Beispiel #1
def user_profiles_uploadphoto(token, img_url, x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end):
    if img_url[-4:] != '.jpg' and img_url[-5:] != '.jpeg':
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid url: '{img_url}'")

    identifier = str(uuid.uuid4())

    PROFILE_IMG_URL = unbox('url_base',
                            '') + '/user/profiles/photo/' + identifier + '.jpg'
    FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
                        '../utility/storage/' + identifier + '.jpg')

        urllib.request.urlretrieve(img_url, FILE)
    except Exception:
        raise ValueError(f"Cannot retrieve image: '{img_url}'")

        img =
        cropped = img.crop((x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end))
    except Exception:
        raise ValueError("Cannot crop image")

    users = unbox('users', [])
    users[str(decode(token)['u_id'])]['profile_img_url'] = PROFILE_IMG_URL
    box('users', users)

    return {}
Beispiel #2
def message_unreact(token, message_id, react_id):
	users = unbox('users', {})
	channels = unbox('channels', {})
	messages = unbox('messages', {})

	auth = users[str(decode(token)['u_id'])]
	message = messages[str(message_id)]
	channel = channels[str(message['channel_id'])]

	if auth['u_id'] not in channel['all_members']:
		raise AccessError("Unauthorised")

	if react_id not in [1]:
		raise ValueError(f"Invalid ID: react_id - {react_id}")

	reacts = messages[str(message_id)]['reacts']

	if str(react_id) not in reacts or auth['u_id'] not in reacts[str(react_id)]['u_ids']:
		raise ValueError("React doesn't exist")


	box('messages', messages)

	return {}
Beispiel #3
def message_react(token, message_id, react_id):
    users = unbox('users', {})
    channels = unbox('channels', {})
    messages = unbox('messages', {})

    auth = users[str(decode(token)['u_id'])]
    message = messages[str(message_id)]
    channel = channels[str(message['channel_id'])]

    if auth['u_id'] not in channel['all_members']:
        raise AccessError("Unauthorised")

    if react_id not in [1]:
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid ID: react_id - {react_id}")

    reacts = message['reacts']

    if str(react_id) in reacts and auth['u_id'] in reacts[str(
        raise ValueError("React already exists")

    if str(react_id) in reacts:
        reacts[str(react_id)] = {'react_id': react_id, 'u_ids': [auth['u_id']]}

    message['reacts'] = reacts
    messages[str(message_id)] = message

    box('messages', messages)

    return {}
Beispiel #4
def auth_register(email, password, name_first, name_last):
    email_to_u_id = unbox('email_to_u_id', {})
    handle_to_u_id = unbox('handle_to_u_id', {})
    users = unbox('users', {})

    if not'^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$', email):
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid email: '{email}'")

    if email in email_to_u_id:
        raise ValueError("Email already in use")

    if len(password) < 6:
        raise ValueError("Invalid password")

    if not (1 < len(name_first) < 50):
        raise ValueError("First name too short")

    if not (1 < len(name_last) < 50):
        raise ValueError("Last name too short")

    handle_str = name_first.lower() + name_last.lower()

    if len(handle_str) > 20:
        handle_str = handle_str[0:20]

    if handle_str in handle_to_u_id:
        handle_str = handle_str + str(len(handle_to_u_id))

    u_id = 0 if not users else max([int(id) for id in users]) + 1

    handle_to_u_id[handle_str] = u_id
    email_to_u_id[email] = u_id

    profile_img_url = unbox('url_base',
                            '') + '/user/profiles/photo/default.jpg'

    users[str(u_id)] = {
        'u_id': u_id,
        'email': email,
        'password': hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).hexdigest(),
        'permission_id': 1 if u_id == 0 else 3,
        'profile_img_url': profile_img_url,
        'name_first': name_first,
        'name_last': name_last,
        'handle_str': handle_str

    box('handle_to_u_id', handle_to_u_id)
    box('email_to_u_id', email_to_u_id)
    box('users', users)

    return auth_login.auth_login(email, password)
Beispiel #5
def channels_create(token, name, is_public):
    users = unbox('users', {})
    channels = unbox('channels', {})

    auth = users[str(decode(token)['u_id'])]

    if auth['permission_id'] == 3:
        raise AccessError("Unauthorised")

    if len(name) > 20:
        raise ValueError("Invalid name (too long)")

    channel_id = 0 if len(channels) == 0 else max([int(id)
                                                   for id in channels]) + 1

    channels[str(channel_id)] = {
        'channel_id': channel_id,
        'name': name,
        'is_public': is_public,
        'all_members': [auth['u_id']],
        'owner_members': [auth['u_id']]

    box('channels', channels)

    return {'channel_id': channel_id}
Beispiel #6
def message_send(token, channel_id, message):
    users = unbox('users', {})
    channels = unbox('channels', {})
    messages = unbox('messages', {})

    auth = users[str(decode(token)['u_id'])]
    channel = channels[str(channel_id)]

    if auth['u_id'] not in channel['all_members']:
        raise AccessError("Unauthorised")

    if not (1 <= len(message) <= 1000):
        raise ValueError("Message is either too long or too short")

    message_id = 0 if len(messages) == 0 else max([int(id)
                                                   for id in messages]) + 1

    messages[str(message_id)] = {
        'message_id': message_id,
        'channel_id': channel_id,
        'u_id': auth['u_id'],
        'message': message,
        'time_created': int(time.time()),
        'reacts': {},
        'is_pinned': False

    box('messages', messages)

    return {'message_id': message_id}
def user_profile_setname(token, name_first, name_last):
    if not (1 < len(name_first) < 50):
        raise ValueError("First name too short")

    if not (1 < len(name_last) < 50):
        raise ValueError("Last name too short")

    users = unbox('users', {})
    auth = users[str(decode(token)['u_id'])]

    auth['name_first'] = name_first
    auth['name_last'] = name_last

    users[str(auth['u_id'])] = auth

    box('users', users)

    return {}
def auth_passwordreset_reset(reset_code, new_password):
    users = unbox('users', {})
    reset_code_to_u_id = unbox('reset_code_to_u_id', {})

    if reset_code not in reset_code_to_u_id:
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid reset code: '{reset_code}'")

    if len(new_password) < 6:
        raise ValueError("Invalid new password")

    user = users[str(reset_code_to_u_id[reset_code])]

    del reset_code_to_u_id[reset_code]

    user['password'] = hashlib.sha256(new_password.encode()).hexdigest()
    users[user['u_id']] = user

    box('reset_code_to_u_id', reset_code_to_u_id)
    box('users', users)

    return {}
Beispiel #9
def standup_send(token, channel_id, message):
	users = unbox('users', {})
	channels = unbox('channels', {})
	channel_id_to_time_finish = unbox('channel_id_to_time_finish', {})
	channel_id_to_messages = unbox('channel_id_to_messages', {})

	auth = users[str(decode(token)['u_id'])]
	channel = channels[str(channel_id)]

	if str(channel_id) not in channel_id_to_time_finish:
		raise ValueError("No standup has been started")

	if auth['u_id'] not in channel['all_members']:
		raise AccessError("Unauthorised")

	if not (1 <= len(message) <= 1000):
		raise ValueError("Message too long or too short")

	channel_id_to_messages[str(channel_id)].append({'u_id': auth['u_id'], 'message': message})

	box('channel_id_to_messages', channel_id_to_messages)

	return {}
def user_profile_sethandle(token, handle_str):
    handle_to_u_id = unbox('handle_to_u_id', {})
    users = unbox('users', {})

    if not (3 <= len(handle_str) <= 20):
        raise ValueError("Handle too long or too short")

    if handle_str in handle_to_u_id:
        raise ValueError("Handle already in use")

    auth = users[str(decode(token)['u_id'])]

    del handle_to_u_id[auth['handle_str']]

    auth['handle_str'] = handle_str
    handle_to_u_id[handle_str] = auth['u_id']

    users[str(auth['u_id'])] = auth

    box('handle_to_u_id', handle_to_u_id)
    box('users', users)

    return {}
Beispiel #11
def message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message, time_sent):
	users = unbox('users', {})
	channels = unbox('channels', {})
	messages = unbox('messages', {})

	auth = users[str(decode(token)['u_id'])]
	channel = channels[str(channel_id)]

	if auth['u_id'] not in channel['all_members']:
		raise AccessError("Unauthorised")

	if not (1 <= len(message) <= 1000):
		raise ValueError("Message is either too long or too short")

	nowish = int(time.time())

	if time_sent < nowish:
		raise ValueError("Time to send is in the past")

	message_id = 0 if len(messages) == 0 else max([int(id) for id in messages]) + 1

	messages[str(message_id)] = {
		'message_id': message_id,
		'channel_id': None,
		'u_id': None,
		'message': message,
		'time_created': time_sent,
		'reacts': {},
		'is_pinned': False

	box('messages', messages)

	timer = Timer(time_sent - nowish, _delayed, args=[auth['u_id'], message_id, channel_id], kwargs=None)

	return { 'message_id': message_id }
Beispiel #12
def user_profile_setemail(token, email):
    email_to_u_id = unbox('email_to_u_id', {})
    users = unbox('users', {})

    auth = users[str(decode(token)['u_id'])]

    if not'^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$', email):
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid email: {email}")

    if email in email_to_u_id:
        raise ValueError("Email already in use")

    del email_to_u_id[auth['email']]

    auth['email'] = email
    email_to_u_id[email] = auth['u_id']

    # update users
    users[str(auth['u_id'])] = auth

    box('email_to_u_id', email_to_u_id)
    box('users', users)

    return {}
Beispiel #13
def auth_login(email, password):
	email_to_u_id = unbox('email_to_u_id', {})
	users = unbox('users', {})

	if not'^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$', email):
		raise ValueError(f"Invalid email: '{email}'")

	if email not in email_to_u_id:
		raise ValueError(f"Invalid email: '{email}'")

	user = users[str(email_to_u_id[email])]

	if hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).hexdigest() != user['password']:
		raise ValueError(f"Invalid credentials")

	token = encode({'u_id': user['u_id'], 'timestamp': int(round(time.time()))})

	tokens = unbox('tokens', [])


	box('tokens', tokens)

	return { 'u_id' : user['u_id'], 'token' : token }
Beispiel #14
def channel_messages(token, channel_id, start):
    users = unbox('users', {})
    channels = unbox('channels', {})
    messages = unbox('messages', {})

    auth = users[str(decode(token)['u_id'])]

    channel = channels[str(channel_id)]

    if auth['u_id'] not in channel['all_members']:
        raise AccessError("Unauthorised")

    messages = [{
        'reacts': [{
            'react_id': r['react_id'],
            'u_ids': r['u_ids'],
            'is_this_user_reacted': (auth['u_id'] in r['u_ids'])
        } for r in m['reacts'].values()],
    } for m in sorted(
        [m for m in messages.values() if m['channel_id'] == channel_id],
        key=lambda k: k['time_created'])]

    count = len(messages)

    if start > count:
        raise ValueError("Requesting out of range messages")

    end = -1 if count - start < 50 else start + 50

    return {
        'messages': messages[start:] if end == -1 else messages[start:end - 1],
        'start': start,
        'end': end
def auth_passwordreset_request(email):
    email_to_u_id = unbox('email_to_u_id', {})
    reset_code_to_u_id = unbox('reset_code_to_u_id', {})

    if email not in email_to_u_id:
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid Email: '{email}'")

    reset_code = hashlib.sha256(
        (email + str(int(time.time()))).encode()).hexdigest()[:8]
    reset_code_to_u_id[reset_code] = email_to_u_id[email]

    box('reset_code_to_u_id', reset_code_to_u_id)

        email, "Slackr: Password Reset",
        f"Please enter the following code to reset your password: {reset_code}"

    return {}
Beispiel #16
def channel_join(token, channel_id):
    users = unbox('users', {})
    channels = unbox('channels', {})

    auth = users[str(decode(token)['u_id'])]

    channel = channels[str(channel_id)]

    if auth['u_id'] in channel['all_members']:
        raise ValueError("Already a member")

    if auth['permission_id'] == 3 and not channel['is_public']:
        raise AccessError("Unauthorised")


    channels[str(channel_id)] = channel

    box('channels', channels)

    return {}
Beispiel #17
def message_unpin(token, message_id):
    users = unbox('users', {})
    channels = unbox('channels', {})
    messages = unbox('messages', {})

    auth = users[str(decode(token)['u_id'])]
    message = messages[str(message_id)]
    channel = channels[str(message['channel_id'])]

    if not message['is_pinned']:
        raise ValueError("Message is not pinned")

    if auth['permission_id'] == 3 and auth['u_id'] not in channel[
        raise AccessError("Unauthorised")

    message['is_pinned'] = False
    messages[str(message_id)] = message

    box('messages', messages)

    return {}
Beispiel #18
def standup_start(token, channel_id, length):
    users = unbox('users', {})
    channels = unbox('channels', {})
    channel_id_to_time_finish = unbox('channel_id_to_time_finish', {})
    channel_id_to_messages = unbox('channel_id_to_messages', {})

    auth = users[str(decode(token)['u_id'])]
    channel = channels[str(channel_id)]

    if str(channel_id) in channel_id_to_time_finish:
        raise ValueError("Standup already started")

    time_finish = int(time.time()) + length
    channel_id_to_time_finish[str(channel_id)] = time_finish
    channel_id_to_messages[str(channel_id)] = []

    box('channel_id_to_messages', channel_id_to_messages)
    box('channel_id_to_time_finish', channel_id_to_time_finish)

    timer = Timer(length, _delay, args=[token, channel_id], kwargs=None)

    return {'time_finish': time_finish}
Beispiel #19
def channel_invite(token, channel_id, u_id):
    users = unbox('users', {})
    channels = unbox('channels', {})

    auth = users[str(decode(token)['u_id'])]
    user = users[str(u_id)]

    channel = channels[str(channel_id)]

    if user['u_id'] in channel['all_members']:
        raise ValueError("User already member")

    if auth['permission_id'] == 3 and auth['u_id'] not in channel[
        raise AccessError("Unauthorised")


    channels[str(channel_id)] = channel

    box('channels', channels)

    return {}