Beispiel #1
# Que 4 part B

lambda_values = [0.01]
r, w = utility.get_R()
k = 10
truePos = 0
falsePos = 0
falseNeg = 0
precisionArray = []
recallArray = []
rows, cols = r.shape
threshold_ranges = [x / 10.0 for x in range(0, 50, 5)]

# Run Regularized ALS for different values of lambda
for lambda_val in lambda_values:
    uv = utility.weightedRegALS(r, lambda_val, k, w, 20)
    for threshold in threshold_ranges:
        for i in range(len(r)):
            for j in range(len(r[i])):
                if (uv[i, j] >= threshold):
                    if (r[i, j] >= threshold):
                        truePos += 1
                        falsePos += 1

                    if (r[i, j] >= threshold):
                        #if(uv[i, j] < threshold):
                        falseNeg += 1
        print 'Precision for threshold: %f' % threshold
        pre = float(truePos) / float(truePos + falsePos)
# Que 5 part B
# hit-rate is assumed to be precision
# failure rate is total - precision

r, w = utility.get_R()
L = 5
lambda_val = 0.1
k = 100
n_iter = 20
hit_rate_list = []
false_alarm_list = []
recall_list = []
# replace this with RegALS( )
#u, v = utility.nmf(w, K_VALUE, r)   # Swap R & W
#uv =, v)
uv = utility.weightedRegALS(w, lambda_val, k, r, n_iter)

for i in range(1, L + 1):
    top_l_orig_matrix = gettopN(r, i, w)
    top_l_predict_matrix = gettopN(uv, i, w)
    hit_rate, false_alarm = get_mean_precision(top_l_orig_matrix,
    print "iteration"
    print i
    print "hit rate"
    print hit_rate


# Plot false alarm rate vs hit-rate
Beispiel #3
# Que 4 part B

lambda_values = [0.01]
r, w = utility.get_R()
k = 10
truePos = 0;
falsePos = 0;
falseNeg = 0;
precisionArray = []
recallArray = []
rows,cols = r.shape
threshold_ranges = [x/10.0 for x in range(0, 50, 5)]

# Run Regularized ALS for different values of lambda
for lambda_val in lambda_values:
    uv = utility.weightedRegALS(r, lambda_val, k, w, 20)
    for threshold in threshold_ranges:
        for i in range(len(r)):
            for j in range(len(r[i])):
                if(uv[i, j] >= threshold):
                    if(r[i, j] >= threshold):
                        truePos += 1
                    else: falsePos += 1
                    if(r[i, j] >= threshold):
                        #if(uv[i, j] < threshold):
                            falseNeg += 1
        print 'Precision for threshold: %f' %threshold
        pre = float (truePos) / float (truePos + falsePos) 
        print pre
# Que 5 part B
# hit-rate is assumed to be precision
# failure rate is total - precision

r, w = utility.get_R()
L = 5
lambda_val = 0.1
k = 100
n_iter = 20
hit_rate_list = []
false_alarm_list = []
recall_list = []
# replace this with RegALS( )
#u, v = utility.nmf(w, K_VALUE, r)   # Swap R & W
#uv =, v)
uv = utility.weightedRegALS(w, lambda_val, k, r, n_iter)

for i in range(1, L+1):
    top_l_orig_matrix = gettopN(r, i, w)
    top_l_predict_matrix = gettopN(uv, i, w)
    hit_rate, false_alarm = get_mean_precision(top_l_orig_matrix, top_l_predict_matrix)
    print "iteration"
    print i
    print "hit rate"
    print hit_rate


# Plot false alarm rate vs hit-rate