Beispiel #1
def murex_deployLicence(licenceFile=None, backup=True, bounceServices=None):
    Used for deploying the licence of Murex
    .. note::
        * It backups to $MX/../archive - usually
        * The backup is named [Year_Month_Date_Hour_Min_Sec]
        * The licence jar file is rsync'ed from the localhost to the remote server
        * The licence is exploded and the orginal file removed
        * You are given the option of bouncing the services
    :type licenceFile: String
    :param licenceFile: The path of the licence file on the localhost machine. If this is not supplied the user will be asked  
    :type bounceServices: Boolean
    :param bounceServices: If left blank, the user is questioned if services need to be bounced. For bulk operations, set to True or False for bouncing services automatically.  
    Specify the full path of the licence directory of the remote server in the variable folderToBackup 
    >>> fab -H murex_deployLicence    In this situation you will be asked for the location of the file
    >>> fab -H murex_deployLicence:licenceFile=/tmp/licence.jar
    >>> fab server_dev murex_deployLicence:licenceFile=/tmp/licence.jar,bounceServices=True

    if (licenceFile == None):
        licenceFile = _getLocationOfFile_(
            "What is the location of the licence file on the localhost?")

    #The folder that needs to be backed up
    folderToBackup = _getMX_() + '/fs/licence'
    licenceFileName = os.path.basename(licenceFile)

    #Backup if required
    if (backup):
                 archiveFolder=_getMX_() + '/../archive')

    #Copy licence from localhost to remote server
    rsync(licenceFile, folderToBackup)

    jarCommand = _jarCommand_() + 'xf ' + licenceFileName

    #Explode the new licence
    murex_runCommand('echo "Exploding licence";\
            cd ' + folderToBackup + ';\
            echo "I am in `pwd`" ;\
            ' + jarCommand + ';\
            echo "Removing jar";rm ' + licenceFileName)

Beispiel #2
def murex_deployLicence(licenceFile=None, backup=True, bounceServices=None):
    Used for deploying the licence of Murex
    .. note::
        * It backups to $MX/../archive - usually
        * The backup is named [Year_Month_Date_Hour_Min_Sec]
        * The licence jar file is rsync'ed from the localhost to the remote server
        * The licence is exploded and the orginal file removed
        * You are given the option of bouncing the services
    :type licenceFile: String
    :param licenceFile: The path of the licence file on the localhost machine. If this is not supplied the user will be asked  
    :type bounceServices: Boolean
    :param bounceServices: If left blank, the user is questioned if services need to be bounced. For bulk operations, set to True or False for bouncing services automatically.  
    Specify the full path of the licence directory of the remote server in the variable folderToBackup 
    >>> fab -H murex_deployLicence    In this situation you will be asked for the location of the file
    >>> fab -H murex_deployLicence:licenceFile=/tmp/licence.jar
    >>> fab server_dev murex_deployLicence:licenceFile=/tmp/licence.jar,bounceServices=True
    if (licenceFile == None):
        licenceFile = _getLocationOfFile_("What is the location of the licence file on the localhost?")
    #The folder that needs to be backed up
    folderToBackup = _getMX_() + '/fs/licence'
    licenceFileName = os.path.basename(licenceFile)
    #Backup if required
    if (backup):
        _backup_(folderToBackup = folderToBackup, 
                   archiveFolder=_getMX_() + '/../archive')

    #Copy licence from localhost to remote server
    rsync(licenceFile, folderToBackup)
    jarCommand = _jarCommand_() + 'xf ' + licenceFileName

    #Explode the new licence
    murex_runCommand('echo "Exploding licence";\
            cd ' + folderToBackup + ';\
            echo "I am in `pwd`" ;\
            ' + jarCommand + ';\
            echo "Removing jar";rm ' + licenceFileName)

Beispiel #3
def murex_deployAppTree(appTree=None, backup=True, bounceServices=None):
    Used for deploying a packaged Murex AppTree 
    .. note::
        * It backups to $MX/../archive
        * The location path is created if it does not exist
        * Services are stopped
        * The backup is named [Year_Month_Date_Hour_Min_Sec]
        * Everything in the $MX folder is deleted
        * The appTree zip file is rsync'ed from the localhost to the remote server
        * The apptree is exploded and the packaged file removed
        * You are given the option of starting the services
    :type appTree: String
    :param appTree: Location of apptree on the localhost
    :type bounceServices: Boolean
    :param bounceServices: If left blank, the user is questioned if services need to be bounced. For bulk operations, set to True or False for bouncing services automatically.  
    >>> fab -H murex_deployAppTree
    >>> fab -H murex_deployAppTree:appTree=/tmp/murex.tar.gz
    >>> fab server_dev murex_deployAppTree:appTree=/tmp/murex.tar.gz,bounceServices=True
    if (appTree == None):
        appTree = _getLocationOfFile_("What is the location of the app tree file [murex.tar.gz] on the localhost?")
    #The folder that needs to be backed up
    murexAppTreePath = _getMX_()
    #Get the filename
    appTreeFileName = os.path.basename(appTree)
    #Create the apptree folder in case it does not exist
    run('mkdir -p ' + murexAppTreePath)
        #Stop the services, if there is an error ignore it
        murex_stopServices(ignoreError = True)
        ignoreError = False #Do Nothing 
    #Backup if required
    if (backup):
        _backup_(folderToBackup = murexAppTreePath, 
                   archiveFolder=murexAppTreePath + '/../archive')        
    #Copy apptree from localhost to remote server
    rsync(appTree, murexAppTreePath)
    tarCommand = _tarCommand_() + 'zxf ' + appTreeFileName
    #Explode the new apptree
    murex_runCommand("echo 'Exploding apptree';" + tarCommand + ";rm " + appTreeFileName)
    #TODO: Add init of files      
    #If required start the services
Beispiel #4
def murex_deployAppTree(appTree=None, backup=True, bounceServices=None):
    Used for deploying a packaged Murex AppTree 
    .. note::
        * It backups to $MX/../archive
        * The location path is created if it does not exist
        * Services are stopped
        * The backup is named [Year_Month_Date_Hour_Min_Sec]
        * Everything in the $MX folder is deleted
        * The appTree zip file is rsync'ed from the localhost to the remote server
        * The apptree is exploded and the packaged file removed
        * You are given the option of starting the services
    :type appTree: String
    :param appTree: Location of apptree on the localhost
    :type bounceServices: Boolean
    :param bounceServices: If left blank, the user is questioned if services need to be bounced. For bulk operations, set to True or False for bouncing services automatically.  
    >>> fab -H murex_deployAppTree
    >>> fab -H murex_deployAppTree:appTree=/tmp/murex.tar.gz
    >>> fab server_dev murex_deployAppTree:appTree=/tmp/murex.tar.gz,bounceServices=True
    if (appTree == None):
        appTree = _getLocationOfFile_(
            "What is the location of the app tree file [murex.tar.gz] on the localhost?"

    #The folder that needs to be backed up
    murexAppTreePath = _getMX_()

    #Get the filename
    appTreeFileName = os.path.basename(appTree)

    #Create the apptree folder in case it does not exist
    run('mkdir -p ' + murexAppTreePath)

        #Stop the services, if there is an error ignore it
        ignoreError = False  #Do Nothing

    #Backup if required
    if (backup):
                 archiveFolder=murexAppTreePath + '/../archive')

    #Copy apptree from localhost to remote server
    rsync(appTree, murexAppTreePath)

    tarCommand = _tarCommand_() + 'zxf ' + appTreeFileName

    #Explode the new apptree
    murex_runCommand("echo 'Exploding apptree';" + tarCommand + ";rm " +

    #TODO: Add init of files

    #If required start the services