Beispiel #1
def tables_drs_pc():
    prev = []
    rel_prec = []
    cl_number = []
    #Read unit for population
    session['n'] = int(request.form['pop_size'])
    # Read prevalence guesses
    if ut.is_float(request.form['prev1']) and float(request.form['prev1'])<100:
    if ut.is_float(request.form['prev2']) and float(request.form['prev2'])<100:
    if ut.is_float(request.form['prev3']) and float(request.form['prev3'])<100:
    if len(prev) == 0:
       return render_template('error.html', error='No valid anticipated guess given!')
    # Read cluster size
    if ut.is_int(request.form['clust1']):
    if ut.is_int(request.form['clust2']):
    if ut.is_int(request.form['clust3']):
    if len(cl_number) == 0:
       return render_template('error.html', error='No valid number of clusters given!')
    # Read relative precision
    if ut.is_float(request.form['d1']):
    if ut.is_float(request.form['d2']):
    if len(rel_prec) == 0:
       return render_template('error.html', error='No valid relative precision given!')
    if session['kind'] == 'drs': 
        if ut.is_float(request.form['partic']):
            partic = float(request.form['partic'])/100
            render_template('error.html', error='Format error for the participation rate.')
        partic = 1.0

    if ut.is_float(request.form['deff']):
        deff = float(request.form['deff'])
        render_template('error.html', error='Format error for the design effect.')

    #table: Required cluster and sample size
    t = {p: {d: {} for d in rel_prec} for p in prev}
    for p in prev:
        for d in rel_prec:
            t[p][d] = []
            samplesize = plots_drs_pc.samplesize(session['n'], p, d, deff, partic)
            for m in cl_number:
                t[p][d].append((int(math.ceil(samplesize/m)), int(math.ceil(samplesize))))

    return render_template('tables_drs_pc.html', t=t, prev=prev, cl_number=cl_number, 
Beispiel #2
def visualize_drs_pc():
    session['n'] = int(request.form['pop_size'])
    if ut.is_float(request.form['min_prev']) and ut.is_float(request.form['max_prev']):
        min_prev = float(request.form['min_prev'])/100
        max_prev = float(request.form['max_prev'])/100
        return render_template('error.html', error='Format error for min or max prevalence.')
    if ut.is_int(request.form['min_clust']) and ut.is_int(request.form['max_clust']):
        min_clust = int(request.form['min_clust'])
        max_clust = int(request.form['max_clust'])
        return render_template('error.html', error='Format error for min or max number of clusters.')

    if ut.is_float(request.form['d']):
        d = float(request.form['d'])/100
        return render_template('error.html', error='Format error for the relative precision.')

    if ut.is_float(request.form['deff']):
        deff = float(request.form['deff'])
        return render_template('error.html', error='Format error for the design effect.')

    if session['kind'] == 'drs':
        if ut.is_float(request.form['partic']):
            partic = float(request.form['partic'])/100
            return render_template('error.html', error='Format error for the participation rate.')
        partic = 1.0
    range_p = np.linspace(min_prev, max_prev, 5)

    range_m = [min_clust, min_clust + int(0.33*(max_clust - min_clust)), 
            min_clust + int(0.66*(max_clust - min_clust)), max_clust]
    figdata = plots_drs_pc.plot_cl_size_by_cl_number(session['n'], range_p=range_p,
        range_m=range_m, partic_rate=partic, d=d, deff=deff)

    return render_template('visualize_drs_pc.html', figdata=figdata,
            d=d, n=session['n'], partic=partic, kind=session['kind'])
Beispiel #3
def data_inserted():

    abs_notif = []
    times = []
    # usual issue of int changed to unicode str in session dict...
    pop = {int(k): session['pop'][k] for k in session['pop']}

    # we also want to check that there is enough recent data
    recent_data = 0

    for y in session['hist_years']:
        for i in session['columns']:
            if ut.is_int(request.form["%s_%s" %(y, i)]) and pop[y] != 0:
                times.append((int(y), i))
                abs_notif.append(int(request.form["%s_%s" %(y, i)]))
                if y >= SEC_LAST:
                    recent_data += 1

    # Check if enough recent data: 
    # e.g. for quarterly it means at least 4 quarters after SEC_LAST year 
    if recent_data < session['periods'] or len(times) < T:
        return render_template("error.html", error=e.error_not_recent(T,
    # arrange the data in lists
    periods = session['periods']
    data = {'years': times, 'abs_notif': abs_notif}
    session['data'] = ed.arrange_data(data, pop, periods=periods)
    abs_notif = [int(n) for n in session['data']['abs_notif']]

    # plot it
    figdata = ed._plot_time_series(session['data'], periods=periods)

    # Display notification data
    to_display = zip(session['data']['times'], abs_notif)

    # Prepare empty rows for all years and then fill them
    hist = {y: [' ' for p in range(session['periods'])] for y in 
            range(to_display[0][0][0], to_display[-1][0][0]+1)}
    for t, n in to_display:
        hist[t[0]][t[1]-1] = n
    #column headers
    if periods == 1:
        columns = ['Notifications']
    elif periods == 4:
        columns = ['%d' %i for i in range(1,5)]
    elif periods == 12:
        columns = ['%d' %i for i in range(1,13)]

    return render_template("inserted_data.html", fig=figdata, hist=hist, 
Beispiel #4
def visualize():
    session['u'] = request.form['unit']
    session['int_u'] = int(session['u'].replace(',', ''))
    if ut.is_int(request.form['min_prev']) and ut.is_int(request.form['max_prev']) and \
int(request.form['min_prev'])<session['int_u'] and int(request.form['max_prev'])<session['int_u']:
        min_prev = int(request.form['min_prev'])
        max_prev = int(request.form['max_prev'])
        return render_template('error.html', error='Format error for min or max prevalence.')
    if min_prev >= max_prev - 4: 
        return render_template('error.html', error='The max value for prevalence should be larger \
than the maximum and the difference between the two should be at least 5.')
    if ut.is_float(request.form['k']):
        k = float(request.form['k'])
        return render_template('error.html', error='Format error for the coefficient of variation.')
    if ut.is_float(request.form['d']):
        d = float(request.form['d'])
        return render_template('error.html', error='Format error for the relative precision.')
    if ut.is_float(request.form['partic']):
        partic = float(request.form['partic'])
        return render_template('error.html', error='Format error for the participation rate.')
    range_p = range(min_prev, max_prev+1, (max_prev - min_prev) / 4)
    figdata1 = plots.plot_clusters_by_p(range_p=range_p,
        partic_rate=partic, d=d, k=k, u=session['int_u'], sizes=range(400, 1001, 100))

    figdata2 = plots.plot_deff_by_p(range_p=range_p,
            k=k, u=session['int_u'], sizes=range(400, 1001, 100), plot=False)

    prev_guess = range_p[len(range_p)/2-1]
    figdata3 = plots.plot_cluster_prev(prev_guess, u=session['int_u'], k=k)

    return render_template('visualize.html', figdata1=figdata1,
            figdata2=figdata2, figdata3=figdata3, k=k, d=d, u=session['u'], partic=partic,
Beispiel #5
    def GET(self):
        model.insert_view( + web.ctx.fullpath, web.ctx.status, web.ctx.ip, web.ctx.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] if 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' in web.ctx.env else None, "GET")
        web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
        web.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')

        data = web.input()

        limit = utilities.get_limit(data)
        offset = utilities.get_offset(data)
        department = ""
        reviews = False

        if not utilities.is_int(limit):
            return limit
        if not utilities.is_int(offset):
            return offset

        if 'department' in data:
            if len(data['department']) != 4:
                return utilities.api_error("department parameter must be 4 characters")

            department = data['department']

            if not model.department_has_course(department):
                return utilities.api_error("no courses found with that department")

        if 'reviews' in data:
            if not data['reviews'] in utilities.TRUE_FALSE:
                return utilities.api_error("reviews parameter must be either true or false")

            if data['reviews'] == 'true':
                reviews = True

        courses = model.get_courses(limit, offset, department, reviews)

        return json.dumps(list(courses))
Beispiel #6
def display_data():
    # read population as inputed by the user
    session['pop'] = {int(k): int(v) for (k, v) in session['pop'].items()}
    for y in session['all_years']:
        if ut.is_int(request.form['pop_%d' %y]):
            session['pop'][y] = int(request.form['pop_%d' %y])
           return render_template("error.html", error="Invalid format for \
population size in year %d" %y)

    if session['manual'] == True:
        # for yearly input, tables will have two columns
        half = int(math.ceil(len(session['hist_years'])/2.0))
        return render_template("input_table.html", columns=session['columns'], 
                years=session['hist_years'], half=half)

    # compute relative change per year, notif rates, etc 
    session['data'] = ed.arrange_data(session['all_data'], session['pop'], periods=1)

    # copy values except those in newdata
    for k in ['decline', 'detected_mdr', 'total_mdr', 'p_ret_rel', 'p_new', 
            'prob_mdr_new', 'prob_mdr_re', 'prev_100_k']:
        session[k] = session['all_data'][k]

    #plot the data
    figdata = ed._plot_time_series(session['data'])
    #produce list of years for which data is missing (does not include
    #years after X if data is missing for all years after X)
    if session['data']['interpolated']:
        missing_data, _ = zip(*session['data']['interpolated'])
        session['missing'], _ = zip(*missing_data)
        session['missing'] = []
    #extract notifications for last 10 years to display them
    years, _ = zip(*session['data']['times'])
    abs_notif = [int(n) for n in session['data']['abs_notif']]
    years_notif = zip(years, abs_notif)[-min(10, len(abs_notif)):]
    # first data point available
    year = years[0]
    return render_template("display_data.html", country=session['country'], 
            fig=figdata, missing=session['missing'], year=year,
Beispiel #7
def data_inserted_2():

    abs_notif = []
    times = []
    # usual issue of int changed to unicode str in session dict...
    pop = {int(k): session['pop'][k] for k in session['pop']}

    # we also want to check that there is enough recent data
    recent_data = 0

    # Get the name of the uploaded file
    f = request.files['file']
    # Check if the file is one of the allowed types/extensions
    if allowed_file(f.filename):
        # Make the filename safe, remove unsupported chars
        filename = secure_filename(f.filename)
        # Save the file
        return render_template('error.html', error = 'The uploaded file does \
not have csv extension.')
        with open(f.filename, 'r') as g:
            df = pd.read_csv(g)
    except: #for all possible errors...
        return render_template('error.html', error = 'No file loaded or \
incorrect format.')
    if session['periods'] == 1:
        headers = ['year', '1']
    if session['periods'] == 4:
        headers = ['year', '1', '2', '3', '4']
    if session['periods'] == 12:
        headers = ['year', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10',
                '11', '12']
    df_headers = list(df.columns)
    if len(headers) != len(df_headers):
       return render_template('error.html', error = 'Unexpected number of \
columns in the uploaded file!')
    for i in range(len(headers)):
        if headers[i] != df_headers[i]:
            return render_template('error.html', error = 'Some column header \
does not have the right format!')

    df_years = list(df.year)
    for y in session['hist_years']:
        for i in session['columns']:
            if y in df_years and ut.is_int(df[df['year']==y].iloc[0]['%s' %i]) and pop[y] != 0:
                times.append((int(y), i))
                abs_notif.append(int(df[df['year']==y].iloc[0]['%s' %i]))
                if y >= SEC_LAST:
                    recent_data += 1

    # Check if enough recent data: 
    # e.g. for quarterly it means at least 4 quarters after SEC_LAST year 
    if recent_data < session['periods'] or len(times) < T:
        return render_template("error.html", error=e.error_not_recent(T,
    # arrange the data in lists
    periods = session['periods']
    data = {'years': times, 'abs_notif': abs_notif}
    session['data'] = ed.arrange_data(data, pop, periods=periods)
    abs_notif = [int(n) for n in session['data']['abs_notif']]

    # plot it
    figdata = ed._plot_time_series(session['data'], periods=periods)

    # Display notification data
    to_display = zip(session['data']['times'], abs_notif)

    # Prepare empty rows for all years and then fill them
    hist = {y: [' ' for p in range(session['periods'])] for y in 
            range(to_display[0][0][0], to_display[-1][0][0]+1)}
    for t, n in to_display:
        hist[t[0]][t[1]-1] = n
    #column headers
    if periods == 1:
        columns = ['Notifications']
    elif periods == 4:
        columns = ['%d' %i for i in range(1,5)]
    elif periods == 12:
        columns = ['%d' %i for i in range(1,13)]

    return render_template("inserted_data.html", fig=figdata, hist=hist, 
Beispiel #8
def projection_parameters(): 
    # If the data was not manually inserted ask for starting year and outliers
    if session['manual'] == False:
        year = request.form['year']
        # If the starting year is valid
        if ut.is_int(year) and ut._verify_first_year(int(year), session['data'],
                session['missing'], T):
            year = int(year)
            # If some outliers, put them in a list
            outliers = request.form['outliers']
            if len(outliers) == 0:
                outliers = None
            elif ut.is_sequence_ints(outliers):
                outliers =  map(int, outliers.split(','))
                if year in outliers:
                    return render_template("error.html", error=e.error_outl())
                outliers = [(n, 1) for n in outliers]
                return render_template("error.html", error=e.error_outl())
            # Select the data for the projection
            enough_data, session['sel_data'], figdata = \
ed._select_data((year,1), session['data'], outliers=outliers, threshold=T)
            # If the given first year is not valid
            return render_template("error.html", error=e.error_year(T))

    #If the data was manually inserted...
        first = session['data']['times'][0] 
        enough_data, session['sel_data'], figdata = ed._select_data(first, 
                session['data'], threshold=T)

    # If the data is not enough to do time series smoothing ...
    if not enough_data:
        return render_template("error.html", error=e.error_not_enough())

    # Last year in history
    last_year = session['sel_data']['times'][-1][0]

    # If whole country
    if not session['subnational']: 
        # Compute decline in %
        decline_per_cent = abs(round(session['decline']*100, 2))
        # Formulate incidence decline as will be displayed
        if session['decline'] < 0:
            mode = 'increased by %.2f %%' %decline_per_cent
        elif session['decline'] > 0:
            mode = 'decreased by %.2f %%' %decline_per_cent
            mode = 'was approximately stable'
        decline_per_cent, mode = None, None

    if session['subnational'] or int(session['total_mdr']) == 0:
        #No MDR data
        MDR_form = False
        init_detected = None #dummy value
        MDR_form = True
        init_detected = round(session['detected_mdr']/float(session['total_mdr']),2) * 100
    session['init_detected_val'] = init_detected
    if init_detected > 95:
       init_detected = 'almost 100'
       session['init_detected_val'] = 100

    return render_template("input_values.html", mode=mode,
            whole_country=(not session['subnational']),
            init_detected_val = session['init_detected_val'])
Beispiel #9
def tables():
    prev = []
    coeff_var = []
    rel_prec = []
    size = []
    #Read unit for population
    session['u'] = request.form['unit']
    session['int_u'] = int(session['u'].replace(',', ''))
    # Read prevalence guesses
    if ut.is_int(request.form['prev1']) and int(request.form['prev1'])<session['int_u']:
    if ut.is_int(request.form['prev2']) and int(request.form['prev2'])<session['int_u']:
    if ut.is_int(request.form['prev3']) and int(request.form['prev3'])<session['int_u']:
    if ut.is_int(request.form['prev4']) and int(request.form['prev4'])<session['int_u']:
    if len(prev) == 0:
       return render_template('error.html', error='No valid prevalence guess given!')
    # Read cluster size
    if ut.is_int(request.form['size1']):
    if ut.is_int(request.form['size2']):
    if ut.is_int(request.form['size3']):
    if ut.is_int(request.form['size4']):
    if len(size) == 0:
       return render_template('error.html', error='No valid cluster size given!')
    # Read coeff of variation
    if ut.is_float(request.form['k1']):
    if ut.is_float(request.form['k2']):
    if ut.is_float(request.form['k3']):
    if len(coeff_var) == 0:
       return render_template('error.html', error='No valid coefficient of variation given!')
    # Read relative precision
    if ut.is_float(request.form['d1']):
    if ut.is_float(request.form['d2']):
    if len(rel_prec) == 0:
       return render_template('error.html', error='No valid relative precision given!')
    if ut.is_float(request.form['partic']):
        partic = float(request.form['partic'])
        render_template('error.html', error='Format error for the participation rate.')

    #table 1: Design effect
    t1 = {m: {} for m in size}
    for m in size:
        for k in coeff_var:
            t1[m][k] = [round(plots.design_effect(p/float(session['int_u']), m, k), 3) for p in prev]

    #table 2: Required sample size
    t2 = {m: {p: {} for p in prev} for m in size}
    for m in size:
        for p in prev:
            for d in rel_prec:
                samplesize = {}
                for k in coeff_var:
                    samplesize[k] = int(math.ceil(plots.samplesize(p/float(session['int_u']), 
                            d, m, k, partic)))
                t2[m][p][d] = [(samplesize[k], int(math.ceil(samplesize[k]/m))) 
                        for k in coeff_var]

    return render_template('tables.html', t1=t1, prev=prev, size=size,
            coeff_var=coeff_var, t2=t2, rel_prec=rel_prec,