Beispiel #1
def chk_sched(lines):
    # Post-creation check on the schedule to address the fact that
    # 3C273 is too close to the Sun from 9/15 to 10/13 each year (day-of-year 259-287).
    doy = int(Time(lines[0][:10]).yday[5:8])
    next = -1  # Impossible line number
    if doy >= 259 and doy <= 287:
        # This is a date range when the 27-m antenna should not point at source 1229+020
        # Simply replace 1229+020 with 1331+305 (3C286).  That is a much weaker source, but it
        # may be okay for a PHASECAL
        if doy < 272:
            dt = (
                3000. - (doy - 259) * 240.
            ) / 86400.  # Starts at 50 min and decreases by 4 min each day
            dt = 0.
        for i in range(len(lines)):
            if lines[i].find('1229+020') != -1:
                # This line has to be adjusted by dt later and change source to '1331+305'
                lines[i] = lines[i].replace('1229+020', '1331+305')
                lines[i] = (Time(lines[i][:19]) + dt).iso[:19] + lines[i][19:]
                next = i + 1  # Set to next line number, which also has to increment by dt
            elif next == i:
                lines[i] = (Time(lines[i][:19]) + dt).iso[:19] + lines[i][19:]
                next = -1
    return lines
Beispiel #2
def get_projects_nosql(t):
    ''' Read all projects from FDB file for the current date and return a summary
        as a dictionary with keys Timestamp, Project, and EOS (another timestamp)
    import dump_tsys as dt
    # timerange is 12 UT to 12 UT on next day, relative to the day in Time() object t
    trange = Time([int(t.mjd) + 12. / 24, int(t.mjd) + 36. / 24], format='mjd')
    tstart = t.iso[2:10].replace('-', '') + '120000'
    t2 = Time(int(t.mjd) + 1, format='mjd')
    tend = t2.iso[2:10].replace('-', '') + '120000'
    fdb = dt.rd_fdb(t)
    fdb2 = dt.rd_fdb(t2)
    if fdb == {}:
        # No FDB file found, so return empty project dictionary
        print 'No Project data [FDB file] found for the given date.'
        return {}
    if fdb == {}:
        #  Concatenate the two dicts into one
        fdb = dict([(k, np.concatenate((fdb.get(k, []), fdb2.get(k, []))))
                    for k in set(fdb) | set(fdb2)])
    # Get "good" indexes for times between 12 UT on date and 12 UT on next date
    gidx, = np.where(
        np.logical_and(fdb['SCANID'] > tstart, fdb['SCANID'] < tend))
    scanid, idx = np.unique(fdb['SCANID'][gidx], return_index=True)
    sidx = gidx[idx]  # Indexes into fdb for the start of each scan
    # Get the project IDs for scans during the period
    projdict = {
        'Timestamp': fdb['ST_TS'][sidx].astype(float),
        'Project': fdb['PROJECTID'][sidx],
        'EOS': fdb['EN_TS'][sidx].astype(float)
    return projdict
Beispiel #3
def sp_bsize(x, y):
    ''' Make nice plots of the beamsize.
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    nfrq, npnt, nant = x['rao'].shape
    nrow = 2
    ncol = (nant + 1) / 2
    f, ax = plt.subplots(nrow, ncol, sharex='col', sharey='row')
    f.set_size_inches(2 * nant, 7, forward=True)
    t1 = Time(x['ut_mjd'][0], format='mjd')
    f.suptitle('X-feed Beam Widths for SOLPNT scan at ' + t1.iso[:19] + ' UT',
    fout, a, aout = disk_conv()
    fgood = np.where(x['fghz'] > 2.48)[0]
    for ant in range(nant):
        ax[ant % nrow,
           ant / nrow].set_title('Ant ' + str(ant + 1) + ' [blue=RA, red=Dec]')
        if ant % ncol == 0:
            ax[ant / ncol, 0].set_ylabel('Beam FWHM [deg]')
        if ant >= ncol:
            ax[1, ant - ncol].set_xlabel('Frequency [GHz]')
        ax[ant % nrow, ant / nrow].set_ylim(0.5, 5)
        ax[ant % nrow, ant / nrow].set_xlim(1, 20)
        ax[ant % nrow, ant / nrow].set_yscale('log')
        ax[ant % nrow, ant / nrow].set_xscale('log')
        ax[ant % nrow, ant / nrow].plot(
            x['raparms'][2, fgood, ant] * 2 * np.sqrt(np.log(2)) / 10000, 'b.')
        ax[ant % nrow, ant / nrow].plot(fout, aout, color='black')
        ax[ant % nrow, ant / nrow].plot(
            x['decparms'][2, fgood, ant] * 2 * np.sqrt(np.log(2)) / 10000,
    f, ax = plt.subplots(nrow, ncol, sharex='col', sharey='row')
    f.set_size_inches(2 * nant, 7, forward=True)
    t1 = Time(x['ut_mjd'][0], format='mjd')
    f.suptitle('Y-feed Beam Widths for SOLPNT scan at ' + t1.iso[:19] + ' UT',
    for ant in range(nant):
        ax[ant % nrow,
           ant / nrow].set_title('Ant ' + str(ant + 1) + ' [blue=RA, red=Dec]')
        if ant % ncol == 0:
            ax[ant / ncol, 0].set_ylabel('Beam FWHM [deg]')
        if ant >= ncol:
            ax[1, ant - ncol].set_xlabel('Frequency [GHz]')
        ax[ant % nrow, ant / nrow].set_ylim(0.5, 5)
        ax[ant % nrow, ant / nrow].set_xlim(1, 20)
        ax[ant % nrow, ant / nrow].set_yscale('log')
        ax[ant % nrow, ant / nrow].set_xscale('log')
        ax[ant % nrow, ant / nrow].plot(
            y['raparms'][2, fgood, ant] * 2 * np.sqrt(np.log(2)) / 10000, 'b.')
        ax[ant % nrow, ant / nrow].plot(fout, aout, color='black')
        ax[ant % nrow, ant / nrow].plot(
            y['decparms'][2, fgood, ant] * 2 * np.sqrt(np.log(2)) / 10000,
Beispiel #4
def sql2refcal(t, lohi=False):
    '''Supply a timestamp in Time format, return the closest refcal data'''
    import cal_header as ch
    import stateframe as stf
    if lohi:
        caltype = 12
        caltype = 8
    xml, buf = ch.read_cal(caltype, t=t)
    refcal = stf.extract(
        buf, xml['Refcal_Real']) + stf.extract(buf, xml['Refcal_Imag']) * 1j
    flag = stf.extract(buf, xml['Refcal_Flag'])
    fghz = stf.extract(buf, xml['Fghz'])
    sigma = stf.extract(buf, xml['Refcal_Sigma'])
    timestamp = Time(stf.extract(buf, xml['Timestamp']), format='lv')
    tbg = Time(stf.extract(buf, xml['T_beg']), format='lv')
    ted = Time(stf.extract(buf, xml['T_end']), format='lv')
    pha = np.angle(refcal)
    amp = np.absolute(refcal)
    return {
        'pha': pha,
        'amp': amp,
        'flag': flag,
        'fghz': fghz,
        'sigma': sigma,
        'timestamp': timestamp,
        't_bg': tbg,
        't_ed': ted
def apply_color_filter_to_image(item,
    t = Time()
    print('Processing slide:  {}'.format(item))

    image_path = os.path.join(dir, item)
    np_orig = open_image_np(image_path)
    item = item.split('.')[0]
    filtered_np_img, filtered_mask, filter_np_img_noholes, filtered_mask_noholes = color_filter(

    save_suffix = '.png'
    item = item + save_suffix
    if save:
        if not os.path.isdir(FILTER_DIR):
        if not os.path.isdir(FILTER_MASK_DIR):
        if not os.path.isdir(FILTER_NH_DIR):
        if not os.path.isdir(FILTER_MASK_NH_DIR):

        t1 = Time()
        filter_path = os.path.join(FILTER_DIR, item)
        pil_img = np_to_pil(filtered_np_img)
        print("%-20s | Time: %-14s  Name: %s" %
              ("Save Filtered", str(t1.elapsed()), filter_path))

        t1 = Time()
        mask_path = os.path.join(FILTER_MASK_DIR, item)
        pil_mask = np_to_pil(filtered_mask)
        print("%-20s | Time: %-14s  Name: %s" %
              ("Save Mask", str(t1.elapsed()), mask_path))

        t1 = Time()
        filter_nh_path = os.path.join(FILTER_NH_DIR, item)
        pil_img_nh = np_to_pil(filter_np_img_noholes)
        print("%-20s | Time: %-14s  Name: %s" %
              ("Save Filtered NoHoles", str(t1.elapsed()), filter_nh_path))

        t1 = Time()
        mask_nh_path = os.path.join(FILTER_MASK_NH_DIR, item)
        pil_mask_nh = np_to_pil(filtered_mask_noholes)
        print("%-20s | Time: %-14s  Name: %s" %
              ("Save Mask NoHoles", str(t1.elapsed()), mask_nh_path))
Beispiel #6
def sql2rstn(t=None):
    """This function extracts the RSTN data from SQL with SQL_timestamp 
    0300 on the date supplied. If the values could be extracted then the
    data is returned in a list as follows:
    0 - timestamp: Astropy Time which is the date on which the data was
        collected. This should match dt
    1 - freq: A float32 numpy array containing the 9 frequencies in GHz
    2 - data: The flux data which is a 9x7 int16 numpy array.
    SQL_timestamp is also returned."""

    if t is None: t =

    sqlt = Time(np.floor(t.mjd) + 0.125, format='mjd')
    xml, buf = ch.read_cal(12, sqlt)

    if buf is None: return None, None

    sqlt_read = Time(extract(buf, xml['SQL_timestamp']), format='lv')
    #if np.floor(sqlt.mjd) != np.floor(sqlt_read.mjd): return None, None

    data = []
    data.append(Time(extract(buf, xml['Timestamp']), format='lv'))
    data.append(extract(buf, xml['FGHz']))
    data.append(extract(buf, xml['Flux']))

    return data, sqlt_read
Beispiel #7
def get_gain_corr(trange, tref=None, fghz=None):
    ''' Calls get_gain_state() for a timerange and a reference time,
        and returns the gain difference table to apply to data in the
        given timerange.  If no reference time is provided, the gain
        state is referred to the nearest earlier REFCAL.
        Returns a dictionary containing:
          antgain    Array of size (15, 2, 34, nt) = (nant, npol, nbands, nt)
          times      A Time() object corresponding to the times in 
    if tref is None:
        # No reference time specified, so get nearest earlier REFCAL
        xml, buf = ch.read_cal(8,t=trange[0])
        tref = Time(stf.extract(buf,xml['Timestamp']),format='lv')
    # Get the gain state at the reference time (actually median over 1 minute)
    trefrange = Time([tref.iso,Time(,format='lv').iso])
    ref_gs =  get_gain_state(trefrange)  # refcal gain state for 60 s
    # Get median of refcal gain state (which should be constant anyway)
    ref_gs['h1'] = np.median(ref_gs['h1'],1)
    ref_gs['h2'] = np.median(ref_gs['h2'],1)
    ref_gs['v1'] = np.median(ref_gs['v1'],1)
    ref_gs['v2'] = np.median(ref_gs['v2'],1)

    # Get the gain state of the requested timerange
    src_gs = get_gain_state(trange)   # solar gain state for timerange of file
    nt = len(src_gs['times'])
    antgain = np.zeros((15,2,34,nt),np.float32)   # Antenna-based gains vs. band
    for i in range(15):
        for j in range(34):
            antgain[i,0,j] = src_gs['h1'][i] + src_gs['h2'][i] - ref_gs['h1'][i] - ref_gs['h2'][i] + src_gs['dcmattn'][i,0,j] - ref_gs['dcmattn'][i,0,j]
            antgain[i,1,j] = src_gs['v1'][i] + src_gs['v2'][i] - ref_gs['v1'][i] - ref_gs['v2'][i] + src_gs['dcmattn'][i,1,j] - ref_gs['dcmattn'][i,1,j]

    return {'antgain': antgain, 'times': src_gs['times']}
Beispiel #8
def unrot_refcal(refcal_in):
    ''' Apply feed-rotation correction to data read with rd_refcal(), returning updated data in
        the same format for further processing.
    import dbutil as db
    import copy
    import chan_util_bc as cu
    import cal_header as ch
    from stateframe import extract
    refcal = copy.deepcopy(refcal_in)
    xml, buf = ch.read_cal(11, Time(refcal['times'][0][0], format='jd'))
    dph = extract(buf, xml['XYphase'])
    xi_rot = extract(buf, xml['Xi_Rot'])
    freq = extract(buf, xml['FGHz'])
    freq = freq[np.where(freq != 0)]
    band = []
    for f in freq:
    bds, sidx = np.unique(band, return_index=True)
    nbd = len(bds)
    eidx = np.append(sidx[1:], len(band))
    dxy = np.zeros((14, 34), dtype=np.float)
    xi = np.zeros(34, dtype=np.float)
    fghz = np.zeros(34)
    # average dph and xi_rot frequencies within each band, to convert to 34-band representation
    for b, bd in enumerate(bds):
        fghz[bd - 1] = np.nanmean(freq[sidx[b]:eidx[b]])
        xi[bd - 1] = np.nanmean(xi_rot[sidx[b]:eidx[b]])
        for a in range(14):
            dxy[a, bd - 1] = np.angle(np.sum(np.exp(1j * dph[a, sidx[b]:eidx[b]])))
    nscans = len(refcal['scanlist'])
    for i in range(nscans):
        # Read parallactic angles for this scan
        trange = Time([refcal['tstlist'][i].iso, refcal['tedlist'][i].iso])
        times, chi = db.get_chi(trange)
        tchi = times.jd
        t = refcal['times'][i]
        if len(t) > 0:
            vis = copy.deepcopy(refcal['vis'][i])
            idx = nearest_val_idx(t, tchi)
            pa = chi[idx]  # Parallactic angle for the times of this refcal.
            pa[:, [8, 9, 10, 12]] = 0.0
            nt = len(idx)  # Number of times in this refcal
            # Apply X-Y delay phase correction
            for a in range(13):
                a1 = lobe(dxy[a] - dxy[13])
                a2 = -dxy[13] - xi
                a3 = dxy[a] - xi + np.pi
                for j in range(nt):
                    vis[a, 1, :, j] *= np.exp(1j * a1)
                    vis[a, 2, :, j] *= np.exp(1j * a2)
                    vis[a, 3, :, j] *= np.exp(1j * a3)
            for j in range(nt):
                for a in range(13):
                    refcal['vis'][i][a, 0, :, j] = vis[a, 0, :, j] * np.cos(pa[j, a]) + vis[a, 3, :, j] * np.sin(pa[j, a])
                    refcal['vis'][i][a, 2, :, j] = vis[a, 2, :, j] * np.cos(pa[j, a]) + vis[a, 1, :, j] * np.sin(pa[j, a])
                    refcal['vis'][i][a, 3, :, j] = vis[a, 3, :, j] * np.cos(pa[j, a]) - vis[a, 0, :, j] * np.sin(pa[j, a])
                    refcal['vis'][i][a, 1, :, j] = vis[a, 1, :, j] * np.cos(pa[j, a]) - vis[a, 2, :, j] * np.sin(pa[j, a])
    return refcal
Beispiel #9
def sp_bsize(x, y):
    ''' Make nice plots of the beamsize, currently only for the first eight
        antennas.  This routine will have to be modified to work with more.
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    nfrq, npnt, nant = x['rao'].shape
    f, ax = plt.subplots(2, nant / 2, sharex='col', sharey='row')
    f.set_size_inches(2 * nant, 7, forward=True)
    t1 = Time(x['ut_mjd'][0], format='mjd')
    f.suptitle('X-feed Beam Widths for SOLPNT scan at ' + t1.iso[:19] + ' UT',
    fout, a, aout = disk_conv()
    fgood = np.where(x['fghz'] > 2.48)[0]
    for ant in range(nant):
        ax[ant % 2,
           ant / 2].set_title('Ant ' + str(ant + 1) + ' [blue=RA, red=Dec]')
        if ant % 4 == 0:
            ax[ant / 4, 0].set_ylabel('Beam FWHM [deg]')
        if ant >= nant / 2:
            ax[1, ant - nant / 2].set_xlabel('Frequency [GHz]')
        ax[ant % 2, ant / 2].set_ylim(0.5, 5)
        ax[ant % 2, ant / 2].set_xlim(1, 20)
        ax[ant % 2, ant / 2].set_yscale('log')
        ax[ant % 2, ant / 2].set_xscale('log')
        ax[ant % 2, ant / 2].plot(
            x['raparms'][2, fgood, ant] * 2 * np.sqrt(np.log(2)) / 10000, 'b.')
        ax[ant % 2, ant / 2].plot(fout, aout, color='black')
        ax[ant % 2, ant / 2].plot(
            x['decparms'][2, fgood, ant] * 2 * np.sqrt(np.log(2)) / 10000,
    f, ax = plt.subplots(2, nant / 2, sharex='col', sharey='row')
    f.set_size_inches(2 * nant, 7, forward=True)
    t1 = Time(x['ut_mjd'][0], format='mjd')
    f.suptitle('Y-feed Beam Widths for SOLPNT scan at ' + t1.iso[:19] + ' UT',
    for ant in range(nant):
        ax[ant % 2,
           ant / 2].set_title('Ant ' + str(ant + 1) + ' [blue=RA, red=Dec]')
        if ant % 4 == 0:
            ax[ant / 4, 0].set_ylabel('Beam FWHM [deg]')
        if ant >= nant / 2:
            ax[1, ant - nant / 2].set_xlabel('Frequency [GHz]')
        ax[ant % 2, ant / 2].set_ylim(0.5, 5)
        ax[ant % 2, ant / 2].set_xlim(1, 20)
        ax[ant % 2, ant / 2].set_yscale('log')
        ax[ant % 2, ant / 2].set_xscale('log')
        ax[ant % 2, ant / 2].plot(
            y['raparms'][2, fgood, ant] * 2 * np.sqrt(np.log(2)) / 10000, 'b.')
        ax[ant % 2, ant / 2].plot(fout, aout, color='black')
        ax[ant % 2, ant / 2].plot(
            y['decparms'][2, fgood, ant] * 2 * np.sqrt(np.log(2)) / 10000,
Beispiel #10
def rstntext2sql(startdt, enddt, logfile=None):
    """This routine extracts data from the old archive text file and
    writes it to SQL. It will output a list of dates that were not
    archived. The SQL time will be the date of the data at 0300.
    The program checks to see if there is current data already for
    the date range. It will NOT overwrite a record if it is already
    startdt and enddt are the dates that will be written to SQL from
    startdt up to but not including enddt."""

    data = rstnfluxfromtextarchive(startdt, enddt)
    if data is None:
        print "No RSTN data found in range ", startdt.iso, " to ", enddt.iso

    print "Processing data from: ", startdt.iso, " to ", enddt.iso

    offset = int(np.floor(startdt.mjd))
    days = int(np.floor(enddt.mjd)) - offset

    processed = np.zeros((days), dtype=bool)
    recordswritten = 0
    existingrecords = 0
    for d in data:
        print "Processing Date: ", d[0].iso
        i = int(np.floor(d[0].mjd)) - offset
        processed[i] = True
        sqltime = Time(np.floor(d[0].mjd) + 0.125, format='mjd')
        xml, buf = ch.read_cal(12, sqltime)
        if buf is not None:
            sqltime_read = Time(extract(buf, xml['SQL_timestamp']),
            if np.floor(sqltime_read.mjd) != np.floor(sqltime.mjd): buf = None

        if buf is None:
            if ch.rstnflux2sql(d, sqltime):
                recordswritten += 1
                print "Record Written"
                print "Record Write Failed!"
            print "Record Exists."
            existingrecords += 1

    if logfile is None: logfile = "/tmp/missingrstn.txt"

    f = open(logfile, "w")
    for i in range(days):
        if not processed[i]:
            f.write(Time(float(i + offset) + 0.125, format='mjd').iso + "\n")

    print "Number of days searched:    ", days
    print "Number of existing records: ", existingrecords
    print "Records Written:            ", recordswritten
    print "Missing Records:            ", days - (recordswritten +
Beispiel #11
def rstnfluxfromcurrentnoaa():
    """This extracts the first RSTN data block from:
    A list is returned with each element as follows:
    0 - timestamp: Astropy Time which is the date on which the data was
        collected. This should match dt
    1 - freq: A float32 numpy array containing the 9 frequencies in GHz
    2 - data: The flux data which is a 9x7 int16 numpy array.
    If the ftp failed or the specified date is not found None is returned."""

    data = []
    success = True
    noaa_url = ''
        f = urllib2.urlopen(noaa_url)
        lines = f.readlines()
        print "Could not read from ", noaa_url
        return None

    for i, line in enumerate(lines):  # Provides counter "i"
        line = line.strip()
        if line[:3] == 'MHZ':

    if i + 1 == len(lines):
        print "No data found in ", noaa_url
        return None

    lines = lines[i + 1:]
    lines = np.array(lines)  # Converts to numpy array, for where()
    clean_lines = lines[np.where(lines != '\n')]  # Eliminates all empty lines
    clean_lines = [l.replace('\n', '')
                   for l in clean_lines]  # Removes \n in remaining lines

    datestr = "%04d-%02d-%02d" % (int(
        clean_lines[0][0:4]), strptime(clean_lines[0][5:8],
                                       '%b').tm_mon, int(clean_lines[0][9:]))
    timestamp = Time(datestr, out_subfmt='date')

    t =
    if np.floor(timestamp.mjd) != np.floor(t.mjd - 1.0):
        print "No data found for previous day (", Time(t.mjd - 1.0,
                                                       out_subfmt='date'), ")"
        return None

    data = np.zeros((9, 7), dtype=np.int16)
    for j in range(1, 10):
        d = clean_lines[j].split()
        data[j - 1] = list(map(int, d[1:8]))

    return [timestamp, freq, data]
Beispiel #12
def get_goes_data(t=None, sat_num=None):
    ''' Reads GOES data from repository, for date
        and satellite number provided.  If sat_num is None, data for all available 
        satellites are downloaded, with some sanity check used to decide the best.
        If the Time() object t is None, data for the day before the current date 
        are read (since there is a delay of 1 day in availability of the data).
           goes_t    GOES time array in plot_date format
           goes_data GOES 1-8 A lightcurve
    from sunpy.util.config import get_and_create_download_dir
    import shutil
    from import fits
    import urllib2
    if t is None:
        t = Time( - 1, format='mjd')
    yr = t.iso[:4]
    datstr = t.iso[:10].replace('-', '')
    if sat_num is None:
        f = urllib2.urlopen('' + yr)
        lines = f.readlines()
        sat_num = []
        for line in lines:
            idx = line.find(datstr)
            if idx != -1:
                sat_num.append(line[idx - 2:idx])
    if type(sat_num) is int:
        sat_num = [str(sat_num)]
    filenames = []
    for sat in sat_num:
        filename = 'go' + sat + datstr + '.fits'
        url = '' + yr + '/' + filename
        f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        with open(get_and_create_download_dir() + '/' + filename, 'wb') as g:
            shutil.copyfileobj(f, g)
        filenames.append(get_and_create_download_dir() + '/' + filename)
    pmerit = 0
    for file in filenames:
        gfits =
        data = gfits[2].data['FLUX'][0][:, 0]
        good, = np.where(data > 1.e-8)
        tsecs = gfits[2].data['TIME'][0]
        merit = len(good)
        date_elements = gfits[0].header['DATE-OBS'].split('/')
        if merit > pmerit:
            print 'File:', file, 'is best'
            pmerit = merit
            goes_data = data
            goes_t = Time(date_elements[2] + '-' + date_elements[1] + '-' +
                          date_elements[0]).plot_date + tsecs / 86400.
        return goes_t, goes_data
        print 'No good GOES data for', datstr
        return None, None
Beispiel #13
def pcal_anal(trange, path=None):

    import os
    import os.path
    import socket
    import glob

    if path is None:
        path = ''

    out = findfile(trange)
    if out is None:
    host = socket.gethostname()
    filelist = out['scanlist']
    statuslist = out['status']
    starttimelist = out['tstlist']
    nscans = len(filelist)
    print 'Found', nscans, 'scans to process.'
    for i in range(nscans):
        good, = np.where(np.array(statuslist[i]) == 'done')
        flist = np.array(filelist[i])[good].tolist()  # List of "done" files
        first_file = filelist[i][0]
        last_file = filelist[i][-1]
        mjd = fname2mjd(last_file)
        tdif = - mjd
        if len(good) == len(filelist[i]) and tdif > ten_minutes:
            # All files in this scan are marked "done", so process the scan only if the plots do not already exist
            tmark = fname2mjd(first_file)
            tmarkp = tmark + one_minute
            tmarkn = tmark - one_minute
            tmark = Time(tmark, format='mjd').iso.replace('-', '').replace(
                ':', '').replace(' ', '')[:12]
            tmarkp = Time(tmarkp, format='mjd').iso.replace('-', '').replace(
                ':', '').replace(' ', '')[:12]
            tmarkn = Time(tmarkn, format='mjd').iso.replace('-', '').replace(
                ':', '').replace(' ', '')[:12]
            f1 = glob.glob(path + 'pcT*' + tmark + '*.png')
            f2 = glob.glob(path + 'pcT*' + tmarkp + '*.png')
            f3 = glob.glob(path + 'pcT*' + tmarkn + '*.png')
            if f1 == [] and f2 == [] and f3 == []:
                #print 'No files:',tmarkn,tmark,tmarkp,'found.'
                print 'Processing completed scan', i + 1
                graph(filelist[i], path=path)
                print 'Scan processing already complete.  Skipping scan', i + 1
        elif len(good) == len(filelist[i]) and tdif < ten_minutes:
            # All files in this scan are marked "done", but it has been less than 10 min, so process the scan
            print 'Processing completed scan', i + 1
            graph(flist, path=path)
        elif len(good) == len(filelist[i]) - 1:
            # This scan is still active, so process all files up to this point.
            print 'Processing active scan', i + 1
            graph(flist, path=path)
Beispiel #14
def get_xy_corr(out, doplot=True):
    ''' Analyze a pair of parallel and cross polarization calibration scans and
        return the X vs. Y delay phase corrections on all antennas 1-14.
        Required keyword:
           out   a 2-element array of dicts representing two scans, the first 
                       being the parallel-feed scan, and the second being the
                       crossed-feed scan.
        Optional keyword:
           doplot    True => plot the final result, False => no plot
    if doplot: import matplotlib.pylab as plt

    tstr = Time(out[0]['time'][0],format='jd').iso[:19].replace('-','').replace(' ','').replace(':','')
    ph0 = np.angle(np.sum(out[0]['x'][ri.bl2ord[:13,13]],3))
    ph1 = np.angle(np.sum(out[1]['x'][ri.bl2ord[:13,13]],3))
    ph0[:,2:] = ph1[:,2:]  # Insert crossed-feed phases from ph1 into ph0

    fghz = out[0]['fghz']
    nf = len(fghz)
    dph = np.zeros((14,nf),np.float)
    # Determine xi_rot
    xi2 = ph0[:,2] - ph0[:,0] + ph0[:,3] - ph0[:,1]  # This is 2 * xi, measured separately on each of 13 antennas
    xi_rot = np.unwrap(np.angle(np.sum(np.exp(1j*xi2),0)))/2.   # Very clever average does not suffer from wrapping issues
    # Form differential delay phase from channels, and average them
    # dph14 = XY - XX and YY - YX + pi
    #dph14 = np.concatenate((lobe(ph0[:,2] - ph0[:,0] + np.pi/2),lobe(ph0[:,1] - ph0[:,3] - np.pi/2)))  # 26 values for Ant 14
    #dph[13] = np.angle(np.sum(np.exp(1j*dph14),0))  # Very clever average does not suffer from wrapping issues
    # dphi = XX - YX and XY - YY + pi 
    #dphi = np.array((lobe(ph0[:,0] - ph0[:,3] - np.pi/2),lobe(ph0[:,2] - ph0[:,1] + np.pi/2)))  # 2 values for Ant 14
    #dph[:13] = np.angle(np.sum(np.exp(1j*dphi),0))
    # dph14 = XY - XX - xi_rot and YY - YX + xi_rot
    dph14 = np.concatenate((lobe(ph0[:,2] - ph0[:,0] - xi_rot),lobe(ph0[:,1] - ph0[:,3] + xi_rot)))  # 26 values for Ant 14
    dph[13] = np.angle(np.sum(np.exp(1j*dph14),0))  # Very clever average does not suffer from wrapping issues
    # dphi = XX - YX + xi_rot and XY - YY - xi_rot 
    dphi = np.array((lobe(ph0[:,0] - ph0[:,3] + xi_rot),lobe(ph0[:,2] - ph0[:,1] - xi_rot)))  # 2 values for Ant 14
    dph[:13] = np.angle(np.sum(np.exp(1j*dphi),0))
    if doplot:
        f, ax = plt.subplots(4, 4, num='XY_Phase')
        ax.shape = (16,)
        for i in range(13): 
        for i in range(26):
        for i in range(14): ax[i].set_ylim(-4,4)
        f.suptitle('Multicolor: Measurements, Black: Final Results')
    xy_phase = {'timestamp':Time(out[0]['time'][0],format='jd').lv,'fghz':fghz,'xyphase':dph,'xi_rot':xi_rot, 'dphi':dphi, 'dph14':dph14}
    return xy_phase
Beispiel #15
def show_spikes(az, el, filename=None):
    naz = len(az)
    nel = len(el)
    n = naz
    if nel > n:
        n = nel

    if filename == None:
        print '                Azimuth               |                  Elevation'
        print 'Ant   Universal Time    Current (mA)  |  Ant   Universal Time    Current (mA)'

        for i in range(n):
            if i < naz:
                line = ' %2d %19s %12.3f  |' % (
                    az[i][0], Time(az[i][1], format='lv').iso[:19], az[i][2])
                line = '                                      |'

            if i < nel:
                line = line + '   %2d %19s %12.3f' % (
                    el[i][0], Time(el[i][1], format='lv').iso[:19], el[i][2])
                line = line + '                                      '

            print line
        file1 = open(filename, "w")
            '                Azimuth               |                  Elevation\n'
            'Ant   Universal Time    Current (mA)  |  Ant   Universal Time    Current (mA)\n'
        for i in range(n):
            if i < naz:
                line = ' %2d %19s %12.3f  |' % (
                    az[i][0], Time(az[i][1], format='lv').iso[:19], az[i][2])
                line = '                                      |'

            if i < nel:
                line = line + '   %2d %19s %12.3f\n' % (
                    el[i][0], Time(el[i][1], format='lv').iso[:19], el[i][2])
                line = line + '                                      \n'


Beispiel #16
 def __init__(self, trange):
     ''' Create the object for the specified timerange specified by the 
         2-element Time() trange.  The timerange is used to create a list 
         of Miriad database files to read, and the data are read.
     # Read data
     out = dump_tsys.rd_miriad_tsys(trange)
     nt, nf, nant = out['xtsys'].shape
     self.xdata = out['xtsys']
     self.ydata = out['ytsys']
     self.fghz = out['fghz']
     self.time = Time(out['ut_mjd'], format='mjd')
     self.tidx = [0, len(self.time)]
     self.fidx = [116, 448]
     # Read calibration
     fghz, self.calfac, self.offsun = offline.read_calfac(trange[0])
     self.bidx = [0, 100]
     self.drange = [None, None]
     self.antlist = range(nant)
     self.cbar = True
     self.showants = range(nant)
     self.domedian = True
     self.docal = True
     self.dolog = False
     self.dosub = True = None
     self.version = __version__
Beispiel #17
 def fname2mjd(filename):
     fstem = filename.split('/')[-1]
     fstr = fstem[3:7] + '-' + fstem[7:9] + '-' + fstem[9:11] + ' ' + fstem[11:13] + ':' + fstem[
                                                                                           13:15] + ':' + fstem[
     t = Time(fstr)
     return t.mjd
Beispiel #18
 def fname2mjd(filename):
     from util import Time
     fstem = filename.split(os.sep)[-1]
     fstr = fstem[2:6] + '-' + fstem[6:8] + '-' + fstem[8:10] + ' ' + fstem[
         10:12] + ':' + fstem[12:14] + ':' + fstem[14:16]
     print fstr
     return Time(fstr).mjd
Beispiel #19
def sp_write_calfac(x, y, calfac, offsun):
    ''' Given input dictionaries x, y, and the calibration factors calfac and offsun,
        generated by sp_get_calfac(), write standard binary files with the name
            TPCALyyyymmdd_a_bbb_c.dat, where a = number of feeds (2), 
                                           bbb = number of frequencies,  
                                             c = number of antennas.
        These values are needed in order to know how to read the file...
        The file contains a list of bbb frequencies, and the arrays calfac and offsun,
        both of dimensions [a,bbb,c].
    fghz = x['fghz']
    nf = len(fghz)
    t1 = Time(x['ut_mjd'][0], format='mjd')
    datstr = t1.iso[:10].replace('-', '')
    dims = calfac.shape
    siz =
    buf = struct.pack(str(nf) + 'f', *fghz)
    buf += struct.pack(str(siz) + 'f', *calfac.reshape(siz))
    buf += struct.pack(str(siz) + 'f', *offsun.reshape(siz))
    filename = '/data1/TPCAL/TPCAL' + datstr + '_' + str(dims[0]) + '_' + str(
        dims[1]) + '_' + str(dims[2]) + '.dat'
    f = open(filename, 'wb')
Beispiel #20
def filter_blue_pen(rgb, output_type="bool"):
  Create a mask to filter out blue pen marks from a slide.

    rgb: RGB image as a NumPy array.
    output_type: Type of array to return (bool, float, or uint8).

    NumPy array representing the mask.
  t = Time()
  result = filter_blue(rgb, red_upper_thresh=60, green_upper_thresh=120, blue_lower_thresh=190) & \
           filter_blue(rgb, red_upper_thresh=120, green_upper_thresh=170, blue_lower_thresh=200) & \
           filter_blue(rgb, red_upper_thresh=175, green_upper_thresh=210, blue_lower_thresh=230) & \
           filter_blue(rgb, red_upper_thresh=145, green_upper_thresh=180, blue_lower_thresh=210) & \
           filter_blue(rgb, red_upper_thresh=37, green_upper_thresh=95, blue_lower_thresh=160) & \
           filter_blue(rgb, red_upper_thresh=30, green_upper_thresh=65, blue_lower_thresh=130) & \
           filter_blue(rgb, red_upper_thresh=130, green_upper_thresh=155, blue_lower_thresh=180) & \
           filter_blue(rgb, red_upper_thresh=40, green_upper_thresh=35, blue_lower_thresh=85) & \
           filter_blue(rgb, red_upper_thresh=30, green_upper_thresh=20, blue_lower_thresh=65) & \
           filter_blue(rgb, red_upper_thresh=90, green_upper_thresh=90, blue_lower_thresh=140) & \
           filter_blue(rgb, red_upper_thresh=60, green_upper_thresh=60, blue_lower_thresh=120) & \
           filter_blue(rgb, red_upper_thresh=110, green_upper_thresh=110, blue_lower_thresh=175)
  if output_type == "bool":
  elif output_type == "float":
    result = result.astype(float)
    result = result.astype("uint8") * 255
  util.np_info(result, "Filter Blue Pen", t.elapsed())
  return result
Beispiel #21
def filter_grays(rgb, tolerance=15, output_type="bool"):
  Create a mask to filter out pixels where the red, green, and blue channel values are similar.

    np_img: RGB image as a NumPy array.
    tolerance: Tolerance value to determine how similar the values must be in order to be filtered out
    output_type: Type of array to return (bool, float, or uint8).

    NumPy array representing a mask where pixels with similar red, green, and blue values have been masked out.
  t = Time()
  (h, w, c) = rgb.shape

  rgb = rgb.astype(
  rg_diff = abs(rgb[:, :, 0] - rgb[:, :, 1]) <= tolerance
  rb_diff = abs(rgb[:, :, 0] - rgb[:, :, 2]) <= tolerance
  gb_diff = abs(rgb[:, :, 1] - rgb[:, :, 2]) <= tolerance
  result = ~(rg_diff & rb_diff & gb_diff)

  if output_type == "bool":
  elif output_type == "float":
    result = result.astype(float)
    result = result.astype("uint8") * 255
  util.np_info(result, "Filter Grays", t.elapsed())
  return result
Beispiel #22
def filter_red_pen(rgb, output_type="bool"):
  Create a mask to filter out red pen marks from a slide.

    rgb: RGB image as a NumPy array.
    output_type: Type of array to return (bool, float, or uint8).

    NumPy array representing the mask.
  t = Time()
  result = filter_red(rgb, red_lower_thresh=150, green_upper_thresh=80, blue_upper_thresh=90) & \
           filter_red(rgb, red_lower_thresh=110, green_upper_thresh=20, blue_upper_thresh=30) & \
           filter_red(rgb, red_lower_thresh=185, green_upper_thresh=65, blue_upper_thresh=105) & \
           filter_red(rgb, red_lower_thresh=195, green_upper_thresh=85, blue_upper_thresh=125) & \
           filter_red(rgb, red_lower_thresh=220, green_upper_thresh=115, blue_upper_thresh=145) & \
           filter_red(rgb, red_lower_thresh=125, green_upper_thresh=40, blue_upper_thresh=70) & \
           filter_red(rgb, red_lower_thresh=200, green_upper_thresh=120, blue_upper_thresh=150) & \
           filter_red(rgb, red_lower_thresh=100, green_upper_thresh=50, blue_upper_thresh=65) & \
           filter_red(rgb, red_lower_thresh=85, green_upper_thresh=25, blue_upper_thresh=45)
  if output_type == "bool":
  elif output_type == "float":
    result = result.astype(float)
    result = result.astype("uint8") * 255
  util.np_info(result, "Filter Red Pen", t.elapsed())
  return result
Beispiel #23
def filter_blue(rgb, red_upper_thresh, green_upper_thresh, blue_lower_thresh, output_type="bool",
  Create a mask to filter out blueish colors, where the mask is based on a pixel being below a
  red channel threshold value, below a green channel threshold value, and above a blue channel threshold value.

    rgb: RGB image as a NumPy array.
    red_upper_thresh: Red channel upper threshold value.
    green_upper_thresh: Green channel upper threshold value.
    blue_lower_thresh: Blue channel lower threshold value.
    output_type: Type of array to return (bool, float, or uint8).
    display_np_info: If True, display NumPy array info and filter time.

    NumPy array representing the mask.
  if display_np_info:
    t = Time()
  r = rgb[:, :, 0] < red_upper_thresh
  g = rgb[:, :, 1] < green_upper_thresh
  b = rgb[:, :, 2] > blue_lower_thresh
  result = ~(r & g & b)
  if output_type == "bool":
  elif output_type == "float":
    result = result.astype(float)
    result = result.astype("uint8") * 255
  if display_np_info:
    util.np_info(result, "Filter Blue", t.elapsed())
  return result
Beispiel #24
def filter_binary_dilation(np_img, disk_size=5, iterations=1, output_type="uint8"):
  Dilate a binary object (bool, float, or uint8).

    np_img: Binary image as a NumPy array.
    disk_size: Radius of the disk structuring element used for dilation.
    iterations: How many times to repeat the dilation.
    output_type: Type of array to return (bool, float, or uint8).

    NumPy array (bool, float, or uint8) where edges have been dilated.
  t = Time()
  if np_img.dtype == "uint8":
    np_img = np_img / 255
  result = sc_morph.binary_dilation(np_img, sk_morphology.disk(disk_size), iterations=iterations)
  if output_type == "bool":
  elif output_type == "float":
    result = result.astype(float)
    result = result.astype("uint8") * 255
  util.np_info(result, "Binary Dilation", t.elapsed())
  return result
Beispiel #25
def filter_binary_closing(np_img, disk_size=3, iterations=1, output_type="uint8"):
  Close a binary object (bool, float, or uint8). Closing is a dilation followed by an erosion.
  Closing can be used to remove small holes.

    np_img: Binary image as a NumPy array.
    disk_size: Radius of the disk structuring element used for closing.
    iterations: How many times to repeat.
    output_type: Type of array to return (bool, float, or uint8).

    NumPy array (bool, float, or uint8) following binary closing.
  t = Time()
  if np_img.dtype == "uint8":
    np_img = np_img / 255
  result = sc_morph.binary_closing(np_img, sk_morphology.disk(disk_size), iterations=iterations)
  if output_type == "bool":
  elif output_type == "float":
    result = result.astype(float)
    result = result.astype("uint8") * 255
  util.np_info(result, "Binary Closing", t.elapsed())
  return result
Beispiel #26
def filter_remove_small_holes(np_img, min_size=3000, output_type="uint8"):
  Filter image to remove small holes less than a particular size.

    np_img: Image as a NumPy array of type bool.
    min_size: Remove small holes below this size.
    output_type: Type of array to return (bool, float, or uint8).

    NumPy array (bool, float, or uint8).
  t = Time()

  rem_sm = sk_morphology.remove_small_holes(np_img, min_size=min_size)

  if output_type == "bool":
  elif output_type == "float":
    rem_sm = rem_sm.astype(float)
    rem_sm = rem_sm.astype("uint8") * 255

  util.np_info(rem_sm, "Remove Small Holes", t.elapsed())
  return rem_sm
Beispiel #27
def writesfdata_anta(fld,
                     delim=" ",
    data, msg = loadsfdata_anta(fld, trange, interval)
    print msg
    if msg != "Success":

    dt = Time(data['Timestamp'].astype(float), format='lv').iso

    lines = []
    for i, t in enumerate(dt):
        l = (t[0:19])
        mask = False
        for f in fld:
            if ignore != None:
                if data[f][i] == ignore:
                    mask = True
                    l = l + delim + str(data[f][i])
                l = l + delim + str(data[f][i])

        if not mask:

    if len(l) > 0:
        with open(outfile, 'w') as filehandle:
            filehandle.writelines("%s\n" % l for l in lines)
Beispiel #28
def get_reboot(trange, previous=False):
    ''' Get the times of any ROACH (correlator) reboots in the given timerange
        Returns Time() object of reboots, or None. If previous is True, it
        returns the time of the previous reboot.
    import numpy as np
    t0, t1 =
    tmjd = trange[0].mjd
    cursor = get_cursor()
    ver = find_table_version(cursor, t0, scan_header=True)
    query = 'select Timestamp,TimeAtAcc0 from hV' + ver + '_vD1 where Timestamp between ' + str(
        t0) + ' and ' + str(t1) + ' order by Timestamp'
    data, msg = do_query(cursor, query)
    t0, idx = np.unique(data['TimeAtAcc0'], return_index=True)
    t_reboot = data['TimeAtAcc0'][idx].astype(float)
    if previous:
        if t_reboot.size == 1:
            if t_reboot < tmjd:
                return None
        elif t_reboot[0] < tmjd:
            t_reboot = t_reboot[1:]
    return Time(t_reboot, format='mjd')
Beispiel #29
def a14_wscram(trange):
    ''' Get the Antenna 14 windscram state, and the average wind speed, for a 
        given time range.
           times      as a Time() object, or error message if failure
           wscram     array of windscram state, 0 = not in wind scram, 1 = in windscram
           avgwind    array of average wind speeds, in MPH, or error message if failure
    tstart, tend = [str(i) for i in]
    cursor = get_cursor()
    ver = find_table_version(cursor, trange[0].lv)
    query = 'select Timestamp,Ante_Fron_Wind_State from fV' + ver + '_vD15 where (I15 = 13) and Timestamp between ' + tstart + ' and ' + tend
    data, msg = do_query(cursor, query)
    if msg == 'Success':
            times = Time(data['Timestamp'].astype('int'), format='lv')
            wscram = data['Ante_Fron_Wind_State']
            return 'Error: Unknown Error', None, None
        return 'Error: ' + msg, None, None
    query = 'select Timestamp,Sche_Data_Weat_AvgWind from fV' + ver + '_vD1 where Timestamp between ' + tstart + ' and ' + tend
    data, msg = do_query(cursor, query)
    if msg == 'Success':
        avgwind = data['Sche_Data_Weat_AvgWind']
        return times, wscram, 'Error: ' + msg
    return times, wscram, avgwind
Beispiel #30
def get_sql_info(trange):
    ''' Get all antenna information from the SQL database for a given
        timerange, including TrackFlag and Parallactic Angle
        Also determines if the RFSwitch state (i.e. which 27-m receiver 
        is being used).
    cursor = db.get_cursor()
    sqldict = db.get_dbrecs(cursor, dimension=15, timestamp=trange)
    azeldict = stateframe.azel_from_sqldict(sqldict)
    time = Time(sqldict['Timestamp'][:, 0].astype(int), format='lv')
    azeldict.update({'Time': time})
    sqldict = db.get_dbrecs(cursor, dimension=1, timestamp=trange)
    azeldict.update({'RFSwitch': sqldict['FEMA_Powe_RFSwitchStatus']})
    azeldict.update({'LF_Rcvr': sqldict['FEMA_Rece_LoFreqEnabled']})
    if np.median(azeldict['RFSwitch']) == 0.0 and np.median(
            azeldict['LF_Rcvr']) == 1.0:
        azeldict.update({'Receiver': 'Low'})
    elif np.median(azeldict['RFSwitch']) == 1.0 and np.median(
            azeldict['LF_Rcvr']) == 0.0:
        azeldict.update({'Receiver': 'High'})
        azeldict.update({'Receiver': 'Unknown'})
    return azeldict