def scanSingleDir(self, dirPath):
        print("Dir", dirPath)
        items = os.listdir(dirPath)
        for item in items:
            item = os.path.join(dirPath, item)
            if os.path.isfile(item):
                fPath, fName = os.path.split(item)
                guessName = nt.guessSeriesFromFilename(fName)

                dirName = fPath.strip("/").split("/")[-1]
                guess2 = nt.guessSeriesFromFilename(dirName)
                if guessName != guess2:
                    print("Dirname not matching either?", dirName, guessName)

                if guessName in nt.dirNameProxy:
                    itemInfo = nt.dirNameProxy[guessName]
                    if itemInfo["fqPath"] != dirPath:
                        dstDir = nt.dirNameProxy[guessName]["fqPath"]
                        print("Move file '%s' from:" % fName)

                        print("	Src = '%s'" % fPath)
                        print("	Dst = '%s'" % dstDir)
                        doMove = query_response_bool("Do move?")
                        if doMove:
                            shutil.move(item, os.path.join(dstDir, fName))
Beispiel #2
	def scanSingleDir(self, dirPath):
		print("Dir", dirPath)
		items = os.listdir(dirPath)
		for item in items:
			item = os.path.join(dirPath, item)
			if os.path.isfile(item):
				fPath, fName = os.path.split(item)
				guessName = nt.guessSeriesFromFilename(fName)

				dirName = fPath.strip("/").split("/")[-1]
				guess2 = nt.guessSeriesFromFilename(dirName)
				if guessName != guess2:
					print("Dirname not matching either?", dirName, guessName)

				if guessName in nt.dirNameProxy:
					itemInfo = nt.dirNameProxy[guessName]
					if itemInfo["fqPath"] != dirPath:
						dstDir = nt.dirNameProxy[guessName]["fqPath"]
						print("Move file '%s' from:" % fName)

						print("	Src = '%s'" % fPath)
						print("	Dst = '%s'" % dstDir)
						doMove = query_response_bool("Do move?")
						if doMove:
							shutil.move(item, os.path.join(dstDir, fName))
Beispiel #3
def renameSeriesToMatchMangaUpdates(scanpath):
	idLut = nt.MtNamesMapWrapper("fsName->buId")
	muLut = nt.MtNamesMapWrapper("buId->buName")
	db = DbInterface()
	foundDirs = 0
	contents = os.listdir(scanpath)
	for dirName in contents:
		cName = nt.prepFilenameForMatching(dirName)
		mtId = idLut[cName]
		if mtId and len(mtId) > 1:
			print("Multiple mtId values for '%s' ('%s')" % (cName, dirName))
			print("	", mtId)
			print("	Skipping item")

		elif mtId:
			mtId = mtId.pop()
			mtName = muLut[mtId].pop()
			cMtName = nt.prepFilenameForMatching(mtName)
			if cMtName != cName:
				print("Dir '%s' ('%s')" % (cName, dirName))
				print("	Should be '%s'" % (mtName, ))
				print("	URL:" % (mtId, ))
				oldPath = os.path.join(scanpath, dirName)
				newPath = os.path.join(scanpath, nt.makeFilenameSafe(mtName))
				if not os.path.isdir(oldPath):
					raise ValueError("Not a dir. Wat?")

				print("	old '%s'" % (oldPath, ))
				print("	new '%s'" % (newPath, ))

				newCl = nt.cleanUnicode(newPath)
				if newCl != newPath:
					print("Unicode oddness. Skipping")

				rating = nt.extractRatingToFloat(oldPath)

				if rating != 0:
					print("	Need to add rating = ", rating)

				mv = query_response_bool("	rename?")

				if mv:

					if os.path.exists(newPath):
						print("Target dir exists! Moving files instead")
						moveFiles(oldPath, newPath)
						nt.dirNameProxy.changeRatingPath(newPath, rating)
						os.rename(oldPath, newPath)
						nt.dirNameProxy.changeRatingPath(newPath, rating)
			foundDirs += 1

	print("Total directories that need renaming", foundDirs)
Beispiel #4
def renameSeriesToMatchMangaUpdates(scanpath):
	idLut = nt.MtNamesMapWrapper("fsName->buId")
	muLut = nt.MtNamesMapWrapper("buId->buName")
	db = DbInterface()
	foundDirs = 0
	contents = os.listdir(scanpath)
	for dirName in contents:
		cName = nt.prepFilenameForMatching(dirName)
		mtId = idLut[cName]
		if mtId and len(mtId) > 1:
			print("Multiple mtId values for '%s' ('%s')" % (cName, dirName))
			print("	", mtId)
			print("	Skipping item")

		elif mtId:
			mtId = mtId.pop()
			mtName = muLut[mtId].pop()
			cMtName = nt.prepFilenameForMatching(mtName)
			if cMtName != cName:
				print("Dir '%s' ('%s')" % (cName, dirName))
				print("	Should be '%s'" % (mtName, ))
				print("	URL:" % (mtId, ))
				oldPath = os.path.join(scanpath, dirName)
				newPath = os.path.join(scanpath, nt.makeFilenameSafe(mtName))
				if not os.path.isdir(oldPath):
					raise ValueError("Not a dir. Wat?")

				print("	old '%s'" % (oldPath, ))
				print("	new '%s'" % (newPath, ))

				newCl = nt.cleanUnicode(newPath)
				if newCl != newPath:
					print("Unicode oddness. Skipping")

				rating = nt.extractRatingToFloat(oldPath)

				if rating != 0:
					print("	Need to add rating = ", rating)

				mv = query_response_bool("	rename?")

				if mv:

					if os.path.exists(newPath):
						print("Target dir exists! Moving files instead")
						moveFiles(oldPath, newPath)
						nt.dirNameProxy.changeRatingPath(newPath, rating)
						os.rename(oldPath, newPath)
						nt.dirNameProxy.changeRatingPath(newPath, rating)
			foundDirs += 1

	print("Total directories that need renaming", foundDirs)
Beispiel #5
	def aggregateDirs(self, pathBase_1, pathBase_2, dir1, dir2):
		canonName    = nt.getCanonicalMangaUpdatesName(dir1)
		canonNameAlt = nt.getCanonicalMangaUpdatesName(dir2)
		cname1 = nt.prepFilenameForMatching(canonName)
		cname2 = nt.prepFilenameForMatching(canonNameAlt)
		if canonName.lower() != canonNameAlt.lower():
			self.log.critical("Error in uploading file. Name lookup via MangaUpdates table not commutative!")
			self.log.critical("First returned value    '%s'", canonName)
			self.log.critical("For directory with path '%s'", dir1)
			self.log.critical("Second returned value   '%s'", canonNameAlt)
			self.log.critical("For directory with path '%s'", dir2)
			self.log.critical("After cleaning: '%s', '%s', equal: '%s'", cname1, cname2, cname1 == cname2)

			raise CanonMismatch("Identical and yet not? '%s' - '%s'" % (canonName, canonNameAlt))"Aggregating directories for canon name '%s':", canonName)

		n1 = lv.distance(dir1, canonName)
		n2 = lv.distance(dir2, canonName)"	%s - '%s'", n1, dir1, pathBase_1)"	%s - '%s'", n2, dir2, pathBase_2)

		# I'm using less then or equal, so situations where
		# both names are equadistant get aggregated anyways.
		if n1 <= n2:
			src = os.path.join(pathBase_2, dir2)
			dst = os.path.join(pathBase_1, dir1)
			src = os.path.join(pathBase_1, dir1)
			dst = os.path.join(pathBase_2, dir2)

		doMove = query_response_bool("Do move?")
		if doMove:
			self.moveItemsInDir(src, dst)"Removing directory '%s'", src)
				self.sftp.mkdir("/Admin cleanup/autoclean dirs")
			self.sftp.rename(src, "/Admin cleanup/autoclean dirs/garbage dir %s" % src.replace("/", ";").replace(" ", "_"))

		return dst