Beispiel #1
    def rate(self, ground_truth, prediction, label, ts_length,
        Computes TP, FP, TN, FN according to section IV-A.
        matches = defaultdict(lambda: [])
        tp = []
        if len(prediction) > 0:
            for i, e in enumerate(ground_truth):
                match_id = find_nearest(prediction, e)
                match = prediction[match_id]
                distance = abs(match - e)
                if distance < shapelet_length:
                    matches[match].append((distance, e))

            for p in matches.keys():
                asdf = min(matches[p], key=lambda x: x[0])
                tp.append((p, asdf[1]))
        self.confusion_matrix[label].TP += len(tp)
        self.confusion_matrix[label].FP += len(prediction) - len(tp)
        self.confusion_matrix[label].FN += len(ground_truth) - len(tp)
        self.confusion_matrix[label].TN += (
            ts_length - len(ground_truth)) - self.confusion_matrix[label].FP
        for x, y in tp:
            self.confusion_matrix[label].time_differences.append(abs(x - y))
Beispiel #2
 def ns_lookup(self, wavelength, tolerance=0.30):
     """Lookup set of test wavelengths closes with a given tolerance, see if night sky"""
     # TODO - Possible to make this check if brightness of night sky is expected
     near = utilities.find_nearest(self.ns_atlas[:, 0], wavelength)
     if abs(near - wavelength) < tolerance:
         return self.ns_atlas[self.ns_atlas[:, 0] == near][0]
         return []
Beispiel #3
    def findTags(self):
        for offset in
            newMZ = np.array( - offset
            for tagCandidate in self.tagCandidates:
                tagPeak2 = tagCandidate['peaks'][0]
                tagPeak3 = tagCandidate['peaks'][1]
                tagPeak4 = tagCandidate['peaks'][2]
                index2 = util.find_nearest(tagPeak2, newMZ)
                index3 = util.find_nearest(tagPeak3, newMZ)
                index4 = util.find_nearest(tagPeak4, newMZ)
                peak1 = 0
                peak2 = newMZ[index2]
                peak3 = newMZ[index3]
                peak4 = newMZ[index4]
                #print(peak1, peak2, peak3, peak4)
                base1 = 0
                base2 = peak2 - tagPeak2
                base3 = peak3 - tagPeak3
                base4 = peak4 - tagPeak4
                baseAvg = (base1 + base2 + base3 + base4)/4.0
                #print(base1, base2, base3, base4, baseAvg)
                ss1 = (base1 - baseAvg)**2
                ss2 = (base2 - baseAvg)**2
                ss3 = (base3 - baseAvg)**2
                ss4 = (base4 - baseAvg)**2
                sse = ss1 + ss2 + ss3 + ss4
                if sse<0.2:
                    p1 = self.getPeak(peak1 + offset)
                    p2 = self.getPeak(peak2 + offset)
                    p3 = self.getPeak(peak3 + offset)
                    p4 = self.getPeak(peak4 + offset)

                    complementScore = 0
                    for p in [p1, p2, p3, p4]:
                        if p.hasCounterpart:
                            complementScore += 1
                    rank = p1.rank + p2.rank + p3.rank + p4.rank
                    rankScore = self.calculateIntensityRankPValue(rank)
                    if rankScore < 0.1:
                        print(tagCandidate['sequence'], rankScore, complementScore)
Beispiel #4
 def createPeaks(self):
     for i in range(0, len(
         mz =[i]
         intensity = self.intensity[i]
         rank = self.ranks[i]
         counterpartMass = self.MH - mz + 1
         counterpartIndex = util.find_nearest(counterpartMass,
         counterpartDifference = abs([counterpartIndex] - mz)
         if counterpartDifference < self.mzTolerance:
             hasCounterpart = True
             hasCounterpart = False
         self.peakList.append(Peak(mz, intensity, hasCounterpart, rank))
Beispiel #5
 def create_connections(self):
     for i in range(0, len( - 1):
         for j in range(i + 1, len(
             mass_diff =[j] -[i]
             if mass_diff >= self.minMass and mass_diff <= self.maxMass:
                 self.edges += 1
                 closest_aa_mass_idx = util.find_nearest(
                     self.aa.values(), mass_diff)
                 match = False
                 if abs(self.aa.values()[closest_aa_mass_idx] -
                        mass_diff) <= self.massTolerance:
                     match = True
                     MassConnection([i],[j], mass_diff,
Beispiel #6
def get_hr_radar_dap_data(dap_urls, st_list, jd_start, jd_stop):
    # Use only data within 1.00 degrees
    obs_df = []
    obs_or_model = False
    max_dist = 1.0
    # Use only data where the standard deviation of the time series exceeds 0.01 m (1 cm).
    # This eliminates flat line model time series that come from land points that should have had missing values.
    min_var = 0.1
    data_idx = []

    df_list = []
    for url in dap_urls:
        #only look at 6km hf radar
        if '' in url and "6km" in url and "GNOME" in url:
            print url
            #get url
            nc = netCDF4.Dataset(url, 'r')
            lat_dim = nc.variables['lat']
            lon_dim = nc.variables['lon']
            time_dim = nc.variables['time']
            u_var = None
            v_var = None
            for key in nc.variables.iterkeys():
                key_dim = nc.variables[key]
                    if key_dim.standard_name == "surface_eastward_sea_water_velocity":
                        u_var = key_dim
                    elif key_dim.standard_name == "surface_northward_sea_water_velocity":
                        v_var = key_dim
                    elif key_dim.standard_name == "time":
                        time = key_dim
                    #only if the standard name is not available

            #manage dates
            dates = num2date(time_dim[:],
            date_idx = []
            date_list = []
            for i, date in enumerate(dates):
                if jd_start < date < jd_stop:
            #manage location
            for st in st_list:
                station = st_list[st]
                f_lat = station['lat']
                f_lon = station['lon']

                ret = find_nearest(f_lat, f_lon, lat_dim[:], lon_dim[:])
                lat_idx = ret[0]
                lon_idx = ret[1]
                dist_deg = ret[2]
                #print "lat,lon,dist=",ret

                if len(u_var.dimensions) == 3:
                    ret = cycleAndGetData(u_var, v_var, date_idx, lat_idx,
                    u_vals = ret[0]
                    v_vals = ret[1]

                    lat_idx = ret[2]
                    lon_idx = ret[3]

                    print "lat,lon,dist=", ret[2], ret[3]
                    #turn vectors in the speed and direction
                    ws = uv2ws(u_vals, v_vals)
                    wd = uv2wd(u_vals, v_vals)

                    data_spd = []
                    data_dir = []
                    data = {}
                    data['sea_water_speed (cm/s)'] = np.array(ws)
                        'direction_of_sea_water_velocity (degree)'] = np.array(
                    time = np.array(date_list)

                    df = pd.DataFrame(
                            'sea_water_speed (cm/s)',
                            'direction_of_sea_water_velocity (degree)'
                        "name": st,
                        "data": df,
                        "lat": lat_dim[lat_idx],
                        "lon": lon_dim[lon_idx],
                        "ws_pts": np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(ws)),
                        "wd_pts": np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(wd)),
                        "dist": dist_deg,
                        'from': url
                except Exception, e:
                    print "\t\terror:", e
Beispiel #7
def aggregate(in_data, agg_data, res=0, pad=0, maskandnorm=False):
    Add the two data sets together and return the combined arrays.
    Expand the horizontal dimensions as necessary to fit in_data with agg_data.
    The two data sets must include the coordinate variables lon,lat, and time.

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # find range of coordinates
    if agg_data:
        lat_min = np.minimum(in_data['lat'].min(), agg_data['lat'].min())
        lat_max = np.maximum(in_data['lat'].max(), agg_data['lat'].max())
        lon_min = np.minimum(in_data['lon'].min(), agg_data['lon'].min())
        lon_max = np.maximum(in_data['lon'].max(), agg_data['lon'].max())
        tshape = in_data['unit_hydrograph'].shape[0]
        lat_min = in_data['lat'].min()
        lat_max = in_data['lat'].max()
        lon_min = in_data['lon'].min()
        lon_max = in_data['lon'].max()
        tshape = in_data['unit_hydrograph'].shape[0]
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # make output arrays for lons/lats and initialize fraction/unit_hydrograph
    # pad output arrays so there is a space =pad around inputs
    lats = np.arange((lat_min - res * pad), (lat_max + res * (pad + 1)),
    lons = np.arange((lon_min - res * pad), (lon_max + res * (pad + 1)), res)

    fraction = np.zeros((len(lats), len(lons)), dtype=np.float64)
    unit_hydrograph = np.zeros((tshape, len(lats), len(lons)),
    log.debug('fraction shape %s' % str(fraction.shape))
    log.debug('unit_hydrograph shape %s' % str(unit_hydrograph.shape))
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # find target index locations of all corners for both datasets
    # Not that the lat inds are inverted
    ilat_min_ind = find_nearest(lats, np.max(in_data['lat']))
    ilat_max_ind = find_nearest(lats, np.min(in_data['lat'])) + 1
    ilon_min_ind = find_nearest(lons, np.min(in_data['lon']))
    ilon_max_ind = find_nearest(lons, np.max(in_data['lon'])) + 1

    log.debug('in_data fraction shape: %s', str(in_data['fraction'].shape))

    if agg_data:
        alat_min_ind = find_nearest(lats, np.max(agg_data['lat']))
        alat_max_ind = find_nearest(lats, np.min(agg_data['lat'])) + 1
        alon_min_ind = find_nearest(lons, np.min(agg_data['lon']))
        alon_max_ind = find_nearest(lons, np.max(agg_data['lon'])) + 1

        log.debug('agg_data fraction shape: %s',

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # Place data
             ilon_min_ind:ilon_max_ind] += in_data['fraction']
    unit_hydrograph[:, ilat_min_ind:ilat_max_ind,
                    ilon_min_ind:ilon_max_ind] += in_data['unit_hydrograph']

    if agg_data:
                 alon_min_ind:alon_max_ind] += agg_data['fraction']
        unit_hydrograph[:, alat_min_ind:alat_max_ind,
                        alon_min_ind:alon_max_ind] += agg_data[
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # Mask and Normalize the unit unit_hydrograph
    if (maskandnorm):
        # Normalize the unit_hydrograph (each cell should sum to 1)

        yv, xv = np.nonzero(fraction > 0.0)
        unit_hydrograph[:, yv, xv] /= unit_hydrograph[:, yv, xv].sum(axis=0)

        # Mask the unit_hydrograph and make sure they sum to 1 at each grid
        # cell
        ym, xm = np.nonzero(fraction <= 0.0)
        unit_hydrograph[:, ym, xm] = FILLVALUE_F'Completed final aggregation step')
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # Put all the data into agg_data variable and return to main
    agg_data['timesteps'] = in_data['timesteps']
    agg_data['unit_hydrograph_dt'] = in_data['unit_hydrograph_dt']
    agg_data['lon'] = lons
    agg_data['lat'] = lats
    agg_data['fraction'] = fraction
    agg_data['unit_hydrograph'] = unit_hydrograph
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
    return agg_data
Beispiel #8
def aggregate(in_data, agg_data, res=0, pad=0, maskandnorm=False):
    Add the two data sets together and return the combined arrays.
    Expand the horizontal dimensions as necessary to fit in_data with agg_data.
    The two data sets must include the coordinate variables lon,lat, and time.

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # find range of coordinates
    if agg_data:
        lat_min = np.minimum(in_data['lat'].min(), agg_data['lat'].min())
        lat_max = np.maximum(in_data['lat'].max(), agg_data['lat'].max())
        lon_min = np.minimum(in_data['lon'].min(), agg_data['lon'].min())
        lon_max = np.maximum(in_data['lon'].max(), agg_data['lon'].max())
        tshape = in_data['unit_hydrograph'].shape[0]
        lat_min = in_data['lat'].min()
        lat_max = in_data['lat'].max()
        lon_min = in_data['lon'].min()
        lon_max = in_data['lon'].max()
        tshape = in_data['unit_hydrograph'].shape[0]
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # make output arrays for lons/lats and initialize fraction/unit_hydrograph
    # pad output arrays so there is a space =pad around inputs
    lats = np.arange((lat_min-res*pad), (lat_max+res*(pad+1)), res)[::-1]
    lons = np.arange((lon_min-res*pad), (lon_max+res*(pad+1)), res)

    fraction = np.zeros((len(lats), len(lons)))
    unit_hydrograph = np.zeros((tshape, len(lats), len(lons)))
    log.debug('fraction shape %s' % str(fraction.shape))
    log.debug('unit_hydrograph shape %s' % str(unit_hydrograph.shape))
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # find target index locations of all corners for both datasets
    # Not that the lat inds are inverted
    ilat_min_ind = find_nearest(lats, np.max(in_data['lat']))
    ilat_max_ind = find_nearest(lats, np.min(in_data['lat']))+1
    ilon_min_ind = find_nearest(lons, np.min(in_data['lon']))
    ilon_max_ind = find_nearest(lons, np.max(in_data['lon']))+1

    log.debug('in_data fraction shape: %s' % str(in_data['fraction'].shape))

    if agg_data:
        alat_min_ind = find_nearest(lats, np.max(agg_data['lat']))
        alat_max_ind = find_nearest(lats, np.min(agg_data['lat']))+1
        alon_min_ind = find_nearest(lons, np.min(agg_data['lon']))
        alon_max_ind = find_nearest(lons, np.max(agg_data['lon']))+1

        log.debug('agg_data fraction shape: %s' % str(agg_data['fraction'].shape))

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # Place data
    fraction[ilat_min_ind:ilat_max_ind, ilon_min_ind:ilon_max_ind] += in_data['fraction']
    unit_hydrograph[:, ilat_min_ind:ilat_max_ind, ilon_min_ind:ilon_max_ind] += in_data['unit_hydrograph']

    if agg_data:
        fraction[alat_min_ind:alat_max_ind, alon_min_ind:alon_max_ind] += agg_data['fraction']
        unit_hydrograph[:, alat_min_ind:alat_max_ind, alon_min_ind:alon_max_ind] += agg_data['unit_hydrograph']
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # Mask and Normalize the unit unit_hydrograph
    if (maskandnorm):
        # Normalize the unit_hydrograph (each cell should sum to 1)

        yv, xv = np.nonzero(fraction > 0.0)
        unit_hydrograph[:, yv, xv] /= unit_hydrograph[:, yv, xv].sum(axis=0)

        # Mask the unit_hydrograph and make sure they sum to 1 at each grid cell
        ym, xm = np.nonzero(fraction <= 0.0)
        unit_hydrograph[:, ym, xm] = FILLVALUE_F'Completed final aggregation step')
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # Put all the data into agg_data variable and return to main

    agg_data['timesteps'] = in_data['timesteps']
    agg_data['unit_hydrograph_dt'] = in_data['unit_hydrograph_dt']
    agg_data['lon'] = lons
    agg_data['lat'] = lats
    agg_data['fraction'] = fraction
    agg_data['unit_hydrograph'] = unit_hydrograph
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
    return agg_data
Beispiel #9
 print '-------------------------------'
 print 'Halo ID:',id
 print 'log10(M_DM):',np.round(np.log10(DM_mass),3)
 print 'log10(M_*):',np.round(np.log10(stellar_mass),3)
 stellar_mass_wrec=0.0 #stellar masses corrected for recycling
 for si,s in enumerate(stars):
     ste_sed=(10**10)*mass*ssp[Zn]['sed'][agei] # stellar SED for just this star!
     if si==0:
Beispiel #10
for scope, title in zip([10, 8, 11, 14], ['Maximal Transmission (10Hz)', 'Maximal Transmission (2Hz)', 'Maximal Coupling (10Hz)', 'Anti-Symmetric Cavity Reflection']):
    time, channel_1_data, channel_2_data, channel_1_props, channel_2_props = read_folder(scope)
    ch2_freq, ch2_linvoltage = linear_volt2freq(channel_2_data)
    boot_plots(time, [channel_1_data, channel_2_data, ch2_linvoltage], ['CH1', 'CH2', 'CH2 fit'], 'Time(s)')
    plt.title('%s : Raw Data' % title)
    plt.savefig(str(graph_dir.joinpath('scope_%s_raw.png' % scope)))
    axes = boot_plots(ch2_freq, [channel_1_data], ['Cavity Response'], 'Frequency(MHz)')
    if scope in (8, 10):
        point_labeller(axes, 'max', ch2_freq, channel_1_data)

        # We also wish to find FWHM here... jenky code but its one time use
        max_voltage = channel_1_data.max()
        max_index = np.argmax(channel_1_data)

        FWHM_index_low, FWHM_index_high = find_nearest(channel_1_data[:max_index], max_voltage/2), max_index + find_nearest(channel_1_data[max_index:], max_voltage/2)
        FEHM_low, FWHM_high = ch2_freq[FWHM_index_low], ch2_freq[FWHM_index_high]

        FWHM = abs(FWHM_high - FEHM_low)
        title = '%s : FWHM = %.2f MHz' % (title, FWHM)
        plt.savefig(str(graph_dir.joinpath('scope_%s.png' % scope)))

        Q_l = ch2_freq[max_index]/FWHM

        print('For graph %s we have %s as the quality factor' % (title, Q_l))

        gamma = gamma_sq(Q_l, ch2_freq[max_index], ch2_freq)

        axes = boot_plots(ch2_freq, [gamma], ['Power Reflection Coefficent '], 'Frequency(MHz)', y_axis='$|\Gamma|^2$')
Beispiel #11
        print '-------------------------------'
        print '-------------------------------'

        print 'Halo ID:', id
        print 'log10(M_DM):', np.round(np.log10(DM_mass), 3)
        print 'log10(M_*):', np.round(np.log10(stellar_mass), 3)

        stellar_mass_wrec = 0.0  #stellar masses corrected for recycling

        for si, s in enumerate(stars):
            mass = s[1]
            z = (1. / s[2]) - 1

            Z = s[3]
            Zi = u.find_nearest(mets, Z)
            Zn = mets[Zi]

            age = np.interp(z, redshifts, ages) * 1000.
            agei = u.find_nearest(ssp[Zn]['age'], age)
            agen = ssp[Zn]['age'][agei]

            stellar_mass_wrec += mass * ssp[Zn]['frac'][agei]

            ste_sed = (10**10) * mass * ssp[Zn]['sed'][
                agei]  # stellar SED for just this star!

            Hbeta_flux = mass * (
                10**10) * ssp[Zn]['nebula_lines']['fluxes']['Hbeta'][agei]

            if si == 0: