def segment_words_dynamically(self, string, cache):
        Segments a sentence into words using a globally optimal real:fake word ratio maximizing algorithm.  Uses dynamic
        programming under the hood, adding to the cache of best segmentation for the given string and all substrings.
        This method is called recursively.
        :param string: words without spaces separating them
        :param cache: cache of best segmentations for the string (or any other strings in the global string)
        :return: list of words that are a word segmentation of the given string
        if string in cache:  # dynamic programming part
            return cache[string]

        frequency_whole = self.unigram_provider.get_frequency(string)
        threshold = self.LETTER_THRESHOLD if len(string) == 1 else self.WORD_THRESHOLD
        score_whole = self.SCORE_WORD if frequency_whole > threshold else self.PENALTY_NON_WORD
        if len(string) <= 1:  # base case
            cache[string] = [string], score_whole
            return cache[string]

        best_segmentation = [string]
        best_score = score_whole

        for i in range(1, len(string)):  # recursive case
            a, b = bisect_string(string, i)
            segmentation_a, score_a = self.segment_words_dynamically(a, cache)
            segmentation_b, score_b = self.segment_words_dynamically(b, cache)
            score = (score_a + score_b) / (len(segmentation_a) + len(segmentation_b))
            if score > best_score:
                best_score = score
                best_segmentation = segmentation_a + segmentation_b

        cache[string] = best_segmentation, best_score
        return cache[string]
    def segment_words_dynamically(self, string, cache):
        Segments a sentence into words by optimizing the bigram probability of the sentence. Uses dynamic programming
        under the hood, adding to the cache of best segmentation for the given string and all substrings.
        This method is called recursively.
        :param string: words without spaces separating them
        :param cache: cache of best segmentations for the string (or any other strings in the global string)
        :return: list of words that are a word segmentation of the given string
        if string in cache:  # dynamic programming part
            return cache[string]

        probability_whole = self.unigram_provider.get_frequency(string) / self.total_words
        if len(string) <= 1:  # base case
            cache[string] = [string], probability_whole
            return cache[string]

        best_segmentation = [string]
        best_score = probability_whole

        for i in range(1, len(string)):  # recursive case
            a, b = bisect_string(string, i)
            segmentation_a, score_a = self.segment_words_dynamically(a, cache)
            segmentation_b, score_b = self.segment_words_dynamically(b, cache)
            new_bigram = tuple([segmentation_a[-1], segmentation_b[0]])
            frequency_first_word = max(self.unigram_provider.get_frequency(segmentation_a[-1]), 1)
            probability_new_bigram = max(1, self.bigram_provider.get_frequency(new_bigram)) / frequency_first_word
            score = score_a * score_b * probability_new_bigram
            if score * len(segmentation_a + segmentation_b) > best_score:
                best_score = score
                best_segmentation = segmentation_a + segmentation_b

        cache[string] = best_segmentation, best_score
        return cache[string]
    def segment_words_dynamically(self, string, cache):
        Segments a sentence into words using by optimizing unigram counts globally as well as favoring long words over
        short ones. Uses dynamic programming under the hood, adding to the cache of best segmentation for the given
        string and all substrings.
        This method is called recursively.
        :param string: words without spaces separating them
        :param cache: cache of best segmentations for the string (or any other strings in the global string)
        :return: list of words that are a word segmentation of the given string
        if string in cache:  # dynamic programming part
            return cache[string]

        frequency_whole = self.unigram_provider.get_frequency(string)
        score_whole = log(frequency_whole) if frequency_whole != 0 else 0
        if len(string) <= 1:  # base case
            cache[string] = [string], score_whole
            return cache[string]

        best_segmentation = [string]
        best_score = score_whole

        for i in range(1, len(string)):  # recursive case
            a, b = bisect_string(string, i)
            segmentation_a, score_a = self.segment_words_dynamically(a, cache)
            segmentation_b, score_b = self.segment_words_dynamically(b, cache)
            score = log(exp(score_a) + exp(score_b)) / (len(segmentation_a) + len(segmentation_b))
            if score > best_score:
                best_score = score
                best_segmentation = segmentation_a + segmentation_b

        cache[string] = best_segmentation, best_score
        return cache[string]