Beispiel #1
    def query_url(
        url: str,
        params: Dict[str, Any] = None,
        request_type: RequestType = RequestType.GET,
        post_data: Dict[str, str] = None,
        auth: HTTPBasicAuth = None) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], float]:
        """Sends a request to this endpoint. Repeats if timeout error occured. Adust the pagesize on timeout.

            url {str} -- URL to be queried. Must contain the server-uri and Endpoint. Does not allow encoded parameters
            post_data {str} -- additional data with filters/parameters. Only to be send with a POST-Request (default: {None})
            auth {HTTPBasicAuth} -- Basic auth to be used to login into SPP via POST-Request(default: {None})
            type {RequestType} -- What kind of Request should be made, defaults to GET

            ValueError: No URL specified
            ValueError: Error when requesting endpoint
            ValueError: Wrong status code
            ValueError: failed to parse result
            ValueError: Timeout when sending result
            ValueError: No post-data/auth is allowed in a GET-Request

            Tuple[Dict[str, Any], float] -- Result of the request with the required send time
        if(not url):
            raise ValueError("no url specified")
        if((post_data or auth) and request_type == RequestType.GET):
            raise ValueError("No post-data/auth is allowed in a GET-Request")
        LOGGER.debug(f"query url: {url}, type: {type}, post_data: {post_data} auth: {True if auth else False}")
        if(not params):
            params = {}

        failed_tries: int = 0
        response_query: Optional[Response] = None
        send_time: float = -1 # prevent unbound var

        # avoid unset pageSize to not get into SPP defaults
        if("pageSize" not in params):
            LOGGER.debug(f"setting pageSize to {self.__page_size} from unset value")
            params["pageSize"] = self.__page_size
        elif(params["pageSize"] is None):

        while(response_query is None):

            # send the query
                if(request_type == RequestType.GET):
                    response_query = get(
                        url=url, headers=self.__headers, verify=False,
                        timeout=(self.__initial_connection_timeout, self.__timeout))
                elif(request_type == RequestType.POST):
                    response_query = post(
                        url=url, headers=self.__headers, verify=False,
                        params=params, json=post_data, auth=auth,
                        timeout=(self.__initial_connection_timeout, self.__timeout))
                send_time = response_query.elapsed.total_seconds()

            except ReadTimeout as timeout_error:

                # timeout occured, increasing failed trys
                failed_tries += 1

                url_params = ConnectionUtils.get_url_params(url)

                # #### Aborting cases ######
                if(failed_tries > self.__max_send_retries):
                    # read start index for debugging
                    start_index = url_params.get("pageStartIndex", None)
                    page_size = url_params.get("pageSize", None)
                    # report timeout with full information
                    raise ValueError("timeout after repeating a maximum ammount of times.",
                                     timeout_error, failed_tries, page_size, start_index)

                if(self.__page_size == self.__min_page_size):
                    # read start index for debugging
                    start_index = url_params.get("pageStartIndex", None)
                    page_size = url_params.get("pageSize", None)
                    # report timeout with full information
                    raise ValueError("timeout after using minumum pagesize. repeating the request is of no use.",
                                     timeout_error, failed_tries, page_size, start_index)

                # #### continuing cases ######
                if(failed_tries == self.__max_send_retries): # last try
                    LOGGER.debug(f"Timeout error when requesting, now last try of total {self.__max_send_retries}. Reducing pagesize to minimum for url: {url}")
              "Timeout error when requesting, now last try of total {self.__max_send_retries}. Reducing pagesize to minimum for url: {url}")

                    # persist reduced size for further requests
                    self.__page_size = self.__min_page_size
                    # repeat with minimal possible size
                    LOGGER.debug(f"setting pageSize from {params.get('pageSize', None)} to {self.__page_size}")
                    params["pageSize"] = self.__page_size

                else: # (failed_tries < self.__max_send_retries): # more then 1 try left
                    LOGGER.debug(f"Timeout error when requesting, now on try {failed_tries} of {self.__max_send_retries}. Reducing pagesizefor url: {url}")
              "Timeout error when requesting, now on try {failed_tries} of {self.__max_send_retries}. Reducing pagesize for url: {url}")

                    # persist reduced size for further requests
                    self.__page_size = ConnectionUtils.adjust_page_size(
                    # repeat with reduced page size
                    LOGGER.debug(f"setting pageSize from {params.get('pageSize', None)} to {self.__page_size}")
                    params["pageSize"] = self.__page_size

            except RequestException as error:
                raise ValueError("error when requesting endpoint", error)

        if( not response_query.ok):
            raise ConnectionUtils.rest_response_error( response_query,
            "Wrong Status code when requesting endpoint data",

            response_json: Dict[str, Any] = response_query.json()
        except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, ValueError) as error:
            raise ValueError("failed to parse query in restAPI request", response_query)

        return (response_json, send_time)
Beispiel #2
    def get_objects(self,
                    endpoint: str = None, uri: str = None,
                    params: Dict[str, Any] = None,
                    post_data: Dict[str, Any] = None,
                    request_type: RequestType = RequestType.GET,
                    array_name: str = None,
                    allow_list: List[str] = None, ignore_list: List[str] = None,
                    add_time_stamp: bool = False) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
        """Querys a response(-list) from a REST-API endpoint or URI from multiple pages

        Specify `array_name` if there are multiple results / list.
        Use allow_list to pick only the values specified.
        Use ignore_list to pick everything but the values specified.
        Both: allow_list items overwrite ignore_list items, still getting all not filtered.
        Param pageSize is only guranteed to be valid for the first page if included within params.

        Do not specify both endpoint and uri, only uri will be used

        Keyword Arguments:
            endpoint {str} -- endpoint to be queried. Either use this or uri (default: {None})
            uri {str} -- uri to be queried. Either use this or endpoint (default: {None})
            params {Dict[str, Any]} -- Dictionary with all URL-Parameters. pageSize only guranteed to be valid for first page (default: {None})
            post_data {Dict[str, Any]} -- Dictionary with Body-Data. Only use on POST-Requests
            request_type: {RequestType} -- Either GET or POST
            array_name {str} -- name of array if there are multiple results wanted (default: {None})
            allow_list {list} -- list of item to query (default: {None})
            ignore_list {list} -- query all but these items(-groups). (default: {None})
            add_time_stamp {bool} -- whether to add the capture timestamp  (default: {False})

            ValueError: Neither a endpoint nor uri is specfied
            ValueError: Negative or 0 pagesize
            ValueError: array_name is specified but it is only a single object

            {List[Dict[str, Any]]} -- List of dictonarys as the results
        if(not endpoint and not uri):
            raise ValueError("neiter endpoint nor uri specified")
        if(endpoint and uri):
            LOGGER.debug("added both endpoint and uri. This is unneccessary, uri is ignored")
        # if neither specifed, get everything
        if(not allow_list and not ignore_list):
            ignore_list = []
        if(params is None):
            params = {}

        # create uri out of endpoint
            next_page =  self.get_url(endpoint)
            next_page = uri

        result_list: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []

        # Aborts if no nextPage is found
            LOGGER.debug(f"Collected {len(result_list)} items until now. Next page: {next_page}")
      "Collected {len(result_list)} items until now. Next page: {next_page}")

            # Request response
            (response, send_time) = self.query_url(next_page, params, request_type, post_data)

            # find follow page if available and set it
            (_, next_page_link) = SppUtils.get_nested_kv(key_name="links.nextPage.href", nested_dict=response)
            next_page: Optional[str] = next_page_link
                # Overwrite params with params from next link
                params = ConnectionUtils.get_url_params(next_page)
                # remove params from page
                next_page = ConnectionUtils.url_set_params(next_page, None)

            # Check if single object or not
                # get results for this page, if empty nothing happens
                page_result_list: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = response.get(array_name, None)
                if(page_result_list is None):
                    raise ValueError("array_name does not exist, this is probably a single object")
                page_result_list = [response]

            filtered_results = ConnectionUtils.filter_values_dict(

            if(add_time_stamp): # direct time add to make the timestamps represent the real capture time
                for mydict in filtered_results:
                    time_key, time_val = SppUtils.get_capture_timestamp_sec()
                    mydict[time_key] = time_val

            # adjust pagesize if either the send time is too high
            # or regulary adjust on max-page sizes requests
            # dont adjust if page isnt full and therefore too quick
            if(send_time > self.__preferred_time or len(page_result_list) == self.__page_size):
                LOGGER.debug(f"send_time: {send_time}, len: {len(page_result_list)}, pageSize = {self.__page_size} ")
                self.__page_size = ConnectionUtils.adjust_page_size(
                LOGGER.debug(f"Changed pageSize from {len(page_result_list)} to {self.__page_size} ")
                params["pageSize"] = self.__page_size

        LOGGER.debug("objectList size %d", len(result_list))
        return result_list