def getDailyDataFromFTP(localPath, datesList=[]):
    dailyDir = 'pub/org/chg/products/CHIRPS-2.0/global_daily/tifs/p25/'
    chirpsBaseName = 'chirps-v2.0.'
    chirpsExt = '.tif.gz'
    # if have dates, only get those files
    if not datesList:
        # get all files not already in localPath
        getFilesFromFTP(ftp_address_CHIRPS, 'anonymous', 'anonymous@', dailyDir, localPath)
        sd = datesList[0]
        ed = datesList[1]
        ftp = openFTP(ftp_address_CHIRPS)

        while sd <= ed:
            yrs = '{0}'.format(sd.year)
            yrDir = path.join(dailyDir, yrs)
            fname = sd.strftime("chirps-v2.0.%Y.%m.%d.tif.gz")
            logger.debug('Looking for: %s in %s' % fname, yrDir)
            localFile = path.join(localPath, fname)
            # try to find file in directory
            fn = yrDir + '/' + fname
            # Download file
            getFileFromFTP(ftp, fn, localFile, False)
            sd = sd + timedelta(days=1)
    return 0
def getCHIRPSData(address, userName, passWord, remotePath, localPath, years, onlyDiff=True):
    ftp = openFTP(address)
    for i, val in enumerate(years):
        localPathYear = path.join(localPath, val)
        print("local path for ", val, ": ", localPathYear)
        if onlyDiff:
            lFileSet = set(listdir(localPathYear))
            rFileSet = set(ftp.nlst())
            transferList = list(rFileSet - lFileSet)
            print "Missing: " + str(len(transferList))
            transferList = ftp.nlst()
            print "File list: ", transferList

        filesMoved = 0
        for fl in transferList:
            # create a full local filepath
            localFile = path.join(localPathYear, fl)
            print "new file: ", localFile
            grabFile = True
            if grabFile:
                getFileFromFTP(ftp, fl, localFile, False)
                filesMoved += 1

    return 0