def test_least_interpolant_generalised_sparse_grid( self ):
        def f( x ):
            if ( x.ndim == 1) :
                x = x.reshape( x.shape[0], 1 )
            assert x.shape[0] > 1    
            y = numpy.sum( x**10+1, axis = 0 ) + \
                numpy.sum( x[1:,:]**2 * x[:-1,:], axis = 0 )
            if y.shape[0] == 1: return numpy.array( y[0] )
            else: return  y 

        m = CppModel( f )
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState( 0 )

        num_dims = 2

        quadrature_rule_1d = ClenshawCurtisQuadRule1D()
        basis = LagrangePolynomialBasis()

        tpqr = self.get_tensor_product_quadrature_rule_single(num_dims, 
                                                              basis )

        tol = 0.

        domain = numpy.array( [-1.,1,-1.,1], numpy.double )
        sg = GeneralisedSparseGrid()

        test_pts = rng.uniform( -1., 1., ( num_dims, 100 ) )
        x = test_pts
        test_vals = m.evaluate_set( test_pts )

        max_levels = range( 1, 8 )
        for i, max_level in enumerate( max_levels ):
            sg.max_num_points( numpy.iinfo( numpy.int32 ).max )
            sg.tolerance( tol )
            sg.max_level( max_level )
            sg.initialise_default( m, domain, tpqr )

            rng = numpy.random.RandomState( 0 )
            test_pts = rng.uniform( 0., 1., ( num_dims, 1000 ) )
            from utilities.math_utils import map_from_unit_hypercube
            test_pts = map_from_unit_hypercube( test_pts, domain )
            test_vals = m.evaluate_set( test_pts )[:,0]
            sg_error = numpy.linalg.norm( test_vals - 
                                          sg.evaluate_set( test_pts ).squeeze() )
            #print 'sparse grid error: ', sg_error
            #print 'num sparse grid points: ', sg.num_points()

            poly_1d = [ LegendrePolynomial1D() ]
            basis = TensorProductBasis( num_dims, poly_1d )
            domain_py = TensorProductDomain( num_dims, [[-1,1]] )
            pce = convert_sparse_grid_to_pce( sg, basis, domain_py )
            pce_error = numpy.linalg.norm( test_vals - 
                                           pce.evaluate_set( test_pts ).squeeze() )
            #print 'pce error: ', pce_error
            assert numpy.allclose( pce_error, sg_error )
    def test_genseralised_sparse_grid_aposteriori_error_based_refinement( self ):
        from sparse_grid_cpp import AposterioriGeneralisedSparseGrid

        num_dims = 1

        quadrature_rule_1d = ClenshawCurtisQuadRule1D()
        basis = LagrangePolynomialBasis()

        tpqr = self.get_tensor_product_quadrature_rule_single(num_dims, 
                                                              basis )
        m = AdjointModel()
        print 'Initialised model'   

        forward_solution_num_DOF, adjoint_solution_num_DOF = m.get_num_dof()

        print 'forward ndof: %d\n adjoint ndof: %d' %(forward_solution_num_DOF,

        domain = numpy.array( [-1.,1.], numpy.double )
        sg = AposterioriGeneralisedSparseGrid()

        sg.tolerance( 0.0 )
        sg.max_num_points( 40 )
        sg.max_level( 10 )
        sg.forward_solution_num_DOF( int( forward_solution_num_DOF ) )
        sg.adjoint_solution_num_DOF( int( adjoint_solution_num_DOF ) )

        from utilities.visualisation import plot_surface_from_function

        sg.initialise( m, domain, tpqr, 0 )  
        print 'sparse grid built successfully'

        # need to set this before evaluate is called or
        # quantities_of_interest will be whatever internal sg routines
        # 3 have set it as. todo move this to the end of build
        sg.quantities_of_interest( numpy.array( [0], numpy.int32 ) )

        evaluate_enhanced_sparse_grid = lambda x: (sg.evaluate_set( x ) + \
            sg.compute_error_estimates( x ) ).squeeze()

        grid = sg.get_coordinates() 
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState( 0 )
        test_pts = rng.uniform( -1., 1., ( num_dims, 1000 ) )
        test_vals = m.evaluate_set( test_pts )[:,0]
        sg_error = numpy.linalg.norm( test_vals - 
                                      sg.evaluate_set( test_pts ).squeeze() )
        print 'done1'
        print 'sparse grid error: ', sg_error
        assert sg_error < 4e-10
        enhanced_sg_error = numpy.linalg.norm( test_vals - 
                            evaluate_enhanced_sparse_grid( test_pts ) )
        print 'enhanced sparse grid error: ', enhanced_sg_error
        assert enhanced_sg_error < 8e-15

        print 'done'
        num_dims = 2

        quadrature_rule_1d = ClenshawCurtisQuadRule1D()
        basis = LagrangePolynomialBasis()

        tpqr = self.get_tensor_product_quadrature_rule_single(num_dims, 
                                                              basis )
        m = AdjointModel()
        print 'Initialised model'   

        forward_solution_num_DOF, adjoint_solution_num_DOF = m.get_num_dof()

        print 'forward ndof: %d\n adjoint ndof: %d' %(forward_solution_num_DOF,

        domain = numpy.array( [-1.,1.,0.4,0.8], numpy.double )
        sg = AposterioriGeneralisedSparseGrid()

        sg.tolerance( 0.0 )
        sg.max_num_points( 1000 )
        sg.max_level( 10 )
        sg.forward_solution_num_DOF( int( forward_solution_num_DOF ) )
        sg.adjoint_solution_num_DOF( int( adjoint_solution_num_DOF ) )

        from utilities.visualisation import plot_surface_from_function

        sg.initialise( m, domain, tpqr, 0 )  
        print 'sparse grid built successfully'

        # need to set this before evaluate is called or
        # quantities_of_interest will be whatever internal sg routines
        # 3 have set it as. todo move this to the end of build
        sg.quantities_of_interest( numpy.array( [0], numpy.int32 ) )

        evaluate_enhanced_sparse_grid = lambda x: (sg.evaluate_set( x ) + \
            sg.compute_error_estimates( x ) ).squeeze()

        grid = sg.get_coordinates() 
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState( 0 )
        test_pts = rng.uniform( 0., 1., ( num_dims, 1000 ) )
        from utilities.math_utils import map_from_unit_hypercube
        test_pts = map_from_unit_hypercube( test_pts, domain )
        test_vals = m.evaluate_set( test_pts )[:,0]
        print test_pts.max(axis=1), test_pts.min(axis=1)
        sg_error = numpy.linalg.norm( test_vals - 
                                      sg.evaluate_set( test_pts ).squeeze() )
        print 'sparse grid error: ', sg_error
        assert sg_error < 4e-10
        enhanced_sg_error = numpy.linalg.norm( test_vals - 
                            evaluate_enhanced_sparse_grid( test_pts ) )
        print 'enhanced sparse grid error: ', enhanced_sg_error
        assert enhanced_sg_error < 8e-15

        #plot_surface_from_function( m.evaluate_set, domain, 100 )
        import pylab
        import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d as p3
        fig = pylab.figure( 1 )
        ax = p3.Axes3D( fig )
        grid = sg.get_coordinates()
        fv = sg.get_function_values()
        ax.scatter3D( grid[0,:], grid[1,:], fv[0,:] )