Beispiel #1
from __future__ import absolute_import
import pathfix
# ----------------------------------------------
import sys
# ----------------------------------------------
from scripts.core.base import Paths
from utils.argparser import ArgParser
from utils.duration import Duration
from utils.timer import Timer
from scripts.artifacts.artifacts import ArtifactProcessor
# ----------------------------------------------

parser = ArgParser(" [<parametes>] [<test set>]  [-- <test arguments>]")
# ----------------------------------------------
parser.add_section('General arguments')
parser.add('-a', '--keep-going', type=True, name='keep_going', docs=[
    'Run all tests, do not stop on the first error.',
    'In PBS mode this arguments is ignored.',
parser.add('-v', '--valgrind', type=[True, str], name='valgrind', placeholder='[<VALGRIND ARGS>]', docs=[
    'Run tests under valgrind, with python suppression with optional argument',
    ' <valgrind args> passed to the valgrind. (In PBS mode this arguments is ignored.)?',
parser.add('-p', '--parallel', type=int, name='parallel', default=1, placeholder='<N>', docs=[
    'Run at most N jobs in parallel.',
    'In PBS mode this arguments is ignored.',
parser.add('', '--batch', type=True, name='batch', docs=[
    'Make output of this script more for an off-line reading',
    'In batch mode, stdout and stderr from executed processes will be printed, not saved'
# author:   Jan Hybs
# ----------------------------------------------
from __future__ import absolute_import
import pathfix; pathfix.init()
# ----------------------------------------------
import sys
# ----------------------------------------------
from scripts.core.base import Paths, GlobalResult
from utils.argparser import ArgParser
from utils.duration import Duration
# ----------------------------------------------

parser = ArgParser(" <parameters>  -- <executable> <executable arguments>")
# ----------------------------------------------
parser.add_section('General arguments')
parser.add('-n', '--cpu', type=list, name='cpu', default=[1], placeholder='<cpu>', docs=[
    'Run executable in <cpu> processes',
parser.add('-q', '--queue', type=[True, str], name='queue', placeholder='[<queue>]', docs=[
    'Optional PBS queue name to use. If the parameter is not used, ',
    'the application is executed in the same process and without PBS.',
    'If used without <queue> argument it is executed in the ',
    'background preferably under PBS with the queue selected ',
    'automatically for the given wall clock time limit and number of processes.'
parser.add('', '--host', type=str, name='host', placeholder='<host>', docs=[
    'Name of the running host that is used to select system ',
    'specific setup script. Default value of this parameter ',
    'is obtained by first getting the hostname ',