight=2, protection=1, stealth=2, sort=6), 'disguisecloak': DotDict(name="Disguise Cloak", raw="disguisecloak", value=700, shop=True, weight=1, stealth=3, sort=7), 'disguisecloak+': DotDict(name="Disguise Cloak +", raw="disguisecloak+", value=770, shop=False, weight=2, protection=1, stealth=3, sort=8), 'concealcloak': DotDict(name="Conceal Cloak", raw="consealcloak", value=1500, shop=True, weight=1, stealth=4, sort=9), 'concealcloak+': DotDict(name="Conceal Cloak +", raw="consealcloak+", value=1650, shop=False, weight=2, protection=1, stealth=4, sort=10), 'nightcloak': DotDict(name="Night Cloak", raw="nightcloak", value=3100, shop=True, weight=1, stealth=5, sort=11), 'nightcloak+': DotDict(name="Night Cloak +", raw="nightcloak+", value=3410, shop=False, weight=2, protection=1, stealth=5, sort=12), 'stealthcloak': DotDict(name="Stealth Cloak", raw="stealthcloak", value=6300, shop=True, weight=1, stealth=6, sort=13), 'stealthcloak+': DotDict(name="Stealth Cloak +", raw="stealthcloak+", value=6930, shop=False, weight=2, protection=1, stealth=6, sort=14), 'phantomcloak': DotDict(name="Phantom Cloak", raw="phantomcloak", value=12700, shop=True, weight=1, stealth=7, sort=15), 'phantomcloak+': DotDict(name="Phantom Cloak +", raw="phantomcloak+", value=13970, shop=False, weight=2, protection=1, stealth=7, sort=16), 'invisibilitycloak': DotDict(name="Invisibility Cloak", raw="invisibilitycloak", value=25500, shop=True, weight=1, stealth=8, sort=17), 'invisibilitycloak+': DotDict(name="Invisibility Cloak +", raw="invisibilitycloak+", value=28050, shop=False, weight=2, protection=1, stealth=8, sort=18), 'silkcloak': DotDict(name="Silk Cloak", raw="silkcloak", value=2500, shop=True, weight=1, thief=1, sort=19), 'silkcloak+': DotDict(name="Silk Cloak +", raw="silkcloak+", value=2750, shop=False, weight=2, protection=1, thief=1, sort=20), 'thievescloak': DotDict(name="Thieves Cloak", raw="thievescloak", value=5000, shop=True, weight=1, thief=2, sort=21), 'thievescloak+': DotDict(name="Thieves Cloak +", raw="thievescloak+", value=5500, shop=False, weight=2, protection=1, thief=2, sort=22) }) for cloak in cloaks.values():
from util import DotDict # prijzen nog bepalen boots = DotDict({ 'emptyboots': DotDict(name="Empty Boots", raw="emptyboots", value=0, shop=False, weight=0, protection=0, sort=0), 'leatherboots': DotDict(name="Leather Boots", raw="leatherboots", value=100, shop=True, weight=1, protection=1, sort=1), 'bronzeboots': DotDict(name="Bronze Boots", raw="bronzeboots", value=200, shop=True, weight=2, protection=2, sort=2), 'ironboots': DotDict(name="Iron Boots", raw="ironboots", value=400, shop=True, weight=3, protection=3, sort=3), 'steelboots': DotDict(name="Steel Boots", raw="steelboots", value=800, shop=True, weight=4, protection=4, sort=4), 'silverboots': DotDict(name="Silver Boots", raw="silverboots", value=1600, shop=True, weight=5, protection=5, sort=5), 'titaniumboots': DotDict(name="Titanium Boots", raw="titaniumboots", value=3200, shop=False, weight=1, protection=5, sort=6), 'bootsofmotion': DotDict(name="Boots of Motion", raw="bootsofmotion", value=1000, shop=True, weight=2, protection=1, movepoints=1, sort=7), 'bootsofmotion+': DotDict(name="Boots of Motion +", raw="bootsofmotion+", value=1100, shop=False, weight=3, protection=2, movepoints=1, sort=8), 'bootsofspeed': DotDict(name="Boots of Speed", raw="bootsofspeed", value=2000, shop=True, weight=2, protection=1, movepoints=2, sort=9), 'bootsofspeed+': DotDict(name="Boots of Speed +", raw="bootsofspeed+", value=2200, shop=False, weight=3, protection=2, movepoints=2, sort=10), 'woodsmansboots': DotDict(name="Woodsman's Boots", raw="woodsmansboots", value=1000, shop=True, weight=2, protection=1, ranger=1, sort=11), 'woodsmansboots+': DotDict(name="Woodsman's Boots +", raw="woodsmansboots+", value=1100, shop=False, weight=3, protection=2, ranger=1, sort=12), 'silenceboots': DotDict(name="Silence Boots", raw="silenceboots", value=1000, shop=True, weight=2, protection=1, stealth=1, sort=13), 'silenceboots+': DotDict(name="Silence Boots +", raw="silenceboots+", value=1100, shop=False, weight=3, protection=2, stealth=1, sort=14) }) for boot in boots.values(): if 'movepoints' not in boot: boot.movepoints = None if 'ranger' not in boot: boot.ranger = None if 'stealth' not in boot:
from util import DotDict helmets = DotDict({ 'emptyhelmet': DotDict(name="Empty Helmet", raw="emptyhelmet", value=0, shop=False, weight=0, protection=0, sort=0), 'leathercap': DotDict(name="Leather Cap", raw="leathercap", value=100, shop=True, weight=1, protection=1, sort=1), 'bronzehelmet': DotDict(name="Bronze Helmet", raw="bronzehelmet", value=1225, shop=True, weight=2, protection=2, sort=2), 'ironhelmet': DotDict(name="Iron Helmet", raw="ironhelmet", value=3600, shop=True, weight=3, protection=3, sort=3), 'steelhelmet': DotDict(name="Steel Helmet", raw="steelhelmet", value=7225, shop=True, weight=4, protection=4, sort=4), 'silverhelmet': DotDict(name="Silver Helmet", raw="silverhelmet", value=12100, shop=True, weight=5, protection=5, sort=5), 'titaniumhelmet': DotDict(name="Titanium Helmet", raw="titaniumhelmet", value=24300, shop=False, weight=1, protection=5, sort=6), 'helmofknowledge': DotDict(name="Helm of Knowledge", raw="helmofknowledge", value=5500, shop=True, weight=2, protection=1, intelligence=2, sort=7), 'helmofknowledge+': DotDict(name="Helm of Knowledge +", raw="helmofknowledge+", value=6050, shop=False, weight=3, protection=2, intelligence=2, sort=8), 'helmofwisdom': DotDict(name="Helm of Wisdom", raw="helmofwisdom", value=5500, shop=True, weight=2, protection=1, willpower=2, sort=9), 'helmofwisdom+': DotDict(name="Helm of Wisdom +", raw="helmofwisdom+", value=6050, shop=False, weight=3, protection=2, willpower=2, sort=10), 'helmofcharisma': DotDict(name="Helm of Charisma", raw="helmofcharisma", value=6600, shop=True, weight=2, protection=1, diplomat=1, sort=11), 'helmofcharisma+': DotDict(name="Helm of Charisma +", raw="helmofcharisma+", value=7260, shop=False, weight=3, protection=2, diplomat=1, sort=12), 'helmofinsight': DotDict(name="Helm of Insight", raw="helmofinsight", value=7700, shop=True, weight=2, protection=1, loremaster=1, sort=13), 'helmofinsight+': DotDict(name="Helm of Insight +", raw="helmofinsight+", value=8470, shop=False, weight=3, protection=2, loremaster=1, sort=14), 'helmofcognizance': DotDict(name="Helm of Cognizance", raw="helmofcognizance", value=9900, shop=True, weight=2, protection=1, scientist=1, sort=15), 'helmofcognizance+': DotDict(name="Helm of Cognizance +", raw="helmofcognizance+", value=10890, shop=False, weight=3, protection=2, scientist=1, sort=16), 'helmoftempests': DotDict(name="Helm of Tempests", raw="helmoftempests", value=8800, shop=True, weight=2, protection=1, warrior=1, sort=17), 'helmoftempests+': DotDict(name="Helm of Tempests +", raw="helmoftempests+", value=9680, shop=False, weight=3, protection=2, warrior=1, sort=18) }) for helmet in helmets.values(): if 'intelligence' not in helmet: helmet.intelligence = None if 'willpower' not in helmet:
# value, base hit, damage, sortering weapon_upgraded = { "": (1.0, 0, 0, 10), "+": (1.1, 5, 0, 20), "++": (1.2, 5, 1, 30) } # hoogste damage mogelijk is 30: Silver/Titanium Maul ++ weapons = DotDict( emptyweapon=DotDict( name="Empty Weapon", raw="emptyweapon", value=0, shop=False, skill="Empty", min_int=0, min_str=0, base_hit=0, damage=0, sort=0, col=0, row=0 )) for key_material, value_material in weapon_material.items(): for key_type, value_type in weapon_type.items(): for key_upgraded, value_upgraded in weapon_upgraded.items(): raw_key_name = (key_material + key_type + key_upgraded).strip().lower().replace(" ", "") price = int((value_material[0] + value_type[0]) * (value_material[0] + value_type[0]) / 400)
"Heavy": (500, 3, 3, -2, 300) } # value, weight, protection, stealth, sortering armor_upgraded = { "": (1.0, 0, 0, 0, 10), "+": (1.1, 0, 0, 1, 20), "++": (1.2, -1, 0, 2, 30) } # hoogste protection mogelijk is 15: Heavy Silver/Titanium Armor /+/++ armors = DotDict( emptyarmor=DotDict( name="Empty Armor", raw="emptyarmor", value=0, shop=False, weight=0, protection=0, stealth=0, sort=0 )) for key_material, value_material in armor_material.items(): for key_type, value_type in armor_type.items(): for key_upgraded, value_upgraded in armor_upgraded.items(): raw_key_name = (key_type + key_material + key_upgraded).strip().lower().replace(" ", "") price = (value_material[0] + value_type[0]) * (value_material[0] + value_type[0]) / 400 armors[raw_key_name] = DotDict( name=(key_type + " " + key_material + " " + key_upgraded).strip(),
def __init__(self, index): self.meta_data = DotDict(index["meta"]) self.datasets = index["datasets"] self.meta_variables = self.meta_data.variables self._fill_variables_table() self._fill_datasets_table()
# value, min str, protection, defense, dexterity, stealth shield_upgraded = { "": (1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10), "+": (1.1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 20), "++": (1.2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 4, 30) } # de hoogste protection/defense mogelijk is 15/30: Large Silver/Titanium Scutum /+/++ shields = DotDict( emptyshield=DotDict( name="Empty Shield", raw="emptyshield", value=0, shop=False, min_str=0, protection=0, defense=0, dexterity=0, stealth=0, sort=0, col=0, row=0 )) for key_material, value_material in shield_material.items(): for key_type, value_type in shield_type.items(): for key_upgraded, value_upgraded in shield_upgraded.items(): raw_key_name = (key_material + key_type + key_upgraded).strip().lower().replace(" ", "") price = (value_material[0] + value_type[0]) * (value_material[0] + value_type[0]) / 900