Beispiel #1
 def _getBasisAtoms(self, ilayer):
     atom_numbers = Uniqify(
         [atom.GetAtomicNum() for atom in self._fragmentation.getAtoms()])
     atoms = [
         for atom_number in atom_numbers
     return "".join(
         [self._formatSingleAtomBasis(ilayer, atom) for atom in atoms])
Beispiel #2
    def _setupActiveFragmentsInformation(self):
        active_atoms = self._getActiveAtomsFromFragments()
        if self._active_atoms_distance > 0.0:
            active_atoms = self._getActiveAtomsFromDistance()
            if self._verbose:
                print("Info: FragIt [GAMESS-FMO] found {0:d} atoms which should be active".format(len(active_atoms)))

        self._active_atoms = active_atoms[:]
        atoms = self._active_atoms[:]
        frags = self._fragmentation.getFragments()
        fragment_layers = self._fragment_layers[:]
        if self._central_fragment == 0:
            self._active_frags = []

        # 1) If there are active atoms, we must find the associated fragments
        # 2) The associated fragments are labelled active
        # 3) The active fragments have their atoms made flexible
        # we now have region A
        if len(self._active_atoms) > 0:
            active_frags = [] #self._active_fragments[:]
            active_frags.append(self._central_fragment -1) # central must also be active
            for atom in atoms:
                ifrg = self._getFragmentFromAtom(atom)
            active_frags = Uniqify(active_frags)
            active_frags = sorted(active_frags)
            self._active_fragments = active_frags[:]

            # promote active fragments to layer 2
            for active_fragment_id in active_frags:
                self._fragment_layers[active_fragment_id] = 2
            # add active fragment atoms to list of active atoms
            fragments = self._fragmentation.getFragments()
            for frag in active_frags:
            atoms = Uniqify(atoms)
            atoms = sorted(atoms)
            if self._verbose and len(atoms) != len(self._active_atoms):
                print("Info: FragIt [GAMESS-FMO] active region is now {0:d} atoms ({1:d} fragments) ".format(len(active_atoms), len(active_frags)))

        # Optionally freeze backbone atoms in the active region
        if self._freeze_backbone:
            for item in self._fragmentation.getBackboneAtoms():
                if item in atoms:

        atoms = Uniqify(atoms)
        atoms = sorted(atoms)
        self._active_atoms = atoms[:]
Beispiel #3
	def _setupActiveFragmentsInformation(self):
		active_atoms = self._getActiveAtomsFromFragments()
		if self._active_atoms_distance > 0.0:
			active_atoms = self._getActiveAtomsFromDistance()

			#print "found %i atoms which should be active" % (len(active_atoms))
		self._active_atoms = active_atoms[:]
		atoms = self._active_atoms[:]
		frags = self._fragmentation.getFragments()
		fragment_layers = self._fragment_layers[:]
		if self._central_fragment == 0:
			self._active_frags = []

		if len(self._active_atoms) > 0:
			#print "extending region A to include all atoms of close fragments"
			active_frags = [] #self._active_fragments[:]
			active_frags.append(self._central_fragment -1) # central must also be active
			for atom in atoms:
				ifrg = self._getFragmentFromAtom(atom)
			active_frags = Uniqify(active_frags)
			active_frags = sorted(active_frags)
			self._active_fragments = active_frags[:]
			# promote active fragments to layer 2
			for active_fragment_id in active_frags:
				self._fragment_layers[active_fragment_id] = 2
			# add active fragment atoms to list of active atoms
			fragments = self._fragmentation.getFragments()
			for frag in active_frags:
			atoms = Uniqify(atoms)
			atoms = sorted(atoms)
			#print "active region is now %i atoms large (%i fragments)" % (len(atoms),len(active_frags))
		#print atoms
		if self._freeze_backbone:
			#print "attempting to find and freeze backbone atoms in the active region"
			for item in self._fragmentation.getBackboneAtoms():
				if item in atoms:
			#print "active region is now %i atoms large (%i fragments)" % (len(atoms),len(active_frags))
		#print atoms
		atoms = Uniqify(atoms)
		atoms = sorted(atoms)
		self._active_atoms = atoms[:]
Beispiel #4
 def _getActiveAtomsFromDistance(self):
     atoms = []
     central_atoms = self._fragmentation.getFragments()[
         self._central_fragment - 1]
     all_atoms = range(1, len(self._fragmentation.getAtoms()) + 1)
     for atom_idx in central_atoms:
         for atom_jdx in all_atoms:
             if atom_jdx in central_atoms: continue
             if atom_jdx in atoms: continue
             R = self._getDistanceBetweenAtoms(atom_idx, atom_jdx)
             if R < self._active_atoms_distance:
     atoms = Uniqify(atoms)
     return sorted(atoms)
Beispiel #5
    def _setupActiveFragmentsInformation(self):
        active_atoms = self._getActiveAtomsFromFragments()
        if self._active_atoms_distance > 0.0:
            active_atoms = self._getActiveAtomsFromDistance()

            #print "found %i atoms which should be active" % (len(active_atoms))
        self._active_atoms = active_atoms[:]
        atoms = self._active_atoms[:]
        frags = self._fragmentation.getFragments()
        fragment_layers = self._fragment_layers[:]
        if self._central_fragment == 0:
            self._active_frags = []

        if len(self._active_atoms) > 0:
            #print "extending region A to include all atoms of close fragments"
            active_frags = []  #self._active_fragments[:]
            active_frags.append(self._central_fragment -
                                1)  # central must also be active
            for atom in atoms:
                ifrg = self._getFragmentFromAtom(atom)
            active_frags = Uniqify(active_frags)
            active_frags = sorted(active_frags)
            self._active_fragments = active_frags[:]
            # promote active fragments to layer 2
            for active_fragment_id in active_frags:
                self._fragment_layers[active_fragment_id] = 2

            # add active fragment atoms to list of active atoms
            fragments = self._fragmentation.getFragments()
            for frag in active_frags:
            atoms = Uniqify(atoms)
            atoms = sorted(atoms)
            #print "active region is now %i atoms large (%i fragments)" % (len(atoms),len(active_frags))
        #print atoms
        if self._freeze_backbone:
            #print "attempting to find and freeze backbone atoms in the active region"
            for item in self._fragmentation.getBackboneAtoms():
                if item in atoms:
            #print "active region is now %i atoms large (%i fragments)" % (len(atoms),len(active_frags))
        #print atoms
        atoms = Uniqify(atoms)
        atoms = sorted(atoms)
        self._active_atoms = atoms[:]
Beispiel #6
    def pop_qm_fragment(self):
        """ Remove the qm fragments from the fragmentation. Adds hydrogens to both the
            qm-fragment that is returned and to the neighbouring fragments if bonds were cut.

        # at this point, fragments have been generated
        fragments = self._fragmentation.getFragments()

        # investigate which fragments should be included in the QM-region
        qmfrags = self._qmfrags[:]
        distance = self._fragmentation.getActiveAtomsDistance()
        qmfrags = Uniqify(self._add_fragments_to_QM(qmfrags))

        qm_region_charge = 0

        fragments_for_qm_no_hydrogens = []

        # instead of removing the qm-fragment, we rather adopt a quite novel approach
        # in which we signal to the user of the API that the fragment is not to be used
        # further by setting its original atom numbers to -1
        for idx in qmfrags:
            qm_region_charge += self._qm_charges[idx]
            old_fragment = fragments.pop(idx) 
            fragments.insert(idx, [-1 for i in old_fragment])

        # for simplicity, let us just squash the qm fragments into one big fragment
        fragments_for_qm_no_hydrogens = ravel2D(fragments_for_qm_no_hydrogens)

        breaks = self._fragmentation.getExplicitlyBreakAtomPairs()
        if len(breaks) == 0:
            return (fragments_for_qm_no_hydrogens, qm_region_charge)

        # below here: add hydrogens to qm-fragment and to the rest of the capped structure
        fragment_for_qm = fragments_for_qm_no_hydrogens[:]

        # first, fix the QM-fragment, removing any bond-breaks that reside
        # inside (or bordering) the qm-fragment. if breaks are bordering,
        # add appropriate hydrogen atoms.
        lenqmfrags = len(fragments_for_qm_no_hydrogens)
        remove_breaks = []
        for ibreak, bbreak in enumerate(breaks):
            lendiff = len(listDiff(fragments_for_qm_no_hydrogens, list(bbreak)))
            difflen = lenqmfrags - lendiff

            # the break is not present in the qm-region, leave it
            if difflen == 0: continue
            # mark the ibreak'th item for removal. no hydrogens to be added
            if difflen == 2: remove_breaks.append(ibreak)
            # the break is bordering the qm-region and the mm-region
            if difflen == 1:

                for iibreak in bbreak:
                    # fix the qm-fragment first
                    if iibreak in fragments_for_qm_no_hydrogens:
                        new_atoms = self.satisfyValency(fragments_for_qm_no_hydrogens, iibreak, bbreak)
                        if len(new_atoms) > 0:
                            print("Info: FragIt adds", len(new_atoms), "atom(s) to the QM fragment.")
                            self._fragmentation._atom_names.extend(['  H '] * len(new_atoms))

                    # then fix the fragments themselves
                    # INFO/WARNING: this is a lists of lists thing. BE CAREFULL
                    for ifragment, fragment in enumerate(fragments):
                        if iibreak in fragment:
                            new_atoms = self.satisfyValency(fragment, iibreak, bbreak)
                            print("Info: FragIt adds", len(new_atoms), "atom(s) to MM fragment", ifragment+1)
                            self._fragmentation._atom_names.extend(['  H '] * len(new_atoms))

                # also mark the ibreak'th item for removal

        for ibreak in remove_breaks:

        #print("FRAGIT: [qm] {0}".format(fragment_for_qm))
        return (fragment_for_qm, qm_region_charge)
Beispiel #7
	def _getBasisAtoms(self, ilayer):
		atom_numbers = Uniqify([atom.GetAtomicNum() for atom in self._fragmentation.getAtoms()])
		atoms = [self._elements.GetSymbol(atom_number) for atom_number in atom_numbers]
		return "".join([self._formatSingleAtomBasis(ilayer,atom) for atom in atoms])