def download_report(self, s, report_ID, target_IP): # downloading the reports ts = time.time() dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') #file format: report folder, IP, date-time stamp filename = "qualys_scan_report_" + target_IP + "_" + dt + ".pdf" payload = { 'action': 'fetch', 'id': report_ID, } r ='', data=payload, stream=True) if r.status_code == 200: with open(filename, 'wb') as f: r.raw.decode_content = True shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) Utilities.printLog("report downloaded") else: Utilities.printError( "report failed to download with status code: " + r1.status_code) #this is another way to save report #if the above method fails to save report correctly, use the below method '''
def addSite(self, access_req): # print("TestModule:SiteManagement") siteSaveRequest = Element('SiteSaveRequest', attrib={'session-id': self.session_id}) # print(access_req['site_name']) # Site element have 'S' in caps !!--lost a day on this !! site_elem = SubElement(siteSaveRequest, 'Site', attrib={'name': access_req['site_name'], 'id': '-1'}) host_elem = SubElement(site_elem, 'Hosts') for ip in access_req['ip'].split(','): range_elem = SubElement(host_elem, 'range', attrib={'from': ip, 'to': ''}) scanConfig_elem = SubElement(site_elem, 'ScanConfig', attrib={'name': 'Full audit', 'templateID': 'full-audit'}) xmlTree = ElementTree(siteSaveRequest) f = BytesIO() xmlTree.write(f, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True) # required so that xml declarations will come up in generated XML saveSiteReqXML = f.getvalue().decode("utf-8") # converts bytes to string # print(saveSiteReqXML) responseXML = self.makeRequest(self.reqURL, saveSiteReqXML, self.headers) tree = ElementTree(fromstring(responseXML)) root = tree.getroot() addSiteResponse = root.get('success') if (addSiteResponse == "1"): self.site_id = root.get('site-id') Utilities.printSuccess("Created site with site-id: " + self.site_id) return True else: fa = root.find('Failure') ex = fa.find('Exception') msg = ex.find('message').text Utilities.printError("Site creation failed: " + msg) return False
def add_user(self, access_req): self.url = self.qualys_host + "/msp/user.php" usrLst = access_req['userList'] for user in usrLst: userinfo = user.split(',') # uname,name,email pswd = userinfo[0] + '!vul5c4p1' parms = {'action': 'add', 'user_role': 'scanner', 'business_unit': 'Unassigned', 'asset_groups': access_req['site_name'], 'first_name': userinfo[1].split(' ')[0], 'last_name': userinfo[1].split(' ')[1], 'title': 'Scanner User', 'phone': '0000000000', 'email': userinfo[2], 'address1': '3401 Hillview Ave', 'city': 'Palo Alto', 'country': 'United States of America', 'state': 'California', 'zip_code': '94304', 'send_email': '1'} response_user_add = self.makeRequest(parms) # print(response_user_add.content) responseXML = response_user_add.content tree = ElementTree(fromstring(responseXML)) root = tree.getroot() asset_response = root.find('RETURN') user_add_status = asset_response.get('status') user_add_status_msg = asset_response.find('MESSAGE').text # print(user_add_status + user_add_status_msg) if user_add_status == "SUCCESS": Utilities.printSuccess( user_add_status_msg +" for " + userinfo[1]) return True else: Utilities.printError("User addition Failure: " + user_add_status_msg) return False
def access_request_handler(): access_details = readAccessReq() # Reading the Access Request try: tree = parse('scanner_details.xml') # Reading the Scanner Details root = tree.getroot() # Access request handler for scanners # Read Nessus scanner details scanner = root.find('nessus') execute_nessus = scanner.get('enabled') if execute_nessus == '1': # print(scanner) if scanner.find('host').text is None or scanner.find('username').text is None or scanner.find('host').text is None: xml_error("Nessus data missing in scanner_details.xml") print("Nessus" + " host@:" + scanner.find('host').text) # print(scanner.find('username').text) usr_passwd = input("Please enter your password for " + " Nessus" + ": ") nessus_details = {'uname': scanner.find('username').text, 'passwd': usr_passwd, 'host': scanner.find('host').text} # Scanner task calls from here Utilities.printLog("Executing Nessus tasks") nessusObj = nes.Nessus(nessus_details) # Create Nessus scanner class obj msg = nessusObj.handleAccessReq(access_details, nessus_details) # Login | Add User | Logout # Read Nexpose scanner details scanner = root.find('nexpose') execute_nexpose = scanner.get('enabled') if execute_nexpose == '1': # print(scanner) if scanner.find('host').text is None or scanner.find('username').text is None or scanner.find('host').text is None: xml_error("Nexpose data missing in scanner_details.xml") print("Nexpose" + " host@:" + scanner.find('host').text) # print(scanner.find('username').text) usr_passwd = input("Please enter your password for " + " Nexpose" + ": ") nexpose_details = {'uname': scanner.find('username').text, 'passwd': usr_passwd, 'host': scanner.find('host').text} # Scanner task calls from here Utilities.printLog("Executing Nexpose tasks") nexposeObj = nex.Nexpose(nexpose_details) # Create Nexpose scanner class obj msg += "\n"+nexposeObj.handleAccessReq(access_details, nexpose_details) # Login | SaveSite | Add User | Logout # Read Qualys scanner details scanner = root.find('qualys') execute_qualys = scanner.get('enabled') if execute_qualys == '1': # print(scanner) if scanner.find('host').text is None or scanner.find('username').text is None or scanner.find('host').text is None: xml_error("Qualys data missing in scanner_details.xml") print("Qualys" + " host@:" + scanner.find('host').text) # print(scanner.find('username').text) usr_passwd = input("Please enter your password for " + " Qualys" + ": ") qualys_details = {'uname': scanner.find('username').text, 'passwd': usr_passwd, 'host': scanner.find('host').text} # Scanner task calls from here Utilities.printLog("Executing Qualys tasks") qualysObj = qua.Qualys(qualys_details) # Create Qualys scanner class obj qualysObj.handleAccessReq(access_details, qualys_details) # Login | Add Asset | Add Asset Grp | Add User msg +="\nQualys\nDetails send to email." Utilities.write_to_file(msg) except Exception as e: Utilities.printException("In fun access_request_handler():"+ str(e))
def add_asset(self, access_req): self.url = self.qualys_host + "/api/2.0/fo/asset/ip/" params = {'action': 'add', 'ips': access_req['ip'], 'enable_vm': '1'} max_login_try_limit = 2 while True: # Login check done here, if it fails here then rest all task is skipped if (self.login_try > 0) and (self.login_try < max_login_try_limit): self.uname = input("Please enter your username for " + " Qualys" + ": ") self.passwd = input("Please enter your password for " + " Qualys" + ": ") elif self.login_try >= max_login_try_limit: Utilities.printError( "Qualys login attemts exceded maximum limit, skipping Qualys tasks.." ) return False response_aasset_add = self.makeRequest(params) # print(response_aasset_add.content) responseXML = response_aasset_add.content tree = ElementTree(fromstring(responseXML)) root = tree.getroot() asset_response = root.find('RESPONSE') asset_status = asset_response.find('TEXT').text if asset_status == "IPs successfully added to Vulnerability Management": Utilities.printSuccess("Asset added to Qualys Scanner") return True elif asset_status == "Bad Login/Password": Utilities.printError("Qualys login failed..") self.login_try += 1 else: Utilities.printError("Asset adition Failure: " + asset_status) Utilities.printLog("Skipping remaning Qualys tasks..") return False
def login_nessus(self, scanner_info): sessionreqURL = self.nessus_host + "/session" max_login_try_limit = 2 while True: if self.login_try == 0: payload = {'username': scanner_info['uname'], 'password': scanner_info['passwd']} elif self.login_try > 0 and self.login_try < max_login_try_limit: usr_name = input("Please enter your username for " + " Nessus" + ": ") usr_passwd = input("Please enter your password for " + " Nessus" + ": ") payload = {'username': usr_name, 'password': usr_passwd} else: Utilities.printError("Nessus login attemts exceded maximum limit, skipping Nessus tasks..") return False response = self.makeRequest(sessionreqURL, json.dumps(payload), self.headers) json_rep = json.loads(response.decode("utf-8")) # convert to string then convert to json # print(json_rep) if self.status_code == 200: self.session_token = json_rep['token'] self.headers.update({'X-Cookie': 'token=' + self.session_token}) # session token added to HTTP header # print(self.headers) Utilities.printSuccess("Logged in to Nessus Scanner") return True elif self.status_code == 400: Utilities.printError("Login Failure: username format is not valid") self.login_try += 1 elif self.status_code == 401: Utilities.printError("Login Failure: username or password is invalid") self.login_try += 1 elif self.status_code == 500: Utilities.printError("Login Failure: too many users are connected") self.login_try += 1
def add_asset(self, access_req): self.url = self.qualys_host + "/api/2.0/fo/asset/ip/" params = {'action': 'add', 'ips': access_req['ip'], 'enable_vm': '1'} max_login_try_limit = 2 while True: # Login check done here, if it fails here then rest all task is skipped if (self.login_try > 0) and (self.login_try < max_login_try_limit): self.uname = input("Please enter your username for " + " Qualys" + ": ") self.passwd = input("Please enter your password for " + " Qualys" + ": ") elif self.login_try >= max_login_try_limit: Utilities.printError("Qualys login attemts exceded maximum limit, skipping Qualys tasks..") return False response_aasset_add = self.makeRequest(params) # print(response_aasset_add.content) responseXML = response_aasset_add.content tree = ElementTree(fromstring(responseXML)) root = tree.getroot() asset_response = root.find('RESPONSE') asset_status = asset_response.find('TEXT').text if asset_status == "IPs successfully added to Vulnerability Management": Utilities.printSuccess("Asset added to Qualys Scanner") return True elif asset_status == "Bad Login/Password": Utilities.printError("Qualys login failed..") self.login_try += 1 else: Utilities.printError("Asset adition Failure: " + asset_status) Utilities.printLog("Skipping remaning Qualys tasks..") return False
def addUser(self, access_req): # print("addUser Module") usrLst = access_req['userList'] for user in usrLst: usrSaveRequest = Element('UserSaveRequest', attrib={'session-id': self.session_id}) userinfo = user.split(',') # uname,name,email pswd = Utilities.gen_code() usrConfig_elem = SubElement(usrSaveRequest, 'UserConfig', attrib={'id': '-1', 'role-name': 'user', 'authsrcid': '-1', 'enabled': '1', 'name': userinfo[0], 'fullname': userinfo[1], 'email': userinfo[2], 'password': pswd}) sites_elem = SubElement(usrConfig_elem, 'UserSite') site_elem = SubElement(sites_elem, 'site', attrib={'id': self.site_id}) site_elem.text = access_req['site_name'] xmlTree = ElementTree(usrSaveRequest) f = BytesIO() xmlTree.write(f, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True) # required so that xml declarations will come up in generated XML usrSaveReqXML = f.getvalue().decode("utf-8") # converts bytes to string # print(usrSaveReqXML) responseXML = self.makeRequest(self.reqURL, usrSaveReqXML, self.headers) # print(responseXML) tree = ElementTree(fromstring(responseXML)) root = tree.getroot() addUserReq = root.get('success') if (addUserReq == "1"): Utilities.printSuccess("Created user: "******"Nexpose\nUsername:"******"\nPassword:"******"User creation failed: " + msg) return False
def readAccessReq(): # read access request from XML try: ip = "" usrlst = [] tree = parse('access_request.xml') root = tree.getroot() for child in root.findall('user'): uname = child.find('uname').text name = child.find('name').text email = child.find('email').text if uname is None or name is None or email is None: xml_error("Data missing in access_request.xml") usrlst.append(uname + ',' + name + ',' + email) asst_det = root.find('asset_details') site_det = root.find('site') site_name = site_det.get('name') site_desc = site_det.get('desc') for ipchild in asst_det.findall('ip'): if ipchild.text is None: xml_error("IP missing in access_request.xml") ip = ip + "," + ipchild.text # print(ip) ip = ip.strip(',') access_req = { 'userList': usrlst, 'ip': ip, 'site_name': site_name, 'site_desc': site_desc } # print(access_req) return access_req except Exception as e: Utilities.printException("Error with access_request.xml." + str(e))
def readAccessReq(): # read access request from XML try: ip = "" usrlst = [] tree = parse('access_request.xml') root = tree.getroot() for child in root.findall('user'): uname = child.find('uname').text name = child.find('name').text email = child.find('email').text if uname is None or name is None or email is None: xml_error("Data missing in access_request.xml") usrlst.append(uname + ',' + name + ',' + email) asst_det = root.find('asset_details') site_det = root.find('site') site_name = site_det.get('name') site_desc = site_det.get('desc') for ipchild in asst_det.findall('ip'): if ipchild.text is None: xml_error("IP missing in access_request.xml") ip = ip + "," + ipchild.text # print(ip) ip = ip.strip(',') access_req = {'userList': usrlst, 'ip': ip, 'site_name': site_name, 'site_desc': site_desc} # print(access_req) return access_req except Exception as e: Utilities.printException("Error with access_request.xml."+ str(e))
def logout(self, s): payload = {'action': 'logout'} r ='', data=payload) xmlreturn = ET.fromstring(r.text) for elem in xmlreturn.findall('.//TEXT'): Utilities.printLog(elem.text)
def __init__(self, scanner_info): try: # Login and get the session here self.nessus_host = scanner_info['host'] self.headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} self.login_try = 0 self.message = "" except Exception as e: Utilities.printException(str(e))
def logout(self, s): payload = { 'action':'logout' } r ='', data=payload) xmlreturn = ET.fromstring(r.text) for elem in xmlreturn.findall('.//TEXT'): Utilities.printLog(elem.text)
def __init__(self, scanner_info): try: self.nexpose_host = scanner_info['host'] self.reqURL = self.nexpose_host + "/api/1.1/xml" self.headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/xml'} self.login_try = 0 self.msg = "" except Exception as e: Utilities.printException(str(e))
def handleAccessReq(self, access_req, scanner_info): try: asset_adittion_success = self.add_asset(access_req) if asset_adittion_success: asset_grp_add_status = self.add_asset_grp(access_req) if asset_grp_add_status: create_user_status = self.add_user(access_req) # self.logout_user() except Exception as e: Utilities.printException(str(e))
def handleAccessReq(self, access_req, scanner_info): try: if self.login_nessus(scanner_info): create_user_status = self.create_user(access_req) self.logout_user() if create_user_status: return self.message else: return "Nessus user creation failed" except Exception as e: Utilities.printException(str(e))
def __init__(self, colors=None): """Create a local debugger instance. :Parameters: - `colors` (None): a string containing the name of the color scheme to use, it must be one of IPython's valid color schemes. If not given, the function will default to the current IPython scheme when running inside IPython, and to 'NoColor' otherwise. Usage example: from IPython.Debugger import Tracer; debug_here = Tracer() ... later in your code debug_here() # -> will open up the debugger at that point. Once the debugger activates, you can use all of its regular commands to step through code, set breakpoints, etc. See the pdb documentation from the Python standard library for usage details. """ global __IPYTHON__ try: __IPYTHON__ except NameError: # Outside of ipython, we set our own exception hook manually __IPYTHON__ = ipapi.get(True, False) BdbQuit_excepthook.excepthook_ori = sys.excepthook sys.excepthook = BdbQuit_excepthook def_colors = 'NoColor' try: # Limited tab completion support import rlcompleter, readline readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete') except ImportError: pass else: # In ipython, we use its custom exception handler mechanism ip = ipapi.get() def_colors = ip.options.colors ip.set_custom_exc((bdb.BdbQuit, ), BdbQuit_IPython_excepthook) if colors is None: colors = def_colors self.debugger = Pdb(colors) #additions for pydebug from util import Utilities self.util = Utilities(None) #save xid so that we can return to it after the pdb sesion self.xid = self.util.get_xid()
def file_to_ngram(file_path, n): if n < 1: return None if Utilities.is_file(file_path) == False: return None fileContent = [] file = Utilities.open_file(file_path); for line in file: fileContent += TextUtils.normalize_line(line) fileContent.append(' ') ng = ngrams(fileContent, n) return ng
def file_to_ngram(file_path, n): if n < 1: return None if Utilities.is_file(file_path) == False: return None fileContent = [] file = Utilities.open_file(file_path) for line in file: fileContent += TextUtils.normalize_line(line) fileContent.append(' ') ng = ngrams(fileContent, n) return ng
def login(self, s, username, password): payload = { 'action':'login', 'username':username, 'password':password } r ='', data=payload) xmlreturn = ET.fromstring(r.text) for elem in xmlreturn.findall('.//TEXT'): Utilities.printLog(elem.text) Utilities.printLog("Cookie: QualysSession = " + r.cookies['QualysSession'])
def add_asset_grp(self, access_req): scanner_id = self.get_scanners() self.url = self.qualys_host + "/api/2.0/fo/asset/group/" if scanner_id is not None: params = { 'action': 'add', 'ips': access_req['ip'], 'title': access_req['site_name'], 'appliance_ids': scanner_id } # print(self.url) response_asset_grp_add = self.makeRequest(params) # print(response_asset_grp_add.content) responseXML = response_asset_grp_add.content tree = ElementTree(fromstring(responseXML)) root = tree.getroot() asset_response = root.find('RESPONSE') asset_status = asset_response.find('TEXT').text if asset_status == "Asset Group successfully added.": Utilities.printSuccess("Asset group added to Qualys Scanner") return True else: Utilities.printError("Asset group addition Failure: " + asset_status) Utilities.printLog("Skipping remaning Qualys tasks..") return False else: Utilities.printError( "Asset Group adition Failure: Scanner id not found") return False
def addUser(self, access_req): # print("addUser Module") usrLst = access_req['userList'] for user in usrLst: usrSaveRequest = Element('UserSaveRequest', attrib={'session-id': self.session_id}) userinfo = user.split(',') # uname,name,email pswd = Utilities.gen_code() usrConfig_elem = SubElement(usrSaveRequest, 'UserConfig', attrib={ 'id': '-1', 'role-name': 'user', 'authsrcid': '-1', 'enabled': '1', 'name': userinfo[0], 'fullname': userinfo[1], 'email': userinfo[2], 'password': pswd }) sites_elem = SubElement(usrConfig_elem, 'UserSite') site_elem = SubElement(sites_elem, 'site', attrib={'id': self.site_id}) site_elem.text = access_req['site_name'] xmlTree = ElementTree(usrSaveRequest) f = BytesIO() xmlTree.write( f, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True ) # required so that xml declarations will come up in generated XML usrSaveReqXML = f.getvalue().decode( "utf-8") # converts bytes to string # print(usrSaveReqXML) responseXML = self.makeRequest(self.reqURL, usrSaveReqXML, self.headers) # print(responseXML) tree = ElementTree(fromstring(responseXML)) root = tree.getroot() addUserReq = root.get('success') if (addUserReq == "1"): Utilities.printSuccess("Created user: "******"Nexpose\nUsername:"******"\nPassword:"******"User creation failed: " + msg) return False
def addSite(self, access_req): # print("TestModule:SiteManagement") siteSaveRequest = Element('SiteSaveRequest', attrib={'session-id': self.session_id}) # print(access_req['site_name']) # Site element have 'S' in caps !!--lost a day on this !! site_elem = SubElement(siteSaveRequest, 'Site', attrib={ 'name': access_req['site_name'], 'id': '-1' }) host_elem = SubElement(site_elem, 'Hosts') for ip in access_req['ip'].split(','): range_elem = SubElement(host_elem, 'range', attrib={ 'from': ip, 'to': '' }) scanConfig_elem = SubElement(site_elem, 'ScanConfig', attrib={ 'name': 'Full audit', 'templateID': 'full-audit' }) xmlTree = ElementTree(siteSaveRequest) f = BytesIO() xmlTree.write( f, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True ) # required so that xml declarations will come up in generated XML saveSiteReqXML = f.getvalue().decode( "utf-8") # converts bytes to string # print(saveSiteReqXML) responseXML = self.makeRequest(self.reqURL, saveSiteReqXML, self.headers) tree = ElementTree(fromstring(responseXML)) root = tree.getroot() addSiteResponse = root.get('success') if (addSiteResponse == "1"): self.site_id = root.get('site-id') Utilities.printSuccess("Created site with site-id: " + self.site_id) return True else: fa = root.find('Failure') ex = fa.find('Exception') msg = ex.find('message').text Utilities.printError("Site creation failed: " + msg) return False
def textutils_normalize_line(): expected_file = Utilities.open_file(TST_DIR + TXT_NORMAL_FILE_EXP) expected_output = [] for line in expected_file: # need to strip new line characters expected_output += line.rstrip().split() # this constructs a list where each element is the normalized version # of the corresponding line in the file test_file = Utilities.open_file(TST_DIR + TXT_NORMAL_FILE) test_output = [] for line in test_file: test_output += TextUtils.normalize_line(line) assert test_output == expected_output
def handleAccessReq(self, access_req, scanner_info): user_add_status = False # print("TestMofule") if self.login_nexpose(scanner_info): addSiteStatus = self.addSite(access_req) if addSiteStatus: user_add_status = self.addUser(access_req) else: Utilities.printError("Site creation failed, aborting user creation..") self.logoutOperation() if user_add_status: return self.msg else: return "Nexpose user creation failed"
def handleAccessReq(self, access_req, scanner_info): user_add_status = False # print("TestMofule") if self.login_nexpose(scanner_info): addSiteStatus = self.addSite(access_req) if addSiteStatus: user_add_status = self.addUser(access_req) else: Utilities.printError( "Site creation failed, aborting user creation..") self.logoutOperation() if user_add_status: return self.msg else: return "Nexpose user creation failed"
def login(self, s, username, password): payload = { 'action': 'login', 'username': username, 'password': password } r ='', data=payload) xmlreturn = ET.fromstring(r.text) for elem in xmlreturn.findall('.//TEXT'): Utilities.printLog(elem.text) Utilities.printLog("Cookie: QualysSession = " + r.cookies['QualysSession'])
def load_song_from_path(self, path): """ Reads file at given path, if possible, and saves as an object. """ bsy = wx.BusyInfo("Loading song from path: " + path) # cleanup everything self.current_notes.clear() self.next_notes.clear() self.is_playing = False self.should_play = False self.preset_loaded = False # parse file self.parser.parse_file(path) self.instrument_map = self.parser.instruments self.units.clear() self.tempo = self.parser.get_tempo() self.notes = util.get_viz_notes(self.parser.score) self.key = muse.analyze_key(self.parser.score) self.main_frame.statusbar.SetStatusText("Key: " + str(self.key), 4) # Print track instruments to debugger self.main_frame.statusbar.SetStatusText( "Tempo: " + str(self.tempo) + " bpm", 2) bsy = None
def add_IP(self, s, target_IP): #set up host authentication payload = { 'action':'add', 'ips':target_IP, 'enable_vm':1, 'enable_pc':0, } r ='', data=payload) xmlreturn = ET.fromstring(r.text) for elem in xmlreturn.findall('.//TEXT'): if "action has invalid value" in elem.text: Utilities.printError("You do not have permissions do add IP(s)") else: Utilities.printSuccess(elem.text)
def login_nessus(self, scanner_info): sessionreqURL = self.nessus_host + "/session" max_login_try_limit = 2 while True: if self.login_try == 0: payload = { 'username': scanner_info['uname'], 'password': scanner_info['passwd'] } elif self.login_try > 0 and self.login_try < max_login_try_limit: usr_name = input("Please enter your username for " + " Nessus" + ": ") usr_passwd = input("Please enter your password for " + " Nessus" + ": ") payload = {'username': usr_name, 'password': usr_passwd} else: Utilities.printError( "Nessus login attemts exceded maximum limit, skipping Nessus tasks.." ) return False response = self.makeRequest(sessionreqURL, json.dumps(payload), self.headers) json_rep = json.loads(response.decode( "utf-8")) # convert to string then convert to json # print(json_rep) if self.status_code == 200: self.session_token = json_rep['token'] self.headers.update({ 'X-Cookie': 'token=' + self.session_token }) # session token added to HTTP header # print(self.headers) Utilities.printSuccess("Logged in to Nessus Scanner") return True elif self.status_code == 400: Utilities.printError( "Login Failure: username format is not valid") self.login_try += 1 elif self.status_code == 401: Utilities.printError( "Login Failure: username or password is invalid") self.login_try += 1 elif self.status_code == 500: Utilities.printError( "Login Failure: too many users are connected") self.login_try += 1
def load_preset(self): """ Loads the currently selected preset. Calls its on_first_load function. """ # clears all current units self.units.clear() self.screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) bsy = wx.BusyInfo("Initial Loading...") self.preset.first_load(self.parser.score) bsy = None dbg = self.main_frame.debugger.textbox # part =[0] # Gets first track/part of song self.should_play = False self.next_notes = [] # get the offset of the first note in the song # so we can put it in next_notes first_offset = self.notes[0].note.offset for n in self.notes: if n.note.offset == first_offset: ticks = pygame.time.get_ticks() new_next_note = [n] # new_next_note.append(ticks + util.offet_ms(n.offset, self.tempo)) try: mts = n.notes.midiTickStart except AttributeError: mts = util.offet_ms(n.note.offset, self.tempo) try: oq_error = n.note.editorial.offsetQuantizationError mts += oq_error except AttributeError: pass new_next_note.append(ticks + mts) self.next_notes.append(new_next_note) if n.note.offset > self.last_offset: self.last_offset = n.note.offset self.preset_loaded = True print("Preset Loaded") util.print_line_to_panel(dbg, "\nPreset Loaded\n\n")
def add_IP(self, s, target_IP): #set up host authentication payload = { 'action': 'add', 'ips': target_IP, 'enable_vm': 1, 'enable_pc': 0, } r ='', data=payload) xmlreturn = ET.fromstring(r.text) for elem in xmlreturn.findall('.//TEXT'): if "action has invalid value" in elem.text: Utilities.printError( "You do not have permissions do add IP(s)") else: Utilities.printSuccess(elem.text)
def selenium_browser_setdriver(context): # -- SETUP-FIXTURE PART: logger = Logger.getlogger() browser_name = context.config.userdata.get('BrowserName') Utilities.killbrowserdriver(browser_name) if browser_name == "Chrome": + " Browser option is selected") context.driver = webdriver.Chrome( executable_path=ChromeDriverManager().install(), options=OptionsManager.getchromeoptions()) elif browser_name == "Firefox": + " Browser option is selected") context.driver = webdriver.Firefox( executable_path=GeckoDriverManager().install(), options=OptionsManager.getfirefoxoptions()) else:"Entered Wrong Browser name") yield context.driver
def setdriver(browser_name): try: global driver Utilities.killbrowserdriver(browser_name) if browser_name == "Chrome": print(browser_name + " Browser option is selected") driver = webdriver.Chrome( executable_path=ChromeDriverManager().install(), options=OptionsManager.getchromeoptions()) elif browser_name == "Firefox": print(browser_name + " Browser option is selected") driver = webdriver.Firefox( executable_path=GeckoDriverManager().install(), options=OptionsManager.getfirefoxoptions()) else: print("Entered Wrong Browser name") except Exception as e: print("Exception Occurred")
def load_word_gen(filename): if Utilities.is_file(filename) == False: sys.exit("Fatal Error: no word hash found for file '%s'. Please \ re-train the model and try again" % filename) try: file = open(filename, 'rb') except: sys.exit("Fatal Error: cannot open word hash '%s' for \ reading" % filename) return pickle.load(file)
def launch_report(self, s, scan_ref, report_type, target_IP, report_template_id): # launching report report_ID = "" payload = { 'action':'launch', 'report_type':'Scan', 'template_id':report_template_id,#'991466', 'output_format':report_type, 'report_refs':scan_ref, 'report_title':target_IP, } r ='', data=payload) xmlreturn = ET.fromstring(r.text) for elem in xmlreturn.findall('.//ITEM'): if (elem[0].text == 'ID'): report_ID = elem[1].text Utilities.printLog("Report ID: " + report_ID) return report_ID
def get_scanners(self): self.url = self.qualys_host + "/api/2.0/fo/appliance/" parms = {'action': 'list'} response_get_scanners = self.makeRequest(parms) # print(response_get_scanners.content) responseXML = response_get_scanners.content tree = ElementTree(fromstring(responseXML)) root = tree.getroot() if root.find('RESPONSE') is not None: response = root.find('RESPONSE') if response.find('APPLIANCE_LIST') is not None: appliance_list = response.find('APPLIANCE_LIST') appliance = appliance_list.findall('APPLIANCE') # we take only the first appliance, coz no multiple appliance nw. appliance_id = appliance[0].find('ID').text if response.find('TEXT') is not None: # Error condition Utilities.printError("Failure to get the scanner list: "+ response.find('TEXT').text) appliance_id = None # print(appliance_id) return appliance_id
def setup_auth(self, s, target_IP, username, password, title): #set up host authentication status = "Success" payload = { 'action': 'create', 'title': title + '_' + target_IP, 'ips': target_IP, 'username': username, 'password': password, } r ='', data=payload) xmlreturn = ET.fromstring(r.text) for elem in xmlreturn.findall('.//TEXT'): if "action has invalid value" in elem.text: Utilities.printError( "You do not have permissions do add authentication records" ) else: Utilities.printSuccess("Authentication Record " + elem.text) if "existing scan auth record has the specified title" in elem.text: #delete the auth record payload = {'action': 'list', 'title': target_IP} r = '', data=payload) xmlreturn = ET.fromstring(r.text) for elem in xmlreturn.findall('.//AUTH_UNIX'): title_id = elem[0].text payload = { 'action': 'delete', 'ids': title_id, } r = '', data=payload) xmlreturn = ET.fromstring(r.text) for elem in xmlreturn.findall('.//TEXT'): status = elem.text Utilities.printLog("Authentication Record " + status) self.setup_auth(s, target_IP, username, password, title) elif "one or more of the specified IPs" in elem.text: #delete the auth record status = "Failure" Utilities.printError( "---\nPlease note:\nIP exists in another authentication record\nQualys doesn't support multiple authentication record of same type for any IP\nPlease delete the existing authentication record manually to proceed.\n---" ) return status
def add_user(self, access_req): self.url = self.qualys_host + "/msp/user.php" usrLst = access_req['userList'] for user in usrLst: userinfo = user.split(',') # uname,name,email pswd = userinfo[0] + '!vul5c4p1' parms = { 'action': 'add', 'user_role': 'scanner', 'business_unit': 'Unassigned', 'asset_groups': access_req['site_name'], 'first_name': userinfo[1].split(' ')[0], 'last_name': userinfo[1].split(' ')[1], 'title': 'Scanner User', 'phone': '0000000000', 'email': userinfo[2], 'address1': '3401 Hillview Ave', 'city': 'Palo Alto', 'country': 'United States of America', 'state': 'California', 'zip_code': '94304', 'send_email': '1' } response_user_add = self.makeRequest(parms) # print(response_user_add.content) responseXML = response_user_add.content tree = ElementTree(fromstring(responseXML)) root = tree.getroot() asset_response = root.find('RETURN') user_add_status = asset_response.get('status') user_add_status_msg = asset_response.find('MESSAGE').text # print(user_add_status + user_add_status_msg) if user_add_status == "SUCCESS": Utilities.printSuccess(user_add_status_msg + " for " + userinfo[1]) return True else: Utilities.printError("User addition Failure: " + user_add_status_msg) return False
def logoutOperation(self): xmlReq = Element('LogoutRequest', attrib={'session-id': self.session_id}) xmlTree = ElementTree(xmlReq) f = BytesIO() xmlTree.write(f, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True) # required so that xml declarations will come up in generated XML logoutReqXML = f.getvalue().decode("utf-8") # converts bytes to string # print(logoutReqXML) responseXML = self.makeRequest(self.reqURL, logoutReqXML, self.headers) tree = ElementTree(fromstring(responseXML)) root = tree.getroot() logoutResponse = root.get('success') if (logoutResponse == "1"): self.session_id = root.get('session-id') Utilities.printSuccess("Logged out of Nexpose Scanner") else: fa = root.find('Failure') ex = fa.find('Exception') msg = ex.find('message').text Utilities.printError("Logout Failure: " + msg)
def launch_scan(self, s, target_IP, scan_option_id): # launching the scan scan_ref = "" payload = { 'action':'launch', 'ip':target_IP, 'iscanner_name':'is_vmwar_as', 'option_id':scan_option_id, #'797901', 'scan_title':target_IP, } r ='', data=payload) xmlreturn = ET.fromstring(r.text) for elem in xmlreturn.findall('.//ITEM'): if (elem[0].text == 'REFERENCE'): scan_ref = elem[1].text for elem in xmlreturn.findall('.//TEXT'): if "none of the specified IPs are eligible" in elem.text: Utilities.printError("You do not have permissions to run scans on IP " + target_IP) else: Utilities.printLog(elem.text) if "scan" in scan_ref: Utilities.printLog("Scan Reference Number: " + scan_ref) else: scan_ref = "SCAN_NOT_STARTED" return scan_ref
def login_nexpose(self, scanner_info): # API v1.1 Login and get the session here max_login_try_limit = 2 while True: if self.login_try == 0: xmlReq = Element('LoginRequest', attrib={'user-id': scanner_info['uname'], 'password': scanner_info['passwd']}) elif self.login_try > 0 and self.login_try < max_login_try_limit: usr_name = input("Please enter your username for " + " Nexpose" + ": ") usr_passwd = input("Please enter your password for " + " Nexpose" + ": ") xmlReq = Element('LoginRequest', attrib={'user-id': usr_name, 'password': usr_passwd}) else: Utilities.printError("Nexpose login attemts exceded maximum limit, skipping Nexpose tasks..") return False xmlReq = Element('LoginRequest', attrib={'user-id': scanner_info['uname'], 'password': scanner_info['passwd']}) xmlTree = ElementTree(xmlReq) f = BytesIO() xmlTree.write(f, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True) # required so that xml declarations will come up in generated XML loginReqXML = f.getvalue().decode("utf-8") # converts bytes to string # print(self.loginReqXML) responseXML = self.makeRequest(self.reqURL, loginReqXML, self.headers) tree = ElementTree(fromstring(responseXML)) root = tree.getroot() loginResponse = root.get('success') if (loginResponse == "1"): self.session_id = root.get('session-id') Utilities.printSuccess("Logged in to Nexpose Scanner") return True else: fa = root.find('Failure') ex = fa.find('Exception') msg = ex.find('message').text Utilities.printError("Login Failure: " + msg) self.login_try += 1
def launch_scan(self, s, target_IP, scan_option_id): # launching the scan scan_ref = "" payload = { 'action': 'launch', 'ip': target_IP, 'iscanner_name': 'is_vmwar_as', 'option_id': scan_option_id, #'797901', 'scan_title': target_IP, } r ='', data=payload) xmlreturn = ET.fromstring(r.text) for elem in xmlreturn.findall('.//ITEM'): if (elem[0].text == 'REFERENCE'): scan_ref = elem[1].text for elem in xmlreturn.findall('.//TEXT'): if "none of the specified IPs are eligible" in elem.text: Utilities.printError( "You do not have permissions to run scans on IP " + target_IP) else: Utilities.printLog(elem.text) if "scan" in scan_ref: Utilities.printLog("Scan Reference Number: " + scan_ref) else: scan_ref = "SCAN_NOT_STARTED" return scan_ref
def launch_report(self, s, scan_ref, report_type, target_IP, report_template_id): # launching report report_ID = "" payload = { 'action': 'launch', 'report_type': 'Scan', 'template_id': report_template_id, #'991466', 'output_format': report_type, 'report_refs': scan_ref, 'report_title': target_IP, } r ='', data=payload) xmlreturn = ET.fromstring(r.text) for elem in xmlreturn.findall('.//ITEM'): if (elem[0].text == 'ID'): report_ID = elem[1].text Utilities.printLog("Report ID: " + report_ID) return report_ID
def quick_scan(self, s, target_IP, username, password, title, scan_option_id, report_template_id): Utilities.printLog("Quick Scan: " + target_IP) #add IPs self.add_IP(s, target_IP) #add authentication record status = self.setup_auth(s, target_IP, username, password, title).lower() if status == "failure": return #start the scan scan_ref = self.launch_scan(s, target_IP, scan_option_id) if scan_ref == "SCAN_NOT_STARTED": Utilities.printError("Scan has not started for IP: " + target_IP) return #check the scan status after every 100 seconds #add a new if statement for various check_scan return value that is discovered while 1: #waiting for 5 mins = 300 time.sleep(300) status = self.check_scan(s, scan_ref).lower() if status == "finished": break elif status == "queued" or status == "loading" or status == "running": continue else: return #generate report after scan has completed report_type = 'pdf' report_ID = self.launch_report(s, scan_ref, report_type, target_IP, report_template_id) #waiting for report generation; then download report time.sleep(25) self.download_report(s, report_ID, target_IP)
def check_scan(self, s, scan_ref): # checks the status of the scan state = "Default" payload = { 'action':'list', 'scan_ref':scan_ref, } r ='', data=payload) xmlreturn = ET.fromstring(r.text) code = xmlreturn.find('.//CODE') status = xmlreturn.find('.//STATUS') text = xmlreturn.find('.//TEXT') if status != None: state = status[0].text if code != None: if text != None: Utilities.printError("Error Text: " + text.text) Utilities.printLog("Scan status: " + state) return state
def check_scan(self, s, scan_ref): # checks the status of the scan state = "Default" payload = { 'action': 'list', 'scan_ref': scan_ref, } r ='', data=payload) xmlreturn = ET.fromstring(r.text) code = xmlreturn.find('.//CODE') status = xmlreturn.find('.//STATUS') text = xmlreturn.find('.//TEXT') if status != None: state = status[0].text if code != None: if text != None: Utilities.printError("Error Text: " + text.text) Utilities.printLog("Scan status: " + state) return state
def get_scanners(self): self.url = self.qualys_host + "/api/2.0/fo/appliance/" parms = {'action': 'list'} response_get_scanners = self.makeRequest(parms) # print(response_get_scanners.content) responseXML = response_get_scanners.content tree = ElementTree(fromstring(responseXML)) root = tree.getroot() if root.find('RESPONSE') is not None: response = root.find('RESPONSE') if response.find('APPLIANCE_LIST') is not None: appliance_list = response.find('APPLIANCE_LIST') appliance = appliance_list.findall( 'APPLIANCE' ) # we take only the first appliance, coz no multiple appliance nw. appliance_id = appliance[0].find('ID').text if response.find('TEXT') is not None: # Error condition Utilities.printError("Failure to get the scanner list: " + response.find('TEXT').text) appliance_id = None # print(appliance_id) return appliance_id
def scan(self): try: #read data from config file tree = ET.parse('host_details.xml') root = tree.getroot() username = root[0][0].text password = root[0][1].text #setup connection s = requests.Session() s.headers.update({'X-Requested-With':'Qualys Vuln Api Scan'}) self.login(s, username, password) #scan each host for host in root.iter('host'): self.quick_scan(s, host[0].text, host[1].text, host[2].text, host[3].text, host[4].text, host[5].text) except: Utilities.printException("Unexpected error: " + sys.exc_info()[0]) Utilities.printException("sys.exc_info(): " + sys.exc_info()) finally: #always log out and close the session self.logout(s) s.close()
def download_report(self, s, report_ID, target_IP): # downloading the reports ts = time.time() dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') #file format: report folder, IP, date-time stamp filename = "qualys_scan_report_"+target_IP+"_"+dt+".pdf" payload = { 'action':'fetch', 'id':report_ID, } r ='', data=payload, stream=True) if r.status_code == 200: with open(filename, 'wb') as f: r.raw.decode_content = True shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) Utilities.printLog("report downloaded") else: Utilities.printError("report failed to download with status code: " + r1.status_code) #this is another way to save report #if the above method fails to save report correctly, use the below method '''
def setup_auth(self, s, target_IP, username, password, title): #set up host authentication status = "Success" payload = { 'action':'create', 'title':title+'_'+target_IP, 'ips':target_IP, 'username':username, 'password':password, } r ='', data=payload) xmlreturn = ET.fromstring(r.text) for elem in xmlreturn.findall('.//TEXT'): if "action has invalid value" in elem.text: Utilities.printError("You do not have permissions do add authentication records") else: Utilities.printSuccess("Authentication Record " + elem.text) if "existing scan auth record has the specified title" in elem.text: #delete the auth record payload = { 'action':'list', 'title':target_IP } r ='', data=payload) xmlreturn = ET.fromstring(r.text) for elem in xmlreturn.findall('.//AUTH_UNIX'): title_id = elem[0].text payload = { 'action':'delete', 'ids':title_id, } r ='', data=payload) xmlreturn = ET.fromstring(r.text) for elem in xmlreturn.findall('.//TEXT'): status = elem.text Utilities.printLog("Authentication Record " + status) self.setup_auth(s, target_IP, username, password, title) elif "one or more of the specified IPs" in elem.text: #delete the auth record status = "Failure" Utilities.printError("---\nPlease note:\nIP exists in another authentication record\nQualys doesn't support multiple authentication record of same type for any IP\nPlease delete the existing authentication record manually to proceed.\n---") return status
def logout_user(self): try: # destroy the user session logoutURL = self.nessus_host + "/session" response = self.makeRequest(logoutURL, {}, self.headers, "DELETE") if self.status_code == 200: Utilities.printSuccess("Logged out of Nessus Scanner") if self.status_code == 401: Utilities.printSuccess("Logged out failure: No session exists") except Exception as e: Utilities.printException(str(e))
def add_asset_grp(self, access_req): scanner_id = self.get_scanners() self.url = self.qualys_host + "/api/2.0/fo/asset/group/" if scanner_id is not None: params = {'action': 'add', 'ips': access_req['ip'], 'title': access_req['site_name'], 'appliance_ids':scanner_id} # print(self.url) response_asset_grp_add = self.makeRequest(params) # print(response_asset_grp_add.content) responseXML = response_asset_grp_add.content tree = ElementTree(fromstring(responseXML)) root = tree.getroot() asset_response = root.find('RESPONSE') asset_status = asset_response.find('TEXT').text if asset_status == "Asset Group successfully added.": Utilities.printSuccess("Asset group added to Qualys Scanner") return True else: Utilities.printError("Asset group addition Failure: " + asset_status) Utilities.printLog("Skipping remaning Qualys tasks..") return False else: Utilities.printError("Asset Group adition Failure: Scanner id not found") return False
def create_user(self, access_req): try: # Create User create_user_URL = self.nessus_host + "/users" usrLst = access_req['userList'] for user in usrLst: userinfo = user.split(',') # uname,name,email pswd = Utilities.gen_code() payload = {'username': userinfo[0], 'password': pswd, 'permissions': '32', 'name': userinfo[1], 'email': userinfo[2], 'type': 'local'} response = self.makeRequest(create_user_URL, json.dumps(payload), self.headers) json_rep = json.loads(response.decode("utf-8")) # print(json_rep) if self.status_code == 200: Utilities.printSuccess("Created user: "******"Nessus\nUsername:"******"\nPassword:"******"User creation Failure: Invalid field request") return False if self.status_code == 403: Utilities.printError("User creation Failure: No permission to create a user") return False if self.status_code == 409: Utilities.printError("User creation Failure: Duplicate username") return False except Exception as e: Utilities.printException(str(e))