Beispiel #1
def search(window, data):
    from utils.math_functions.general_math import my_round

    start = window[0]
    end = window[1]
    span = end - start
    distance = 0

    index = 0
    for i, window in enumerate(data):
        import statistics as stats

        if window[2] > 1 / 3 * span:

            start_dif = abs(start - window[0])
            end_dif = abs(end - window[1])
            temp = start_dif + end_dif

            if distance < 1 / temp:
                distance = 1 / temp
                index = i

    start = data[index][0]
    end = data[index][1]

    if (data[index][2] < span):
        center = (start + end) / 2
        start = center - span / 2
        end = center + span / 2

    start = my_round(start)
    end = my_round(end)

    return (start, end)
Beispiel #2
def gyro_troughs(angular_pos, gyro):
	"""extract all troughs from gyroscope"""

	from utils.signal_analysis import find_peaks
	import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

	# keep only negative positions (troughs)
	neg_ang_pos = [0 if x > 0 else x for x in angular_pos]
	neg_ang_pos = list(map(abs, neg_ang_pos))	


	# search for all troughs
	fs = 100
	search_size = 40
	min_dist = my_round(1/3*100)
	max_dist = my_round(1/0.5*100)
	# forward troughs
	troughs = find_peaks.forward(neg_ang_pos, search_size, min_dist, max_dist, fs)
	# backward troughs
	offset = list(reversed(neg_ang_pos))
	backward_troughs = find_peaks.forward(offset, search_size, min_dist, max_dist, fs)
	offset = len(neg_ang_pos)-1 # used positive again GC?
	backward_troughs = list(reversed([offset-x for x in backward_troughs]))

	all_troughs = sorted(list(set(troughs + backward_troughs)))
	return all_troughs
Beispiel #3
def gyro_peaks(angular_pos, gyro):
	"""extract all peaks from gyroscope"""

	# keep only positive positions (peaks)
	pos_ang_pos = [0 if x < 0 else x for x in angular_pos]

	# search for all peaks
	fs = 100
	search_size = 40
	min_dist = my_round(1/3*100)
	max_dist = my_round(1/0.5*100)

	# forward peaks
	peaks = find_peaks.forward(pos_ang_pos, search_size, min_dist, max_dist, fs)

	# backward peask
	temp = list(reversed(pos_ang_pos))
	backward_peaks = find_peaks.forward(temp, search_size, min_dist, max_dist, fs)
	temp = len(pos_ang_pos)-1
	backward_peaks = list(reversed([temp-x for x in backward_peaks]))

	#combine peaks
	all_peaks = sorted(list(set(peaks + backward_peaks)))

Beispiel #4
def accel_spikes(accel, gyro_peaks):
    """Find peaks and troughs of acceleration data"""

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    # Calculations
    fs = 100
    Ny = fs / 2
    f_cuts = [10 / Ny, 11 / Ny]
    ripple_tol = [0.001, 0.1]

    accel = lowpass(accel, f_cuts, fs, ripple_tol)

    # Search for accelerometer peaks/troughs -direction
    # Initialize approimate step ranges
    fs = 100
    search_size = 5
    min_dist = my_round(1 / 4 * 100)
    ma_dist = my_round(1 / 0.4 * 100)

    all_accel_peaks = []

    # search for acceleration peaks depending on gyroscope peak location
    for i in range(0, len(gyro_peaks) - 1):

        start_index = gyro_peaks[i]
        end_index = gyro_peaks[i + 1]

        search_size = 5
        fs = 100
        min_dist = my_round(1 / 4 * 100)
        ma_dist = len(accel[start_index:end_index + 1])

        accel_peak = find_peaks.forward(accel[start_index:end_index + 1],
                                        search_size, min_dist, ma_dist, fs)

        accel_peak = [x + start_index for x in accel_peak]

        all_accel_peaks = all_accel_peaks + accel_peak

    return (all_accel_peaks, accel)
Beispiel #5
def data_fil(data, h, pass_zero=False):
    from scipy import signal
    import statistics as stats
    from utils.math_functions.general_math import my_round

    # Filter the ecg signal
    filtered_data = signal.lfilter(h, 1, data)
    filtered_data = filtered_data.tolist()

    # Invert the ecg signals, to filter the signal backwards
    data_inverted = list(reversed(data))
    filtered_inverted_data = signal.lfilter(h, 1, data_inverted).tolist()

    # Reinvert the inverted filtered ecg signal, to right placement
    reinverted_filtered_data = list(reversed(filtered_inverted_data))

    # Find the offset value of the filter
    filter_delay = my_round(len(h) / 2)

    if (filter_delay > my_round(len(data) / 2)):
        filter_delay = my_round(len(data) / 2)

    adjusted_filtered_data = filtered_data[filter_delay - 1:]
    # low pass filter settings....
    # Read just the positioning due to phase offset
    if (pass_zero == True):
        adjusted_reinverted_filtered_data = \
         [stats.mean(reinverted_filtered_data[0:-(filter_delay+20)])] \
         * (filter_delay) + reinverted_filtered_data[0:-filter_delay]

        cleaned_filtered_data = \
         adjusted_filtered_data[0:my_round(len(adjusted_filtered_data) / 2)] +  \
        adjusted_reinverted_filtered_data = \
         [stats.mean(reinverted_filtered_data[0:-(filter_delay+20)])] \
         * (filter_delay-1) + reinverted_filtered_data[0:-filter_delay+1]

        cleaned_filtered_data = \
         adjusted_filtered_data[0:my_round(len(adjusted_filtered_data) / 2)] +  \

    return cleaned_filtered_data
Beispiel #6
def max_jerk(accel, accel_peaks):
    """Use Jerk to find to, GC uncited"""

    # find differnce between acceleration data-points
    accel_first_diff = difference.first(accel, 1)
    to_locations = []
    temp = []

    for i in range(0, len(accel_peaks)):

        # find large window
        start_index = accel_peaks[i]

        if i == len(accel_peaks) - 1:  # if last element
            end_index = len(accel) - 11  # reverse index offset...
            end_index = my_round(
                stats.mean([accel_peaks[i + 1],
                            accel_peaks[i]]))  # index is center of peaks

        # find locaton of highest jerk
        sig = accel_first_diff[start_index:end_index]  # half way to next peak
        to_location = start_index + sig.index(max(sig))

        # refine window
        search_min = to_location - 5
        search_max = to_location + 5 + 1

        # find location of highest jerk
        sig = accel[search_min:search_max]
        to_location = search_min + sig.index(max(sig))
            to_location)  # plot the peaks and troughs of the data

    return (to_locations, temp)
def extract(directory):
	"""Find peaks and troughs of data"""

	# initialize variables
	pace = ['S', 'C', 'F']
	coordinates = ['x', 'y', 'z']

	# measure runtime
	start_time = clocktime.time() 

	# Extract Patient Number
	patient_number = directory[-6:]
	print("Extracting data for patient:", patient_number)

	# Open data_file, gravity_window, data_window
	data, data_wdw, grav_wdw = open_files(directory)
	if data == None:
		print('No data for patient')
	# Take out acceleration and gyroscope data from tailbone
	accel_data = data['UR']['sensorData']['tailBone']['accel']['data']	
	gyro_data = data['UR']['sensorData']['tailBone']['gyro']['data']	


	# Round all window coordinates
	for p in pace:
		for i in range(0,2):
			data_wdw[p][i] = my_round(data_wdw[p][i])
			grav_wdw[i] = my_round(grav_wdw[i])
	print('Interval for motion data:', data_wdw)
	print('Interval for gravity data:', grav_wdw)

	# Check if not enough data
	if data_wdw['F'][1] > len(gyro_data['x']):
		print("Not enough gyro data", data_wdw['F'][1], len(gyro_data['x']))

	# Initialize variables
	accel = dict()
	gyro = dict()

	# Plot vertical lines at places of peaks and troughs
	#plt.axvline(data_wdw['S'][0], color = 'g', linestyle = '--')
	#plt.axvline(data_wdw['S'][1], color = 'b', linestyle = '--')

	save_data = {}

	# Iterate through slow, calm, fast paces
	for k, p in enumerate(pace):
		print("Extracting data for pace: ", p)

		if (data_wdw['flag']['F'] == 0):
			print('Not enough accel-data recorded')

		# cut data with windows
		for w in coordinates:
			accel[w] = accel_data[w][data_wdw[p][0]:data_wdw[p][1]]
			gyro[w] = gyro_data[w][data_wdw[p][0]:data_wdw[p][1]]
		gyro['sec'] = gyro_data['seconds'][data_wdw[p][0]:data_wdw[p][1]]
		accel['sec'] = accel_data['seconds'][data_wdw[p][0]:data_wdw[p][1]]	

		# find gyro spikes
		all_gyro_spikes, gyro_peaks, gyro_troughs, ang_pos = gyro_spikes(gyro)
		speed = ['slow', 'calm', 'fast']
		home = '../../figures/tailbone/' 
		home = os.path.join(home, patient_number)
		output_dir = os.path.join(home, speed[k])
		plt.plot(gyro['sec'], ang_pos)
		plt.plot([gyro['sec'][x] for x in gyro_troughs], [ang_pos[x] for x in gyro_troughs], 'c^')
		plt.plot([gyro['sec'][x] for x in gyro_peaks], [ang_pos[x] for x in gyro_peaks], 'co')
		plt.legend(['angular_position', 'gyro_troughs', 'gyro_peaks'])
		output = os.path.join(output_dir, 'gyro_spikes.pdf')
		# NOTE: GC only finds peaks for accel, no troughs... weirdo

		accel_peaks, accel_lp = accel_spikes(accel['x'][:], all_gyro_spikes)

		#peaks = spikes(accel, gyro_peaks)

		to_locations, temp = max_jerk(accel_lp[:], accel_peaks)

		from utils.data_structure_functions import difference
		accel_first_diff = difference.first(accel_lp,1)

		plt.plot(accel['sec'], accel_lp)
		plt.plot([accel['sec'][x] for x in to_locations], [accel_lp[x] for x in to_locations], 'k^')
		plt.legend(['accel_diff', 'to_locations'])
		output = os.path.join(output_dir, 'to_locations.pdf')

		plt.plot(accel['sec'], accel_lp)
		plt.plot([accel['sec'][x] for x in accel_peaks], [accel_lp[x] for x in accel_peaks], 'co')
		plt.legend(['accel x', 'accel peaks'])

		output = os.path.join(output_dir, 'accel_peaks.pdf')

		HS, TO = right_left(accel_peaks, all_gyro_spikes, gyro_troughs, to_locations)

		orientation = ['r', 'l']
		linestyles = ['c*', 'm*', 'bo', 'ro']
		legend1 = ['right HS', 'right TO', 'left HS', 'left TO']

		plt.plot(accel['sec'], accel_lp)
		for c, i in enumerate(orientation, 1):
			plt.plot([accel['sec'][x] for x in HS[i]],
				[accel_lp[x] for x in HS[i]], linestyles[c*2-2])
			plt.plot([accel['sec'][x] for x in TO[i]],\
				[accel_lp[x] for x in TO[i]], linestyles[c*2-1])
		plt.legend(['x accel', 'x diff'] + legend1)

		output = os.path.join(output_dir, 'heel_toe.pdf')

		save_data[p] = {}
		save_data[p]['HS'] = HS
		save_data[p] = {}
		save_data[p]['TO'] = TO

	with open(os.path.join(directory, 'uprite_hs_to.pkl'), 'wb') as afile:
		pickle.dump(save_data, afile)   
def extract(directory):
	"""Create data windows on uprite data based on time recorded on zeno walkway"""

	start_time = clocktime.time()
	# Iterate trough every patient file
	patient_number = directory[-6:]
	print("Extracting data for patient:", patient_number)

	"""Extract Pickle Data"""
	# open file	
	uprite_pickle_file = os.path.join(directory, 'uprite_hs_to.pkl')
	zeno_pickle_file = os.path.join(directory, 'zeno_hs_to.pkl')
	with open(uprite_pickle_file, 'rb') as afile:
		data = pickle.load(afile)
	with open(zeno_pickle_file, 'rb') as afile:
		zeno_data = pickle.load(afile)

	# Check flags if there is no data
	accel_flag = data['Flags']['tailBone']['accel']
	gyro_flag = data['Flags']['tailBone']['gyro']
	if (accel_flag == 0 or gyro_flag == 0):
		print('No data recorded in patient:', patient_number)

	padding = 0 # in seconds
	interval, len_zeno, len_UR, window, offset = \
		compare(data, zeno_data, padding)
	pace = ['S', 'C', 'F']
	for w in pace: 
		interval[w] = [my_round(x*100) for x in interval[w]]

	"""Extract HS & TO for uprite system"""
	"""First find all Troughs"""
	# extract only raw tailbone data
	accel_data = data['UR']['sensorData']['tailBone']['accel']['data']
	gyro_data = data['UR']['sensorData']['tailBone']['gyro']['data']

	# Change to only range of standing (where gravity is the only effect)

	if interval['S'][0] > 0 and interval['S'][1] > 0:
		fig = plt.figure(dpi = 300)
		plt.subplots_adjust(wspace = 0.5, hspace = 0.5)
		for c, w in enumerate(pace,1):
			plt.subplot(220+c )
		for w in pace:
			plt.axvline(interval[w][0], color = 'b', linestyle = '--')
			plt.axvline(interval[w][1], color = 'b', linestyle = '--')
		plt.axvline(offset*100, color = 'r', linestyle = '--')
		plt.axvline(interval['S'][0] +1600, color = 'r')	
		fig.suptitle(filename + ' || ' + str(offset))
		#plt.title('Recorded Time |' + 'zeno:' + str(len_zeno) + 'UR:' + str(len_UR))

	print('Successful run!') 
	print('-----------RUNTIME: %s second ----' % (clocktime.time() - start_time))
angular_pos[2]['z'], _, _, _ = filt.lowpass(angular_pos[1]['z'], cut, fs,

pos_ang_pos = {}
pos_ang_pos['z'] = angular_pos[2]['z']
pos_ang_pos['z'] = [0 if x < 0 else x for x in pos_ang_pos['z']]

neg_ang_pos = {}
neg_ang_pos['z'] = angular_pos[2]['z']
neg_ang_pos['z'] = [0 if x > 0 else x for x in neg_ang_pos['z']]
neg_ang_pos['z'] = list(map(abs, neg_ang_pos['z']))

# Search for gyroscope peaks/troughs z-direction
# Initializing approximate step ranges
search_size = 40
min_dist = my_round(1 / 3 * 100)
max_dist = my_round(1 / 0.5 * 100)
fs = 100

# search for all the peak
peaks,_,_,_ = find_peaks.forward(pos_ang_pos['z'], search_size, min_dist, \
  max_dist, fs)
temp = list(reversed(pos_ang_pos['z']))
backward_peaks,_,_,_ = find_peaks.forward(temp, search_size, min_dist, \
  max_dist, fs)
temp = len(pos_ang_pos['z']) - 1
backward_peaks = list(reversed([temp - x for x in backward_peaks]))

#combine peaks
all_peaks = sorted(list(set(peaks + backward_peaks)))
def extract(directory):
    """extract all the hs & to data from uprite sensor"""

    start_time = clocktime.time()  # record clocktime
    save_data = {}

    # Extract Patient Number
    patient_name = directory[-6:]
    print("Extracting data for patient:", patient_name)

    # Open data_file, gravity_window, data_window
    data, data_wdw, grav_wdw = open_files(directory)

    # Take out acceleration and gyroscope data from tailbone
    accel_all = data['UR']['sensorData']['tailBone']['accel']['data']
    gyro_all = data['UR']['sensorData']['tailBone']['gyro']['data']

    # Round all window coordinates
    for p in pace:
        for i in range(0, 2):
            data_wdw[p][i] = my_round(data_wdw[p][i])
            grav_wdw[i] = my_round(grav_wdw[i])

    print('Interval for motion data:', data_wdw)
    print('Interval for gravity data:', grav_wdw)

    # Check if not enough data
    if (data_wdw['flag']['F'] == 0):
        print('Not enough accel-data recorded')
    elif data_wdw['F'][1] > len(gyro_all['x']):
        print("Not enough gyro data", data_wdw['F'][1], len(gyro_all['x']))

    # Initialize variables
    mean_accel = {}
    accel_data = {}
    gyro_data = {}
    accel_data['seconds'] = accel_all['seconds']
    gyro_data['seconds'] = gyro_all['seconds']

    for w in coordinates:
        mean_accel[w] = stats.mean(accel_all[w][grav_wdw[0]:grav_wdw[1]])

    # Iterate through slow, calm, fast paces
    for p in pace:
        # Extract windowed data
        for w in coordinates:
            accel_data[w] = accel_all[w][data_wdw[p][0]:data_wdw[p][1]]
            gyro_data[w] = gyro_all[w][data_wdw[p][0]:data_wdw[p][1]]
        """ STRAIGHT GC (expect start_index/end_index) """
        gravity_strength = math.sqrt(mean_accel['x']**2 + mean_accel['y']**2 + \

        normalized_mean_accel = {}
        normalized_mean_accel['x'] = mean_accel['x'] / gravity_strength
        normalized_mean_accel['y'] = mean_accel['y'] / gravity_strength
        normalized_mean_accel['z'] = mean_accel['z'] / gravity_strength
        normalized_gravity_vector = [normalized_mean_accel['x'], normalized_mean_accel['y'], \

        # Key asumption here is that the gravity vector is [-1, 0, 0]
        # so the x axis is upwards and downwards
        # R_yzx
        roll = 0  # math.atan(mean_accel['y']/mean_accel['z'])
        pitch = math.atan(normalized_mean_accel['z'] /
        yaw = math.atan(normalized_mean_accel['y']/math.sqrt(normalized_mean_accel['x']**2 + \

        # Indexes used for analysis
        start_index = 0
        end_index = len(accel_data['x']) - 1

        # Cut data to relevant data
        accel = {}
        accel['sec'] = accel_data['seconds'][start_index:(end_index)]
        accel['x'] = accel_data['x'][start_index:(end_index)]
        accel['y'] = accel_data['y'][start_index:(end_index)]
        accel['z'] = accel_data['z'][start_index:(end_index)]
        time = accel['sec']

        # Put acceleration data through a low pass filter
        # No gravity vector utilized yet.... don't know why it is called it yet...
        f_cuts = [0.1 / 50, 0.7 / 50]  # Passband & Stopband cutoffs
        sampling_rate = 100
        ripple_tol = [0.001, 0.1]  # Passband & Stopband tolerances

        gravity_accel = {}
        gravity_accel['x'] = lowpass(accel_data['x'], f_cuts, sampling_rate, \
        gravity_accel['y'] = lowpass(accel_data['y'], f_cuts, sampling_rate, \
        gravity_accel['z'] = lowpass(accel_data['z'], f_cuts, sampling_rate, \


        # Change range of data....
        gravity_accel['x'] = gravity_accel['x'][start_index:end_index]
        gravity_accel['y'] = gravity_accel['y'][start_index:end_index]
        gravity_accel['z'] = gravity_accel['z'][start_index:end_index]

        gyro = {}
        gyro['sec'] = gyro_data['seconds'][start_index:end_index]
        gyro['x'] = gyro_data['x'][start_index:end_index]
        gyro['y'] = gyro_data['y'][start_index:end_index]
        gyro['z'] = gyro_data['z'][start_index:end_index]

        # Labeled as high pass... but not high passed...
        gyro_hpf = {}
        gyro_hpf['x'] = gyro['x']
        gyro_hpf['y'] = gyro['y']
        gyro_hpf['z'] = gyro['z']

        # Find the angular position of sensors
        angular_pos = {}
        angular_pos['x'] = integrate.IMU(gyro['sec'], gyro_hpf['x'])
        angular_pos['x'] = [math.pi / 180 * x for x in angular_pos['x']]
        angular_pos['y'] = integrate.IMU(gyro['sec'], gyro_hpf['y'])
        angular_pos['y'] = [math.pi / 180 * x for x in angular_pos['y']]
        angular_pos['z'] = integrate.IMU(gyro['sec'], gyro_hpf['z'])
        angular_pos['z'] = [math.pi / 180 * x for x in angular_pos['z']]

        # Gravity vector...
        # A normalized gravity vector was made earlier.... not used...., but this is used...
        gravity_vector = mean_accel
        gravity_vector_holder = np.empty([3, len(accel['sec'])])

        accel_delta = {}
        accel_delta['x'] = [0] * len(accel['sec'])
        accel_delta['y'] = [0] * len(accel['sec'])
        accel_delta['z'] = [0] * len(accel['sec'])
        accel_delta_vector_holder = np.empty([3, len(accel['sec'])])

        accel2_delta = {}
        accel2_delta['x'] = [0] * len(accel['sec'])
        accel2_delta['y'] = [0] * len(accel['sec'])
        accel2_delta['z'] = [0] * len(accel['sec'])
        accel2_delta_vector_holder = np.empty([3, len(accel['sec'])])

        earth_accel_delta_vector_holder = np.empty([3, len(accel['sec'])])
        earth2_accel_delta_vector_holder = np.empty([3, len(accel['sec'])])
        forward_earth_accel_delta_vector_holder = np.empty(
            [3, len(accel['sec'])])
        forward_position_delta_vector_holder = np.empty([3, len(accel['sec'])])

        # Main function?

        # Note this has a high executable time... need to optimize
        for i in range(0, len(accel['sec'])):

            # Calculate rotation
            # These are the basic rotational matrixes from linar algebra
            # Roll, pitch and yaw respectively

            rotation = {}

            rotation['x'] = np.empty([3, 3])
            rotation['x'][0] = [1, 0, 0]
            rotation['x'][1] = [0, math.cos(angular_pos['x'][i]), \
            rotation['x'][2] = [0, -1*math.sin(angular_pos['x'][i]), \

            rotation['y'] = np.empty([3, 3])
            rotation['y'][0] = [math.cos(angular_pos['y'][i]), 0, \
            rotation['y'][1] = [0, 1, 0]
            rotation['y'][2] = [math.sin(angular_pos['y'][i]), 0, \

            rotation['z'] = np.empty([3, 3])
            rotation['z'][0] = \
              [math.cos(angular_pos['z'][i]), math.sin(angular_pos['z'][i]), 0]
            rotation['z'][1] = \
              [-1*math.sin(angular_pos['z'][i]), math.cos(angular_pos['z'][i]), 0]
            rotation['z'][2] = [0, 0, 1]

            # Why is it multiplied y to z to x? wiki says this is the order: z, y, x
            # This order is due to where the gravity
            # Matrix multiplication is not communitative
            # Gravity vector is the constant gravity on acceleromter (3x1)

            g_v = np.asarray(list(gravity_vector.values()))
            gravity_vector_holder[:, i] = rotation['y'] @ rotation[
                'z'] @ rotation['x'] @ g_v

            # Difference between the measured acceleration and the direction of gravity
            # Should be actual acceleration value :)
            accel2_delta['x'][i] = accel['x'][i] - gravity_vector_holder[0, i]
            accel2_delta['y'][i] = accel['y'][i] - gravity_vector_holder[1, i]
            accel2_delta['z'][i] = accel['z'][i] - gravity_vector_holder[2, i]
            accel2_delta_vector_holder[:,i] = \
              [accel2_delta['x'][i], accel2_delta['y'][i], accel2_delta['z'][i]]

            # Rotation with removed initial gravitational vector...
            updated_rotation = {}

            updated_rotation['x'] = np.empty([3, 3])
            updated_rotation['x'][0] = [1, 0, 0]
            updated_rotation['x'][1] = \
              [0, math.cos(angular_pos['x'][i]), math.sin(angular_pos['x'][i])]
            updated_rotation['x'][2] = \
              [0, -1*math.sin(angular_pos['x'][i]), math.cos(angular_pos['x'][i])]

            updated_rotation['y'] = np.empty([3, 3])
            updated_rotation['y'][0] = [math.cos(angular_pos['y'][i]+pitch), 0, \
            updated_rotation['y'][1] = [0, 1, 0]
            updated_rotation['y'][2] = [math.sin(angular_pos['y'][i]+pitch), 0, \

            updated_rotation['z'] = np.empty([3, 3])
            updated_rotation['z'][0] = [math.cos(angular_pos['z'][i]+yaw), \
              math.sin(angular_pos['z'][i]+yaw), 0]
            updated_rotation['z'][1] = [-1*math.sin(angular_pos['z'][i]+yaw), \
              math.cos(angular_pos['z'][i]+yaw), 0]
            updated_rotation['z'][2] = [0, 0, 1]

            a = inv(updated_rotation['y'] @ updated_rotation['z']
                    @ updated_rotation['x'])

                                             i] = a @ accel2_delta_vector_holder[:,

            # Acceleration - Low passed acceleration
            # Output: Noise from accelerometer
            accel_delta['x'][i] = accel['x'][i] - gravity_accel['x'][i]
            accel_delta['y'][i] = accel['y'][i] - gravity_accel['y'][i]
            accel_delta['z'][i] = accel['z'][i] - gravity_accel['z'][i]
            accel_delta_vector_holder[:,i] = \
              [accel_delta['x'][i], accel_delta['y'][i], accel_delta['z'][i]]

            updated_gravity_strength = math.sqrt(gravity_accel['x'][i]**2 + \
              gravity_accel['y'][i]**2 + gravity_accel['z'][i]**2)

            # Normalizing the low passed acceleration...
            # This doesn't really make sense...
            # you are scaling each acceleration movement, but...
            # this means that there will be the same acceleration each entry... not true...

            updated_normal_mean_accel = {}
                'x'] = gravity_accel['x'][i] / updated_gravity_strength
                'y'] = gravity_accel['y'][i] / updated_gravity_strength
                'z'] = gravity_accel['z'][i] / updated_gravity_strength

            # Update pitch and yaw with low-passed data
            new_ang = {}
            new_ang['y'] = math.atan(updated_normal_mean_accel['z']/\
              updated_normal_mean_accel['x']) # updated pitch
            new_ang['z'] = math.atan(updated_normal_mean_accel['y']/math.sqrt(\
              updated_normal_mean_accel['x']**2 + updated_normal_mean_accel['z']**2))
            # updated yaw

            # rotate so that the X axis points towards the earth
            # weird because only pitch and yaw rotation
            # was not used for initial acceleration data, only LP accel

            updated_rotation['y'][0] = [
                math.cos(new_ang['y']), 0, -1 * math.sin(new_ang['y'])
            updated_rotation['y'][1] = [0, 1, 0]
            updated_rotation['y'][2] = [
                math.sin(new_ang['y']), 0,

            updated_rotation['z'][0] = [
                math.sin(new_ang['z']), 0
            updated_rotation['z'][1] = [
                -1 * math.sin(new_ang['z']),
                math.cos(new_ang['z']), 0
            updated_rotation['z'][2] = [0, 0, 1]

            updated_rotation['x'] = np.identity(3)

            # I have NO CLUE why we inverted the matrix multiplication
            a = inv(updated_rotation['y'] @ updated_rotation['z']
                    @ updated_rotation['x'])
                                            i] = a @ accel_delta_vector_holder[:,

            # rotate so that Z axis is direction of travel?

            if (i > 1):
                j = i + 1

                # find position of non-filtered data...
                # double integration to get position
                coordinates = ['x', 'y', 'z']
                earth_position_temp = {}
                _, earth_position_temp['x'] = integrate.double(accel['sec'][:j], \
                earth_position_temp['y'] = integrate.IMU(accel['sec'][:j],\
                earth_position_temp['z'] = integrate.IMU(accel['sec'][:j],\

                position_strength = math.sqrt(earth_position_temp['x'][-1]**2 + \
                  earth_position_temp['y'][-1]**2 + earth_position_temp['z'][-1]**2)

                # Normalize the distance moved? I don't see the point of this...
                normalized_mean_position = {}
                    'x'] = earth_position_temp['x'][-1] / position_strength
                    'y'] = earth_position_temp['y'][-1] / position_strength
                    'z'] = earth_position_temp['z'][-1] / position_strength

                # Where did this come from?
                roll = math.atan(normalized_mean_position['y'] /
                pitch = math.atan(-1*normalized_mean_position['x']/math.sqrt(\
                  normalized_mean_position['y']**2 + normalized_mean_position['z']**2))

                updated_rotation['x'][0] = [1, 0, 0]
                updated_rotation['x'][1] = [0, math.cos(roll), math.sin(roll)]
                updated_rotation['x'][2] = [
                    0, -1 * math.sin(roll),

                updated_rotation['y'][0] = [
                    math.cos(pitch), 0, -1 * math.sin(pitch)
                updated_rotation['y'][1] = [0, 1, 0]
                updated_rotation['y'][2] = [
                    math.sin(pitch), 0, math.cos(pitch)

                updated_rotation['z'] = np.identity(3)

                a = inv(updated_rotation['x'] @ updated_rotation['y']
                        @ updated_rotation['z'])

                forward_earth_accel_delta_vector_holder[:,i] = a @ \
                forward_position_delta_vector_holder[:,i] = a @[earth_position_temp['x'][-1],\
                  earth_position_temp['y'][-1], earth_position_temp['z'][-1]]
        """ NU START """
        # The hpf is only a subtraction of 0.18?
        accel_pure_delta_Hpf = {}
        accel_pure_delta_Hpf['z'] = [x - 0.18 for x in accel['z']]

        # Calculate the velocity and the position through integration
        pure_velocity = {}
        pure_velocity['z'] = integrate.IMU(accel['sec'],

        pure_position = {}
        pure_position['z'] = integrate.IMU(accel['sec'], pure_velocity['z'])
        """ NU END """

        # Integrating the noise to get velocity and position noise
        pure_delta_velocity, pure_delta_position = integrate.double(
            accel['sec'], accel_delta)

        # hpf is same as no filter
        # Storing Noise?
        accel_delta_hpf = {}
        accel_delta_hpf['x'] = accel_delta['x']
        accel_delta_hpf['y'] = accel_delta['y']
        accel_delta_hpf['z'] = accel_delta['z']


        # I double checked... it is noise... wtf
        # Anyways, integrate to get velocity and acceleration
        velocity, position = integrate.double(accel['sec'], accel_delta_hpf)

        # hpf is same as no filter...
        # Gravity vector MM with noise...
        earth_accel_delta_hpf = {}
        earth_accel_delta_hpf['x'] = earth_accel_delta_vector_holder[0, :]
        earth_accel_delta_hpf['y'] = earth_accel_delta_vector_holder[1, :]
        earth_accel_delta_hpf['z'] = earth_accel_delta_vector_holder[2, :]

        # Find the position and velocity of noise MM gravity vector
        earth_velocity, earth_position = integrate.double(
            accel['sec'], earth_accel_delta_hpf)
        earth_velocity['z'] = [4 * x for x in earth_velocity['z']]
        earth_position['z'] = [4 * x for x in earth_position['z']]

        # Why print this variable?
        forward_earth_accel_delta_vector_holder[:, i]

        # Different gravity vector alignment...
        # x-axis aligned with gravity MM with noise
        # Multiply each vector
        forward_earth_accel_delta_hpf = {}
            'x'] = forward_earth_accel_delta_vector_holder[0, :]
            'y'] = forward_earth_accel_delta_vector_holder[1, :]
            'z'] = forward_earth_accel_delta_vector_holder[2, :]

        # get velocity
        forward_earth_velocity = integrate.single(
            accel['sec'], forward_earth_accel_delta_hpf)
        # multiply it by 4? wtf
        forward_earth_velocity['z'] = [
            4 * x for x in forward_earth_velocity['z']
        # get position
        forward_earth_position = integrate.single(accel['sec'],

        # hpf is same as regular again...
        # Difference between measured acceleration and gravity
        # This should be actual values :)
        accel2_delta_hpf = deepcopy(accel2_delta)
        # get the velocity and position
        velocity2, position2 = integrate.double(accel['sec'], accel2_delta_hpf)

        # same as previous, except added rotation from initial gravitational vector throu MM
        coordinates = ['x', 'y', 'z']

        earth2_accel_delta_hpf = {}
        for c, w in enumerate(coordinates):
            earth2_accel_delta_hpf[w] = earth2_accel_delta_vector_holder[c, :]

        earth2_velocity, earth2_position = integrate.double(accel['sec'], \

        # figures of all data
        legend1 = ['gravity removed', 'hpf', 'velocity', 'position']

        # figure 1
        for axis in coordinates:
            plt.plot(time, [9.81 * x for x in pure_delta_position[axis]])
        plt.title('pure delta position')

        # figure 2
        plt.plot(time, [9.81 * x for x in accel2_delta['z']])
        plt.plot(time, [9.81 * x for x in accel2_delta_hpf['z']])
        plt.plot(time, [9.81 * x for x in velocity2['z']])
        plt.plot(time, [9.81 * x for x in position2['z']])
        plt.title('z 2')

        # figures 3-5
        for c, axis in enumerate(coordinates):
                     [9.81 * x for x in earth_accel_delta_vector_holder[c, :]])
            plt.plot(time, [9.81 * x for x in earth_accel_delta_hpf[axis]])
            plt.plot(time, [9.81 * x for x in earth_velocity[axis]])
            plt.plot(time, [9.81 * x for x in earth_position[axis]])
            plt.title(axis + ' earth')

        # figures 6-8
        for c, axis in enumerate(coordinates):
            plt.plot(time, [
                9.81 * x for x in forward_earth_accel_delta_vector_holder[c, :]
                     [9.81 * x for x in forward_earth_accel_delta_hpf[axis]])
            plt.plot(time, [9.81 * x for x in forward_earth_velocity[axis]])
            plt.plot(time, [9.81 * x for x in forward_earth_position[axis]])
            plt.title(axis + ' forward earth')

        # figures 9-11
        for c, axis in enumerate(coordinates):
                [9.81 * x for x in earth2_accel_delta_vector_holder[c, :]])
            plt.plot(time, [9.81 * x for x in earth2_accel_delta_hpf[axis]])
            plt.plot(time, [9.81 * x for x in earth2_velocity[axis]])
            plt.plot(time, [9.81 * x for x in earth2_position[axis]])
            plt.title(axis + ' earth 2')

        # GC somehow initilizes tHS parameters....
        HS = {}
        stride_velocity = {}
        mean_stride_velocity = {}
        for i in range(0, 5):
            HS[i] = {}
            stride_velocity[i] = {}
            mean_stride_velocity[i] = {}

        HS[0]['r'] = [6.17, 7.27, 8.3500, 9.41, 10.48, 11.6]
        HS[0]['l'] = [5.55, 6.7, 7.7900, 8.85, 9.92, 11.02]
        HS[1]['r'] = [6.13, 7.22, 8.3100, 9.37, 10.45, 11.56]
        HS[1]['l'] = [5.55, 6.68, 7.7600, 8.82, 9.89, 11]
        HS[2]['r'] = [15.09, 16.20, 17.24, 18.29, 19.35]
        HS[2]['l'] = [16.72, 17.76, 18.81]
        HS[3]['r'] = [23.07, 24.14, 25.21, 26.26, 27.37]
        HS[3]['l'] = [22.52, 23.61, 24.67, 25.74, 26.81]
        HS[4]['r'] = [31.05, 32.20, 33.29, 34.37, 35.49]
        HS[4]['l'] = [31.63, 32.74, 33.82, 34.92]

        # Calculate stride velocity by dividing the position by time
        # Heel strike position/time to heel strike

        # Deleted bug

        # Another place where HS and TO parameters are randomly found....
        # These paraamters are n ever used... wtf...
        TO = {}
        HS.update({'r': [4.93, 6.17, 7.27, 8.35, 9.41, 10.48, 11.6, 12.78]})
        TO['r'] = [5.69, 6.83, 7.92, 8.98, 10.05, 11.16, 12.3]
        HS.update({'l': [5.55, 6.7, 7.79, 8.85, 9.92, 11.02, 12.17]})
        TO['l'] = [5.14, 6.31, 7.41, 8.48, 9.56, 10.63, 11.75, 12.88]

        # figure 12a
        orientation = ['r', 'l']
        legend1 = ['right HS', 'right TO', 'left HS', 'left TO']
        linestyles = ['c*', 'm*', 'bo', 'ro']

        for i in range(0, 3):
            plt.plot(time, earth_accel_delta_vector_holder[i, :])
        for c, i in enumerate(orientation, 1):
            plt.plot(HS[i], [0] * len(HS[i]), linestyles[(c * 2) - 2])
            plt.plot(TO[i], [0] * len(TO[i]), linestyles[(c * 2) - 1])
        plt.legend(coordinates + legend1)

        # figure 12b
        for axis in coordinates:
            plt.plot(time, gyro[axis])
        for c, i in enumerate(orientation, 1):
            plt.plot(HS[i], [0] * len(HS[i]), linestyles[c * 2 - 2])
            plt.plot(TO[i], [0] * len(TO[i]), linestyles[c * 2 - 1])
        plt.legend(coordinates + legend1)

        # Calculations
        fs = 100
        Ny = fs / 2
        f_cuts = [10 / Ny, 11 / Ny]
        earth_filt = {}
        earth_filt['x'] = lowpass(earth_accel_delta_vector_holder[0,:], \
          f_cuts, fs, ripple_tol)

        gyro_filt = {}
        gyro_filt['z'] = gyro['z']

        # figure 13a
        plt.plot(time, earth_filt['x'])
        plt.plot(time, difference.first(earth_filt['x'], 1))
        for c, i in enumerate(orientation, 1):
            plt.plot(HS[i], [0] * len(HS[i]), linestyles[c * 2 - 2])
            plt.plot(TO[i], [0] * len(TO[i]), linestyles[c * 2 - 1])
        plt.legend(['xaccel', 'x diff'] + legend1)

        # figure 13b
        plt.plot(gyro['sec'], [500 * x for x in angular_pos['z']])
                 difference.first([500 * x for x in angular_pos['z']], 20))
        plt.plot(gyro['sec'], gyro_filt['z'])
        for c, i in enumerate(orientation, 1):
            plt.plot(HS[i], [0] * len(HS[i]), linestyles[c * 2 - 2])
            plt.plot(TO[i], [0] * len(TO[i]), linestyles[c * 2 - 1])
        plt.legend(['z angle', 'z gyro', 'z diff'] + legend1)
        # GC's second file: feature identification
        # by: abhay gupta :)

        # rename angular_pos variable
        temp = deepcopy(angular_pos)
        angular_pos = {}
        angular_pos[0] = deepcopy(temp)

        # Find high-pass angular position for the z direction
        fs = 100
        cut = 0.5
        gyro2_hpf = {}
        gyro2_hpf['z'] = highpass(gyro['z'], fs, cut)
        angular_pos[1] = {}
        angular_pos[1]['z'] = integrate.IMU(gyro['sec'],

        # Find low-pass angular position for the z direction
        fs = 100
        Ny = fs / 2
        cut = [5 / Ny, 6 / Ny]
        angular_pos[2] = {}
        angular_pos[2]['z'] = lowpass(angular_pos[1]['z'], cut, fs, ripple_tol)

        pos_ang_pos = {}
        pos_ang_pos['z'] = angular_pos[2]['z']
        pos_ang_pos['z'] = [0 if x < 0 else x for x in pos_ang_pos['z']]

        neg_ang_pos = {}
        neg_ang_pos['z'] = angular_pos[2]['z']
        neg_ang_pos['z'] = [0 if x > 0 else x for x in neg_ang_pos['z']]
        neg_ang_pos['z'] = list(map(abs, neg_ang_pos['z']))

        # Search for gyroscope peaks/troughs z-direction
        # Initializing approximate step ranges
        search_size = 40
        min_dist = my_round(1 / 3 * 100)
        max_dist = my_round(1 / 0.5 * 100)
        fs = 100

        # search for all the peak
        peaks,_,_,_ = find_peaks.forward(pos_ang_pos['z'], search_size, min_dist, \
          max_dist, fs)
        temp = list(reversed(pos_ang_pos['z']))
        backward_peaks,_,_,_ = find_peaks.forward(temp, search_size, min_dist, \
          max_dist, fs)
        temp = len(pos_ang_pos['z']) - 1
        backward_peaks = list(reversed([temp - x for x in backward_peaks]))

        #combine peaks
        all_peaks = sorted(list(set(peaks + backward_peaks)))

        #search for all the troughs
        troughs,_,_,_ = find_peaks.forward(neg_ang_pos['z'], search_size, min_dist, \
          max_dist, fs)
        temp = list(reversed(neg_ang_pos['z']))
        backward_troughs,_,_,_ = find_peaks.forward(temp, search_size, min_dist, \
          max_dist, fs)
        temp = len(pos_ang_pos['z']) - 1  # used positive again GC?
        backward_troughs = list(reversed([temp - x for x in backward_troughs]))

        all_troughs = sorted(list(set(troughs + backward_troughs)))

        all_troughs_peaks = sorted(all_peaks + all_troughs)

        # Search for accelerometer peaks/troughs x-direction
        # Initialize approximate step ranges
        search_size = 5
        min_dist = my_round(1 / 4 * 100)
        max_dist = my_round(1 / 0.4 * 100)
        fs = 100

        # find peaks x-direction
        accel_peaks,_,_,_ = find_peaks.forward(earth_filt['x'], search_size, min_dist, \
          max_dist, fs)
        temp = list(reversed(earth_filt['x']))
        backward_accel_peaks,_,_,_ = find_peaks.forward(temp, search_size, \
          min_dist, max_dist, fs)
        temp = len(earth_filt['x']) - 1
        backward_accel_peaks = list(
            reversed([temp - x for x in backward_accel_peaks]))

        all_accel_peaks = sorted(list(set(accel_peaks + backward_accel_peaks)))
        all_accel_peaks = []  # WHAT THE F**K GC CLEARING ALL THAT WORK

        # why did GC skip the last index? wtf...
        # Anyways.... calculates in-between peaks? smaller min dist...

        for i in range(0, len(all_troughs_peaks) - 1):
            start_index = all_troughs_peaks[i]
            end_index = all_troughs_peaks[i + 1]
            search_size = 5
            fs = 100
            min_dist = my_round(1 / 4 * 100)
            max_dist = len(earth_filt['x'][start_index:end_index + 1])

            accel_peak,_,_,_ = find_peaks.forward(earth_filt['x']\
              [start_index:end_index+1], search_size, min_dist, max_dist, fs)

            accel_peak = [x + start_index for x in accel_peak]

            all_accel_peaks = all_accel_peaks + accel_peak

        # find differnce between acceleration data-points
        accel_first_diff = difference.first(earth_filt['x'], 1)
        to_locations = []

        for i in range(0, len(all_accel_peaks)):

            start_index = all_accel_peaks[i]
            if i == len(all_accel_peaks) - 1:
                end_index = len(earth_filt['x']) - 11
                end_index = my_round(stats.mean([all_accel_peaks[i+1], \

            if end_index <= start_index:
                end_index = end_index  # absolutely idiotic GC...

            sig = accel_first_diff[start_index:end_index]

            to_location = start_index + sig.index(
                max(sig))  #GC subtracted 1 for no rs..

            search_min = to_location - 5
            search_max = to_location + 5 + 1
            sig = earth_filt['x'][search_min:search_max]
            to_location = search_min + sig.index(max(sig))
                to_location)  # plot the peaks and troughs of the data
        # figure 14a
        plt.plot(gyro['sec'], angular_pos[2]['z'])
        plt.plot([gyro['sec'][x] for x in all_peaks], [angular_pos[2]['z'][x] for x in \
         all_peaks], 'gx')
        plt.plot([gyro['sec'][x] for x in all_troughs], [angular_pos[2]['z'][x] for x \
         in all_troughs], 'c^')

        # Plot vertical lines at places of peaks and troughs
            plt.axvline(gyro['sec'][x], color='g', linestyle='--')
            for x in all_peaks
            plt.axvline(gyro['sec'][x], color='b', linestyle='--')
            for x in all_troughs

        # figure 14b
        plt.plot(gyro['sec'], earth_filt['x'])
        plt.plot([accel['sec'][x] for x in all_accel_peaks], [earth_filt['x'][x] for x \
         in all_accel_peaks], 'gx')
        plt.plot([accel['sec'][x] for x in to_locations], [earth_filt['x'][x] for x in \
         to_locations], 'k^')
        plt.plot(accel['sec'], accel_first_diff)

        # add plots of the hs and to... came randomly
        for c, i in enumerate(orientation, 1):
            plt.plot(HS[i], [0] * len(HS[i]), linestyles[c * 2 - 2])
            plt.plot(TO[i], [0] * len(TO[i]), linestyles[c * 2 - 1])
        plt.legend(['xaccel', 'accel_peaks', 'to location', 'x diff'] +

        # Plot vertical lines at places of peaks and troughs
            plt.axvline(gyro['sec'][x], color='g', linestyle='--')
            for x in all_peaks
            plt.axvline(gyro['sec'][x], color='b', linestyle='--')
            for x in all_troughs

        patient_name = directory[-6:]
        plt.savefig('../../docs/fig1_' + patient_name + p + '.pdf')

        #^need to put legend on side of graph

        # finds all HS and TO :)
        HS['r'] = []
        HS['l'] = []
        TO['r'] = []
        TO['l'] = []

        for i in range(0, len(all_troughs)):
            if (i != len(all_troughs) - 1):
                first_trough = all_troughs[i]
                second_trough = all_troughs[i + 1]
                # find all the peaks between the troughs...
                peak = [
                    x for x in all_peaks if first_trough < x < second_trough
                if not peak:
                elif len(peak) > 1:
                    peak = peak[
                        0]  # so only take in account first value? wtf...
                    # right leg movement
                    # find acceleration peaks between trough and peak
                    accel_peak = [x for x in all_accel_peaks \
                     if first_trough < x < peak]

                    if (not not accel_peaks and len(accel_peak) == 1):
                        accel_peak = accel_peak[0]
                        to_location = [x for x in to_locations \
                         if first_trough < x < peak]
                        [TO['l'].append(x) for x in to_location]
                    peak = peak[
                        0]  # so only take in account first value? wtf...

                # right leg movement (again?)
                # find acceleration peaks between trough and peak
                accel_peak = [x for x in all_accel_peaks \
                 if first_trough < x < peak]

                if (not not accel_peaks and len(accel_peak) == 1):
                    accel_peak = accel_peak[0]
                    to_location = [x for x in to_locations \
                     if first_trough < x < peak]
                    [TO['l'].append(x) for x in to_location]

                # left leg movement
                accel_peak = [
                    x for x in all_accel_peaks if peak < x < second_trough

                if (not not accel_peak and len(accel_peak) == 1):
                    accel_peak = accel_peak[0]
                    to_location = [
                        x for x in to_locations if peak < x < second_trough
                    [TO['r'].append(x) for x in to_location]
                first_trough = all_troughs[i]
                peak = [x for x in all_peaks if x > first_trough]
                if not not peak:
                    peak = peak[0]

                # righ leg movement
                accel_peak = [
                    x for x in all_accel_peaks if first_trough < x < peak

                if (not not accel_peak and len(accel_peak) == 1):
                    accel_peak = accel_peak[0]
                    to_location = [
                        x for x in to_locations if first_trough < x < peak
                    [TO['l'].append(x) for x in to_location]

## Analysis Plots

# figure 15a

        plt.plot(gyro['sec'], angular_pos[2]['z'])
        plt.plot([gyro['sec'][x] for x in all_peaks], \
         [angular_pos[2]['z'][x] for x in all_peaks], 'gx')
        plt.plot([gyro['sec'][x] for x in all_troughs], \
         [angular_pos[2]['z'][x] for x in all_troughs], 'c^')
        plt.legend(['z angular position', 'peak', 'trough'])

        # figure 15b

        plt.plot(accel['sec'], earth_filt['x'])
        plt.plot(accel['sec'], accel_first_diff)
        for c, i in enumerate(orientation, 1):
            plt.plot([accel['sec'][x] for x in HS[i]],
                     [earth_filt['x'][x] for x in HS[i]],
                     linestyles[c * 2 - 2])
            plt.plot([accel['sec'][x] for x in TO[i]],\
             [earth_filt['x'][x] for x in TO[i]], linestyles[c*2-1])
        plt.legend(['xaccel', 'x diff'] + legend1)

        # create output file with TO & HS data

        head = ['HS right', 'HS left', 'TO right', 'TO left']
        top = ['Data output for extracted HS and TO measurements']
        save_data[p] = {}
        save_data[p]['HS'] = {}
        save_data[p]['HS'] = HS
        save_data[p]['TO'] = {}
        save_data[p]['TO'] = TO

        plt.savefig('../../docs/' + patient_name + p + '.pdf')

    with open(os.path.join(directory, 'uprite_hs_to.pkl'), 'wb') as afile:
        pickle.dump(save_data, afile)

    print("Completed HS & TO for patient: ", patient_name)
    print('Successful run!')
    print('-----------RUNTIME: %s second ----' %
          (clocktime.time() - start_time))
Beispiel #11
def accel_spikes(accel, gyro_peaks):
    """Find peaks and troughs of acceleration data"""

    f_cuts = [0.1 / 50, 0.7 / 50]  # Passband & Stopband cutoffs
    sampling_rate = 100
    ripple_tol = [0.001, 0.1]  # Passband & Stopband tolerances

    # create gravity vector by lowpass filtering acceleraiton data
    gravity_vector = {}
    gravity_vector['x'] = lowpass(accel['x'], f_cuts, sampling_rate,
    gravity_vector['y'] = lowpass(accel['y'], f_cuts, sampling_rate,
    gravity_vector['z'] = lowpass(accel['z'], f_cuts, sampling_rate,

    # initialize variables
    accel_delta = {}
    accel_delta['x'] = [0] * len(accel['sec'])
    accel_delta['y'] = [0] * len(accel['sec'])
    accel_delta['z'] = [0] * len(accel['sec'])
    accel_delta_vector = np.empty([3, len(accel['sec'])])

    earth_accel_delta_vector = np.empty([3, len(accel['sec'])])

    rotation = {}
    rotation['x'] = np.empty([3, 3])
    rotation['y'] = np.empty([3, 3])
    rotation['z'] = np.empty([3, 3])

    for i in range(0, len(accel['sec'])):

        # Rotation with removed initial gravitational vector...

        # Remove gravity from acceleration vector
        accel_delta['x'][i] = accel['x'][i] - gravity_vector['x'][i]
        accel_delta['y'][i] = accel['y'][i] - gravity_vector['y'][i]
        accel_delta['z'][i] = accel['z'][i] - gravity_vector['z'][i]
        accel_delta_vector[:, i] = [
            accel_delta['x'][i], accel_delta['y'][i], accel_delta['z'][i]

        # normalize gravity vector
        gravity_strength = math.sqrt(gravity_vector['x'][i]**2 +
                                     gravity_vector['y'][i]**2 +

        norm_grav = {}
        norm_grav['x'] = gravity_vector['x'][i] / gravity_strength
        norm_grav['y'] = gravity_vector['y'][i] / gravity_strength
        norm_grav['z'] = gravity_vector['z'][i] / gravity_strength

        # Create gravity based rotational vectors (allows to calibrate gravity as you walk)
        grav_ang = {}
        grav_ang['y'] = math.atan(norm_grav['z'] /
                                  norm_grav['x'])  # updated pitch
        grav_ang['z'] = math.atan(
            norm_grav['y'] / math.sqrt(norm_grav['x']**2 + norm_grav['z']**2))

        rotation['x'] = np.identity(3)

        rotation['y'][0] = [
            math.cos(grav_ang['y']), 0, -1 * math.sin(grav_ang['y'])
        rotation['y'][1] = [0, 1, 0]
        rotation['y'][2] = [
            math.sin(grav_ang['y']), 0,

        rotation['z'][0] = [
            math.sin(grav_ang['z']), 0
        rotation['z'][1] = [
            -1 * math.sin(grav_ang['z']),
            math.cos(grav_ang['z']), 0
        rotation['z'][2] = [0, 0, 1]

        # I have NO CLUE why we inverted the matrix multiplication
        a = inv(rotation['y'] @ rotation['z'] @ rotation['x'])
        earth_accel_delta_vector[:, i] = a @ accel_delta_vector[:, i]

    # Calculations
    fs = 100
    Ny = fs / 2
    f_cuts = [10 / Ny, 11 / Ny]
    ripple_tol = [0.001, 0.1]
    earth_filt = {}
    earth_filt['x'] = lowpass(earth_accel_delta_vector[0, :], f_cuts, fs,

    # Search for accelerometer peaks/troughs x-direction
    # Initialize approximate step ranges
    fs = 100
    search_size = 5
    min_dist = my_round(1 / 4 * 100)
    max_dist = my_round(1 / 0.4 * 100)

    all_accel_peaks = []

    # search for acceleration peaks depending on gyroscope peak location
    for i in range(0, len(gyro_peaks) - 1):

        start_index = gyro_peaks[i]
        end_index = gyro_peaks[i + 1]

        search_size = 5
        fs = 100
        min_dist = my_round(1 / 4 * 100)
        max_dist = len(earth_filt['x'][start_index:end_index + 1])

        accel_peak = find_peaks.forward(
            earth_filt['x'][start_index:end_index + 1], search_size, min_dist,
            max_dist, fs)

        accel_peak = [x + start_index for x in accel_peak]


    return (all_accel_peaks)
Beispiel #12
def extract(directory):
    """extract all the hs & to data from uprite sensor"""
    global coordinates
    global orienation
    global pace

    start_time = clocktime.time()  # record clocktime
    save_data = {}

    # Extract Patient Number
    patient_name = directory[-6:]
    print("Extracting data for patient:", patient_name)

    # Open data_file, gravity_window, data_window
    data, data_wdw, grav_wdw = open_files(directory)

    # Take out acceleration and gyroscope data from tailbone
    accel_all = data['UR']['sensorData']['tailBone']['accel']['data']
    gyro_all = data['UR']['sensorData']['tailBone']['gyro']['data']

    # Round all window coordinates
    for p in pace:
        for i in range(0, 2):
            data_wdw[p][i] = my_round(data_wdw[p][i])
            grav_wdw[i] = my_round(grav_wdw[i])

    print('Interval for motion data:', data_wdw)
    print('Interval for gravity data:', grav_wdw)

    # Check if not enough data
    if (data_wdw['flag']['F'] == 0):
        print('Not enough accel-data recorded')
    elif data_wdw['F'][1] > len(gyro_all['x']):
        print("Not enough gyro data", data_wdw['F'][1], len(gyro_all['x']))

    ### MAY BE UNNEC
    mean_accel = dict()
    for w in coordinates:  #gravity vector
        mean_accel[w] = stats.mean(accel_all[w][grav_wdw[0]:grav_wdw[1]])

    # Initialize variables
    accel = dict()
    gyro = dict()

    # Iterate through slow, calm, fast paces
    for p in pace:

        # cut data with windows
        for w in coordinates:
            accel[w] = accel_all[w][data_wdw[p][0]:data_wdw[p][1]]
            gyro[w] = gyro_all[w][data_wdw[p][0]:data_wdw[p][1]]
        gyro['sec'] = gyro_all['seconds'][data_wdw[p][0]:data_wdw[p][1]]
        accel['sec'] = accel_all['seconds'][data_wdw[p][0]:data_wdw[p][1]]


        # rename angular_pos variable
        angular_pos = {}

        # Find high-pass angular position for the z direction
        fs = 100
        cut = 0.5
        gyro2_hpf = {}
        gyro2_hpf['z'] = highpass(gyro['z'], fs, cut)
        angular_pos[1] = {}
        angular_pos[1]['z'] = integrate.IMU(gyro['sec'],

        # Find low-pass angular position for the z direction
        fs = 100
        Ny = fs / 2
        cut = [5 / Ny, 6 / Ny]
        angular_pos[2] = {}
        angular_pos[2]['z'] = lowpass(angular_pos[1]['z'], cut, fs, ripple_tol)

        neg_ang_pos = {}
        neg_ang_pos['z'] = angular_pos[2]['z']
        neg_ang_pos['z'] = [0 if x > 0 else x for x in neg_ang_pos['z']]
        neg_ang_pos['z'] = list(map(abs, neg_ang_pos['z']))

        # Search for gyroscope peaks/troughs z-direction
        # Initializing approximate step ranges
        search_size = 40
        min_dist = my_round(1 / 3 * 100)
        max_dist = my_round(1 / 0.5 * 100)
        fs = 100

        #search for all the troughs
        troughs,_,_,_ = find_peaks.forward(neg_ang_pos['z'], search_size, min_dist, \
          max_dist, fs)
        temp = list(reversed(neg_ang_pos['z']))
        backward_troughs,_,_,_ = find_peaks.forward(temp, search_size, min_dist, \
          max_dist, fs)
        temp = len(neg_ang_pos['z']) - 1  # used positive again GC?
        backward_troughs = list(reversed([temp - x for x in backward_troughs]))

        all_troughs = sorted(list(set(troughs + backward_troughs)))

        plt.plot(gyro['sec'], angular_pos[2]['z'])
        plt.plot([gyro['sec'][x] for x in all_troughs], [angular_pos[2]['z'][x] for x \
         in all_troughs], 'c^')



        plt.savefig('../../docs/' + patient_name + p + '.pdf')

    with open(os.path.join(directory, 'uprite_hs_to.pkl'), 'wb') as afile:
        pickle.dump(save_data, afile)

    print("Completed HS & TO for patient: ", patient_name)
    print('Successful run!')
    print('-----------RUNTIME: %s second ----' %
          (clocktime.time() - start_time))