Beispiel #1
def Chaikin_vol(df, n=14):
    HLRange = df['High'] - df['Low']
    EMA = HLRange.ewm(span=n, min_periods=n).mean()
    Chikinin_volat = bMA.get_return(ul.fnp(EMA), lag=n, cval=np.NaN)
    Chikinin_volat = ul.fnp(Chikinin_volat)

    return [ul.fnp(EMA), Chikinin_volat]
def preproces_data_3D(self, X, Y):

    # Preprocess the variables X and Y
    ### X axis date properties, just to be seen clearly
    ### First we transform everything to python format
    X = ul.fnp(X)
    Y = ul.fnp(Y)

    # Each plot can perform several plotting on the same X axis
    # So there could be more than one NcX and NcY
    # NpX and NpY must be the same.
    NpX, NcX = X.shape
    NpY, NcY = Y.shape

    if (X.size > 0):
        if (type(X[0, 0]).__name__ == "str"
                or type(X[0, 0]).__name__ == "string_"):
            self.Xticklabels = X.T.tolist()[0]
            X = ul.fnp(range(X.size))

    if (Y.size > 0):
        if (type(Y[0, 0]).__name__ == "str"
                or type(Y[0, 0]).__name__ == "string_"):
            self.Yticklabels = Y.T.tolist()[0]
            Y = ul.fnp(range(X.size))

    # The given X becomes the new axis
    self.X = X
    self.Y = Y

    return X, Y
Beispiel #3
    def get_ThresholdMask(self, feature, ths = None, reverse = False):
        # This function computes a mask of the values of a Matrix (Nsamples, Nfeatures)
        # ths is suposed to be a list of thresholds for the feature ths = [0.3, 0.5, 0.9]
        # The selection will have "1" where the selection was.
        # The samples to the left of the first th are "1" and then it conmutes with each new th. 
        # If you want the opposite then you use the "reverse"
        # TODO: Apply histeresis to the filters so that they not fluctuate as much ?
        # Feature is an Nx1 matrix
        feature = ul.fnp(feature) 
        # We order the ths in increasing order
        # TODO
        ths = ul.fnp(ths)
#        nan_mask = np.argwhere(feature.isNan())[:,0]
#        feature[nan_mask] = 0
        # We conmutate in the odd number of ths
        mask_sel = np.ones(feature.size) * (reverse^1)
        for i in range(ths.size):
            mask_sel_aux = np.argwhere(feature > ths[i])[:,0]
            mask_sel[mask_sel_aux] = (i % 2 == reverse^1) 
#        print "PENE"

            # TODO: We cannot do it like this if the original has Nans.
#        mask_sel[nan_mask] = 0
        mask_sel = mask_sel.astype(bool)
        return mask_sel
Beispiel #4
def MDD(timeSeries, window):
    A maximum drawdown (MDD) is the maximum loss from a peak to a trough of a portfolio, 
    before a new peak is attained. 
    Maximum Drawdown (MDD) is an indicator of downside risk over a 
    specified time period. It can be used both as a stand-alone 
    measure or as an input into other metrics such as "Return 
    over Maximum Drawdown" and Calmar Ratio. Maximum Drawdown 
    is expressed in percentage terms and computed as:
    Read more: Maximum Drawdown (MDD) Definition 
    ## Rolling_max calculates puts the maximum value seen at time t.
    # We
    # Calculate the max drawdown in the past window days for each day in the series.
    # Use min_periods=1 if you want to let the first 252 days data have an expanding window
    Roll_Max = pd.rolling_max(timeSeries, window, min_periods=1)
    Roll_Max = ul.fnp(Roll_Max)
    # print (Roll_Max.shape)
    # How much we have lost compared to the maximum so dar
    ## Daily_Drawdown = timeSeries/Roll_Max - 1.0
    print (Daily_Drawdown.shape)
    # Next we calculate the minimum (negative) daily drawdown in that window.
    # Again, use min_periods=1 if you want to allow the expanding window
    Max_Daily_Drawdown = pd.rolling_min(Daily_Drawdown, window, min_periods=1)
    Max_Daily_Drawdown = ul.fnp(Max_Daily_Drawdown)
    return Daily_Drawdown, Max_Daily_Drawdown
Beispiel #5
def PSAR(df, iaf = 0.02, maxaf = 0.2):
    length = len(df)
    dates = list(df.index)
    high = list(df['High'])
    low = list(df['Low'])
    close = list(df['Close'])
    psar = close[0:len(close)]
    psarbull = [None] * length
    psarbear = [None] * length
    bull = True
    af = iaf
    ep = low[0]
    hp = high[0]
    lp = low[0]
    for i in range(2,length):
        if bull:
            psar[i] = psar[i - 1] + af * (hp - psar[i - 1])
            psar[i] = psar[i - 1] + af * (lp - psar[i - 1])
        reverse = False
        if bull:
            if low[i] < psar[i]:
                bull = False
                reverse = True
                psar[i] = hp
                lp = low[i]
                af = iaf
            if high[i] > psar[i]:
                bull = True
                reverse = True
                psar[i] = lp
                hp = high[i]
                af = iaf
        if not reverse:
            if bull:
                if high[i] > hp:
                    hp = high[i]
                    af = min(af + iaf, maxaf)
                if low[i - 1] < psar[i]:
                    psar[i] = low[i - 1]
                if low[i - 2] < psar[i]:
                    psar[i] = low[i - 2]
                if low[i] < lp:
                    lp = low[i]
                    af = min(af + iaf, maxaf)
                if high[i - 1] > psar[i]:
                    psar[i] = high[i - 1]
                if high[i - 2] > psar[i]:
                    psar[i] = high[i - 2]
        if bull:
            psarbull[i] = psar[i]
            psarbear[i] = psar[i]
    psarbear = ul.fnp(psarbear)
    psarbull = ul.fnp(psarbull)
    return psarbull,psarbear
Beispiel #6
def PSAR(df, iaf=0.02, maxaf=0.2):
    length = len(df)
    dates = list(df.index)
    high = list(df['High'])
    low = list(df['Low'])
    close = list(df['Close'])

    psar = close[0:len(close)]
    psarbull = [None] * length
    psarbear = [None] * length
    bull = True
    af = iaf
    ep = low[0]
    hp = high[0]
    lp = low[0]
    for i in range(2, length):
        if bull:
            psar[i] = psar[i - 1] + af * (hp - psar[i - 1])
            psar[i] = psar[i - 1] + af * (lp - psar[i - 1])
        reverse = False
        if bull:
            if low[i] < psar[i]:
                bull = False
                reverse = True
                psar[i] = hp
                lp = low[i]
                af = iaf
            if high[i] > psar[i]:
                bull = True
                reverse = True
                psar[i] = lp
                hp = high[i]
                af = iaf
        if not reverse:
            if bull:
                if high[i] > hp:
                    hp = high[i]
                    af = min(af + iaf, maxaf)
                if low[i - 1] < psar[i]:
                    psar[i] = low[i - 1]
                if low[i - 2] < psar[i]:
                    psar[i] = low[i - 2]
                if low[i] < lp:
                    lp = low[i]
                    af = min(af + iaf, maxaf)
                if high[i - 1] > psar[i]:
                    psar[i] = high[i - 1]
                if high[i - 2] > psar[i]:
                    psar[i] = high[i - 2]
        if bull:
            psarbull[i] = psar[i]
            psarbear[i] = psar[i]

    psarbear = ul.fnp(psarbear)
    psarbull = ul.fnp(psarbull)
    return psarbull, psarbear
def MDD(timeSeries, window):
    A maximum drawdown (MDD) is the maximum loss from a peak to a trough of a portfolio, 
    before a new peak is attained. 
    Maximum Drawdown (MDD) is an indicator of downside risk over a 
    specified time period. It can be used both as a stand-alone 
    measure or as an input into other metrics such as "Return 
    over Maximum Drawdown" and Calmar Ratio. Maximum Drawdown 
    is expressed in percentage terms and computed as:
    Read more: Maximum Drawdown (MDD) Definition 

    ## Rolling_max calculates puts the maximum value seen at time t.
    # We

    # Calculate the max drawdown in the past window days for each day in the series.
    # Use min_periods=1 if you want to let the first 252 days data have an expanding window
    Roll_Max = pd.rolling_max(timeSeries, window, min_periods=1)

    Roll_Max = ul.fnp(Roll_Max)
    print Roll_Max.shape
    # How much we have lost compared to the maximum so dar
    Daily_Drawdown = timeSeries / Roll_Max - 1.0
    print Daily_Drawdown.shape
    # Next we calculate the minimum (negative) daily drawdown in that window.
    # Again, use min_periods=1 if you want to allow the expanding window
    Max_Daily_Drawdown = pd.rolling_min(Daily_Drawdown, window, min_periods=1)

    Max_Daily_Drawdown = ul.fnp(Max_Daily_Drawdown)
    return Daily_Drawdown, Max_Daily_Drawdown
Beispiel #8
    def get_ThresholdMask(self, feature, ths=None, reverse=False):
        # This function computes a mask of the values of a Matrix (Nsamples, Nfeatures)
        # ths is suposed to be a list of thresholds for the feature ths = [0.3, 0.5, 0.9]
        # The selection will have "1" where the selection was.
        # The samples to the left of the first th are "1" and then it conmutes with each new th.
        # If you want the opposite then you use the "reverse"

        # TODO: Apply histeresis to the filters so that they not fluctuate as much ?
        # Feature is an Nx1 matrix
        feature = ul.fnp(feature)
        # We order the ths in increasing order
        # TODO
        ths = ul.fnp(ths)
        #        nan_mask = np.argwhere(feature.isNan())[:,0]
        #        feature[nan_mask] = 0
        # We conmutate in the odd number of ths
        mask_sel = np.ones(feature.size) * (reverse ^ 1)
        for i in range(ths.size):
            mask_sel_aux = np.argwhere(feature > ths[i])[:, 0]
            mask_sel[mask_sel_aux] = (i % 2 == reverse ^ 1)

#        print "PENE"

# TODO: We cannot do it like this if the original has Nans.
#        mask_sel[nan_mask] = 0
        mask_sel = mask_sel.astype(bool)
        return mask_sel
Beispiel #9
def Chaikin_vol(df, n = 14):  
    HLRange = df['High'] - df['Low']
    EMA = HLRange.ewm( span = n, min_periods = n).mean()
    Chikinin_volat = bMA.get_return(ul.fnp(EMA), lag = n, cval = np.NaN)
    Chikinin_volat = ul.fnp(Chikinin_volat)
    return [ul.fnp(EMA), Chikinin_volat]
Beispiel #10
def compute_allocations(self, allocations):
    # This function performs a fast computing of the Return and STD
    # of a set of portfolios. No caring about Rf rate.
    Nalloc = len(allocations)
    fast_flag = 1

    if (len(allocations) == 1):
        fast_flag = 0
    if (fast_flag == 0):
        ## Properway Using Library Function ##
        P_Ret_s = []
        P_std_Return_s = []
        for i in range(Nalloc):
            expRet = self.get_PortfolioMeanReturn()
            stdRet = self.get_PortfolioStd()

    # Fast Way !##
        Allocations = ul.fnp(allocations)
        P_Ret_s =, ul.fnp(self.get_MeanReturns()))
        P_std_Return_s =,
                                self.get_covMatrix()) * ul.fnp(Allocations)
        P_std_Return_s = np.sqrt(np.sum(P_std_Return_s, axis=1))

    ## These are the expectd return and std for the differen portfolios
    return P_Ret_s, P_std_Return_s
Beispiel #11
def bar_3D (self, Xgrid,Ygrid, Zvalues,
        labels = [],     # Labels for tittle, axis and so on.
        legend = [],     # Legend for the curves plotted
        nf = 1,          # New figure
        na = 0,          # New axis. To plot in a new axis
        # Basic parameters that we can usually find in a plot
        color = None,    # Color
        lw = 2,          # Line width
        alpha = 1.0,      # Alpha
        width = 1.0,
        fontsize = 15,   # The font for the labels in the title
        fontsizeL = 10,  # The font for the labels in the legeng
        fontsizeA = 20,  # The font for the labels in the axis
        loc = 1,
        # Plots the training and Validation score of a realization

    # Initial position of the cube in 3D
    X = np.array(Xgrid)
    Y = np.array(Ygrid)
    X = self.X
    Y = self.Y
    xpos, ypos = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
    xpos = xpos.flatten()
    ypos = ypos.flatten()
    zpos = np.zeros(ul.fnp(Zvalues).shape).flatten()
#    print xpos.shape, ypos.shape, zpos.shape

    ## Lenght of the cubes
    dx = np.ones(xpos.size).flatten() * width
    dy = np.ones(ypos.size).flatten() * width
    dz = ul.fnp(Zvalues).flatten()

    self.figure_management(nf, na, labels, fontsize, dim = "3D")
    fig = self.fig
    ax = self.axes
    if (nf == 1):
        color = 'copper'
        color = cm.coolwarm
    ax.bar3d(xpos, ypos, zpos, 
             dx, dy, dz, 
             cmap="copper",  color='#00ceaa', alpha = alpha)
    self.format_axis_3D(nf, fontsize = fontsizeA)
Beispiel #12
def MACD(df, n_fast=26, n_slow=12, n_smooth=9):
    EMAfast = df['Close'].ewm(span=n_fast, min_periods=n_slow - 1).mean()
    EMAslow = df['Close'].ewm(span=n_slow, min_periods=n_slow - 1).mean()

    MACD = EMAfast - EMAslow
    MACDsign = MACD.ewm(span=9, min_periods=8).mean()
    MACDdiff = MACD - MACDsign

    MACD = ul.fnp(MACD)
    MACDsign = ul.fnp(MACDsign)
    MACDdiff = ul.fnp(MACDdiff)

    ret = ul.fnp([MACD, MACDsign, MACDdiff])
    return ret
Beispiel #13
def MACD(df, n_fast = 26, n_slow = 12, n_smooth = 9):  
    EMAfast = df['Close'].ewm( span = n_fast, min_periods = n_slow - 1).mean()
    EMAslow = df['Close'].ewm( span = n_slow, min_periods = n_slow - 1).mean()
    MACD = EMAfast - EMAslow
    MACDsign = MACD.ewm( span = 9, min_periods = 8).mean()
    MACDdiff = MACD - MACDsign

    MACD = ul.fnp(MACD)
    MACDsign = ul.fnp(MACDsign)
    MACDdiff = ul.fnp(MACDdiff)
    ret = ul.fnp([MACD,MACDsign,MACDdiff])
    return   ret
def MACD(df, n_fast=26, n_slow=12, n_smooth=9):
    EMAfast = pd.ewma(df['Close'], span=n_fast, min_periods=n_slow - 1)
    EMAslow = pd.ewma(df['Close'], span=n_slow, min_periods=n_slow - 1)

    MACD = EMAfast - EMAslow
    MACDsign = pd.ewma(MACD, span=9, min_periods=8)
    MACDdiff = MACD - MACDsign

    MACD = ul.fnp(MACD)
    MACDsign = ul.fnp(MACDsign)
    MACDdiff = ul.fnp(MACDdiff)

    ret = ul.fnp([MACD, MACDsign, MACDdiff])
    return ret
Beispiel #15
def kde_sklearn(x, x_grid, bandwidth=0.2, **kwargs):
    """Kernel Density Estimation with Scikit-learn"""
    kde_skl = KernelDensity(bandwidth=bandwidth, **kwargs)
    x = ul.fnp(x)
    x_grid = ul.fnp(x_grid)
    print (x.shape)
#    if (x.shape[1] == 1):
#        x = x[:, np.newaxis]
#        x_grid = x_grid[:, np.newaxis]
    # score_samples() returns the log-likelihood of the samples
    log_pdf = kde_skl.score_samples(x_grid)
    return np.exp(log_pdf)
Beispiel #16
def kde_sklearn(x, x_grid, bandwidth=0.2, **kwargs):
    """Kernel Density Estimation with Scikit-learn"""
    kde_skl = KernelDensity(bandwidth=bandwidth, **kwargs)
    x = ul.fnp(x)
    x_grid = ul.fnp(x_grid)
    print x.shape
#    if (x.shape[1] == 1):
#        x = x[:, np.newaxis]
#        x_grid = x_grid[:, np.newaxis]
    # score_samples() returns the log-likelihood of the samples
    log_pdf = kde_skl.score_samples(x_grid)
    return np.exp(log_pdf)
Beispiel #17
def marketTiming(self,returns = [], ind_ret = [], mode = "Treynor-Mazuy"):
    # Investigate if the model is good. 
    # We put a cuatric term of the error.
    returns = ul.fnp(returns)
    ind_ret = ul.fnp(ind_ret)
    if (returns.size == 0):
        returns = self.get_PortfolioReturn()
    if (ind_ret.size == 0):
        ind_ret = self.get_indexReturns()
    # Instead of fitting a line, we fit a parabola, to try to see
    # if we do better than the market return. If when Rm is higher, we have 
    # higher beta, and if when Rm is lower, we have lower beta. So higher
    # and lowr return fitting a curve, cuatric, 

    gl.scatter(ind_ret, returns,
               labels = ["Treynor-Mazuy", "Index Return", "Portfolio Return"],
               legend = ["Returns"])
    ## Linear regression:
    Xres =  ind_ret
    coeffs = bMl.get_linearRef(Xres, returns)
    Npoints = 10000
    x_grid = np.array(range(Npoints))/float(Npoints)
    x_grid = x_grid*(max(ind_ret) - min(ind_ret)) +  min(ind_ret)
    x_grid = x_grid.reshape(Npoints,1)
    x_grid_2 = np.concatenate((np.ones((Npoints,1)),x_grid), axis = 1)
    y_grid = 
    gl.plot(x_grid, y_grid, legend = ["Linear Regression"], nf = 0)

    Xres =  np.concatenate((ind_ret,np.power(ind_ret,2)),axis = 1) 
    coeffs = bMl.get_linearRef(Xres, returns)
    x_grid_2 = np.concatenate((np.ones((Npoints,1)),x_grid,np.power(x_grid,2).reshape(Npoints,1) ),axis = 1) 
    y_grid = 
#    print y_grid.shape
    gl.plot(x_grid, y_grid, legend = ["Quadratic Regression"], nf = 0)
    print coeffs
    return 1
Beispiel #18
def draw_HMM_indexes(pi, A, Nchains=10, Nsamples=30):
    # If Nsamples is a number then all the chains have the same length
    # If it is a list, then each one can have different length
    K = pi.size  # Number of clusters
    Chains_list = []

    Cluster_index = range(K)

    Nsamples = ul.fnp(Nsamples)
    if (Nsamples.size == 1):  # If we only have one sample
        Nsamples = [int(Nsamples)] * Nchains

    for nc in range(Nchains):
        sample_indx = np.random.choice(Cluster_index, 1, p=pi)

        for isam in range(1, Nsamples[nc]):
            # Draw a sample according to the previous state
            sample_indx = np.random.choice(Cluster_index,
                                           p=A[sample_indx, :].flatten())

    return Chains_list
Beispiel #19
def ADX(df, n = 14, n_ADX = 14):  
    i = 0  
    UpI = []  
    DoI = []  
    while i + 1 < len(df.index):  
        UpMove = df.get_value(df.index[i + 1], 'High') - df.get_value(df.index[i], 'High')  
        DoMove = df.get_value(df.index[i], 'Low') - df.get_value(df.index[i + 1], 'Low')  
        if UpMove > DoMove and UpMove > 0:  
            UpD = UpMove  
        else: UpD = 0  
        if DoMove > UpMove and DoMove > 0:  
            DoD = DoMove  
        else: DoD = 0  
        i = i + 1  
    i = 0  
    TR_l = [0]  
    while i < len(df.index) -1:  
        TR = max(df.get_value(df.index[i + 1], 'High'), 
                 df.get_value(df.index[i], 'Close')) - min(df.get_value(df.index[i + 1], 'Low'), 
                df.get_value(df.index[i], 'Close'))  
        i = i + 1  
    TR_s = pd.Series(TR_l)  
    ATR = pd.Series(pd.ewma(TR_s, span = n, min_periods = n))  
    UpI = pd.Series(UpI)  
    DoI = pd.Series(DoI)  
    PosDI = pd.Series(pd.ewma(UpI, span = n, min_periods = n - 1) / ATR)  
    NegDI = pd.Series(pd.ewma(DoI, span = n, min_periods = n - 1) / ATR)  
    ADX = pd.ewma(abs(PosDI - NegDI) / (PosDI + NegDI), span = n_ADX, min_periods = n_ADX - 1)  
    ADX = ul.fnp(ADX)
    return ADX
def RSI(df, n=20):
    i = 0
    UpI = [0]
    DoI = [0]
    while i + 1 < len(df.index):
        UpMove = df.get_value(df.index[i + 1], 'High') - df.get_value(
            df.index[i], 'High')
        DoMove = df.get_value(df.index[i], 'Low') - df.get_value(
            df.index[i + 1], 'Low')
        if UpMove > DoMove and UpMove > 0:
            UpD = UpMove
            UpD = 0
        if DoMove > UpMove and DoMove > 0:
            DoD = DoMove
            DoD = 0
        i = i + 1
    UpI = pd.Series(UpI)
    DoI = pd.Series(DoI)
    PosDI = pd.Series(pd.ewma(UpI, span=n, min_periods=n - 1))
    NegDI = pd.Series(pd.ewma(DoI, span=n, min_periods=n - 1))
    RSI = PosDI / (PosDI + NegDI)

    RSI = 100 * ul.fnp(RSI)

    return RSI
    def __init__(self, w=20, h=12, lw=2):
        self.w = w
        # X-width
        self.h = h
        # Y-height
        self.lw = lw  # line width

        self.nplots = 0
        # Number of plots
        self.labels = []  # Labels for the plots
        self.plot_y = []  # Vectors of values to plot x-axis
        self.plot_x = []  # Vectors of values to plot y-axis

        # Set of nice colors to iterate over when we do not specify color
        self.colors = ["b", "g", "k", "r", "c", "m", "y"]
        self.colorIndex = 0
        # Index of the color we are using.
        self.X = ul.fnp([])
        self.legend = []

        self.subplotting = 0
        # In the beggining we are not subplotting
        self.ticklabels = []
        self.Xticklabels = []  # For 3D
        self.Yticklabels = []
        self.zorder = 1  # Zorder for plotting
Beispiel #22
def STOD(df, n=14, SK=3, SD=3):
    SOk = STOK(df, n=n)
    #    SOd = pd.ewma(SOk, span = n, min_periods = n - 1)
    SOd = pd.Series.rolling(pd.Series(SOk.flatten()),
                            min_periods=SD - 1).mean()
    SOd = 1 * ul.fnp(SOd)
    return SOd
Beispiel #23
def empirical_1D_cdf(X):
    ## Fit a gaussian to the data or use the parameters given.
    # Gives the gaussian set of points for the std_K
    sorted_X = np.sort(X.flatten())
    y_values = ul.fnp(range(1,X.size + 1))/float(X.size)

    return sorted_X, y_values
Beispiel #24
def empirical_1D_cdf(X):
    ## Fit a gaussian to the data or use the parameters given.
    # Gives the gaussian set of points for the std_K
    sorted_X = np.sort(X.flatten())
    y_values = ul.fnp(range(1,X.size + 1))/float(X.size)

    return sorted_X, y_values
def ACCDIST(df, n=14):
    ad = (2 * df['Close'] - df['High'] -
          df['Low']) / (df['High'] - df['Low']) * df['Volume']
    M = ad.diff(n - 1)
    N = ad.shift(n - 1)
    AD = M / N

    AD = ul.fnp(AD.values)
    return AD
Beispiel #26
def preprocess_data(self, X, Y, dataTransform=None):
    # Preprocess the variables X and Y
    ### First we transform everything to python format
    X = ul.fnp(X)
    Y = ul.fnp(Y)
    # Whe can plot several Y over same X. So NcY >= 1, NcX = 0,1
    NpX, NcX = X.shape
    NpY, NcY = Y.shape

    if (X.size == 0):  # If the X given is empty
        if (Y.size == 0):  # If we are also given an empty Y
            Y = ul.fnp([])
            X = ul.fnp(range(NpY))  # Create X axis with sample values

    self.X = X
    self.Y = Y

    # Get the automatic formatting of the X and Y axes !!

    # If we are given values to X, these could be of 3 types:
    # - Numerical: Then we do nothing
    # - String: Then it is categorical and we set the ticklabels to it
    # - Datetimes: We set the formatter ?
    self.formatXaxis = detect_AxisFormat(X)
    self.formatYaxis = detect_AxisFormat(Y)
    #        print X,Y, self.formatXaxis, self.formatYaxis
    if (type(dataTransform) != type(None)):
        if (dataTransform[0] == "intraday"):
            # In this case we are going to need to transform the dates.
            openhour = dataTransform[1]
            closehour = dataTransform[2]
            self.formatXaxis = "intraday"
            # Virtual transformation of the dates !
            self.Xcategories = self.X

            transfomedTimes = ul.transformDatesOpenHours(
                X, openhour, closehour)
            Mydetransfromdata = ul.deformatter_data(openhour, closehour, None)
            # Setting the static object of the function
            ul.detransformer_Formatter.format_data = Mydetransfromdata
            self.X = ul.fnp(transfomedTimes)

    if (self.formatXaxis == "categorical"
        ):  # Transform to numbers and later we retransform
        self.Xcategories = self.X
        self.X = ul.fnp(range(NpX))

    if (self.formatYaxis == "categorical"
        ):  # Transform to numbers and later we retransform
        self.Ycategories = self.Y
        self.Y = ul.fnp(range(NpY))

#    if (self.formatXaxis == "dates"): # Transform to numbers and later we retransform
#        self.Xcategories = self.X
#        self.X = ul.preprocess_dates(range(NpX))

    return self.X, self.Y
Beispiel #27
def TRIX(df, n1 = 12, n2 = 12, n3 = 12):  
    EX1 = df['Close'].ewm( span = n1, min_periods = n1 - 1).mean()
    EX2 = EX1.ewm( span = n2, min_periods = n2 - 1).mean()
    EX3 = EX2.ewm( span = n3, min_periods = n3 - 1).mean()  

    # Get the returns 
    Trix = EX3.pct_change(periods = 1)
    Trix = ul.fnp(Trix.values)
    return [EX1,EX2,EX3,Trix]
def TRIX(df, n=30):
    EX1 = pd.ewma(df['Close'], span=n, min_periods=n - 1)
    EX2 = pd.ewma(EX1, span=n, min_periods=n - 1)
    EX3 = pd.ewma(EX2, span=n, min_periods=n - 1)

    # Get the returns
    Trix = EX3.pct_change(periods=1)

    Trix = ul.fnp(Trix.values)
    return Trix
Beispiel #29
def TRIX(df, n1=12, n2=12, n3=12):
    EX1 = pd.ewma(df['Close'], span=n1, min_periods=n1 - 1)
    EX2 = pd.ewma(EX1, span=n2, min_periods=n2 - 1)
    EX3 = pd.ewma(EX2, span=n3, min_periods=n3 - 1)

    # Get the returns
    Trix = EX3.pct_change(periods=1)

    Trix = ul.fnp(Trix.values)
    return [EX1, EX2, EX3, Trix]
Beispiel #30
def TRIX(df, n1=12, n2=12, n3=12):
    EX1 = df['Close'].ewm(span=n1, min_periods=n1 - 1).mean()
    EX2 = EX1.ewm(span=n2, min_periods=n2 - 1).mean()
    EX3 = EX2.ewm(span=n3, min_periods=n3 - 1).mean()

    # Get the returns
    Trix = EX3.pct_change(periods=1)

    Trix = ul.fnp(Trix.values)
    return [EX1, EX2, EX3, Trix]
Beispiel #31
def plot_timeRegression(
        labels=["Gaussian Process Estimation", "Time", "Price"],
    # This is just a general plotting funcion for a timeSeries regression task:
    # Plot the function, the prediction and the 95% confidence interval based on
    # the MSE
    # eps is the estimated noise of the training samples.
    sigma is the std of each of the validation samples 
    sigma_eps is the considered observation noise
    gl = self
    gl.plot(Xval, Yval, labels=labels, legend=["Estimated Mean"], nf=nf)

                       [Yval - 1.9600 * sigma, Yval + 1.9600 * sigma], axis=1),
                   legend=["95% CI f(x)"])

    # If we are given some observaiton noise we also plot the estimation of it
    if type(sigma_eps) != type(None):
        # Ideally we have a func that tells us for each point, what is the observation noise.
        # We are suposed to know what is those values for training,
        # TODO: And for testing ? Would that help ? I think we are already assuming so in the computation of K.
        # The inner gaussian process can also be specified "alpha", we will research more about that later.
        # I guess it is for hesterodasticity.
        # We are gonna consider that the observation noise of the predicted samples is homocedastic.
        sigma = np.sqrt(sigma**2 + ul.fnp(sigma_eps)[0]**2)
        # TODO: maybe in the future differentiate between sigma_eps and dy
                           [Yval - 1.9600 * sigma, Yval + 1.9600 * sigma],
                       legend=["95% CI y(x)"])

    # TODO: what is this     ec='None'

    if type(sigma_eps) != type(None):
        gl.scatter(Xtr, Ytr, legend=["Training Points"], color="k")
def init_variables(self, w=20, h=12, lw=2):
    self.w = w
    # X-width
    self.h = h
    # Y-height
    self.lw = lw  # line width

    self.prev_fig = []  # List that contains the previous plot.
    # When a new figure is done, we put the current one here and
    # create a new variable. Silly way to do it though

    self.fig = None
    self.axes = None

    self.nplots = 0
    # Number of plots
    self.labels = []  # Labels for the plots
    self.plot_y = []  # Vectors of values to plot x-axis
    self.plot_x = []  # Vectors of values to plot y-axis

    # Set of nice colors to iterate over when we do not specify color

    #        self.colors = ["k","b", "g", "r", "c", "m","y"]
    self.colors = [
        cd["dark navy blue"], cd["golden rod"], cd["blood"], cd["chocolate"],
        cd["cobalt blue"], cd["cement"], cd["amber"], cd["dark olive green"]

    self.colorIndex = 0
    # Index of the color we are using.
    self.X = ul.fnp([])
    self.legend = []

    self.subplotting_mode = 1  # Which functions to use for subplotting
    self.subplotting = 0
    # In the beggining we are not subplotting
    self.ticklabels = []  # To save the ticklabels in case we have str in X

    self.Xticklabels = []  # For 3D
    self.Yticklabels = []
    self.zorder = 1  # Zorder for plotting

    ## Store enough data to redraw and reference the plots for the interactivity
    self.plots_list = []
    # List of the plots elements,
    self.plots_type = []
    # Type of plot of every subplot

    self.axes_list = []  # We store the list of indexes
    self.Data_list = []  # We need to store a pointer of the data in the graph
    self.widget_list = []  # We need to store reference to widget so that
    self.num_hidders = 0
def BBANDS(df, n=20, seriesNames=["Close"]):
    MA = pd.rolling_mean(df[seriesNames], n)
    MSD = pd.rolling_std(df[seriesNames], n)

    BBh = MA + MSD * 2
    BBl = MA - MSD * 2

    ## Different types of BB bands ? TODO
    #    b1 = 4 * MSD / MA
    #    b2 = (df[seriesNames] - MA + 2 * MSD) / (4 * MSD)

    BB = ul.fnp([BBh.values, BBl.values])
    return BB
Beispiel #34
def get_meanRange(timeSeries, window = 6):
    # This function moves a window of samples over a timeSeries and calculates
    # the mean and range to see if they are correlated and a transformation
    # of the original signal is needed.

    timeSeries = ul.fnp(timeSeries)
    means = []
    ranges = []
#    print timeSeries
    for i in range(timeSeries.size - window):   
        samples = timeSeries[i:(i+window),:]
        rangei = max(samples) - min(samples)
        meani = np.mean(samples)
    means = ul.fnp(means)
    ranges = ul.fnp(ranges)

    return means, ranges
Beispiel #35
def get_meanRange(timeSeries, window = 6):
    # This function moves a window of samples over a timeSeries and calculates
    # the mean and range to see if they are correlated and a transformation
    # of the original signal is needed.

    timeSeries = ul.fnp(timeSeries)
    means = []
    ranges = []
#    print timeSeries
    for i in range(timeSeries.size - window):   
        samples = timeSeries[i:(i+window),:]
        rangei = max(samples) - min(samples)
        meani = np.mean(samples)
    means = ul.fnp(means)
    ranges = ul.fnp(ranges)

    return means, ranges
Beispiel #36
def FibboSR(df):
    PP = (df['High'] + df['Low'] + df['Close']) / 3
    RangeHL = df['High'] - df['Low']

    S1 = PP - 0.382 * RangeHL
    S2 = PP - 0.618 * RangeHL
    S3 = PP - 1.0 * RangeHL

    R1 = PP - 0.382 * RangeHL
    R2 = PP - 0.618 * RangeHL
    R3 = PP - 1.0 * RangeHL

    PPSR = ul.fnp([PP, R1, S1, R2, S2, R3, S3])
    return PPSR
Beispiel #37
def FibboSR(df):  
    PP = (df['High'] + df['Low'] + df['Close']) / 3
    RangeHL = df['High'] - df['Low']

    S1 = PP - 0.382 * RangeHL
    S2 = PP - 0.618 * RangeHL
    S3 = PP - 1.0 * RangeHL
    R1 = PP - 0.382 * RangeHL
    R2 = PP - 0.618 * RangeHL
    R3 = PP - 1.0 * RangeHL

    PPSR = ul.fnp([PP,R1,S1,R2,S2,R3,S3])
    return PPSR
Beispiel #38
def ACCDIST(df, n=14):
    MFM = (2 * df['Close'] - df['High'] - df['Low']) / (df['High'] - df['Low'])
    MFV = MFM * df['Volume']

    # TODO: I dont get this
    #    M = ad.diff(n - 1)
    #    N = ad.shift(n - 1)
    #    AD = M / N
    #    AD = pd.ewma(AD, span = n, min_periods = n - 1)
    #    AD = pd.rolling_sum(AD, window = n)
    ADL = ul.fnp(MFV.values)
    ADL = np.cumsum(np.nan_to_num(ADL))
    return ADL
Beispiel #39
def ACCDIST(df, n = 14):  
    MFM = (2 * df['Close'] - df['High'] - df['Low']) / (df['High'] - df['Low']) 
    MFV  =  MFM* df['Volume'] 
    # TODO: I dont get this
#    M = ad.diff(n - 1)  
#    N = ad.shift(n - 1)  
#    AD = M / N  
#    AD = pd.ewma(AD, span = n, min_periods = n - 1)  
#    AD = pd.rolling_sum(AD, window = n)
    ADL = ul.fnp(MFV.values)
    ADL = np.cumsum(np.nan_to_num(ADL))
    return ADL
Beispiel #40
def PPSR(df):
    PP = (df['High'] + df['Low'] + df['Close']) / 3

    R1 = 2 * PP - df['Low']
    S1 = 2 * PP - df['High']

    R2 = PP + df['High'] - df['Low']
    S2 = PP - df['High'] + df['Low']

    #    R3 = df['High'] + 2 * (PP - df['Low'])
    #    S3 = df['Low'] - 2 * (df['High'] - PP)

    PPSR = ul.fnp([PP, R1, S1, R2, S2])  # R3,S3
    return PPSR
Beispiel #41
def PPSR(df):  
    PP = (df['High'] + df['Low'] + df['Close']) / 3
    R1 = 2 * PP - df['Low']
    S1 = 2 * PP - df['High']
    R2 = PP + df['High'] - df['Low']
    S2 = PP - df['High'] + df['Low']

#    R3 = df['High'] + 2 * (PP - df['Low'])  
#    S3 = df['Low'] - 2 * (df['High'] - PP)

    PPSR = ul.fnp([PP,R1,S1,R2,S2])  # R3,S3
    return PPSR
Beispiel #42
def plot_timeRegression(self,Xval, Yval, sigma,
                        Xtr, Ytr,sigma_eps = None, 
                        labels = ["Gaussian Process Estimation","Time","Price"], nf = 0):
    # This is just a general plotting funcion for a timeSeries regression task:
    # Plot the function, the prediction and the 95% confidence interval based on
    # the MSE
    # eps is the estimated noise of the training samples.
    sigma is the std of each of the validation samples 
    sigma_eps is the considered observation noise
    Xval = ul.fnp(Xval)
    Yval = ul.fnp(Yval)
    Xtr = ul.fnp(Xtr)
    Ytr = ul.fnp(Ytr)

    sigma = ul.fnp(sigma)
    sigma_eps = ul.fnp(sigma_eps)
    gl = self
    gl.plot(Xval,Yval, labels = labels, legend = ["Estimated Mean"], nf = nf)
    gl.plot_filled(Xval, np.concatenate([Yval - 1.9600 * sigma,
           Yval + 1.9600 * sigma],axis = 1), alpha = 0.5, legend = ["95% CI f(x)"])
    # If we are given some observaiton noise we also plot the estimation of it
    if type(sigma_eps) != type(None):
        # Ideally we have a func that tells us for each point, what is the observation noise.
        # We are suposed to know what is those values for training, 
        # TODO: And for testing ? Would that help ? I think we are already assuming so in the computation of K.
        # The inner gaussian process can also be specified "alpha", we will research more about that later.
        # I guess it is for hesterodasticity.
        # We are gonna consider that the observation noise of the predicted samples is homocedastic.
        sigma = np.sqrt(sigma**2 + ul.fnp(sigma_eps)[0]**2)
        # TODO: maybe in the future differentiate between sigma_eps and dy
        gl.plot_filled(Xval, np.concatenate([Yval - 1.9600 * sigma,
               Yval + 1.9600 * sigma],axis = 1), alpha = 0.2, legend = ["95% CI y(x)"])
    # TODO: what is this     ec='None'

    if type(sigma_eps) != type(None):
        if (ul.fnp(sigma_eps).size == 1):
            sigma_eps = np.ones((Xtr.size,1)) * sigma_eps
        plt.errorbar(Xtr.ravel(), Ytr, sigma_eps, fmt='k.', markersize=10, label=u'Observations')
        gl.scatter(Xtr, Ytr, legend = ["Training Points"], color = "k")
def preprocess_data(self, X, Y):
    # Preprocess the variables X and Y
    ### X axis date properties, just to be seen clearly
    ### First we transform everything to python format
    X = ul.fnp(X)
    Y = ul.fnp(Y)
    #    print Y.shape
    # Each plot can perform several plotting on the same X axis
    # So there could be more than one NcX and NcY
    # NpX and NpY must be the same.
    NpX, NcX = X.shape
    NpY, NcY = Y.shape

    # If the type are labels

    if (X.size > 0):
        if (type(X[0, 0]).__name__ == "str"
                or type(X[0, 0]).__name__ == "string_"):
            self.ticklabels = X.T.tolist()[0]
            X = ul.fnp([])

    # If we have been given an empty X
    if (X.size == 0):
        # If we are also given an empty Y
        if (Y.size == 0):
            return -1  # We get out.
            # This could be used to create an empty figure if
            # fig = 1
        # If we wanted to plot something but we did not specify X.
        # We use the previous X, if it does not exist, we use range()
            X = ul.fnp(range(NpY))  # Create X axis

    # The given X becomes the new axis
    self.X = X
    self.Y = Y
    return X, Y
Beispiel #44
def diff(X, lag = 1, n = 1, cval = np.nan): # cval=np.NaN
    # It computes the lagged difference of the signal X[Nsamples, Nsig]
    # The output vector has the same length as X, the noncomputable values
    # are set as cval
    # n is the number of times we apply the diff.
    X = ul.fnp(X)
    Nsa, Nsig = X.shape
    for i in range(n):
        X = X[lag:,:] - X[:-lag,:]
#        print sd
        # Shift to the right npossitions
    unk_vec = np.ones((lag*n,Nsig)) * cval
    X = np.concatenate((unk_vec,X), axis = 0)
    return X
Beispiel #45
def diff(X, lag = 1, n = 1, cval = np.nan): # cval=np.NaN
    # It computes the lagged difference of the signal X[Nsamples, Nsig]
    # The output vector has the same length as X, the noncomputable values
    # are set as cval
    # n is the number of times we apply the diff.
    X = ul.fnp(X)
    Nsa, Nsig = X.shape
    for i in range(n):
        X = X[lag:,:] - X[:-lag,:]
#        print sd
        # Shift to the right npossitions
    unk_vec = np.ones((lag*n,Nsig)) * cval
    X = np.concatenate((unk_vec,X), axis = 0)
    return X
Beispiel #46
def shift(X, lag = 1, cval = 0): # cval=np.NaN
    # It shifts the X[Nsam][Ndim] lag positions to the right. or left if negative
    X = ul.fnp(X)
    Nsa, Nsig = X.shape
    if (lag > 0):
        filling = cval * np.ones((lag,Nsig))
        X = np.concatenate((filling,X[:-lag,:]), axis = 0)
    elif(lag < 0):
#        print sd
        # Shift to the right npossitions
        filling = cval * np.ones((-lag,Nsig))
        X = np.concatenate((X[-lag:,:],filling), axis = 0)

    return X
Beispiel #47
def fill_between(self, x, y1,  y2 = 0, 
                 ax = None, where = None, alpha = 1.0 , color = "#888888", 
                 legend = [],
                 *args, **kwargs):
    # This function fills a unique plot.
    ## We have to f*****g deal with dates !!
    # The fill function does not work properly with datetime64
    x = ul.fnp(x)
    y1 = ul.fnp(y1)
    if (type(ax) == type(None)):
        ax = self.axes
    x =  ul.preprocess_dates(x)
    x = ul.fnp(x)
#    print len(X), len(ul.fnp(Yi).T.tolist()[0])
#    print type(X), type(ul.fnp(Yi).T.tolist()[0])
#    print X.shape
#    print len(X.T.tolist()), len(ul.fnp(Yi).T.tolist()[0])
    x = x.T.tolist()[0]
#    print x
    y1 = ul.fnp(y1).T.tolist()[0]

    if (where is not None):
#        print len(x), len(y1), len(where)
        where = ul.fnp(where)
#        where = np.nan_to_num(where)
        where = where.T.tolist()[0]
    y2 = ul.fnp(y2)
    if (y2.size == 1):
        y2 = y2[0,0]
        y2 = y2.T.tolist()[0]
#        print where[0:20]
#        print y2
#    print len(where)
#    print x[0:5], y1[0:5]
    if (len(legend) == 0):
        legend = None
        legend = legend[0]
    ln = ax.fill_between(x = x, y1 = y1, y2 = y2, where = where,
                     color = color, alpha = alpha, zorder = self.zorder, label = legend) #  *args, **kwargs) 

    self.plots_list.append([ln]) # We store the pointers to the plots
    data_i = [x,y1,y2, where, ax, alpha,color, args, kwargs]
    return ln
Beispiel #48
def fill_between(self, x, y1,  y2 = 0, 
                 ax = None, where = None, alpha = 1.0 , color = "#888888", 
                 legend = [],
                 *args, **kwargs):
    # This function fills a unique plot.
    ## We have to f*****g deal with dates !!
    # The fill function does not work properly with datetime64
    x = ul.fnp(x)
    y1 = ul.fnp(y1)
    if (type(ax) == type(None)):
        ax = self.axes
    x =  ul.preprocess_dates(x)
    x = ul.fnp(x)
#    print len(X), len(ul.fnp(Yi).T.tolist()[0])
#    print type(X), type(ul.fnp(Yi).T.tolist()[0])
#    print X.shape
#    print len(X.T.tolist()), len(ul.fnp(Yi).T.tolist()[0])
    x = x.T.tolist()[0]
#    print x
    y1 = ul.fnp(y1).T.tolist()[0]

    if (where is not None):
#        print len(x), len(y1), len(where)
        where = ul.fnp(where)
#        where = np.nan_to_num(where)
        where = where.T.tolist()[0]
    y2 = ul.fnp(y2)
    if (y2.size == 1):
        y2 = y2[0,0]
        y2 = y2.T.tolist()[0]
#        print where[0:20]
#        print y2
#    print len(where)
#    print x[0:5], y1[0:5]
    if (len(legend) == 0):
        legend = None
        legend = legend[0]
    ln = ax.fill_between(x = x, y1 = y1, y2 = y2, where = where,
                     color = color, alpha = alpha, zorder = self.zorder, label = legend) #  *args, **kwargs) 

    self.plots_list.append([ln]) # We store the pointers to the plots
    data_i = [x,y1,y2, where, ax, alpha,color, args, kwargs]
    return ln
Beispiel #49
def STOK(df, n = 14, SK = 1):  
    # TODO: This could be inf
    SOk = np.zeros((df.shape[0],1))
    maxH = df['High'].rolling(window = n, min_periods = n-1).max()
    minL = df['Low'].rolling( window = n, min_periods = n-1).min()
    SOk = (df['Close'] - minL) / (maxH - minL)
#    SOk = SOk.fillna(1)
    # Instead of computing the min and max of each n-window,
    # we reuse the previous min and max :)
    if (SK > 1):
        SOk = SOk.ewm( span = SK, min_periods = SK - 1).mean()
    SOk = 100 * ul.fnp(SOk)
    return SOk
Beispiel #50
def shift(X, lag = 1, cval = np.nan): # cval=np.NaN
    # It shifts the X[Nsam][Ndim] lag positions to the right. or left if negative
    X = ul.fnp(X)
    if (len (X.shape) == 1):
        X = np.atleast_2d(X).T
    Nsa, Nsig = X.shape
    if (lag > 0):
        filling = cval * np.ones((lag,Nsig))
        X = np.concatenate((filling,X[:-lag,:]), axis = 0)
    elif(lag < 0):
#        print sd
        # Shift to the right npossitions
        filling = cval * np.ones((-lag,Nsig))
        X = np.concatenate((X[-lag:,:],filling), axis = 0)

    return X
Beispiel #51
def ATR(df, n = 14):  
    i = 0  
    TR_l = [np.NaN]  
    while i < len(df.index) -1:  
        CHCL = df.get_value(df.index[i + 1], 'High') - df.get_value(df.index[i + 1], 'Low')
        CLPC = df.get_value(df.index[i + 1], 'Low') -  df.get_value(df.index[i], 'Close')
        CHPC = df.get_value(df.index[i + 1], 'High') -  df.get_value(df.index[i], 'Close')
        TR = np.max(np.abs([CHCL,CLPC,CHPC]))
        i = i + 1  
    TR_s = pd.Series(TR_l)  
#    ATR = pd.ewma(TR_s, span = n, min_periods = n)
    ATR = TR_s.rolling( n).mean()
    ATR = ul.fnp(ATR.values)
    return ATR
Beispiel #52
def get_SMA(timeSeries, L, cval = np.NaN):
    """ Outputs the aritmetic mean of the time series using 
    a rectangular window of size L"""
    timeSeries = ul.fnp(timeSeries)
    Nsam, Nsig = timeSeries.shape
    # Create window
    window = np.ones((L,1))
    window = window/np.sum(window) 
    for si in range(Nsig):
        ## Convolution for one of the signals
        signal = timeSeries[:,si]
        sM = get_convol(signal,window,cval)
        if (si == 0):
            total_sM = copy.deepcopy(sM)
            total_sM = np.concatenate((total_sM,sM), axis = 1)

    return total_sM
Beispiel #53
def BBANDS(df, n = 20, MA = None, seriesNames = ["Close"]):  
    if (type(MA) == type(None)):
        MA = df[seriesNames].rolling(n, min_periods = n ).mean()
        MSD =df[seriesNames].rolling(n, min_periods = n).std()
        varis = (df[seriesNames] - MA)**2 
        MSD = pd.rolling_mean(varis,n,  min_periods = n)
        MSD = np.sqrt(MSD)
        # TODO: do this properly
    BBh = MA + MSD *2
    BBl = MA - MSD *2
    ## Different types of BB bands ? TODO
#    b1 = 4 * MSD / MA  
#    b2 = (df[seriesNames] - MA + 2 * MSD) / (4 * MSD)  

    BB = ul.fnp([BBh.values, BBl.values])
    return BB
Beispiel #54
def draw_HMM_indexes(pi, A, Nchains = 10, Nsamples = 30):
    # If Nsamples is a number then all the chains have the same length
    # If it is a list, then each one can have different length
    K = pi.size  # Number of clusters
    Chains_list = []
    Cluster_index = range(K)
    Nsamples = ul.fnp(Nsamples)
    if(Nsamples.size == 1):  # If we only have one sample 
        Nsamples = [int(Nsamples)]*Nchains
    for nc in range(Nchains):
        sample_indx = np.random.choice(Cluster_index, 1, p = pi)
        for isam in range(1,Nsamples[nc]):
            # Draw a sample according to the previous state
            sample_indx = np.random.choice(Cluster_index, 1, 
                                           p = A[sample_indx,:].flatten())
    return Chains_list
Beispiel #55
def compute_allocations(self,allocations): 
    # This function performs a fast computing of the Return and STD
    # of a set of portfolios. No caring about Rf rate.
    allocations = ul.fnp(allocations)     
    Nalloc = len(allocations)
    fast_flag = 1
#    if (len(allocations) == 1):
#        fast_flag = 0;
    if (fast_flag == 0):
    ## Properway Using Library Function ##
        P_Ret_s = [];
        P_std_Return_s = []
        for i in range (Nalloc):
            expRet = self.get_PortfolioMeanReturn()
            stdRet = self.get_PortfolioStd()
    # Fast Way !##
        # problems with allocations and function fnp
        Allocations = ul.fnp(allocations) 
#        print Allocations.shape
#        Allocations = Allocations.T
        ## Check the correct way of the matrix
        if (Allocations.shape[0] == len(self.symbol_names)):
            Allocations = Allocations.T
        P_Ret_s =,ul.fnp(self.get_MeanReturns()));
        P_std_Return_s =,self.get_covMatrix()) * ul.fnp(Allocations)
        P_std_Return_s = np.sqrt(np.sum(P_std_Return_s, axis = 1))
    P_Ret_s = ul.fnp(P_Ret_s)
    P_std_Return_s = ul.fnp(P_std_Return_s)
    ## These are the expectd return and std for the differen portfolios
    return P_Ret_s, P_std_Return_s
Beispiel #56
def InvTransSampGrid(pdf_Values, pdf_Grid, Nsam):
    # To this function we give a grid of the pdf and it outputs variables
    # In this case cdf_Values are the values of the cdf and cdf_Grid the variables
    # pdf_Grid = [X1, X2...]
    pdf_Grid = ul.fnp(pdf_Grid)
    pdf_Values = ul.fnp(pdf_Values)
    print (pdf_Grid.shape)
    print (pdf_Grid[[-1],:].shape)
    pdf_Grid = np.concatenate((pdf_Grid, pdf_Grid[[-1],:]), axis = 0)
    cum_values = np.zeros(pdf_Grid.shape)
    print (cum_values.shape)
    ## Get the dimensions matrix
    HyperVolume = np.diff(pdf_Grid, axis = 0)
    print (HyperVolume.shape)
    NormedCDF = np.cumsum(pdf_Values*HyperVolume)
    NormedCDF = ul.fnp(NormedCDF)
    print (NormedCDF.shape)
    cum_values[1:,:] = NormedCDF
    print ("----")
    print ([pdf_Grid[:-1,:].shape, NormedCDF.shape])
    inv_cdf = interpolate.interp1d(NormedCDF.flatten(), pdf_Grid[:-1,:].flatten())
    r = np.random.rand(Nsam)
    return inv_cdf(r)

#def  vmfrnd(m, n, kappa, mu):
#    #RANDVONMISESFISHERM Random number generation from von Mises Fisher
#    #distribution.
#    #X = randvonMisesFisherm(m, n, kappa) returns n samples of random unit
#    #directions in m dimensional space, with concentration parameter kappa,
#    #and the direction parameter mu = e_m
#    #X = randvonMisesFisherm(m, n, kappa, mu) with direction parameter mu
#    #(m-dimensional column unit vector)
#    if m < 2:
#       print('Dimension m must be > 2. Dimension set to 2');
#       m = 2
#    if kappa < 0:
#       disp('appa must be >= 0, Set kappa to be 0');
#       kappa = 0
#    #the following algorithm is following the modified Ulrich's algorithm
#    # discussed by Andrew T.A. Wood in "SIMULATION OF THE VON MISES FISHER
#    # DISTRIBUTION", COMMUN. STATIST 23(1), 1994.
#    # step 0 : initialize
#    b = (-2*kappa + np.sqrt(4*kappa**2 + (m-1)**2))/(m-1);
#    x0 = (1-b)/(1+b);
#    c = kappa*x0 + (m-1)*log(1-x0**2);
#    # step 1 & step 2
#    nnow = n; w = [];
#    while(True):
#       ntrial = max(round(nnow*1.2),nnow+10) ;
#       Z = betarnd((m-1)/2,(m-1)/2,ntrial,1);
#       U = np.random.randn(ntrial,1);
#       W = (1-(1+b)*Z)/(1-(1-b)*Z);
#       indicator = kappa*W + (m-1)*log(1-x0*W) - c >= log(U);
#       if sum(indicator) >= nnow
#          w1 = W(indicator);
#          w = [w ;w1(1:nnow)];
#          break;
#       else
#          w = [w ; W(indicator)];
#          nnow = nnow-sum(indicator);
#          %cnt = cnt+1;disp(['retrial' num2str(cnt) '.' num2str(sum(indicator))]);
#       end
#    end
#    % step 3
#    V = UNIFORMdirections(m-1,n);
#    X = [repmat(sqrt(1-w'.^2),m-1,1).*V ;w'];
#    if muflag
#       mu = mu / norm(mu);
#       X = rotMat(mu)'*X;
#    end
#    end
#    function V = UNIFORMdirections(m,n)
#    % generate n uniformly distributed m dim'l random directions
#    % Using the logic: "directions of Normal distribution are uniform on sphere"
#    V = zeros(m,n);
#    nr = randn(m,n); %Normal random
#    for i=1:n
#       while 1
#          ni=nr(:,i)'*nr(:,i); % length of ith vector
#          % exclude too small values to avoid numerical discretization
#          if ni<1e-10
#             % so repeat random generation
#             nr(:,i)=randn(m,1);
#          else
#             V(:,i)=nr(:,i)/sqrt(ni);
#             break;
#          end
#       end
#    end
#function rot = rotMat(b,a,alpha)
#% ROTMAT returns a rotation matrix that rotates unit vector b to a
#%   rot = rotMat(b) returns a d x d rotation matrix that rotate
#%   unit vector b to the north pole (0,0,...,0,1)
#%   rot = rotMat(b,a ) returns a d x d rotation matrix that rotate
#%   unit vector b to a
#%   rot = rotMat(b,a,alpha) returns a d x d rotation matrix that rotate
#%   unit vector b towards a by alpha (in radian)
#%    See also .
#% Last updated Nov 7, 2009
#% Sungkyu Jung
#[s1 s2]=size(b);
#d = max(s1,s2);
#b= b/norm(b);
#if min(s1,s2) ~= 1 || nargin==0 , help rotMat, return, end
#if s1<=s2;    b = b'; end
#if nargin == 1;
#   a = [zeros(d-1,1); 1];
#   alpha = acos(a'*b);
#if nargin == 2;
#   alpha = acos(a'*b);
#if abs(a'*b - 1) < 1e-15; rot = eye(d); return, end
#if abs(a'*b + 1) < 1e-15; rot = -eye(d); return, end
#c = b - a * (a'*b); c = c / norm(c);
#A = a*c' - c*a' ;
#rot = eye(d) + sin(alpha)*A + (cos(alpha) - 1)*(a*a' +c*c');
Beispiel #57
def scatter_3D  (self, X,Y,Z,
        labels = [], legend = [],       # Basic Labelling
        color = None,  lw = 2, alpha = 0.5,  # Basic line properties
        nf = 0, na = 0,          # New axis. To plot in a new axis         # TODO: shareX option
        ax = None, position = [], projection = "2d", # Type of plot
        sharex = None, sharey = None,
        fontsize = 20,fontsizeL = 10, fontsizeA = 15,  # The font for the labels in the axis
        xlim = None, ylim = None, xlimPad = None, ylimPad = None, # Limits of vision
        ws = None, Ninit = 0,     
        loc = "best",    
        dataTransform = None,
        xaxis_mode = None,yaxis_mode = None,AxesStyle = None,   # Automatically do some formatting :)
        marker = [" ", None, None],
        project = "cart",
        join_points = "no"
    projection = "3d"
    X = ul.fnp(X)
    Y = ul.fnp(Y)
    Z = ul.fnp(Z)

    if (project == "spher"):
        Z = ul.convert_to_matrix(Z)
        R = Z
        THETA, PHI = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
        X = R * np.sin(THETA) * np.cos(PHI)
        Y = R * np.sin(THETA) * np.sin(PHI)
        Z = R * np.cos(THETA)

    # Management of the figure
    ax = self.figure_management(nf, na, ax = ax, sharex = sharex, sharey = sharey,
                      projection = projection, position = position)
# = self.fig.gca(projection='3d')

#    if (nf == 1):
#        color = 'copper'
#    else:
#        color = cm.coolwarm

       # TODO: make this a parameters
#    ax._axis3don = False
    colorFinal = self.get_color(color)
    surf = ax.scatter(X, Y, Z, color = "b", alpha = alpha)
    if (join_points =="yes"):
        surf = ax.plot(X[:,0], Y[:,0], Z[:,0], lw = lw, color = colorFinal)
#    ax.zaxis.set_major_locator(LinearLocator(10))
#    ax.zaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.02f'))
#    ax.set_zlabel('Z Label')
#    fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5)
    mins = np.min([np.min(X.flatten()), np.min(Y.flatten()), np.min(Z.flatten())])
    maxs = np.max([np.max(X.flatten()), np.max(Y.flatten()), np.max(Z.flatten())])
#    ax.set_xlim(mins, maxs)
#    ax.set_ylim(mins, maxs)
#    ax.set_zlim(mins, maxs)
#    ax.set_xlim(-1, 1)
#    ax.set_ylim(-1, 1)
#    ax.set_zlim(-1, 1)
    return ax
Beispiel #58
    return emaslow, emafast, emafast - emaslow

def graphData(stockTD,MA1,MA2):
        Use this to dynamically pull a stock:
        print 'Currently Pulling',stock
    except Exception, e:
        print str(e), 'failed to organize pulled data.'

    ## Now we use the data
#    try:
        ## Basic data obtaining
    date = stockTD.index.values
    date = ul.fnp(date)
    date = grba.preprocess_dates(date)
    print date[0]
    print np.array(date[0])
#    print pd.to_datetime(date[0])
#    mdates.strpdate2num('%Y%m%d')
    date = mdates.date2num(date)
#    date = range(len(date))
    openp = stockTD["Open"]
    closep = stockTD["Close"]
    highp = stockTD["High"]
    lowp = stockTD["Low"]
    volume = stockTD["Volume"]
    # Obtain data to plot
Beispiel #59
        logpred += np.log(np.linalg.det(SigmaYYpredList[i]))
        logpred += (yerr_i.T).dot(np.linalg.inv(SigmaYYpredList[i])).dot(yerr_i)
    logpred = -logpred/2
    logpred -= Ns/np.log(np.pi * 2)
    return logpred

if (KM == 1):
    # Kalman Filter !
    timeSeries = timeData.get_timeSeries(["Close"]);
    returns = timeData.get_timeSeriesReturn()  # Variable to estimate. Nsig x Ndim
    returns  = bMA.diff(timeSeries, cval = 0.000001)
    dates = timeData.get_dates()
    dates = ul.fnp(ul.datesToNumbers(dates))
    dates = ul.fnp(range(dates.size))
    ############################ KALMAN FILTER !! #######################################

    Matrix_tr = np.concatenate([timeSeries,returns], axis = 1)  # Nsam * 4
    Ns,Nd = Matrix_tr.shape
    Nout = 1 # Number of output
    # System of equations A
    #   Xt = A*Xt-1 + B*Ut + SystemNoise  
    #   Yt = Cx_k  + MeasurementNoise
    # In the normal formulation Xt is a column vector !!
    Matrix_tr = Matrix_tr.T
    ########################### AR matrix ###############################
Beispiel #60
def yieldPriceStudy(self, initial_price = 80):
    # The initial price is for the aproximation of the
    # funciton with a cuadratic equation in one point.

    #### Obtain the yield-price curve from the structure    
    Np = 100
    ytm_list = np.linspace(0.001, 0.40, Np)
    prices = []
    mdurations = []
    convexities = []
    for ytm in ytm_list:
        price = self.get_price(ytm = ytm)
        mduration = self.get_mduration(price = price)
        convexity = self.get_convexity(price = price)
        prices.append(self.get_price(ytm = ytm))
            labels = ["Yield curve", "Yield to maturity" ,"Price of Bond"],
            legend = ["Yield curve"], loc = 3)
            labels = ["Duration and Yield", "Yield to maturity" ,"Price of Bond"],
            legend = ["Yield curve"], loc = 3)
    gl.plot(ytm_list,mdurations, na = 1, nf = 0,
            legend = ["Duration"], loc = 1)
            labels = ["Convexity and Yield","Yield to maturity" ,"Price of Bond"],
            legend = ["Yield curve"], loc = 3)
    gl.plot(ytm_list,convexities, na = 1, nf = 0,
            legend = ["Convexity"], loc = 1)
    ### Estimation of the yield courve around a point using the 
    ## Duration and convexity. 
    price = initial_price
    ytm = self.get_ytm(price)
    dytmList = np.linspace(-0.10, 0.10, 100)
    ## Obtain estimations
    estimations = []
    for dytm in dytmList:
        eprice = self.estimate_price_DC(price = price, dytm = dytm, dy = 0.01)
    ## Obtain real values
    rael_values = []
    for dytm in dytmList:
        rprice = self.get_price(ytm = ytm + dytm)
    # Calculate the error !
    rael_values = ul.fnp(rael_values)
    estimations = ul.fnp(estimations)
    error = np.abs(np.power(rael_values - estimations, 1))
            labels = ["Convexity and Yield","Yield to maturity" ,"Price of Bond"],
            legend = ["Yield curve"], loc = 3, lw = 4, color = "r")
    gl.scatter([ytm],[price], nf = 0, 
            legend = ["Initial price"], loc = 3, lw = 4, color = "g")
    gl.plot(dytmList + ytm,estimations,  nf = 0,
            legend = ["Estimation"], loc = 3, lw = 2, color = "b")
    gl.plot(dytmList + ytm,error,  nf = 0, na = 1,
            legend = ["Error"], loc = 1, lw = 2, color = "b")

    ## The limit is the Spot Rate !! When we can do it continuously
    ## In this case the return is e^(RT)