def decodeUrl(url):
    item = CListItem()
    if url.find('&') == -1:
        item['url'] = enc.clean_safe(url)
        return item

    keyValPairs = url.split('&')
    for keyValPair in keyValPairs:
        if keyValPair.find(':') > -1:
            key, val = keyValPair.split(':',1)
            item[key] = urllib.unquote_plus(val)
    return item
Beispiel #2
    def playVideo(self, videoItem, isAutoplay = False):
        if not videoItem:

        listitem = self.createXBMCListItem(videoItem)

        title = videoItem['videoTitle']
        if title:
            listitem.setInfo('video', {'title': enc.clean_safe(title)})

        if not isAutoplay:
            xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(self.handle, True, listitem)
            url = urllib.unquote_plus(videoItem['url'])
            xbmc.Player(self.getPlayerType()).play(url, listitem)
Beispiel #3
    def playVideo(self, videoItem, isAutoplay=False):
        if not videoItem:

        listitem = self.createXBMCListItem(videoItem)

        title = videoItem['videoTitle']
        if title:
            listitem.setInfo('video', {'title': enc.clean_safe(title)})

        if not isAutoplay:
            xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(self.handle, True, listitem)
            url = urllib.unquote_plus(videoItem['url'])
            xbmc.Player(self.getPlayerType()).play(url, listitem)
    def createXBMCListItem(self, item):
        liz = None
        title = enc.clean_safe(item['title'])

        icon = item['icon']
        if icon:
            liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(title, iconImage=icon, thumbnailImage=icon)
            liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(title)

        fanart = item['fanart']
        if not fanart:
            fanart = common.Paths.pluginFanart
        liz.setProperty('fanart_image', fanart)

        for video_info_name in item.infos_names:
            if video_info_name.find('context.') != -1:
                    cItem = item
                    cItem['type'] = 'rss'
                    cItem['url'] = item[video_info_name]
                    action = 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s)' % (sys.argv[0] + '?url=' + codeUrl(cItem))
                    liz.addContextMenuItems([(video_info_name[video_info_name.find('.') + 1:], action)])
            if video_info_name not in ['url', 'title', 'icon', 'type', 'extension'] and video_info_name.find('.tmp') == -1 and video_info_name.find('.append') == -1 and video_info_name.find('context.') == -1:
                    info_value = item[video_info_name]
                    infoLabels = {}
                    if video_info_name.find('.int') != -1:
                        infoLabels = {capitalize(video_info_name[:video_info_name.find('.int')]): int(info_value)}
                    elif video_info_name.find('.tmp') != -1:
                        infoLabels = {capitalize(video_info_name[:video_info_name.find('.tmp')]): info_value}
                        infoLabels = {capitalize(video_info_name): info_value}
                    liz.setInfo(type = 'Video', infoLabels = infoLabels)
        return liz
Beispiel #5
    def createXBMCListItem(self, item):
        title = enc.clean_safe(item['title'])

        m_type = item['type']

        icon = item['icon']

        if icon and not icon.startswith('http'):
                if not fu.fileExists(icon):
                    tryFile = os.path.join(common.Paths.modulesDir, icon)
                    if not fu.fileExists(tryFile):
                        tryFile = os.path.join(common.Paths.customModulesDir, icon)
                    if fu.fileExists(tryFile):
                        icon = tryFile

        if not icon:
            if m_type == 'video':
                icon = common.Paths.defaultVideoIcon
                icon = common.Paths.defaultCategoryIcon
        liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(title, title, iconImage=icon, thumbnailImage=icon)

        fanart = item['fanart']
        if not fanart:
            fanart = common.Paths.pluginFanart
        liz.setProperty('fanart_image', fanart)

        General Values that apply to all types:
            count         : integer (12) - can be used to store an id for later, or for sorting purposes
            size          : long (1024) - size in bytes
            date          : string (%d.%m.%Y / 01.01.2009) - file date

        Video Values:
            genre         : string (Comedy)
            year          : integer (2009)
            episode       : integer (4)
            season        : integer (1)
            top250        : integer (192)
            tracknumber   : integer (3)
            rating        : float (6.4) - range is 0..10
            watched       : depreciated - use playcount instead
            playcount     : integer (2) - number of times this item has been played
            overlay       : integer (2) - range is 0..8.  See GUIListItem.h for values
            cast          : list (Michal C. Hall)
            castandrole   : list (Michael C. Hall|Dexter)
            director      : string (Dagur Kari)
            mpaa          : string (PG-13)
            plot          : string (Long Description)
            plotoutline   : string (Short Description)
            title         : string (Big Fan)
            originaltitle : string (Big Fan)
            duration      : string (3:18)
            studio        : string (Warner Bros.)
            tagline       : string (An awesome movie) - short description of movie
            writer        : string (Robert D. Siegel)
            tvshowtitle   : string (Heroes)
            premiered     : string (2005-03-04)
            status        : string (Continuing) - status of a TVshow
            code          : string (tt0110293) - IMDb code
            aired         : string (2008-12-07)
            credits       : string (Andy Kaufman) - writing credits
            lastplayed    : string (%Y-%m-%d %h:%m:%s = 2009-04-05 23:16:04)
            album         : string (The Joshua Tree)
            votes         : string (12345 votes)
            trailer       : string (/home/user/trailer.avi)

        infoLabels = {}
        for video_info_name in item.infos.keys():
            infoLabels[video_info_name] = enc.clean_safe(item[video_info_name])
        infoLabels['title'] = title

        liz.setInfo('video', infoLabels)

        url = urllib.unquote_plus(item['url'])

        if m_type == 'video':

        return liz
Beispiel #6
    def createXBMCListItem(self, item):
        title = enc.clean_safe(item['title'])

        m_type = item['type']

        icon = item['icon']

        if icon and not icon.startswith('http'):
                if not fu.fileExists(icon):
                    tryFile = os.path.join(common.Paths.modulesDir, icon)
                    if not fu.fileExists(tryFile):
                        tryFile = os.path.join(common.Paths.customModulesDir,
                    if fu.fileExists(tryFile):
                        icon = tryFile

        if not icon:
            if m_type == 'video':
                icon = common.Paths.defaultVideoIcon
                icon = common.Paths.defaultCategoryIcon

        liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(title,

        fanart = item['fanart']
        if not fanart:
            fanart = common.Paths.pluginFanart
        liz.setProperty('fanart_image', fanart)
        General Values that apply to all types:
            count         : integer (12) - can be used to store an id for later, or for sorting purposes
            size          : long (1024) - size in bytes
            date          : string (%d.%m.%Y / 01.01.2009) - file date

        Video Values:
            genre         : string (Comedy)
            year          : integer (2009)
            episode       : integer (4)
            season        : integer (1)
            top250        : integer (192)
            tracknumber   : integer (3)
            rating        : float (6.4) - range is 0..10
            watched       : depreciated - use playcount instead
            playcount     : integer (2) - number of times this item has been played
            overlay       : integer (2) - range is 0..8.  See GUIListItem.h for values
            cast          : list (Michal C. Hall)
            castandrole   : list (Michael C. Hall|Dexter)
            director      : string (Dagur Kari)
            mpaa          : string (PG-13)
            plot          : string (Long Description)
            plotoutline   : string (Short Description)
            title         : string (Big Fan)
            originaltitle : string (Big Fan)
            duration      : string (3:18)
            studio        : string (Warner Bros.)
            tagline       : string (An awesome movie) - short description of movie
            writer        : string (Robert D. Siegel)
            tvshowtitle   : string (Heroes)
            premiered     : string (2005-03-04)
            status        : string (Continuing) - status of a TVshow
            code          : string (tt0110293) - IMDb code
            aired         : string (2008-12-07)
            credits       : string (Andy Kaufman) - writing credits
            lastplayed    : string (%Y-%m-%d %h:%m:%s = 2009-04-05 23:16:04)
            album         : string (The Joshua Tree)
            votes         : string (12345 votes)
            trailer       : string (/home/user/trailer.avi)

        infoLabels = {}
        for video_info_name in item.infos.keys():
            infoLabels[video_info_name] = enc.clean_safe(item[video_info_name])
        infoLabels['title'] = title

        liz.setInfo('video', infoLabels)

        url = urllib.unquote_plus(item['url'])

        if m_type == 'video':
            liz.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true')

        return liz