def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('branch', nargs='?', default='master') parser.add_argument('commit', nargs='?', default='HEAD') parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', required=False, default=False, help='force new download and compile') parser.add_argument('-ls', '--list', action='store_true', required=False, default=False, help='list all available tests found') parser.add_argument( '-s', '--subset', type=str, default='', help='test filter expression: "defaults and not settings"') args = parser.parse_args() cd(this_repo_path) if args.list: pytest.main(shlex.split("--color=yes -v --tb=line --collect-only")) else: compile_default_projects(args) subsetTests = '' if not len( args.subset) else '-k "' + args.subset + '"' rmAllDiffFiles() ## not actually needed... pytest.main( shlex.split("--color=yes --tb=line -v {subset}".format( subset=subsetTests)))
def test_screen_loading(ctx): for eachdir in [dirname_baseline, dirname_testline]: ## loop through each of baseline and testline and generate the files for later diffing cd(eachdir) runStr = brainTestStringWithSaving.format( brainT="CGP", initPop="'snapshot_organisms_0.csv'", updates="1" ) runCmdAndSaveOutput(runStr, filename='screen-poploading') ## generate snapshot_organisms_0.csv cd('..') ## could also have done cd(this_repo_path) repoDiffForSimilarity('screen-poploading')
def test_reload_most_byid_error(ctx,numToLoad,mostCommand,dirToTest): errorMessage = buildMessageErrorExpectedWithArgs( dirToTest,mostCommand,numToLoad ) ## returns this fn name, the args, and that error was expected with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError, message=errorMessage): cd(this_repo_path) ## reset after possible error cd(dirToTest) initPop = "{most} {amount} by ID from {{'snapshot_organisms_10.csv'}}".format( most=mostCommand, amount=str(numToLoad) ) runStr = brainTestString.format( brainT='CGP', initPop=initPop, updates="1" ) runCmdAndSaveOutput(runStr,'tempfile') ## must 'Show' output for error sig to be inspected
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('repo', type=str, nargs='?', default=None) parser.add_argument('basebranch', type=str, nargs='?', default=None) parser.add_argument('testbranch', type=str, nargs='?', default=None) parser.add_argument('makeCommand', type=str, nargs='?', default=None) parser.add_argument('exeName', type=str, nargs='?', default=None) parser.add_argument('-ls', '--list', action='store_true', required=False, default=False, help='list all available tests found') parser.add_argument( '-s', '--subset', type=str, default='', help='test filter expression: "defaults and not settings"') args = parser.parse_args() noneTotal = 0 if args.repo is None: noneTotal += 1 if args.basebranch is None: noneTotal += 1 if args.testbranch is None: noneTotal += 1 if args.makeCommand is None: noneTotal += 1 if args.exeName is None: noneTotal += 1 if noneTotal > 0 and noneTotal < 5: print( "Error: [repo basebranch testbranch makeCommand exeName] is an optional 5-argument group" ) parser.print_help(sys.stderr) exit(1) cd(this_repo_path) if args.list: #print("running pytest.main only performing test list") pytest.main(shlex.split("--color=yes -v --tb=line --collect-only")) else: print("running pytest.main") utils.helpers.exe_name = args.exeName utils.helpers.EXE = ".{}{}".format(utils.helpers.slash, utils.helpers.exe_name) compile_default_projects(args) subsetTests = '' if not len( args.subset) else '-k "' + args.subset + '"' pytest.main( shlex.split("--color=yes --tb=line -v {subset}".format( subset=subsetTests)))
def ctx( ): ## create a context for all the tests - you could potentially use this to pass an obj to all test fns if not ctx.ran: ## prevents reinit before each and every test fn in this module ## generate cfg (have to 'cd' there, because mabe '-s' ignores 'GLOBAL-outputDirectory' setting) ## and run mabe with defaults dirs = [dirname_baseline, dirname_testline] for eachdir in dirs: ## loop through each of baseline and testline and generate the files for later diffing cd(this_repo_path) cd(eachdir) runCmdAndSaveOutput("{exe} -s".format(exe=dotSlashMabe), filename='screen-settings') runCmdAndSaveOutput("{exe} -h".format(exe=dotSlashMabe), filename='screen-help') runCmdAndSaveOutput("{exe} -l".format(exe=dotSlashMabe), filename='screen-poploader') runCmdAndSaveOutput("{exe} -v".format(exe=dotSlashMabe), filename='screen-version') runCmdAndSaveOutput("{exe}".format(exe=dotSlashMabe), filename='screen-simulation') cd('..') ## could also have done cd(thisdotSlashMrepo_path) ## FYI, could have done it the following waydotSlashMif we were up one dir in mabe_testing #runCmdAndSaveOutput( "{exe} -p GLOBAL-outpudotSlashMDirectory {path}".format(exe=path_baseline_exe, path=dirname_baseline), filename=dirname_baseline+'screen-simulation' ) ctx.ran = True yield None ## could have actually passed a context object here to all the test fns ## ## teardown happens after the last test in the module finishes ## return
def ctx( ): ## create a context for all the tests - you could potentially use this to pass an obj to all test fns if not ctx.ran: ## prevents reinit before each and every test fn in this module ## generate cfg (have to 'cd' there, because mabe '-s' ignores 'GLOBAL-outputDirectory' setting) ## and run mabe with defaults runStr = dotSlashMabe + " -p GLOBAL-randomSeed {seed} GLOBAL-updates 1 ARCHIVIST_LODWAP-terminateAfter 0" dirs = [dirname_baseline, dirname_testline] for eachdir in dirs: ## loop through each of baseline and testline and generate the files for later diffing cd(this_repo_path) cd(eachdir) ## Create 2 files both with random seed runCmdAndSaveOutput(runStr.format(seed='-1'), filename='screen-settings-randseed-random-A') runCmdAndSaveOutput(runStr.format(seed='-1'), filename='screen-settings-randseed-random-B') ## Create 2 files both with identical seed runCmdAndSaveOutput( runStr.format(seed='101'), filename='screen-settings-randseed-nonrandom-A') runCmdAndSaveOutput( runStr.format(seed='101'), filename='screen-settings-randseed-nonrandom-B') cd('..') ## could also have done cd(this_repo_path) ## FYI, could have done it the following way if we were up one dir in mabe_testing #runCmdAndSaveOutput( "{exe} -p GLOBAL-outputDirectory {path}".format(exe=path_baseline_exe, path=dirname_baseline), filename=dirname_baseline+'screen-simulation' ) ctx.ran = True yield None ## could have actually passed a context object here to all the test fns ## ## teardown happens after the last test in the module finishes ## return
def test_reload_brains(ctx, brainType): initPopLoading="greatest 1 by ID from {'snapshot_organisms_0.csv'}" for eachdir in [dirname_baseline, dirname_testline]: ## loop through each of baseline and testline and generate the files for later diffing cd(this_repo_path) cd(eachdir) runStr = brainTestStringWithSaving.format( brainT=brainType, initPop="default 1", updates="1" ) runCmdAndHideOutput(runStr) ## generate snapshot_organisms_0.csv runStr = brainTestStringWithSaving.format( brainT=brainType, initPop=initPopLoading, updates="1" ) runCmdAndHideOutput(runStr) ## normalize ID by running again for filetype in ['data','organisms']: copyfileAndPermissions('snapshot_'+filetype+'_0.csv', 'save1_'+filetype+'.csv') ## save first output runCmdAndHideOutput(runStr) ## generate snapshot_organisms_0.csv for filetype in ['data','organisms']: copyfileAndPermissions('snapshot_'+filetype+'_0.csv', 'save2_'+filetype+'.csv') ## save second output cd('..') diffForSimilarity(dirname_baseline+'save1_organisms.csv', dirname_baseline+'save2_organisms.csv', outfilename='diff-baseline-reloaded-{}-organisms'.format(brainType) ) diffForSimilarity(dirname_testline+'save1_data.csv', dirname_testline+'save2_data.csv', outfilename='diff-testline-reloaded-{}-data'.format(brainType) )
def compile_default_projects(args): VSprojsCreated = False if not os.path.isfile(path_baseline_exe) or args.force: print("clone new", args.branch, "at", args.commit, "as baseline", flush=True) shutil.rmtree(dirname_baseline, ignore_errors=True) repo = git.Repo.clone_from("", dirname_baseline, branch=args.branch) revision = repo.create_head('revision', args.commit) repo.heads.revision.checkout() cd(dirname_baseline) print("building baseline", flush=True) rmfile( "buildOptions.txt") ## remove buildOptions so we can regenerate it writeDefaultBuildOptions() callMBuildToInitBuildOptions() checkForCompilerAndCompileOrMakeProjs() cd("..") if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join('..', mabe)): cd("..") print("building testline", flush=True) rmfile( "buildOptions.txt") ## remove buildOptions so we can regenerate it writeDefaultBuildOptions() callMBuildToInitBuildOptions() checkForCompilerAndCompileOrMakeProjs() cd(this_repo_path) os.makedirs(dirname_testline, exist_ok=True) if (not os.path.isfile(path_baseline_exe)) or (not os.path.isfile( os.path.join('..', mabe))): print(useVSMessage) sys.exit() else: copyfileAndPermissions(os.path.join('..', mabe), path_testline_exe)
def test_reload_most_byid_noerror(ctx,numToLoad,mostCommand): outputFilename = 'screen-reload-{most}-byid-{num}'.format( most=mostCommand, num=str(numToLoad) ) for eachdir in [dirname_baseline, dirname_testline]: ## loop through each of baseline and testline and generate the files for later diffing cd(this_repo_path) ## ensures clean state cd(eachdir) initPop = "{most} {amount} by ID from {{'snapshot_organisms_10.csv'}}".format( most=mostCommand, amount=str(numToLoad) ) runStr = brainTestString.format( brainT='CGP', initPop=initPop, updates="1" ) runCmdAndSaveOutput(runStr, filename=outputFilename) ## normalize ID cd('..') repoDiffForSimilarity(outputFilename)
def ctx(): ## create a context for all the tests - you could potentially use this to pass an obj to all test fns if not ctx.ran: ## prevents reinit before each and every test fn in this module ## generate cfg (have to 'cd' there, because mabe '-s' ignores 'GLOBAL-outputDirectory' setting) ## and run mabe with defaults dirs = [dirname_baseline, dirname_testline] for eachdir in dirs: ## loop through each of baseline and testline and generate the files for later diffing cd(this_repo_path) cd(eachdir) runCmdAndSaveOutput( "{exe} -l".format(exe=dotSlashMabe), filename='screen-plf' ) runCmdAndHideOutput( brainTestStringWithSaving.format( brainT='CGP', initPop='default 100', updates='10' ) ) ## generate large snapshot_organisms_10.csv runCmdAndHideOutput( brainTestStringWithSaving.format( brainT='CGP', initPop='default 1', updates='1' ) ) ## generate small snapshot_organisms_0.csv cd('..') ## could also have done cd(this_repo_path) ctx.ran = True yield None ## could have actually passed a context object here to all the test fns ## ## teardown happens after the last test in the module finishes ## return
def ctx( ): ## create a context for all the tests - you could potentially use this to pass an obj to all test fns if not ctx.ran: ## generate cfg (have to 'cd' there, because mabe '-s' ignores 'GLOBAL-outputDirectory' setting) ## and run mabe with defaults dirs = [dirname_baseline, dirname_testline] for eachdir in dirs: ## loop through each of baseline and testline and generate the files for later diffing cd(this_repo_path) cd(eachdir) runStr = dotSlashMabe + " -s" runCmdAndSaveOutput( runStr, filename='screen-settings') ## save settings to file for eachfile in [ "settings.cfg", "settings_organism.cfg", "settings_world.cfg" ]: ## make a backup of the settings files copyfileAndPermissions(eachfile, eachfile + ".bak") runStr = dotSlashMabe + " -f settings*.cfg -s" runCmdAndSaveOutput(runStr, filename='screen-settings-reload' ) ## load and save settings to file for eachfile in [ "settings.cfg", "settings_organism.cfg", "settings_world.cfg" ]: ## make a backup of the settings files copyfileAndPermissions(eachfile, eachfile + ".bak") ## ## MORE GENERATION OF FILES OR BEHAVIOR HERE ## cd('..') ## could also have done cd(this_repo_path) ## FYI, could have done it the following way if we were up one dir in mabe_testing #runCmdAndSaveOutput( "{exe} -p GLOBAL-outputDirectory {path}".format(exe=path_baseline_exe, path=dirname_baseline), filename=dirname_baseline+'screen-simulation' ) ctx.ran = True yield None ## could have actually passed a context object here to all the test fns ## ## teardown happens after the last test in the module finishes ## return
def compile_default_projects(args): for eachRepo, eachBranch in zip([dirname_baseline, dirname_testline], [args.basebranch, args.testbranch]): branch, commit = get_branch_and_commit(eachBranch) print("{}: cloning repo '{}' and switching to {}:{}".format( eachRepo, args.repo, branch, commit)) if is_repo_at_commit( eachRepo, branch, commit ) == False: ## check if baseline repo is already set up, if not then make it enableWriteFlagForGitRepoFiles(eachRepo) shutil.rmtree(eachRepo, ignore_errors=True) repo = None ## initialize repo var based on local or remote invocation if is_local_repo(args.repo): oldrepo = git.Repo(args.repo) repo = oldrepo.clone(os.path.abspath(eachRepo), branch=branch) else: repo = git.Repo.clone_from(args.repo, eachRepo, branch=branch) repo.heads[0].set_commit(commit) repo.heads[0].checkout(force=True) cd(eachRepo) print("building {}".format(eachRepo), flush=True) call_build(args.makeCommand) cd("..") cd(this_repo_path)