async def gsheet(self, ctx, url: str):
        """Loads a character sheet from [GSheet v2.0]( (auto) or [GSheet v1.3]( (manual), resetting all settings.
        The sheet must be shared with Avrae for this to work.
        Avrae's google account is `[email protected]`."""

        loading = await ctx.send('Loading character data from Google... (This usually takes ~30 sec)')
            url = extract_gsheet_id_from_url(url)
        except NoValidUrlKeyFound:
            return await loading.edit(content="This is not a Google Sheets link.")

        override = await self._confirm_overwrite(ctx, f"google-{url}")
        if not override: return await ctx.send("Character overwrite unconfirmed. Aborting.")

            parser = GoogleSheet(url, self.gsheet_client)
        except AssertionError:
            await self.init_gsheet_client()  # hmm.
            return await loading.edit(content="I am still connecting to Google. Try again in 15-30 seconds.")

            await parser.get_character()
        except (KeyError, SpreadsheetNotFound):
            return await loading.edit(content=
                                      "Invalid character sheet. Make sure you've shared it with me at "
                                      "`[email protected]`!")
        except HttpError:
            return await loading.edit(content=
                                      "Error: Google returned an error. Please ensure your sheet is shared with "
                                      "`[email protected]` and try again in a few minutes.")
        except Exception as e:
            return await loading.edit(content='Error: Could not load character sheet.\n' + str(e))

            sheet = await parser.get_sheet()
        except Exception as e:
            traceback.print_exception(type(e), e, e.__traceback__, file=sys.stderr)
            return await loading.edit(content='Error: Invalid character sheet.\n' + str(e))

            await loading.edit(content=
                               'Loaded and saved data for {}!'.format(sheet['sheet']['stats']['name']))
        except TypeError as e:
            traceback.print_exception(type(e), e, e.__traceback__, file=sys.stderr)
            return await loading.edit(content=
                                      'Invalid character sheet. Make sure you have shared the sheet so that anyone with the link can view.')

        char = Character(sheet['sheet'], f"google-{url}").initialize_consumables()
        await char.commit(ctx)
        await char.set_active(ctx)

            await ctx.send(embed=char.get_sheet_embed())
            await ctx.send(
                "...something went wrong generating your character sheet. Don't worry, your character has been saved. "
                "This is usually due to an invalid image.")
Beispiel #2
    async def gsheet(self, ctx, url: str, *args):
        """Loads a character sheet from [GSheet v2.0]( (auto) or [GSheet v1.4]( (manual), resetting all settings.
        The sheet must be shared with Avrae for this to work.
        Avrae's google account is `[email protected]`."""

        loading = await ctx.send('Loading character data from Google... (This usually takes ~30 sec)')
            url = extract_gsheet_id_from_url(url)
        except ExternalImportError:
            return await loading.edit(content="This is not a Google Sheets link.")

        override = await self._confirm_overwrite(ctx, f"google-{url}")
        if not override: return await ctx.send("Character overwrite unconfirmed. Aborting.")

        parser = GoogleSheet(url)
        await self._load_sheet(ctx, parser, args, loading)