Beispiel #1
def bible(inp, bot=None):
    """bible <passage> -- gets <passage> from the Bible (ESV)"""

    API_KEY = bot.config['api_keys'].get('english_bible', None)

    if API_KEY is None:
        return 'Bible error: no API key configured'

    url = "" + request.urlencode(inp)
    json = request.get_json(url, headers={"Authorization": "Token " + API_KEY})

    if 'detail' in json:
        return 'Bible error (lol): ' + json['detail']

    if 'passages' in json and len(json['passages']) == 0:
        return '[Bible] Not found'

    output = '[Bible]'

    if 'canonical' in json:
        output = output + ' \x02' + json['canonical'] + '\x02:'

    if 'passages' in json:
        output = output + ' ' + compress_whitespace('. '.join(json['passages']))

    if len(output) > 320:
        output = output[:320] + '...'

    return output
Beispiel #2
def define(inp):
    "define <word> -- Fetches definition of <word>."

    html = request.get(dict_url + request.urlencode(inp))
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml')

    definitions = soup.find_all('dd')

    if len(definitions) == 0:
        return "Definition not found"

    output = 'Definition of "' + inp + '":'

    # used to number the many definitions
    i = 1

    for definition in definitions:
        if 'article' in definition['class']:
            text = formatting.compress_whitespace(definition.text.strip())
            output = output + ' \x02' + text + '\x02'
            i = 1

        elif 'entry' in definition['class']:
            definition = definition.find('div', attrs={'class': 'definition'})
            text = formatting.compress_whitespace(definition.text.strip())
            output = output + text.replace(u'\xb0', ' \x02{}.\x02 '.format(i))
            i = i + 1

        # theres 'synonyms' and 'examples' too

    # arbitrary length limit
    if len(output) > 360:
        output = output[:
                        360] + '\x0f... More at' + inp

    return output
Beispiel #3
def anus_real(inp, nick=None):
    if not inp:
        inp = nick

    inp = request.urlencode(inp)
    html = request.get('' + inp)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml')

    details = soup.find(id='elmDescCmmn')
    if details is None:
        return 'Anus:' + inp

    details = formatting.compress_whitespace(details.text)

    details = re.sub('Anus of [a-zA-Z0-9]+ ', 'Anus: ', details)
    return u'{} -{}'.format(details, inp)
Beispiel #4
def koran(inp):
    "koran <chapter.verse> -- gets <chapter.verse> from the Koran. it can also search any text."

    url = '' + request.urlencode(inp)
    html = request.get(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml')
    query = soup.find_all('li')

    if not query or len(query) == 0:
        return 'No results for ' + inp

    output = '[Koran] '
    lines = []

    for li in iterable.limit(4, query):

    output = output + ' '.join(lines)

    if len(output) > 320:
        output = output[:320] + '...'

    return output
Beispiel #5
def etymology(inp):
    "etymology <word> -- Retrieves the etymology of <word>."

    html = request.get(eth_url + request.urlencode(inp))
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml')
    # the page uses weird class names like "section.word__definatieon--81fc4ae"
    # if it breaks change the selector to [class~="word_"]
    results ='div[class^="word"] section[class^="word__def"] > p')

    if len(results) == 0:
        return 'No etymology found for ' + inp

    output = u'Ethymology of "' + inp + '":'
    i = 1

    for result in results:
        text = formatting.compress_whitespace(result.text.strip())
        output = output + u' \x02{}.\x02 {}'.format(i, text)
        i = i + 1

    if len(output) > 400:
        output = output[:400] + '\x0f... More at'

    return output
Beispiel #6
def clean_text(text):
    return formatting.compress_whitespace(
        text.replace('[', '').replace(']', ''))