Beispiel #1
def pay_for_a_plan(request,plan_name):

    context = {}

    #check if the plan is valid.
    valid_plans = ["L1","L2","L5","U1","U3","U6"]
    if plan_name not in valid_plans :
        raise Http404("Data transfer selected is not valid.")

    # get the plan the user has selected
    all_plans = Data_Transfer_Plan.objects.all()
    plan = utility_functions.get_plan_by_name(all_plans,plan_name)

    # get the user's coupons
    user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get( user = request.user )
    user_existing_coupons = Coupon.objects.filter( user_profile = user_profile )

    # create the temp plan for the plan selected by user
    selected_plan = utility_functions.create_temp_plan(plan, user_existing_coupons)
    context['selected_plan'] = selected_plan

    # does the user have any coupons?
    if not user_existing_coupons:
        context['coupon_available'] = False

        # if the customer has some coupons
        context['coupon_available'] = True
        context['existing_coupons'] = user_existing_coupons

        # get the best coupon
        best_coupon = utility_functions.get_best_coupon(user_existing_coupons)

    return render(request,'payment/pay_for_a_plan.html',context)
Beispiel #2
def get_alternative_plans(all_plans, selected_plan, coupons):
    alt_plans = []
    ordered_names = ["L1","L2","L5","U1","U3","U6"]

    for name in ordered_names:
        if name != selected_plan.plan_name:
            alternative_plan = utility_functions.get_plan_by_name(all_plans, name)
            alternative_temp_plan = utility_functions.create_temp_plan(alternative_plan,coupons)
    return alt_plans
Beispiel #3
def initialise_payment_payline(request,plan_name):

    #check if the plan is valid.
    valid_plans = ["L1","L2","L5","U1","U3","U6"]
    if plan_name not in valid_plans :
        raise Http404("Data transfer selected is not valid.")

    # get the plan the user has selected
    all_plans = Data_Transfer_Plan.objects.all()
    plan = utility_functions.get_plan_by_name(all_plans,plan_name)

    # get the user's coupons
    user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get( user = request.user )
    user_existing_coupons = Coupon.objects.filter( user_profile = user_profile )

    # create the temp plan for the plan selected by user
    selected_plan = utility_functions.create_temp_plan(plan, user_existing_coupons)

    # create a pending purchase
    pending_purchase = PendingPurchase()
    pending_purchase.data_transfer_plan = plan
    pending_purchase.user = request.user

    # prepare amount
    if user_existing_coupons:
        amount = selected_plan.discounted_price
        amount =  selected_plan.original_price

    # get gateway_url
    # integrate pending purchase hashcode in redirect url
    redirect_url = ''+pending_purchase.hashcode+'/'
    gateway_url = send_url(amount, redirect_url,SEND_URL_FINAL, PAYLINE_DOTIR_API_FINAL)

    # redirect to
    return redirect(gateway_url)
Beispiel #4
def activate_plan(request,plan_name):

    # check that the model chosen is correct.
    valid_plans = ["L1","L2","L5","U1","U3","U6"]

    user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get( user = request.user )

    context['coupon_code_entered'] = False

    if plan_name not in valid_plans :
      raise Http404("Data transfer selected is not valid.")

    if request.method == "POST":
        # a new coupon code has been entered. Check if the coupon is valid and enter the code.

        context['coupon_code_entered'] = True
        form = AddCouponForm(request.POST)

        if form.is_valid():

            hashcode = form.cleaned_data['hashcode']

            # associate the code to the customer profile
                coupon = Coupon.objects.get( hashcode = hashcode )
                coupon.user_profile = user_profile
                context['wrong_coupon_entered'] = False

            except Coupon.DoesNotExist:
                # the coupon entered does not exist in the database
                context['wrong_coupon_entered'] = True

            # form is not valid
            context['wrong_coupon_entered'] = True

        # request.method is not POST
        # do the pricing given the customer's coupons

    all_plans = Data_Transfer_Plan.objects.all()
    plan = utility_functions.get_plan_by_name(all_plans,plan_name)

        # check if the user has any discount coupon.
    user_existing_coupons = Coupon.objects.filter( user_profile = user_profile )

    selected_plan = utility_functions.create_temp_plan(plan, user_existing_coupons)
    alternative_plans = get_alternative_plans(all_plans,selected_plan, user_existing_coupons)

            # set up the context

    context['selected_plan'] = selected_plan
    context['alt_plan_0'] = alternative_plans[0]
    context['alt_plan_1'] = alternative_plans[1]
    context['alt_plan_2'] = alternative_plans[2]
    context['alt_plan_3'] = alternative_plans[3]
    context['alt_plan_4'] = alternative_plans[4]

            # setting the context, depending on whether the customer has any coupons available
    if not user_existing_coupons:
        context['coupon_available'] = False

                # if the customer has some coupons
        context['coupon_available'] = True
        context['existing_coupons'] = user_existing_coupons

    add_coupon_form = AddCouponForm()
    context['add_coupon_form'] = add_coupon_form

    return render(request,'bitasync_site/payment_with_coupons.html',context)