def helper_all(binary, opc, size, wback, postIndex, offset, rtKey, rnKey, scale, instr): if (opc[0] == '0'): if (opc[1] == '1'): memOp = const.MEM_OP_LOAD else: memOp = const.MEM_OP_STORE if (size == '11'): regSize = 64 else: regSize = 32 signed = False else: if (size == '11'): memOp = const.MEM_OP_PREFETCH else: memOp = const.MEM_OP_LOAD if opc[1] == '1': regSize = 32 else: regSize = 64 signed = True dataSize = 8 << scale '''wb_unknown = False rt_unknown = False''' # commenting - assuming them to be false always address = utilFunc.getRegValueByStringkey(binary[22:27], '1') address = utilFunc.uInt(address) if not (postIndex): address = address + offset if (memOp == const.MEM_OP_STORE): data = utilFunc.getRegValueByStringkey(binary[27:32], '0') utilFunc.storeToMemory(data, address, dataSize) elif (memOp == const.MEM_OP_LOAD): data = utilFunc.fetchFromMemory(address, dataSize) if (data == const.TRAP): utilFunc.finalize_simple(instr) print "HEY!!! There seems to be a problem - memory location can not be accessed" print "Moving ahead without executing the instruction" return if (signed): data = utilFunc.signExtend(data, regSize) else: data = utilFunc.zeroExtend(data, regSize) utilFunc.setRegValue(rtKey, data.zfill(64), '0') if (wback): if postIndex: address = address + offset address = utilFunc.intToBinary(address, 64) utilFunc.setRegValue(rnKey, address, '1') utilFunc.finalize_simple(instr)
def helper_all(binary, opc, size, wback, postIndex, offset, rtKey, rnKey, scale, instr): if(opc[0] == '0'): if(opc[1] == '1'): memOp = const.MEM_OP_LOAD else: memOp = const.MEM_OP_STORE if(size == '11'): regSize = 64 else: regSize = 32 signed = False else: if(size == '11'): memOp = const.MEM_OP_PREFETCH else: memOp = const.MEM_OP_LOAD if opc[1] == '1': regSize = 32 else: regSize = 64 signed = True dataSize = 8 << scale '''wb_unknown = False rt_unknown = False''' # commenting - assuming them to be false always address = utilFunc.getRegValueByStringkey(binary[22:27], '1') address = utilFunc.uInt(address) if not(postIndex): address = address + offset if(memOp == const.MEM_OP_STORE): data = utilFunc.getRegValueByStringkey(binary[27:32], '0') utilFunc.storeToMemory(data, address, dataSize) elif(memOp == const.MEM_OP_LOAD): data = utilFunc.fetchFromMemory(address, dataSize) if(data == const.TRAP): utilFunc.finalize_simple(instr) print "HEY!!! There seems to be a problem - memory location can not be accessed" print "Moving ahead without executing the instruction" return if(signed): data = utilFunc.signExtend(data, regSize) else: data = utilFunc.zeroExtend(data, regSize) utilFunc.setRegValue(rtKey, data.zfill(64), '0') if(wback): if postIndex: address = address + offset address = utilFunc.intToBinary(address, 64) utilFunc.setRegValue(rnKey, address, '1') utilFunc.finalize_simple(instr)
def execBL(binary): inst = 'BL OFFSET(' imm26key = binary[-26:] (instpart, offset) = utilFunc.getOffset(imm26key) inst += instpart + ')' nextAddr = armdebug.getPC() + 4 utilFunc.setRegValue(30, utilFunc.intToBinary(nextAddr, 64), '0') utilFunc.branchWithOffset(offset) utilFunc.finalize_simple(inst)
def execBL(binary): inst='BL OFFSET(' imm26key=binary[-26:] (instpart,offset)=utilFunc.getOffset(imm26key) inst+=instpart+')' nextAddr=armdebug.getPC()+4 utilFunc.setRegValue(30, utilFunc.intToBinary(nextAddr, 64), '0') utilFunc.branchWithOffset(offset) utilFunc.finalize_simple(inst)
def execADR(binary): inst='ADR X' rdKey=binary[-5:] regnum=utilFunc.uInt(rdKey) inst+=str(regnum)+', OFFSET(' immLo=binary[1:3] immHi=binary[8:27] imm=immHi+immLo (inst_part,offset)=utilFunc.getOffsetWithoutTimes(imm) inst+=inst_part+')' nextAddr=utilFunc.PCwithOffset(offset)#as our PC implementation is wrong till now utilFunc.setRegValue(regnum, utilFunc.intToBinary(nextAddr, 64), '0') utilFunc.finalize_simple(inst)
def execBLR(binary): inst='BLR X' rnKey=binary[22:27] address_binary=utilFunc.getRegValueByStringkey(rnKey, '0') regnum=utilFunc.uInt(rnKey) inst+=str(regnum) hexstr = utilFunc.binaryToHexStr(address_binary) if not armdebug.checkIfValidBreakPoint(hexstr): utilFunc.finalize_simple('Instruction aborted. Invalid instruction address in register.') return nextAddr=armdebug.getPC()+4 utilFunc.setRegValue(30, utilFunc.intToBinary(nextAddr, 64), '0') utilFunc.branchToAddress(int(hexstr,16)) utilFunc.finalize_simple(inst)
def execBLR(binary): inst = 'BLR X' rnKey = binary[22:27] address_binary = utilFunc.getRegValueByStringkey(rnKey, '0') regnum = utilFunc.uInt(rnKey) inst += str(regnum) hexstr = utilFunc.binaryToHexStr(address_binary) if not armdebug.checkIfValidBreakPoint(hexstr): utilFunc.finalize_simple( 'Instruction aborted. Invalid instruction address in register.') return nextAddr = armdebug.getPC() + 4 utilFunc.setRegValue(30, utilFunc.intToBinary(nextAddr, 64), '0') utilFunc.branchToAddress(int(hexstr, 16)) utilFunc.finalize_simple(inst)
def helper_rp(wback, postIndex, binary, instr): rtKey = utilFunc.getRegKeyByStringKey(binary[27:32]) rnKey = utilFunc.getRegKeyByStringKey(binary[22:27]) rt2Key = utilFunc.getRegKeyByStringKey(binary[17:22]) imm7 = binary[10:17] l = binary[9] opc = binary[0:2] if (l == '1'): memOp = const.MEM_OP_LOAD else: memOp = const.MEM_OP_STORE signed = (opc[1] != '0') scale = 2 + utilFunc.uInt(opc[0]) dataSize = 8 << scale offset = utilFunc.lsl(utilFunc.signExtend(imm7, 64), scale) offset = utilFunc.sInt(offset, 64) dbytes = dataSize / 8 address = utilFunc.getRegValueByStringkey(binary[22:27], '1') address = utilFunc.uInt(address) if not (postIndex): address = address + offset type = binary[7:9] if (opc == '00'): r = 'w' if (opc == '10'): r = 'x' if (type == '01'): #Post-index instr += " " + r + str(rtKey) + ", " + r + str(rt2Key) + ", [x" + str( rnKey) + "], #" + str(offset) if (type == '11'): #Pre-index instr += " " + r + str(rtKey) + ", " + r + str(rt2Key) + ", [x" + str( rnKey) + ", #" + str(offset) + "]!" if (type == '10'): #Signed-offset instr += " " + r + str(rtKey) + ", " + r + str(rt2Key) + ", [x" + str( rnKey) + ", #" + str(offset) + "]" if (memOp == const.MEM_OP_STORE): data1 = utilFunc.getRegValueByStringkey(binary[27:32], '0') data2 = utilFunc.getRegValueByStringkey(binary[17:22], '0') utilFunc.storeToMemory(data1, address, dataSize) utilFunc.storeToMemory(data2, address + dbytes, dataSize) elif (memOp == const.MEM_OP_LOAD): data1 = utilFunc.fetchFromMemory(address, dataSize) data2 = utilFunc.fetchFromMemory(address + dbytes, dataSize) if (data1 == const.TRAP or data2 == const.TRAP): utilFunc.finalize_simple(instr) print "HEY!!! There seems to be a problem - memory location can not be accessed" print "Moving ahead without executing the instruction" return if (signed): data1 = utilFunc.signExtend(data1, 64) data2 = utilFunc.signExtend(data2, 64) utilFunc.setRegValue(rtKey, data1.zfill(64), '0') utilFunc.setRegValue(rt2Key, data2.zfill(64), '0') if (wback): if postIndex: address = address + offset address = utilFunc.intToBinary(address, 64) utilFunc.setRegValue(rnKey, address, '1') utilFunc.finalize_simple(instr)
def helper_rp(wback, postIndex, binary, instr): rtKey = utilFunc.getRegKeyByStringKey(binary[27:32]) rnKey = utilFunc.getRegKeyByStringKey(binary[22:27]) rt2Key = utilFunc.getRegKeyByStringKey(binary[17:22]) imm7 = binary[10:17] l = binary[9] opc = binary[0:2] if(l == '1'): memOp = const.MEM_OP_LOAD else: memOp = const.MEM_OP_STORE signed = (opc[1] != '0') scale = 2 + utilFunc.uInt(opc[0]) dataSize = 8 << scale offset = utilFunc.lsl(utilFunc.signExtend(imm7, 64), scale) offset = utilFunc.sInt(offset, 64) dbytes = dataSize / 8; address = utilFunc.getRegValueByStringkey(binary[22:27], '1') address = utilFunc.uInt(address) if not(postIndex): address = address + offset type = binary[7:9] if(opc == '00'): r = 'w' if(opc == '10'): r = 'x' if(type == '01'): #Post-index instr += " " + r + str(rtKey) +", " + r + str(rt2Key) + ", [x" + str(rnKey) + "], #" + str(offset) if(type == '11'): #Pre-index instr += " " + r + str(rtKey) +", " + r + str(rt2Key) + ", [x" + str(rnKey) + ", #" + str(offset) + "]!" if(type == '10'): #Signed-offset instr += " " + r + str(rtKey) +", " + r + str(rt2Key) + ", [x" + str(rnKey) + ", #" + str(offset) + "]" if(memOp == const.MEM_OP_STORE): data1 = utilFunc.getRegValueByStringkey(binary[27:32], '0') data2 = utilFunc.getRegValueByStringkey(binary[17:22], '0') utilFunc.storeToMemory(data1, address, dataSize) utilFunc.storeToMemory(data2, address + dbytes, dataSize) elif(memOp == const.MEM_OP_LOAD): data1 = utilFunc.fetchFromMemory(address, dataSize) data2 = utilFunc.fetchFromMemory(address + dbytes, dataSize) if(data1 == const.TRAP or data2 == const.TRAP): utilFunc.finalize_simple(instr) print "HEY!!! There seems to be a problem - memory location can not be accessed" print "Moving ahead without executing the instruction" return if(signed): data1 = utilFunc.signExtend(data1, 64) data2 = utilFunc.signExtend(data2, 64) utilFunc.setRegValue(rtKey, data1.zfill(64), '0') utilFunc.setRegValue(rt2Key, data2.zfill(64), '0') if(wback): if postIndex: address = address + offset address = utilFunc.intToBinary(address, 64) utilFunc.setRegValue(rnKey, address, '1') utilFunc.finalize_simple(instr)