Beispiel #1
def scale_image(rootpath, inputimage, exact= True, debug=False):
    :param rootpath:
    :param inputimage:
    :param scaledout:
    :param exact:
    :param debug:
    :return: the output image path

    if exact:  # scale all the bands exactly from 0 to 255 with orfeo
        print("scaling image exactly from 0 to 255, wait....")
        scaledout = rootpath + "rasterRescaled0_255.tif"
        out, err = utility.convert_raster(inputimage, scaledout)

        if debug:

        if err:
            if not (err == "\r\n" or err == "\r" or err == "\n"):  # windows, oldmac, unix

    else:  # scale all the bands within 0 to 255 with gdal
        print("scaling image within 0 to 255, wait....")
        scaledout = rootpath + "rasterRescaledWithin0_255.tif"
        out, err = utility.run_tool(['gdal_translate.exe', inputimage, scaledout, "-scale"])

        if debug:

        if err:
            if not (err == '\r\n' or err == '\r' or err == '\n'):  # windows, oldmac, unix
                print("the input image could not be rescaled, script is stopping")

    return scaledout
Beispiel #2
def scale_ndvi(path,inimgfrmt = ['.tif'], debug = False):
    """ Scale NDVI images from 0 to 255
    note: this scaling seems not to work, that's why we use the min/max values in heralick_NDI()
    :param path: tha directory that contains the NDI images
    :param inimgfrmt: list of formats to filter
    :param debug: complete messages?
    :return: None

    imgs = os.listdir(path)
    # make a "scaled" directory if it does not exist
    if not os.path.exists(path + "/scaled"):
        os.mkdir(path + "/scaled")
    # iterate the items in the folder
    for i in imgs:
        wrong = False
        # discard the directories
        if os.path.isfile(path + '/' + i) and (os.path.splitext(path + '/' + i)[-1] in inimgfrmt):
            print("scaling " + i)

            # scale within 0 and 255
            # out,err = utility.run_tool( ['gdal_translate.exe', path+"/"+i, path+"/scaled/"+i+"_scaled.tif", '-scale', '-1','1', '0', '255'])
            # ####path+'/'+i,path+'/scaled/'+i+'_scaled.tif','uint8', 'linear' )

            # scale exactly from 0 to 255 with orfeo
            out, err = utility.convert_raster(path + '/' + i, path + "/scaled/" + i + "_scaled.tif")

            if debug:
            if err:
                if not (err == "\r\n" or err == "\r" or err == "\n"):  # windows, oldmac, unix
                    wrong = True
        # if some image could not rescaled exit
        if wrong:
            print("some NDI images could not be rescaled, script is stopping")